Between The Boxer and The Hunter

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Something Was Wrong

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26 October 2021, 8 days before the festival school

I woke up at 6 AM, my head still feeling dizzy after some event that happen yesterday, because of my sister's behavior, I still thinking about it.

“Why Yumi, you are my cute little sister, why you must do that kind of stuff to your brother?”

“What kind of stuff you may ask?”


I fell from the sofa that I’ve been used to sleep.

“Yumi, what are you doing here?”

“You know, waiting for you to wake up. Your sleeping face is so cute to see.”

“I’m going to clean my eyes, and don’t you follow me!”

“Roger that, nii-san.”

I began to clean my eyes and wash my hands.

After some minutes, I’m going to the kitchen, since it was my turn now to make food for today, but something was wrong, the kitchen seems not empty, but rather there is someone in there. Of course, the one who is in the kitchen is Yumi and she’s begun to talk to me.

“Are you finished washing your hands?”

“What are you doing here? Isn’t it supposed to be my turn to make the food today?”

“Just let me do it nii-san, I’m doing this to train my skill and to become a good wife only for my nii-san.”

This is making me uncomfortable when I heard those words coming from Yumi.

“Nii-san, just let me do it, you just go to the table and wait for the food, okay?” says Yumi with smiling on her face.

I can just agree and go to the table and wait for the food.

“It’s ready, nii-san.”

“Yeah, I’ll come to get it.”

“No, just stay there.”

She takes many plates in her hand, but as soon as I see her, she became unbalanced, the plates that she takes are flying everywhere. I go fast to the kitchen and try to save my sister first. As soon as I catch my sister, the plates start to go down one by one, but my priority right now is to make sure she is safe. I started to lecture my sister.

“Yumi, please don’t force yourself, and you know there is something wrong that happens to you. We are a family, and also siblings can’t get married, it’s forbidden love, please, don’t do this to us, to me.”

“Nii-san, whatever you say, you just can’t stop me, I love you.”

Yumi moved fast to my lips again and kiss me. I became frozen again and just do nothing.

“Look at your face, nii-san. You love me too right? It’s okay, I won’t tell nobody about this.”

Yumi then let me go and I slowly went back to the table again. Luckily there is some food still on the pan that we can eat. After some time, we were done eating and getting ready to go to school again.

We walk together, but I just do nothing except walk while Yumi still smiling happily.

After School

I am still in the classroom when everyone is getting out, thinking about the morning event with Yumi. Ren and Taro come to me and ask me if I will go to the boxing club today. I answer yes to them and they will be waiting in the boxing club room. After some time thinking, someone approach me, and I thought it was my friend before, but no, it was Yumi.

“Nii-san, not going to the boxing club today?”

“Oh, it’s Yumi. Yeah, I will go there after this.”

“You okay nii-san? You seem to be daydreaming. Oh, are you still thinking about what happened this morning?”

“N-no, come on, let’s go to the boxing club room.”

I take my bag and we walk into the boxing club, seems the members have already started training.

“Hello, everyone.”

Only Yumi said hello to the members, I only silently put down my bag.

“Are you okay  Aira? You seem to be thinking something since when you are in the classroom for the rest of day.” Says Taro.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Alright, since the coach is still not here, let’s just go train like yesterday.”

I only watch them training, I see Yumi is doing her job as the manager.

“Alright everyone, let’s do some sparing, but I will be the one only that will be your enemy since it will be shown in our final hours. Taro will go first, and then Ren, Yuta, and Miyuki. Yumi set the timer to 1 minute”

“Roger that.”

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I hope on the ring with Taro, starting to go sparing. Taro hit me first, but I quickly dodge the punch he throws, then Taro does it again with a hook, but I still can dodge him. Many hit Taro throw at me, but I still can dodge it. Time is still on 30 seconds, I see Taro became tired then I hit him with a jab, he can still dodge my punch, but as soon as he dodge, I  landed a punch on the side of Taro's body. He seems to be hurt but he still can stand up, I landed some punch again, for like 5 times, but he still standing, the timer is only 5 seconds remaining. I must knock him, but when I start doing that, he just dodges it, and when the time is done, we go back to the corner.

“Alright thank you, Taro, time for Ren to go in.”

Ren hopes on the ring, waiting for me. After a little rest time, the timer is set to 1 minute again and the fight is started, Ren waiting for me to land some punch, so I do a low blow, but he seems to predict it and dodge my punch, he then does a hook, but I quickly defense my face. Ren seems to enjoy this battle and throws other punches at me, but I still can dodge them. Then something I couldn’t predict, Ren launched the uppercut at me, I still can stand up but my body takes the hit and the timer is done.

“Good job Ren, next is Yuta.”

Yuta hope on the ring and the timer start again for 1 minute. I try to hit Yuta first, but he counters it with a straight punch, and then I got hit with that, seem that I was already tired because of the last two fights before. Yuta tries to hit me again with a jab, but I quickly dodge it, and what I do right now is only dodge and defend my body until the timer runs out. After many punch Yuta throw, the timer is done. It’s time for Miyuki to fight me.

“Alright… thanks Yuta. Miyuki, go on.”

Since Miyuki is the only woman that is doing boxing in this club, I go easy on her, and I will be only dodging because I was already too tired. 1-minute start and Miyuki throw a jab at me, but I can dodge it, Miyuki keep throwing some jabs until she become tired, and I also do some dodging only, then out of nowhere, when the timer is only 5 seconds, Miyuki does the rabbit punch to me, I couldn’t predict it and I got hit. I thought I was going down, but then the time is up.

“Alright everyone, you guys are ready enough for the festival but make sure even if I say like this, keep your training go because anything can happen.”

“Thanks, Aira.” Says Taro.

“Thank you, Aira.” Says Ren.

“Thank you.” Says Yuta.

“Thank you for your time.” Says Miyuki.

“Alright, there is still enough time to rest, and if you want, go train again with others.”

Sometime later, it’s already time to go home, the members are gone and there are still only two people in the room. I and Yumi still cleaning the room after the training.

“Yumi, are you already done?”

“Yes, it’s done now.”

“Alright, let’s go home now.”


Yumi runs into me and hugs me.

“Nii-san, are you hate me right now? Am I a bad little sister for you?”

I gently pat her head.

“Look, I love you, but as my sister, I can’t love you like what you want. It’s forbidden, remember?”

Yumi started to kiss me again, and I want to resist, but the move she makes is making me can’t do anything besides just standing there and just letting Yumi do it.

“Nii-san, I know you are falling in love with me, I’ll be doing this until you say those words. Let’s go home now”

Yumi then let go of me and walk into the outside of the room. I take my bag and then we walk together again to our home.

“I’ll be preparing the food, you can go to the bathroom first. I’ll go after you are done and you can eat the food first.”

“Roger that, nii-san. Then I will go first.”

I prepared the food in the kitchen while Yumi is going to the bathroom first, then I go to the bathroom after she was done. I see she is still on the dining table after I’m done in the bathroom. She browsed some information about hunting weapons that she used before. Seem like she will go to the hunting area on Sunday.

I go to the dining table and eat the food that has been prepared before.

“Nii-san, you have time on Sunday? I want to go to the hunting area again.”

“Yeah, I will go with you, besides, I'm free on Sunday.”

“Thank you, nii-san, you are the best brother in the world.”

We finished eating food, and just like yesterday, we go to the TV room and watch the TV, but this time my sister is too close to me, and move her head to my shoulder.

“Nii-san, I hope we can live like this forever.”

I gently pat her head.

“Of course, I will protect you whatever happens, even if my life is in the line.”

Yumi replies with a smile on her face.

Hours after we watch the TV, it’s time to go to bed.

“Alright Yumi, good night.”

“Good night, nii-san.”

We then separately went to our bedroom.

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