Beyond The Outline

Chapter 51: 49

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Before Shao Zhan even received the message Xu Sheng had sent, he had already had his chat interface with Xu Sheng open, and had been staring at that ‘S’ for a while.

It was as if he were possessed. He didn’t even know himself what he was doing. 

A moment later, as if he knew he was staring at their chat interface, that ‘S’ was followed by a notification that someone was typing. His fingers tightened involuntarily.

What did Xu Sheng want to say to him?



But his scattered thoughts immediately dissipated the instant Xu Sheng sent a screenshot of a product.

What, is, this. 

What is this thing. .


It looked pretty much like the raincoats old men in rural areas would wear when rushing to work in the fields during stormy weather.

The model in the photo was wrapped in layers, only revealing half their face. Their chin was also covered by the raised collar, and the set was completed with rubber gloves and dirt-brown rubber boots.

No matter how tastefully one tried to evaluate it, this photo undoubtedly expressed the essence of uncultured and ugly to the extreme.


The Shao Zhan who completely did not understand what was going on in Xu Sheng’s head, “…”

Xu Sheng was very confident about this product he had found.

He was too lazy to type, so he called directly instead.


“Hello.” Xu Sheng’s hello was flat, the ending suppressed, as if the person speaking into his ear was indifferent about joking around with him.. 

Xu Sheng continued, “What do you think? This insulating suit protects against thunder and lightning pressure.”

“We have to believe in physics, as well as science. With this set of clothes, I’m sure that thunder won’t be able to do anything.”

“Seatmate, let’s get two sets?”

Shao Zhan spent two minutes trying to talk himself down before he could continue the conversation with Xu Sheng. The youth’s tone was cold as it passed through the phone to Xu Sheng’s ear. “Are you being serious?” 

Xu Sheng, “Bullshit, you think I’m doing this because I’m bored?”

Two seconds later, Shao Zhan said, “It’s not great.”

Xu Sheng, “I’ll give you two seconds. You need to reconsider and answer me again.”

“…” Shao Zhan said, “Then ask again.” 

Xu Sheng, “How is it?”

Shao Zhan repeated his answer from earlier. “It’s still not great.”



Shao Zhan sighed. “Are you going to wear this because you’re afraid that others are oblivious to the issues you have with your intelligence?” 

Xu Sheng, “Fuck.”

Shao Zhan’s answer was unable to diminish Xu Sheng’s passion for this set of insulating suits. As long as there was a possibility, no matter how slim, then he was willing to try it.

Xu Sheng’s line of thinking was definitely unusual. In Kang Kai’s words, it was something like: Those in the arts all have a bit of a problem with their brains, if they walk a normal path, there’s no way they could make good art.

Xu Sheng went to call Kang Kai. 

Kang Kai hadn’t gone to bed yet. There was an art competition coming up, and he had spent two days deciding on a good theme. He hadn’t been able to get into the groove, and had ripped up his first draft and thrown it away.

Kang Kai picked up the phone. “Why are you calling me at this hour?”

As Kang Kai spoke, he ripped up his second draft.

“Are you still in the studio?” Xu Sheng asked. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Yeah,” Kang Kai replied. “There’s a competition, and everyone in the studio signed up for it. I can’t let first place go to anyone other than you… In my life, meeting a demon like you once is enough, I’m not going to meet a second.”

We Vtfcu mtemxifv, jcv gfwfwyfgfv ktja tlr qegqbrf obg mjiilcu kjr. “P rfca sbe j qtbab, tjnf sbe rffc la?”

Bjcu Bjl gfjiis tjvc’a cbalmfv.

Lf tjv yffc abb lcnbinfv lc tlr qjlcalcu. Lf bcis qlmxfv eq yfmjerf tf tjv obgubaafc ab rfa tlr qtbcf bc rlifca. 

Bjcu Bjl qea vbkc tlr qfc, ajyyfv bea bo atf mjii klcvbk, jcv rjk atf qlmaegf We Vtfcu tjv rfca. Lf kjr vffqis rtbmxfv. “Qtja lr atlr…”

Kang Kai’s next words were: “It’s kind of cool.”

Xu Sheng was very relieved. “And?”

Kang Kai, “These overalls are so trendy. Look at those rubber gloves and shoes… What, are you planning to be an electrician?” 

“…” Xu Sheng didn’t know what to say. “You could say that. I’m going to work now.”

Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to say that strange lightning had struck him recently, and after each rumble of thunder and flash of lightning, he would swap bodies with his deskmate.


If he said that out loud, Kang Kai might drag him running to a mental institution.

Kang Kai didn’t understand. 

Even Kang Kai wouldn’t be able to pass with full marks to enter several well-known art schools, but Xu Sheng was different. If he really wanted to walk that path, then truthfully speaking, he could just close his eyes and he would be able to get  into any art school he wanted, right?

It all made sense, but why did he want to become an electrician?

All Kang Kai could see was a shining piece of gold being thrown into the gutters. “I’m not discriminating against electricians, I think every occupation has its value, but you—”

Xu Sheng exchanged a few words with the Taobao seller, then immediately placed an order for two of the insulation suits before interrupting Kang Kai, “All right, continue your painting.” 

Kang Kai swallowed down the rest of his words, and rushed to call for Xu Sheng before he hung up. “Wait.”

“That, uh.” Kang Kai had resolved to pull Xu Sheng back using his own abilities. “This art competition, I already thought of a theme, it’s just that I have some design issues, can you be my mentor? If I have any problems, I’ll come and ask you.”

Having a mentor for such competitions was a normal thing.

But if Kang Kai wanted a mentor, why wouldn’t he go and ask his mother? 

Kang Kai hurriedly added, “My mom is mentoring most of the people in the studio, I don’t want to trouble her.”

Xu Sheng, “So you’ve come to trouble me.”

Kang Kai, “Hehe.”

It was getting late, and Xu Sheng wasn’t going to pursue this matter further. It was just being a mentor. “Fine.” 

Xu Sheng glanced at the receipt of his order.

Very good.

Two insulation suits.

One for himself, the other for his deskmate. 

There were a lot of students staying in the dormitories, and a lot of them only went home about once a month. As such, Lin Jiang Sixth did not object to students receiving deliveries on school grounds. All deliveries were placed at the security booth, and could only be collected when class was dismissed.

Many students suffered in having to wait for their express delivery every day.


During class.

Hou Jun was doing his after-school assignments when he suddenly raised his head sharply and wailed, “When can I finally get the new sneakers I just bought?” 

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“My delivery status was updated two days ago. My sneakers!”

Xu Sheng was sitting at the back, keeping Hou Jun company while he played games. “Aren’t the  deliveries  a bit slow lately? I’ve also been waiting for a few days now.”

Hou Jun, “Sheng ge, what did you buy?”

Xu Sheng’s finger tapped on the screen to return back to base, and vaguely replied, “Clothes.” 

Shao Zhan sat beside Xu Sheng, turning over a page of his papers. When he heard the word ‘clothes’, his expression twitched unconsciously.

Xu Sheng finished purchasing his equipment in the game, and was about to set out when his screen was blocked by a hand—Shao Zhan was pressing his phone down, forcing Xu Sheng to look up at him.

“That thing. You bought it?”

“I bought it.” 

Not only did he buy it, he had gotten two sets. “Don’t you worry, although you were dissing it the other day, my heart is open and compassionate, I won’t argue with you. I’ll gift you one.”

Shao Zhan, “…”

Xu Sheng pushed away Shao Zhan’s hand which was on his phone screen, lamenting indignantly, “Who’s the one who made you my deskmate?”

Was it too late to switch deskmates? 

Xu Sheng’s set of clothes – which he said that if it didn’t work he would fully refund – was in transit for three days, before finally arriving along with Hou Jun’s sneakers.

During night study, Hou Jun held his sneakers, and bumped into Xu Sheng at the security booth.

He was quite interested in the heavy-looking package that Xu Sheng had. “That’s quite hefty, huh?”

The entire set was already quite bulky, let alone two of them. The large package did indeed look quite over the top, but Xu Sheng was quick to react. He didn’t even blink. “Winter clothes.” 

Hou Jun, “Buying winter clothes in the middle of summer?”

Xu Sheng, “It’s cheaper because it’s summer.”


Hou Jun’s expression was subtle, but it belied his confusion. “…”

There was no telling what the school tyrant’s true intentions were. 

As Xu Sheng said that, he felt like his explanation was a bit lacking, and added, “I also bought some for my deskmate.”

Hou Jun was even more confused.

As Xu Sheng brought the two packages back to the dorm, he just so happened to bump into Shao Zhan opening his door, cup in hand as he was about to get some water.

Shao Zhan had just showered, and had changed into uniform. His legs were long and slender, his bangs were a bit wet. His gaze landed on the two bags of things in Xu Sheng’s hands, and he paused for a few moments before prying his eyes away to look at Xu Sheng. “You didn’t…” 

Their eyes met. It was as if there was something in the air; the atmosphere was silent and tense. Then, in a flurry of action, the two of them moved simultaneously. As fast as lightning, Xu Sheng quickly took two steps forward!

But Shao Zhan retreated even faster than him!

Xu Sheng, “…What are you running from?”

Shao Zhan, “What are you chasing?” 

Xu Sheng, “My delivery has arrived, so I’m gifting you clothes.”

Shao Zhan, “Take it away.”

Unless he went insane, he would never wear those clothes.

In such a tense situation, neither of them noticed how childish their short conversation really was. 

Xu Sheng hadn’t even caught the edge of Shao Zhan’s sleeve before Shao Zhan was retreating back into his room, hand on the lock, ready to close the door straightaway.

Everything happened so quickly. Xu Sheng stepped forward, his hand blocking the door, then he used his whole body weight to push back on it.

He successfully pushed the door open.

Then, Xu Sheng moved his hand, five fingers curling and fitting through the gap to grasp onto the door. 

Shao Zhan was worried he would hurt his hand, so he released his grip.

Shao Zhan decided to talk some sense into him. “If other people can’t even hear or see the thunder, do you think physics can explain it?”


“So what’s the point of using this object to protect us?”

“There’s no knowing when it will strike next,” Shao Zhan loosened his hand and said. “Don’t tell me you plan to… wear this all the time?” 

Before Shao Zhan could even finish speaking, as soon as he said the word ‘it’, there was a flash of light outside the window. An unknown and strong light arced outside the window, electricity spreading out like fireworks. All of this happened in the blink of an eye, such that neither of them were able to react. Once that firework-like light was gone, a distant rumbling came.


The lightning was too quick, and was gone in a second, but the sound of thunder still rang clearly in their ears.

Shao Zhan, “…” 

Xu Sheng, “…”

The thunder grew louder and louder, until it almost shook the sky. Boom!

When the second clap of thunder came, Xu Sheng regained his senses. He swore. “Shao Zhan, you jinxed it.”

Xu Sheng hurriedly tossed Shao Zhan one of the bags in his hand, then quickly opened his own bag. After pulling it open, it was an entire set of insulation clothing! 

With one hand on the wall, he tugged on the overalls. “What are you standing there for, hurry up and wear it.”

Unless he went insane.

Even if he was willing to jump down from the wall.

He would never… 

Shao Zhan slowly closed his eyes.

No more than half a minute later, the two of them had gotten changed, and stood in front of each other in shock. The two of them were of a similar height. They wore the yellow insulation clothes, and from a distance the two of them looked like tall, skinny minions.

Normally, even if the clothes were uglier, there was no way it could sully the attractiveness of Lin Jiang Sixth’s class beaus.

They were handsome, and looked good in whatever they wore. 

For example, Lin Jiang Sixth High’s school uniform had been repeatedly chosen as the ugliest uniform in all of C province, but it still looked extraordinary on Shao Zhan.

—But this set of insulating clothes had abilities.


Boom boom boom—! The thunder roared wildly.

Yet neither of the two were able to think or even laugh at themselves right now. 

Xu Sheng thought to himself: You’re an insulating suit that can withstand 3KV of electric pressure.

Designed for protection against thunder.

You can do it, you can.

Heaven did not hear Xu Sheng’s inner thoughts. A familiar dizziness quickly swept through both of their heads. The world shattered into pieces once again, and rapidly reconstructed itself. 

Under the last rumble of thunder.

Xu Sheng’s trance grew heavier, and a buzzing sounded in his head. A moment later…he saw himself wearing the yellow insulating suit.

This insulating suit…was really ugly.

Not only was it ugly, it was also stupid. 

Xu Sheng reached out his hand. “Give me my phone, it’s in my pocket. I can’t remember if it’s in my left or right pocket. Find it yourself.”

Xu Sheng let out a deep sigh. “I’m going to write a poor review.”

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