Beyond The Outline

Chapter 39: 37

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The various schools in C City often arranged activities together. These activities all had different themes and students would participate every semester. Frankly speaking, national defence education was along the lines of military training, just with some additional practice-based programmes.

National defence education, as the name implied, taught them relevant knowledge and skills in order to safeguard state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and security. 

After Meng Guowei said this, the entire class boiled over.

Tan Kai, “I already heard the news last week, but I didn’t think it would be true! I heard that this time we can participate in an aircraft simulator, and can play with guns…”



Tan Kai made an aiming motion.

Meng Guowei coughed and slammed heavily against the lecture podium. “Quiet down, what’s up with you all, do you think it’s fall break!” 

Although it was very different from an autumn outing, as long as they could leave the school campus for a while, they would be happy wherever they went.


The notice booklets traveled from the front of the rows to the back.

Xu Sheng half-opened his eyes as he sprawled over the desk. Shao Zhan had just received the notice, and put the booklet in front of him. Xu Sheng’s gaze was half hidden by the hood covering his head—half of it landed on the hand Shao Zhan hadn’t yet retracted.

“If you’re awake then don’t sprawl over.” Shao Zhan said, “Lao Meng has been staring at you for a while.”


Xu Sheng forced himself up into a sitting position, the hood of his clothing shifting down a bit. He glanced at his phone, and discovered there were still five minutes left of morning self study. Only when he put his phone down did he realise something wasn’t quite right. He said, puzzled, “Are you watching lao Meng for me?”

Shao Zhan had a pen hooked in one hand and he turned around to glance at him. “Is it not obvious enough.”

What do you mean not obvious enough.


It was enough if Shao Zhan didn’t throw him a reminder to put his phone away. 

Xu Sheng reminisced over how the two of them used to squabble all the time and thought to himself, wasn’t the way his deskmate study god was currently acting a double standard?

Xu Sheng, “Have you forgotten that you still have an identity called ‘being a member of the disciplinary committee’.”

Shao Zhan didn’t deny it. “I forgot.”

Shao Zhan’s voice paused. He put down the pen in his hand, leaned back, and watched Meng Guowei write the main points of the national defence education program on the blackboard before saying, “Or do you want me to watch you?” 

Xu Sheng of course did not want that.

To be able to return to his usual classroom behaviour, without being pressed down by others all the time for doing something he wasn’t supposed to do, and not using a specific person’s body to study under the name of study god. Not long after Xu Sheng sat up, he once again rested his chin on his hand and sat spinelessly, his comfortable hood barely resting on his head. He hooked his lips up into a smile as he said, “Thank you Classmate Shao for being open-minded.”

Shao Zhan also didn’t know what was up with himself. The standards he once had for Xu Sheng were now…

Now seemed like he had none whenever he interacted with him. 

If Meng Guowei knew that his strategy of using someone to improve another would have ended in this kind of result, he would probably cough out blood.

I wanted you to watch Xu Sheng, not spoil him!


His most illustrious student Shao Zhan! What was wrong with his genius youth Shao Zhan!

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After Xu Sheng finished speaking, he lowered his head to read the notice booklet. 

Gfjg raevfcar:

Yeg rmtbbi tjr gfrqbcvfv ab atf mjii jcv tjr jmalnfis mbbqfgjafv klat atf vfnfibqwfca bo cjalbcji vfofcmf fvemjalbc jmalnlalfr. Ktf rfmbcv sfjgr klii ujatfg ja atf Xgffc Dbja Djrf bc Qfvcfrvjs.

Ktlr alwf gbecv, atf olnf-vjs cjalbcji vfofcmf fvemjalbc mjwqjluc klii gfdelgf raevfcar ab qgfqjgf vjlis cfmfrrlalfr jcv qgbtlylar jcs gfmgfjalbcji fdelqwfca atja lr cba gfijafv ab atf fnfca.

The contents of the notice were the usual boring things. 

Xu Sheng hurriedly skimmed over the contents, then folded up the notice booklet and threw it under his desk.

Meng Guowei finished going over the main points in the notice booklet with ease and finally summarised with, “Six people per lodging. Everyone will discuss the arrangements privately. Before school ends, Hou Jun will turn in the list of lodging arrangements to me.

The bell rang for the end of class. The students in Class Seven boiled over once again.

Hou Jun dragged Tan Kai over to form a group. “These two brothers, do you have any thoughts? If the two of you are willing, I’ll find another two people, and make up the numbers for lodging.” 

Xu Sheng didn’t have any issues with it. “Sure.”

Hou Jun turned around to see Shao Zhan, who had a expression full of ‘don’t disturb me’. “Then…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that Xu Sheng had already put down Shao Zhan’s name on the paper.


Hou Jun thought to himself, his Zhan ge hadn’t even said anything, did he actually agree?

After Xu Sheng finished writing, he said, “He agreed with his silence.”

Hou Jun looked to the left, then looked to the right. He took the signup sheet and walked away only after affirming that Shao Zhan didn’t have any intention of denying this.

Wednesday. A large bus parked outside the road outside of Sixth High. 

It only took boys about two or three minutes to prepare their things. Xu Sheng simply packed only his laundry and toiletries in a bag before leaving, and followed the biggest group to stand in a line at the school entrance.

He was tall, and was the only person in the entire school who didn’t wear a school uniform, so he was very noticeable as he stood in the crowd.


So noticeable that Gu Yanwang immediately noticed him. “Xu Sheng! Step out!”

The bus for Class Seven just happened to open its doors. 

Xu Sheng walked over lazily. “Here.”

Gu Yanwang came over to remind him to follow the military training rules well. He originally only did it out of worry, but when he actually saw Xu Sheng he only felt like he didn’t trust him to make a big scene. “Be more obedient when you arrive at the Green Boat Base. Don’t be as obstinate with the instructor as you were during your first year. There are many schools using the same place to train for thenational defence education campaign. So this time round, it’s not just you who will be losing face, our entire Sixth High’s population will be completely lost by you. If you actually do cause something, see how I’ll take care of you when you come back! Do you hear?!”

Xu Sheng, “I heard, I’m not deaf.”

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It seemed like Gu Yanwang  wanted to say something else, but the student at the back of Class Seven’s group stopped by the entrance to the bus and said, “Mr. Gu, everyone’s assembled.” 

Gu Yanwang’s expression immediately changed as he plastered on a smile. “Ah, good.” Then his smile immediately changed to a serious one as he turned to face Xu Sheng again. He raised a finger and pointed at Xu Sheng, giving him one more warning before leaving. “Be obedient.”

Xu Sheng walked behind Shao Zhan. They were the last ones to board, and there were only two empty seats left. “I might want to sleep for a bit. Can you sit by the aisle?”

Shao Zhan didn’t object.

After they sat down, Xu Sheng lowered his head to send Xu Yaping a message. He didn’t wait for a response before putting on his earphones and looking out the window at the view. 

Shao Zhan ended up asking, “In the first year, during military training, it was you who went up on stage to read out the reflection report?”

“Ah.” Xu Sheng was a beat slower, and didn’t think that Shao Zhan would actually ask about that. “Seems like it.”

Xu Sheng had argued with the disciplinarian in the first year, so it wasn’t something new.

It was hard to avoid meeting extremely strict instructors during training. All instructions had to be followed to a tee with no explanations, and the scoldings had made many students cry. 

Zhang Tong had just gotten her period on that day, and could only wear trousers that didn’t fit her at all, and struggled through the training. In the end, the instructor didn’t even ask for a reason before scolding her.

Xu Sheng had interrupted. “Reporting.”

Instructor, “Speak.”

Xu Sheng had been standing in the last row, and his tone was nonchalant, but the words he had said were anything but. He had even laughed. “Instructor, can you listen properly when people talk?” 

And so, on the first day of training, the first year students saw someone walk out of the group in the hot sun, a piece of paper in his hand. They were too far from the flag raising stage so the face was obscured, they could only see a tall, slender person and their voice saying, “Distinguished teachers, I have a serious and heartfelt reflection written down.”

“… I didn’t control my own emotions, because I didn’t think the instructors shouldn’t listen to students’ explanations, which could cause harm to students’ health.”


“If the instructors can’t change, then I also can’t promise that similar incidents won’t happen again.”

“This is Year One Class Two’s Xu Sheng.” 

The first year students hadn’t had the chance to become accustomed to the new environment, and on the first day of school another student was already reciting their written reflection, and it was a unique one at that.

In Shao Zhan’s memories, the first time he had heard the name “Xu Sheng”, and the actual person himself, didn’t match up at all. He also never paid attention to who that person was, but he couldn’t deny that no one could overlook that youth who had walked up onto the stage in that hot summer sun.

Xu Sheng explained it simply, and glossed over the details of Zhang Tong’s period, just saying that she hadn’t been feeling well. “Why do you ask about this?”

“No reason,” Shao Zhan said. 

Xu Sheng didn’t ask any further, the music from his earphones muffling the voices of the others in the bus playing games. The scenery outside the window passed by, and Xu Sheng didn’t realise he had fallen asleep.

The ride to Green Boat Base took about an hour.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Shao Zhan’s collar, and a little further up was the youth’s Adam’s apple and the smooth line of his jaw. “…”

How had he fallen asleep on Shao Zhan’s shoulder? 

Xu Sheng sat up straight, and tried to explain himself. “This bus, isn’t it too bumpy?”

Shao Zhan immediately rebuffed it. “You don’t even sit properly at normal times, I never expected you to be different while you’re sleeping.”

Xu Sheng gulped a couple of times, turned his head, and his eyes met with Hou Jun and Tan Kai’s eyes across from him.

Something wasn’t right. 

What kind of wolf-like look was that?

The two of them were thinking: I’m tired, so tired. These two are definitely for real. Even more real than gold.

“We’re almost there, everyone wake up. Let’s put our things down in the dorms, then gather in the courtyard.”

Meng Guowei woke everyone up and went through the program. “Assemble in the morning, then attend the national defence opening ceremony. Everyone pick up the pace, don’t dilly-dally…” 

Green Boat Base was a famous campground in C City. It was large and was split into eight areas. It was a long bus drive from the entrance of the base. This time round, they were mainly doing their activities in the national defence education area. The area was green and outdoors, the grass exposed to the sun with a large open space surrounded by greenery. The bus slowly drove into the accommodation area.

There were already students outside wearing their green military uniform, exiting the accommodation area.


“They’re from No.4 High School, right?” A student by the window said. Maybe there will be other schools training here.”

It was normal for Green Boat Base to have different schools training together. 

In order for differentiating schools to be convenient, No.6’s uniform was different from No.4’s navy blue uniform.

The students who got their clothes went back to the dorms to change. Xu Sheng opened his plastic bag and took out his clothes, planning to head back out. Tan Kai was at the side and called to him. “There’s a toilet there, just go in there and change to save a trip. Hou Zi can take our clothes back.”

Hou Jun nodded his head halfway through those words and even praised him, “You’re so smart”. After hearing the second half, he was unhappy. “Wait a moment, let me interject, did I agree to this? Tan Kai, do you have a heart?”

Tan Kai, “What’s the class president’s responsibility? It’s to serve the students.” 

Hou Jun, “Get out of here, the class president should abdicate.”

Xu Sheng laughed for a long while.

Although Hou Jun said all that, he didn’t object.

There was no one in the toilets, and there were only three compartments. 

Shao Zhan knocked on the door, then pushed it open, confirming that no one else was inside before saying, “You change first.”

There was no need to be polite about this kind of thing, it was just a matter of changing clothes.

Xu Sheng entered carrying his clothes.

But the situation wasn’t that simple. Xu Sheng had just put on his military pants when he realised there was a problem. 

Shao Zhan was waiting outside. After thinking that about five minutes had passed, Hou Jun had already finished changing and had come out. There was no movement in front of him however, and just when he was about to ask “are you done”, the door in the other cubicle opened a bit.

Xu Sheng pulled at the door with one hand, asking lowly, “Do you have a belt?”

Shao Zhan saw the bare waist swaying in front of his eyes, and the loose pair of military pants hanging from those hips.

Xu Sheng’s waist was…very slender. 

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