Beyond The Outline

Chapter 40: 38

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The elastic band around the waist of the military training trousers was clearly not tight enough for Xu Sheng. Even if he buttoned them to the button furthest to the left, they were still too loose and would fall down.

Along with the fact that Xu Sheng hadn’t even bothered to wear his shirt properly, probably because he was hurriedly trying to finish changing, everything was thrown together haphazardly. He had rolled the sleeves of his long-sleeved outwear up his elbows. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath and had only buttoned up the last few buttons on his shirt, exposing his collar. His shirt draped over him unconventionally. Those who didn’t know would assume from his demeanour that he had hidden in the bathroom to do something bad. 

Xu Sheng wasn’t in the habit of putting on sunscreen, and the skin that was usually exposed was a different colour than the skin on the rest of his body. The patch of skin past the deep, distinct line of his collarbone was dazzlingly pale.

Shao Zhan didn’t answer. They were facing the sink. He leaned against the glazed tile walls, his expression indistinguishable as he looked at him.



It was Hou Jun, who came out of the neighboring stall after changing, who said, “A belt? Do these pants still need a belt. It fits Ziqiang and me perfectly.”

Yuan Ziqiang was very sturdy and tall, looking more like a sports committee member than Tan Kai, who was 170 centimetres tall. He said somewhat bashfully as he arranged his clothes, “That, it doesn’t actually fit that well, it’s a little tight, and is cutting into me.” 

“Ziqiang, do you know what this means,” Hou Jun said. “It’s time to lose weight. If there’s meat at the cafeteria later, ge will take care of it for you.”


Yuan Ziqiang, “…Hou ge, I really have to thank you.”

As the two of them spoke, they stood in the stall next door arranging their clothes before making motions to go over to see what was up with Xu Sheng’s pants. “Maybe you got a size too big? That military training uniform auntie just glanced at us and threw clothes over like throwing over fireballs, maybe she threw you the wrong size…”

But before Hou Jun had even finished speaking, he was unable to see the state of Xu Sheng’s pants whatsoever.


Because Shao Zhan was blocking both of their lines of sight. Hou Jun could only see study god’s icy cold silhouette. The youth’s face was completely expressionless, his stance straight. He raised his hand crisply, and pressed his palm against school tyrant’s forehead, directly pressing him back into the stall, and slammed the door closed with a “pa”.

“I’m making a trip back to the dorm.” Shao Zhan only spoke after pressing the other back. “Who has the key.”

Hou Jun said “Oh” in astonishment, and fished out the key in his pocket to hand it over.


Shao Zhan received it, then knocked twice on the door with his knuckles, saying to the person behind the door, “Come out only after you’re done putting your clothes on properly.” 

This time, the person saying “Oh” was the Xu Sheng in the stall.

The sound of footsteps outside the stall door faded away.

Xu Sheng had a late premonition. He lowered his head only to discover the poorly worn clothes on his body, and cursed lowly. “…Fuck.”

He had been too preoccupied with his pants, and forgot that he hadn’t put his shirt on properly. 

Just now, he had loitered around in front of Shao Zhan dressed like this?

“Sheng ge, we’ll wait for you outside—” Hou Jun and the others shouted out after a while.

Xu Sheng buttoned up his shirt and said, “Got it.”

Shao Zhan left the bathroom. He couldn’t restrain himself and lowered his head to glance at his own palm. He had always been rational, but his hand had moved faster than his mind could think just now. 

Many of the people in the lodging areas had already changed into their uniforms. The blue and green military covered students mixed together at a glance.

The Sixth High lodgings were in the A district. Individual buildings with different styles named after different countries were located next to the main boulevard.


He knocked on the door of the neighbouring lodging and explained why he was there. It happened to be one of Shao Zhan’s classmates from their first year. That classmate’s eyes lit up. “Study god? I have one, I have one, and I haven’t used it. You can take it.”

Shao Zhan said as he took the belt, “Thanks.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The classmate took a look at the clothes on Shao Zhan and took the chance to ask, “No need to thank me. Does your military training uniform not fit?”

“Rba wlcf.” Vtjb Itjc vlvc’a cbalmf tbk atf fzqgfrrlbc lc tlr fsfr rboafcfv jr tf rqbxf. “…Pa’r j oglfcv’r.”

Ktf mijrrwjaf geyyfv atf yjmx bo tlr tfjv, offilcu ilxf rbwfatlcu kjr bea bo qijmf, jcv rwlifv. “Qf kfgf mijrrwjafr obg j sfjg, yea la rffwr ilxf atlr lr atf olgra alwf P’nf tfjgv sbe rjs rbwfatlcu ilxf atja.”

Shao Zhan was truly a legend at school. 

He was really cold.

Whenever they went to find him for class activities before, he would always reply with three words of ‘not very interested’.

If they spoke more than that, the reply they received was polite with a hint of ‘are you done speaking’.

Forget about confessing; most of the girls in their class who liked him didn’t even dare bring up the topic. “Forget it sisters, not even Mt. Everest can chase after this giant ice mountain. Last time, the class flower in the class next to ours mustered the courage and ran back crying within three minutes…as a mortal, I’ll just take a look at this kind of level.” 

The classmate finished reminiscing, then thought to himself, how come study god seemed like he had a bit of humanity?

Xu Sheng sat on the lid of the toilet with his legs crossed, fiddling with his phone for a while. He opened up Wechat.

Xu Yaping had sent a “Be careful”.

He responded with a “Mm”, then tapped on Shao Zhan’s profile picture. 

S: Where did you go.

The moment he sent this message, the bathroom door creaked open, and someone immediately knocked twice on his stall door. “Open up.”

Xu Sheng leaned over and opened the door a crack. Shao Zhan handed over the belt in his hands.

Xu Sheng thought of all that had happened just then, received it, and coughed lightly. “Just now…” 

Shao Zhan guessed what he was going to say. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

From head to toe, what hadn’t he seen.


Xu Sheng, “…”

What kind of hooligan talk was this! 

But Shao Zhan’s words weren’t wrong. Not only had he seen everything, he had also experienced the natural phenomenon they experienced after waking up in the morning.

Xu Sheng quickly buckled the belt and Shao Zhan changed his clothes in the stall on the side.

Ten minutes later, gathering at the square.

When the two of them came out, Tan Kai was complaining about how the military training uniform was interfering with his handsome aura. “This hat presses down, until my hairstyle is splayed out. And we don’t even need to talk about this set of clothes. Just one word, unsophisticated. In three words, explosively extremely unsophisticated.  Who can look good in this—” 

Tan Kai spoke up to here, and happened to witness the top two campus beaus walking one after another.

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His remaining words halted abruptly.

He had been wrong, unreasonably wrong. Some people really did look good in this military training uniform.

If Xu Sheng was the type of person to follow the rules a bit more, this appearance would definitely be within the top of Lin Jiang Sixth High. It was the type of existence that belonged to brochures aimed at increasing enrollment rates. Unfortunately, this person’s face would basically only appear on the punishment wall, with the following lines in large characters: Xu Sheng, classmate of Class Seven, grade two of high school, violated the school discipline and regulations of Article X on XX. 

There was even less need to talk about Shao Zhan.

Even if just one of the two was walking on the road by themselves, they would rate a second glance. Not to mention both of them walking together, a double fatality.

Xu Sheng was walking behind Shao Zhan, the sunlight hitting both of them. Xu Sheng’s lips were in a smile and he seemed to be talking about something; however, Shao Zhan showed no reaction. Xu Sheng saw an opportunity to play a trick, lifting his hand to snatch Shao Zhan’s hat. Only then did Shao Zhan turn around.

The students from other schools wearing the green military uniforms couldn’t help but whisper as they lined up, “I’ve been shot! There’s such a contrast between them and our school’s top beauty. Ours doesn’t even qualify for the title. Does anyone know which school they’re from?” 

“I don’t know ah, there are four schools training together this time.”

“Don’t say anymore, we’ve chosen the wrong school my friends.”

“It seems like it’s Sixth High. I saw my former classmate in their group.”

“Then what are you waiting for,” another student said excitedly, “Go ask your classmate.” 

Before the opening ceremony even began, the online forum of the green military uniform-clad students had already fallen apart.

“Has anyone seen our school’s forum,” someone said, “Someone’s already posted about looking for help to find someone. And even posted a picture, asking if we know which school they’re from, what they’re called. This is a little too lethal, it’s a cross-school murder…”


The photo was very blurry, and had nothing to do with the actual school, so there weren’t many comments.

But within a few replies, there was a very specific reply: I point you towards Lin Jiang Sixth High, take the time to understand Zhan Without No Sheng, cold aloof study god x rebellious school tyrant, you won’t lose out from buying this stock. 

The students at Lin Jiang Sixth High would never have thought that their school’s CP would spread like fire and even burn over to other schools.

At the square.

The leaders of each school stood in a row under the shade of the trees, with speakers placed on the ground. They were probably going to each make a speech.

Meng Guowei looked around at the front for a long while. When he saw Shao Zhan, he hurriedly called him over. 

Xu Sheng and the others were at the end of the line. Although he didn’t know why Meng Guowei had called Shao Zhan over, Xu Sheng didn’t ask, and merely said, “How long is the opening ceremony?”

Tan Kai, “Based on the number of schools this time, an hour at the shortest, and maybe the entire morning if it’s long.”

Xu Sheng had never been the type of person who was willing to roast under the searing sun for a few hours, just to listen to a few leaders make customary speeches. He said, “If it’s longer than half an hour, I’m leaving.”

No one was willing to stand under the intense sun and listen to their leaders make speeches. But it was even more obvious that no one had the courage to directly leave. 

Tan Kai couldn’t imagine this. “Leave? How are you going to leave? That wouldn’t be very good, there are so many schools here this time, Gu Yanwang will definitely go crazy.”

“If I want to be more sly about it, then I’ll find a reason.” Xu Sheng said, “Those who don’t want to be sly about it are the ones who leave directly. What other way can they leave? Am I going to just stupidly stand here all morning in order to be cooperative?”


Tan Kai admitted defeat. 

Tan Kai said again, “Half an hour is definitely impossible. After the leaders finish speaking, there is also a time slotted for student representatives to make speeches. Our school’s representative this time is Zhan ge.”

Unlike how Xu Sheng always stood on the flag-raising podium to read out disciplinary reviews, Shao Zhan was almost always the student representative.

No wonder Meng Guowei had been in such a hurry to call him over.

Xu Sheng didn’t normally like listening to rumours; even though Gu Yanwang had pressed down on him with a “be obedient” on the sports track, he usually had an earbud stuck in one ear, and had yet to actually see what Shao Zhan was like when giving a speech on stage. 

Xu Sheng suddenly felt that cooperating for an entire morning wasn’t necessarily an unbearable thing.

Half an hour later, Tan Kai turned around and discovered that the person who had said he was going to leave was still standing in the back row. He asked, “Sheng ge, are you leaving? Should I slyly leave or?”


Xu Sheng, “Leave for what? I think you were right.”

Tan Kai, “?” 

Xu Sheng, “It isn’t too good to leave. As a student, we need to uphold our school’s reputation.”

I don’t see you upholding it usually!

But Tan Kai didn’t dare say this.

At the same time, the stage was transitioning into the next segment. 

“…Thank you Head Gu, for your speech.” The two hosts were both from other schools. When they finished speaking, they glanced at the prompts in their hands, then immediately gazed forward, voices projecting, “As Head Gu said, national defence education is very important. We should all develop a sense of national defence. Next up, we will invite Lin Jiang Sixth High’s student representative student Shao Zhan, who will be discussing ‘What is National Defence?’ for us.”

At first, the applause under the stage was very lukewarm and sparse. After all, they had all been under the sun for so long; all their energy had been roasted away.

But when Shao Zhan appeared from the crowd, the applause became noticeably more enthusiastic.

The youth was dressed in a camouflage uniform that couldn’t be any plainer, but it fit him well, making him look slimmer and taller. He was a natural model for clothing; compared to his unclear appearance from afar, the faint outline of his face and the oppressive feeling on his body left a deeper impression. 

The other school representatives all carried notes in their hands; only he went up with empty hands.

Among these schools, only Sixth High was the important one. The other schools didn’t have such strict rules, so there were many people having side conversations under the stage.

Shao Zhan took the microphone from the host’s hands.

As soon as he said a few words, the schools at the side actually began screaming. 


Shao Zhan was something unheard of. Xu Sheng very quickly realised that the person on the stage had a strong personality. Gu Yanwang was wrong for always scolding him for being the most arrogant person in all of Sixth High. There was obviously someone who was even more arrogant; it was just that his words were sophisticated, so others didn’t have time to react to them.

Because after Shao Zhan finished speaking through a section, he paused and said in a cold voice, “May each school keep their schools in order.”

The translation of this, was four words: Stop being fucking noisy. 

This still wasn’t the end.

Hou Jun was originally standing next to Meng Guowei, helping him maintain order in the class. He now retreated and said timidly in a suppressed voice, “Fuck, this is the big news of today.”


“The student representative was originally someone else, but they temporarily fell ill, and couldn’t find a substitute.”

“So Zhan ge is really living his life right now, wouldn’t you think?” 

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