Beyond The Outline

Chapter 19: 19

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The gaze of the student at the desk in front went from shock to confusion, then became rather subtle.

Xu Sheng’s hand which was clutching at his phone froze in place for a moment, not putting it away or putting it down. 

Shao Zhan was holding Xu Sheng’s phone. Forget about the student in front, if it were himself, he’d also ask: What kind of relationship do these two have?

No matter what he did, he couldn’t think of an excuse.



The student in front asked in a daze, “Study god, this… this phone isn’t yours, right?”

Xu Sheng didn’t know how to respond and cast a glance at Shao Zhan: What do we do? 

Shao Zhan had just closed his book. He sat upright, completely different from Xu Sheng’s boneless posture. He raised his head, saw the events unfurling in front of him, and returned the glance, responding with approximately these seven words: Don’t you have the ability to bullshit?


Xu Sheng cursed to himself.

Thus, after the student in front finished asking, they were privy to stare at an even more bizarre scene in front of them. Study god and school tyrant were communicating with each other through their gazes.

Xu Sheng felt like he was walking on a tightrope every day. Due to external forces from all sides, this tightrope would wobble back and forth every once in a while, but fortunately, the desire of humans to stick to their current world order was very strong.


Under the increasingly subtle gaze of the studentin front, Xu Sheng suddenly was very thankful that Meng Guowei gave Shao Zhan the role of the disciplinary committee and making him monitor himself.

Xu Sheng took the phone out unhurriedly and gave it to Shao Zhan. “Forget about this time. Next time, don’t play on your phone during class. Put your attention on your studies.”

Shao Zhan had just wanted to open his mouth and help him out with a “you took the wrong phone” but before he could even speak, Xu Sheng had already turned the tide over to his side.


He thought to himself, this Xu Sheng really did have some abilities. 

Shao Zhan reached his hand out and took the phone Xu Sheng offered to him. “Understood.”

Xu Sheng walked out under the “oh so it was like this” gaze of the student in front.

After this accident, the two of them had to exchange phones.

It was fine for Shao Zhan, but Xu Sheng used his phone so frequently; not letting him touch his phone before school was over was even more unrealistic than him reading through 200 pages of this English vocabulary manual. 

The two of them took advantage of the time when they had to assemble for their morning exercises to remain in the classroom for two more minutes.

They sneakily exchanged phones.

Xu Sheng solemnly handed his phone over. “The password isn’t important. You can just use your fingerprint. There’s nothing in there you can’t see, but don’t carelessly flip around in the photo album. Do whatever you want with everything else.”

Shao Zhan didn’t have as much to say as him and directly took his phone out from his table and tossed it to him. 

Xu Sheng caught it. The phone exchange was finished. “Okay, stay in the classroom. I’ll go out for the exercises.”

Although Xu Sheng’s character was rapidly breaking, not going to morning exercises was something he had to maintain.


After Xu Sheng left, Shao Zhan took Xu Sheng’s phone. His thumb had just accidentally pressed on the fingerprint scanner—the screen lit up.

Xu Sheng’s lockscreen was still that sketch of the street that Shao Zhan had seen last time. 

It was because this artwork was too eye-catching. It was mostly the slightly blurry pixels and the sketching style that gave it a uniqueness. Even though it wasn’t his first time seeing it, Shao Zhan had to take another look at it.

He wasn’t in a hurry to play games this time so he saw it more clearly than last time.

He noticed that there seemed to be a date and a signature at the bottom right corner of the artwork. 2017.3.

The signature was overly ostentatious, connected in one stroke, almost forming an English character. 

There happened to be students from other classes passing by outside the window. A group of girls passed by Class Seven on their way to the field. The girl in the middle had a ponytail, her figure tall and slender, looking very lively.

She turned to the side and finished saying something to two friends before turning around and pausing in her steps. She went back to the Class Seven window and reached her hand out to pat Shao Zhan’s back. The girl’s voice was clear. “Xu Sheng!”

Before Shao Zhan could even decipher the signature, he was startled by the sound and immediately turned off the screen of his phone.

The girl said enthusiastically, “The second year is too busy and we’re far away from each other. I haven’t even been able to come across you. I’m even in the same class as that little fellow Zhang Feng.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Right, look at me.” The girl changed subjects and sprawled across the window ledge, propping her chin up with her hand. She smiled brightly. “Do you notice anything different?”

Vtjb Itjc, “…”

Ktlr ulgi kjr gjatfg qgfaas.

Ejatfg atjc yfjealoei, atlr kjr jirb j ulgi ktb kjr rwlilcu jcv jrxlcu tlw lo tf tjv cbalmfv jcsatlcu vloofgfca. 

Qtja vloofgfcmf kjr atfgf yfakffc atlr jcv atf rmfcf lc mbecaifrr KN vgjwjr lc ktlmt atf ofwjif ifjv kbeiv jrx atf wjif ifjv ktfatfg rtf ibbxfv qgfaas lc atlr beaola?

Shao Zhan’s memory returned to the morning self-study, the moment when he had wanted to sew Xu Sheng’s mouth shut. It was only after this realisation that he discovered he had forgotten to ask him back: Then do you have a significant other.

Shao Zhan forcibly calmed himself down and responded, “What’s different.”

The girl pouted. “I cut my hair. Didn’t you tell me last time that I’d look better with bangs? How could you be like this, ah.” 

Shao Zhan’s current mood was just two words.

Craving death.


Xu Sheng’s situation wasn’t very good either. The moment he went over to stand in line, Meng Guowei had hurriedly walked over and pulled him out. “How come you’ve only just arrived? You’re the flag bearer today. I forgot to tell you earlier. Hurry, quickly go to the flag-raising stage.”

“Wait a moment.” Xu Sheng had a suspicion he had heard incorrectly and asked, “What am I?” 

Meng Guowei replied, “The flag bearer.”

Xu Sheng had found the windfall of standing on the flag-raising stage to be the flag bearer.

Every time he stood on the flag-raising stage, there was no other reason than being there to recite his disciplinary reviews.

Every time, as soon as he appeared, the teachers standing to the side of Gu Yanwang would have to appease Gu Yanwang’s mood ahead of time. “Children don’t understand, calm down. Later, no matter what happens, you must maintain your tolerance and optimism. You must not be defeated.” 

Xu Sheng had never raised the flag. Now, he was like someone who had never learned how to drive but was forced to go on the road.

Xu Sheng had a faint impression of the person across from him on the stage who was also raising the flag. He wore black rimmed glasses and was nicknamed “Thousand Year Second Place”. This Thousand Year Second Place came from the fact that this student was always oppressed by Shao Zhan during every exam. No matter overall score or individual score, he was always second place.

Under the urging of the other teachers, Second place pushed at his glasses. This movement made him look rather stiff. He took advantage of the fact that the teachers weren’t paying attention to proactively say the first words to Xu Sheng. “I already finished learning all the textbooks for the first half of the second year.”

Xu Sheng was currently staring at the flagpole, trying to figure out how to tie this thing to it, when he suddenly heard this phrase from the other side. 

Second place said again, “Next time we have an exam, I can definitely overtake you.”

This was probably a provocation for war.

Xu Sheng moved his attention from the flag rope and felt that the desire to win against the person in front of him really didn’t have much meaning. He said pensively, “Then good luck?”

When the flag ceremony ended, Xu Sheng relied on his ability of imitation, raising the flag in a cloud of confusion. Afterwards, he avoided the crowds and walked up the stairs. Before he even saw the plaque for second year Class Seven, he was pulled over by a hand reaching out behind him. 

Xu Sheng’s vision went black. When he regained his senses, he had already been pressed into a corner of the wall.

He lifted his gaze upwards.

A black hoodie.

Cold face. 

His temper really wasn’t very good. He furrowed his brows, and let out some strands of unprovoked irritation.

This Shao Zhan’s aura was even more like a ‘school tyrant’’s than his. He looked like a problematic student who usually bullied and humiliated his classmates, and was even the kind who wouldn’t talk nonsense with you at all, he would just go directly into fights.


Xu Sheng thought and thought about it. The problematic student opened his mouth, “Your girlfriend came looking for you just now.”


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Xu Sheng’s mind went blank.

“Why does everyone today keep saying things I don’t understand? Lao Meng too, never mind the second person.” Xu Sheng was on the verge of going insane. “Since when did I have a girlfriend?”

Shao Zhan was no less on the verge of going insane either. “You don’t even know your own girlfriend?”

Xu Sheng, “What the fuck am I supposed to know!” 

“Hair in a ponytail, height around 165cm, the same class as Zhang Feng.” Shao Zhan mentioned half of the important information and could still spare some attention to remind him, “Don’t swear at people.”

“Fuck,” Xu Sheng said. “Fine, I won’t swear at people. Continue talking. In the same class as Zhang Feng. Then?”

“Flat bangs.” Only when Shao Zhan said this did he exhibit a different emotion from usual. In addition to doing test papers, he also had to face the troubles that Xu Sheng created. “She cut her hair for you.”


Xu Sheng’s mind was a mess. He put together those key terms that Shao Zhan had given him. He was blank for a few seconds before he more or less knew who he was talking about.

Xu Sheng, “Zhang Tong?”

Shao Zhan released the hand that had been grabbing Xu Sheng’s wrist. “Don’t ask me, I don’t know her. You know best who it is.”

“No,” Xu Sheng hurriedly explained. “I really have no relation with her, why would she cut her hair for me. Your language scores are so high, how come the words you use are…” 

The more Xu Sheng explained, the more he felt that the conversation he was having with Shao Zhan was a bit strange.

It was like that thing where one tried to defend oneself in front of their other half.

When he thought about this, he was shocked at himself.

“She was my first year classmate in high school. Not just her, the rest are always in the same group, I think they’re all in the same class? I can’t remember anymore. The few of them always have a good relationship with me, just normal friends.” 

Xu Sheng’s relationships in the first year were pretty decent. When he played tricks in class he often made them laugh. He met those girls purely because he acted as chief of staff for them.

When girls struggled with clothes, hair accessories and even in choosing hairstyles, he could always give some suggestions. He often sprawled in the back row while looking at the phone they passed over to him. “This colour is too warm. Try that one, the colour scheme looks good.”


Zhang Tong had lamented more than once, “The others can’t even tell the difference between these two pieces. You’re really unique and tasteful!”

How could Shao Zhan have known that the body he was in, in addition to having the identity of school tyrant, was also a qualified friend of women. 

When Xu Sheng said this, he remembered that Shao Zhan had thought she was his girlfriend, and said, “You didn’t say anything you shouldn’t have said, right?”

“No,” Shao Zhan said. “I say, do you have anything else, if not then you can go.”


Zhang Tong must have been thinking where her old woman friend had gone. 

But compared to the current situation, a few old classmates from other classes wasn’t important.

There had been many classes these past few days, and they still had to go to the lab during chemistry class to personally carry out experiments. Previously a layman who could explode a laboratory, under Shao Zhan’s leadership where he made one move according to one instruction, even Xu Sheng could manage to barely survive. He was even forced to remember several chemical reaction equations.

Even when Hou Jun and the others came over to ask about the steps, he could more or less repeat it to them.

“Right, this step is correct, redo it and let me see.” 

“Wait, it’s not right here.”

“Damn, Tan Kai! Do you know how to weigh? Why is this reaction speed so fast…”

Just that after the analysis, when Hou Jun and the others shouted “study god is amazing” then turned their heads back to the experiment, Xu Sheng was inexplicably stunned.

When had he ever been so keen on learning? 

Until Shao Zhan, who had been sitting beside him the entire time without making any move, patted the back of his head. “Put away the beaker.”

When he was washing the beaker, Tan Kai sneakily came over and said in his ear, “Today is the last day for the competition. Tonight we’ll create more side accounts. Don’t you worry, we definitely won’t lose.”

Today was Thursday.

It was also the deadline for the school beau competition. 

After night self-study ended, there were less than three hours left until the voting deadline.

From Tan Kai’s reminder, Xu Sheng finished bathing and like usual, sneakily opened Lin Jiang Sixth’s website to observe the battle situation.


Yesterday, he had just overtaken Shao Zhan. Today, Shao Zhan’s fans were fighting violently, opening side accounts to continue the battle.

Current votes: 

Shao Zhan[22688 votes] Xu Sheng[22054 votes]

The gap was even smaller. Xu Sheng gave himself a vote, and since he was bored he refreshed the page several times, and the new real-times votes were even closer.

1098th comment: How many times has it been said, people like Xu Sheng have no future! Is our study god not excellent? What are those voting for Xu Sheng thinking?!

1099th comment: Truthfully, I’ve always felt that the study god was more handsome.

1100th comment: Upstairs comment+1, I also have always thought that nowhere on Xu Sheng is he attractive. 

The topic gradually expanded in the direction of talking smack.

Xu Sheng watched as his own image became like a person who could not be found even if he was thrown on the street for a whole eighteen hours, and even damaged the appearance of the city.

He couldn’t take it anymore. 

If it was a competition then it was a competition. What was up with the personal attacks?

These past few days, other than giving himself a vote and observing the competition status, Xu Sheng hadn’t posted any messages before. He clicked on “I want to comment”, and pretended to be a Xu Sheng fan and typed out a line: I think everywhere on Xu Sheng is attractive.

He originally just wanted to type out that one line, but after typing he couldn’t resist writing a small essay about his own handsomeness and didn’t restrain himself, continuing to write on and on.

When he finished writing, he pressed send. 

After the lights went out, the internet was a bit slow. Xu Sheng watched the loading icon rotate several times before it sent out his new comment.

The comment’s ID was… Shao Zhan.

When he saw this ‘Shao Zhan’ username, Xu Sheng nearly threw his phone away. “… Fuck?”

The reason he didn’t throw it was because this phone wasn’t his. 

Monday, after nearly causing a scandal, Shao Zhan and he had switched mobile phones.

So the phone he was using was Shao Zhan’s. When he clicked to open the website, the account that logged in automatically was Shao Zhan’s account.


Shao Zhan’s username was just his real name. Xu Sheng had vaguely heard of the main reason for registering the account.

The school website would usually make posts asking for help with regards to academics. These posts looking for help would naturally add the line of words ‘begging for study god to descend’ at the end of the post. These people were all waiting for Shao Zhan’s reply. 

Of course, there were also a lot of confession posts.

Shao Zhan rarely replied. He would occasionally reply with simple problem-solving steps. That post could stay on the trending page for ten days, so nearly everyone remembered Shao Zhan’s website username.

The insanely increasing amount of votes for the number one contestant Shao Zhan suddenly stopped.

Shao Zhan’s fans had clearly scrolled to that reply and coincidentally stopped voting, entering a state of confusion. 

1101th comment:

Shao Zhan: I think everywhere on Xu Sheng is attractive, especially his charming eyes like that of peach blossoms…

It was deleted. This thing had already been sent out, so deleting the post wouldn’t help.

The slightest movement of the eyes could pick up something like this and retain the information. 

Xu Sheng suddenly thought about the possibility of quitting school.

He should just quit school.

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