Black Bullet: Red-Eye District

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Hello Again, God!

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Tatsu Nezu looked down at his bloody hands, clenched on the handle pole of the variant scythe. Blood trickled from every wound on his body and ached from the bites and scratches. Hundreds of Aragami bodies littered around him, creating a sea of blood that reached his ankles.


===A/N: Tatsu Nezu looks like Toge Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen but his eyes turn red during serious modes.===


As Tatsu tried to regulate his breathing to prevent his body from deteriorating, the God Arc in his variant scythe disengaged out of battle mode and the weapon collapsed, revealing two large dogs. One of them was a Great Dane, eagerly looking at the corpses of Aragami and enlarged its mouth to bite the flesh. The other was a Border Collie, looked at his chief and whined sadly after sensing the state of Tatsu's body.

Feeling the fur of the Border Collie rubbing his legs, Tatsu struggled to take another step. He looked ahead and sensed the strong auras of the Ashwroughts. Despite Tatsu killing many Ashwroughts on many other occasions and missions, the Aragami managed to devour their way back to the top of the food chain.

'They are endless', Tatsu thought, 'At least T-Rex wouldn't have to worry about his meals for the rest of eternity.'

In the distance veil of ash, the giant Aragami appeared with their little minions in tow. The storm circled them and enrichened their body. Their leader, Regalia Balmung, looked at the giant city in front of it, the metal walls looked so fragile under its claws. Its eyes glinted with greed with the millions of scrumptious humans. However, the human with the two ferocious monsters stood in the Aramagi's way to the feast. It knew it couldn't defeat the trio so it had to share its feast and sought help from other Ashwroughts.


The survivors in the city of Tempest watched the whole fight, knowing the solo man with his two dogs are their only hope for survival. Despite his body being bloody and his arms slumped, his small back looked majestic and reliable like a sturdy mountain.

"Dammit!" Tatsu muttered, "I'm not coming out of this alive...OLLIE!"

The Border Collie looked at him and stared deep into his eyes before letting out a soft whine. Ollie read his owner's mind and knew he couldn't change the thoughts. T-Rex, the Great Dane, was still munching on the corpses and trembling in excitement for the incoming battle.

"Good luck, boys!" Tatsu shouted and pumped his fist up with his scythe held up into the sky, "I'll see ya on the other side!"

Tatsu dropped his scythe and clenched his hand, manifesting an opaque handle that had a circle surrounding it with words.


[NEGATE] on the top of the circle.

[GATE] on the right side, where Tatsu's handle is pointing towards.

[ENGATE] on the bottom.

Tatsu looked deeply at his handle, wondering if he'll still be able to keep it, before surely turning the handle clockwise and landing [ENGATE].




Black flames wrapped around Tatsu as his body started to rip itself from the inside out. Limbs and animalistic features started to grow out, resembling zombies, undead abominations and aragami. The pain screamed out of Tatsu so loud, that it even frightened the Ashwroughts.

The lone figure swayed on the spot, blood seeped out as new limbs grew from every surface. Tails branched out from every possible angle but the more absurd thing was the elements. Blaze, divine, spark and freeze started weaving and twine around the figure with ominous colours of gases wheezing out of the body. Even most of the survivors behind the world were distraught by what happened to their leader.


"DO IT NOW!" Tatsu shouted and the two dogs got into action. Unbeknownst to everyone else during the transformation, T-Rex and Ollie had grown into giant dogs and released a tyrannical presence that made the smaller and weaker aragami cower in fear.

Ollie was having conflicting thoughts while looking at his owner, watching the humanoid figure quickly expand into an abomination.


Ollie snapped out of his thoughts and stared at T-Rex snapping his train of thoughts.

"The Chief said it. We must do it," T-Rex snarled at his brother.

Ollie looked at his owner again, then nodded. He lifted his right paw and it manifested into giant claws, sharped with scythe-like nails decorating each toe and gripped with immense strength.




With a single swipe, Tatsu was cut in half.


It was so quick that blood hadn't started to leave from the bisection.


Ollie and T-Rex immediately snapped their jaws onto the body, making sure not a single drop of blood doesn't go to waste.


The survivors were shocked by the loss of their leader in the hands of his partners while the aragami were stiffened by the sudden cessation of the chaotic presence. However, it didn't take long for two larger existences to take their place.

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Ollie and T-Rex grew in power, their overbearing size became larger and their aura broke the Ash Storm that clogged the area. They were incredibly strong aragami at that, they were like Gods!

Everyone was stiff like statues, afraid to make a move before the two grand dogs. The weaker aragami and survivors were unable to bear the pressure and immediately collapsed. The air was still with immense tension.


A Balmung on the other side was so scared, that it slowly moved its paws back to retreat. However, the movement didn't escape from T-Rex's sight and he immediately sent a black metal tentacle that easily pierced the mechanical lion. The end of the tentacle was uncoiled, folding into something like a grappling hook and gripped on the Balmung. With a grunt from T-Rex, the tentacle tugged and pulled the lion in a swift motion and killed some weaker aragami along its path. The momentum from the tug barrelled the Balmung towards T-Rex but he made no effort to move.

With a single thought, T-Rex's head morphed to become more intangible. His mouth grew like a python with huge canines and chomped the Balmung in half, gulping the first half of the body. Another simple munch and the lion was gone in T-Rex's stomach, who was wearing a smug smile from the light snack.


All the other large Ashwroughts were shaken in fear, their intent on invading a measly city had turned into a life and death situation where their chance of leaving was way too low.

"BON APPETIT!" T-Rex roared and configured his body to have multiple boosters and ramming armour. He appeared in front of the Ashwroughts, smashing any aragami in the way, and used every new growing limb to stab, strangle or slash. The sudden charge created chaos in the army and each slain aragami was a supplement to T-Rex, making him stronger with each kill.

Ollie looked at the impending chaos, knowing that he had to continue the path laid out by the chief.




Ollie whimpered as he bolted into the crowd, knowing he won't be able to meet the chief in a long time.

The Earth trembled at its inevitable end.




An illuminating white tile floor spread across the galaxy with no end in sight, but never touching any worlds that would have obstructed its path. It bent to its tune and only stood still near a group of people.

An illuminating person, glowing like a lightbulb, was seated on a grand mahogany table. However, his head was hollowed out, making his face indescribable. Three German Shepherds were by his side, each having a unique idle face. The headless person was surrounded by mountains of papers and holographic screens but made no effort to lessen his workload, working at a leisurely pace while scratching one of the dog's heads.


The space in front of the table quivered and started to crack. It expanded and an eldritch monster pierced through the fabric of the galaxy. Contrary to its messy appearance, its aura showed a terrific stance of stability, unlike the chaos it manifested back on God Eater. The illuminating person and dogs gave no heed to its appearance, only a courteous glance to acknowledge its existence.

Within the messy amalgamation, a normal human hand struck out and generated a handle, quickly twisting it to [NEGATE].




Black flames devoured his body, gulping every extra limb and element. Upon finishing its meal, the black flames flickered away, leaving a naked Tatsu Nezu.


"Damn," Tatsu stretched and grabbed a shirt and pants from [INVENTORY], "That was a good transformation."

After fashioning his clothes, he looked at the illuminating person and frowned at the sight of the missing head.

"Still can't see it."

"Of course," a coarse voice sounded from the person behind the table, "You probably need a few more [RUNS] before you become strong enough to see my True Self."

Tatsu mumbled, wondering how strong he would become before he gets to see this person.

"Hello again, God of Apocalypse and Death!"

"Welcome back, Tatsu!"



{Little Segment}

In ## world, Tatsu was smashing some lamps.

Tatsu: "I wonder if I become bright and glow if I eat these? Can I shine like him?"

Female Doctor @$%@#%: "I need you to break them, not eat it!"

Tatsu: "Okay! Okay, sheesh. They don't taste good anyway. T-Rex told me."

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