Beyond The Outline

Chapter 18: 18

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Vote successful.

Xu Sheng [3807 votes].

Xu Sheng could enter the top 100 ranking in a trending shooter game. Other than the fact that he didn’t usually listen in class, and spent a lot of time on games, what was left was the desire to win. 

If he didn’t want to win while playing games, then what did he even play for?

What kind of rubbish competition was this. It was fine before he clicked it, but now that he had finished looking at it, he couldn’t hold back.



Second? How could he be second?

The weekend passed by quickly. 

During that time, Hou Jun and the others came over to ask him questions. Luckily, Shao Zhan had finished those assignments ahead of time. Xu Sheng just needed to toss the stack of finished assignments at them. “The answer is here, understand it yourself.”


Hou Jun gave him a thumbs up. “Thank you, Zhan ge. Zhan ge is amazing, finishing so many assignments in half a day.”

When living in the dormitory, the weekend was spent trapped in the classroom solving questions, which caused their excitement towards studying to be low. If they could copy assignments then they would just lower their heads and copy away. Almost no one cared whether they could even solve the questions.

After Hou Jun finished copying the assignment, he asked, “I came to look for you in your dorm room in the morning. A new restaurant just opened outside school. The tofu there is quite good. I knocked on your door for half a day, no one answered.”


When he mentioned what had happened in the morning, after Hou Jun finished speaking, Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan simultaneously fell into a silence.

The first day when Hou Jun knocked on the door, Xu Sheng could still crawl out of bed like normal, but he really couldn’t on the second day.

Just in case, the two of them had exchanged spare keys.


Shao Zhan had knocked on the door, and when there was no sound for a long time, he patiently warned, “I’ll say it one last time, open the door.” 

Xu Sheng would occasionally get up on the wrong side of the bed, drowsy from sleep and unable to think. He didn’t even care whether the person outside could hear him or not, he just said one thing, “Go away.”

Shao Zhan, “If you don’t open the door, I’ll come right in.”

Xu Sheng simply shrunk himself down and covered his head with the blanket, ignoring him.

Shao Zhan opened the door and came in, originally only wanting to wake him up, but his hand had just touched the side of Xu Sheng’s blanket when Xu Sheng really felt that it was annoying. He pulled the blanket away himself, and stretched his hand out randomly with his eyes closed. He wanted to get up, but ended up catching Shao Zhan’s wrist which had been unable to pull back in time, causing an unexpected imbalance. 

When the back of Xu Sheng’s head hit the pillow, he was stunned for a moment.

When he opened his eyes, his face was close up in front of him. He was completely awake now. “Fuck.”

Shao Zhan’s hand was propped up beside his ear, barely maintaining a few centimetres of distance. Even so, the distance between the two of them was still too close. The scab on the corner of Shao Zhan’s mouth had already healed, with no visible trace left.

Xu Sheng was about to say ‘you get up’, when someone knocked on the door. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was Hou Jun’s voice. “Strange, Zhan ge isn’t here. I remember Xu Sheng was staying opposite, let’s try and knock. We have to bring him into the mix of Class Seven’s group.”

In Xu Sheng’s heart he was yelling, actually there’s no need to bring him in that much, there’s no need to try so hard.


Dfmjerf atf vbgwlabglfr tjvc’a yffc mtjcufv, jcv tf jcv Vtjb Itjc kfgf lc j nfgs mbwqgbwlrlcu qbrlalbc bc atf yfv, atja vbbg tjvc’a yffc bqfcfv.

Cqjga ogbw ublcu ab mijrr obg rfio-raevs, obg atf qjra akb vjsr We Vtfcu tjv erfv atf jaalaevf bo ‘P’w cba lcafgfrafv, P’w cba lcafgfrafv ja jii, ktbfnfg lr lcafgfrafv lc atja xlcv bo atlcu lr j vewyjrr’ abkjgvr Itjcu Mfcu. 

Zhang Feng was exhausted from begging for a vote for himself: You’re heartless, Xu Sheng you’re really heartless. Will you die if you give me a vote?

Unbeknownst to him, what Xu Sheng was thinking was: I only have one vote each day, if I give my one vote to you, then fucking what about me?

Every day after Xu Sheng finished his copywriting, he would take a look. Then his heart would have extreme objections, but his body would very sincerely vote for himself.

This year’s school beau competition was fiercer than ever. Xu Sheng’s interest in it was limited to the one vote that he gave to himself every day. Even so, he noticed that this competition was gradually becoming a contest between him and Shao Zhan, and it was getting bigger and bigger. 

The difference in votes between the two did not widen.

The second day Xu Sheng went online, he saw that his number of votes was about to overtake first place.

As such, the wave of people who voted for first place worked even harder and pulled the gap even wider. When the votes for the two popular contestants numbered over 10,000, the situation became very clear: There weren’t even that many people in the school. This group of people were really struggling and making side accounts to fight.

In the end, it became a tug of war. 

Both sides were clearly hostile.

501st comment: Study god!! Look at our study god, is the study got not handsome enough, did the study god not win enough awards, vote for what Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng sleeps in class every day and goes out to fight and doesn’t study properly, this kind of person has no future!

502nd comment: The one upstairs is right!

503rd comment: Listen to the one upstairs talk bullshit. Our school tyrant can write (his disciplinary review writing standard is decent), can fight (one versus five), and he has a certain standard of speech giving (reading his review), he is not lacking. 

Xu Sheng: …

Being able to wield both pen and sword, the contestant with enough talent and skill Xu Sheng said lowly to himself, “…What is all this.”

A slight breeze blew in from the window. Xu Sheng lay on his bed, swiping until the 500th floor before sleeping before exiting.

Before he exited, a new message appeared in his phone notifications. 

[Mom]: I cleaned your room yesterday and saw the diary you wrote when you were little.

Following that was a photo. The handwriting in the photo was crooked, obviously the characters of someone who had just learned to write. It was immature but serious, so the words ‘Today’ were still discernible.


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[Mom]: Are you coming back next weekend?

They hadn’t contacted each other in a week. This question along with the photo was probably the woman taking the initiative to break the silence. 

Xu Sheng did not move for a while. He waited until the screen had almost dimmed out before letting out a sigh and replying: We’ll see.

At this point, the two of them had no expectations that they would switch back after sleeping anymore.

Don’t even speak of switching back, they hadn’t even figured out the rules regarding this after so many days.

At the same time, Shao Zhan’s mind was thinking of this. He thought to himself: the rules of frequency, trigger conditions, and principles of occurrence are all unknown and cannot be inferred. 

A new week came. The fiery hot school bureau competition unfolded in full swing.

Because of the growing clamour surrounding this competition, many side accounts were opened to vote crazily for two nights, and many people also talked about it in private.

The class president and sports committee head were both daytime students. When Xu Sheng came in, Tan Kai was currently coming back from the bathroom with a mop in his hand. “Morning, Zhan ge.”

Xu Sheng halted and turned to the side for him to go in first. “Morning.” 

Tan Kai’s current view of study god was that other than amazing, he was amazing. He said before entering, “Don’t worry, don’t panic, I will vote for you. Last night Hou ge and I opened up ten side accounts! The opponent is too harsh so we almost didn’t make it.”

Tan Kai said up to here before remembering an important point. He lowered his voice and said, “You can’t tell this to Xu Sheng…we’re not voting for him, but it’s not because we don’t like him.”

Xu Sheng: ?

It was only after Tan Kai had dragged his mop into the classroom that Xu Sheng finally realised what this voting meant. 

What bandwagon was this group of people hopping on.

Also, why weren’t they voting for him?!

Xu Sheng had become a lot more relaxed after leaving the classroom committee. He didn’t need to turn in the homework in the morning and the less he met the teachers, the less risk there was. He was only left with a seemingly non-existent disciplinary committee—he also had only found out about this disciplinary committee after Meng Guowei had emphasised it to him after entering the class. He could finally match Shao Zhan’s previous monitoring of him to this “disciplinary committee”.

Shao Zhan entered the classroom a few minutes late. 

He was wearing a black hoodie today. There were no graphics on his clothes this time, only two lines of numbers on the back. The clothes were thin and loose, moving along the vague lines of the youth’s figure.

Before, Xu Sheng really liked wearing this outfit and curling up in his seat to sleep. The hood could cover half his face and the sun.


“Xu Sheng” still looked completely different from the rest of the classroom. What was even more different was that when he passed by the first row of students, he received Hou Jun’s jittery but sincere “Morning.”

Hou Jun was currently wiping the blackboard. He was afraid Xu Sheng hadn’t heard him but was also afraid that the school tyrant would be too shy, so he repeated himself. “Classmate Xu Sheng, good morning.” 

Shao Zhan glanced at him. When he didn’t speak, his brows drew into an overpowering line, deeply pressing in the concept of “bad”. He only replied after a moment. “Morning.”

Xu Sheng had already been spinning his pen around in boredom for a long time. When he saw him enter, he said in the tone of someone searching for something to do, “Did Lao Meng have you become the disciplinary committee before?”

There had been too many events in this period of time. Without the mention, Shao Zhan had almost forgotten. “You thought I was bored and had nothing to do, and so caught you playing games in the middle of class?”

“…” Xu Sheng said, “Who knows, it’s not like this possibility doesn’t exist.” 

Shao Zhan opened up a page of the exercise book while also flipping the vocabulary book Xu Sheng was looking at to the page he had left off at last time. He then stopped speaking.

Xu Sheng put his pen down, already used to these conversations in which he chatted with himself. “Other than doing problem sets, do you not have any other hobbies?”


“Then your school life is so simple.” 

“I see you play games pretty well, and you fight well too.”

There was a flash of inspiration in Xu Sheng’s mind, and he thought of something else. “There’s another thing, you don’t have a significant other, right?”

Although so many days had passed, there hadn’t been a trace of any girls getting close to “Shao Zhan”’s side, but with Lin Jiang Sixth being such a strict school, hiding romantic feelings deeply was a normal occurrence.

What if Shao Zhan really did have a deeply hidden secret love story, and someone really appeared when the time came… 

Shao Zhan wished he could install a mute button on Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng, “Don’t you worry, it’s normal for such things to happen during puberty, I won’t report your puppy love.”

Shao Zhan couldn’t bear it and said, “I don’t.”

Shao Zhan repeated, “I don’t have a significant other.” 

The class representatives were busy with collecting assignments, and the class was very noisy. The English teacher walked in and interrupted, “Students, let me use up a bit of your self-study period. Let’s go through the reading comprehension question from last week briefly. Class rep, no need to collect the comprehension assignment for now, we’ll go through it straight away.”

Xu Sheng opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, but was stopped by Shao Zhan. “Listen to class.”


The class immediately quietened down.

Xu Sheng couldn’t understand a word from the comprehension question. He looked at the assignment Shao Zhan had passed to him, and could only look at the words Shao Zhan had written. 

After getting through the self-study lesson with much difficulty, Xu Sheng took his phone out from underneath his desk, planning on going to the little convenience store to buy a bottle of water.

But he had just grabbed his phone and didn’t even have the time to stuff it in the pocket of his school uniform when the desk in front of him turned back—

“Study god…”

The student at the desk in front of him held the reading comprehension problem the English teacher had taught earlier during self-study. It seemed that they had questions to ask, but when the desk in front turned around their attention drifted away from the reading comprehension question, falling onto the phone grasped within Xu Sheng’s hand. 

Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan’s phone models were more or less the same, but Shao Zhan obviously wouldn’t have that kind of fancy, graffiti-style phone case.

nao: get urself a bf like sz gege who remembers what page u were at in ur vocab book and flips to it for u :3c

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