Black Bullet: Red-Eye District

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: World of Black Bullet

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Tatsu was sitting cross-legged on the white tiles, looking intensely at the chessboard that was scrambled with messy pieces. The game was chaotic, with multiple queens scattered with some kings and pawns. Tatsu panicked at the messy board, while his opponents, Jeff, Jerry and Thomas, were just concentrated on the board.


"This one!" Tatsu shouted, moving a king piece one square forward.

Jeff yawned and pawed a queen to kill another king for the fifth time.

"FINE! You win!" Tatsu kicked the board and started to fish out something from his [INVENTORY].

"What was it you want?" - Tatsu

"Dark Chocolate!" - Jeff

"White Chocolate!" - Jerry

"Black Liquorice!" - Thomas

"Fuck you, Thomas! That doesn't even taste nice!" - Jerry

"Bite me!" - Thomas

Tatsu gave the blocks of chocolate and candy to the three German Shepherds and got a little hungry watching them eat, decided to munch on a salmon rice bowl from [INVENTORY].


The God of Death and Apocalypse smirked at Tatsu's antics with the dogs from his table. With a wave of his hand, a little bowl dropped on his desk and sprinkled itself with freshly made potato chips and crispy fried megalodon.

"Yummy..." the God said as he crunched on the chips and fish while working on his documents.


The time that flowed in God Eater was fundamentally different, accelerating to hundred of years towards the destruction and collapse of that world. Eventually, the world was dead and a portal appeared in front of Tatsu and the three dogs.

Chaos rippled from the portal but no one paid any mind to the immense aura, instead, looking at the two things that hopped out.


T-Rex walked out of the portal, dragging a giant torn leg of an aragami in his jaws. His long tongue was happily licking on the bone, being more content with his meal instead of being reunited with his owner. Behind him, Ollie hopped out, eager to find Tatsu again and dashed a headbutt. Tatsu showered his attention-seeking Ollie with love and hugs while the other three dogs quickly finished their meal to try and snatch Ollie's meal.

"Come on, T-Rex! Give us some of that!" - Jeff

"Yeah. Sharing is caring!" - Jerry

"Bring it on, you bastardly trio! I got new skills from God Eater and I was looking for some punching bags!" - T-Rex

"Wonder if it tastes nice with liquorice?" - Thomas

The four gluttons immediately started fighting over food. Tiles flew from their impact but Tatsu, Ollie and The God of Death and Apocalypse merely ignored them and started to discuss their next world.


"So....even with the exchange of your life, they still could not stop the apocalypse. Any thoughts?" - God

"Yes." Tatsu nodded off as he petted Ollie while organising more skills that the dogs got during the years of God Eater.

"The uniqueness of the Oracle Cells made it hard to rehabilitate new bases and wards for humanity. Their endless hunger could even eat walls and buildings, which makes me miss those seven wonders of the world. It is powerful and it could even affect the climate, making blood rains and ash storms, halting humanity's advancements." - Tatsu

"How does it feel to be the first 0th Generation of God Eater? I knew you would like that gift."

"Ecstatic! With a single thought, I could pull out my Zeroth Scythe and get the dogs to control [DEVOUR] and [GUN] while I hack and slash. You should have seen Old Man Sakaki when I whipped it out the bad boy. Hahaha, he was mad that he could not decipher it through conventional means and could not take it since I had missions."

"Impressive work from stopping yourself into halting the Managarm Project."

"That's because you told me not to! Johannes was mad from the results and tried to blame me for foreseeing the trouble but he can eat a dick for all I care. His son was fun though, thinking he is so strong being one of the first God Eaters, only to be slugged by a guy with a pole. Lindow and his little Ren were also interesting, had very nice chainsaws, shame he could not use a gun for more fire power. Lucy Pennyworth was also very strong, adapting to every weapon and gun module and she grew very fast to fight every aragami, probably has the unlimited potential like Yuu Kannagi."

"Indeed. You took a lot of effort separating from Fenrir and creating Kindred. How did it feel like being a leader?"

"Tedious! Much more than the previous worlds, but it was giving me a lot of resources and allowed me to learn a lot of leadership and management skills. It helped a lot having immense strength and just cull any sneaky foxes trying to exploit their fellow survivors."


".....Why did you not fall in love with Mel Amamiya?"


Tatsu looked at the God and squinted his eyes, his aura pulsated at the tense question. It was strong and sharp but lacked substance inside.

It was his heart.


"....That first world took something that I can not get back again. I...missed them too much to forget. I did not want Mel to feel those lost feelings when I leave." - Tatsu

"....Indeed, her love for you persisted until the end."

"I knew it... the stubborn girl still did not give up like her father."

"Though, your dogs were able to stay a bit longer because of her."

"What do you mean?"


The God snapped his fingers, projecting a video that showed the summary of God Eater towards its ruin.


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"Ollie and T-Rex repelled the wave successfully and warded a haven for your city in Kindred. it flourished and Mel took charge of leadership with her adopted daughter. However, the sly foxes were afraid of two strong aragami just looming over their city. Each generation in your city was getting more and more anxious about your dogs being aragami. They even started to perform military demonstrations to attack your dogs but they were unscathed. So, Mel's descendants took your dogs to go to Cradle to meet up with your friends' descendants and your city did not even last for a week."


Tatsu absorbed the information about the fate of his city that he built up from scrap and his aura ran out of control. Even without releasing [GATE], tiles spiralled around him to create a cyclone, growing stronger in rage.




With a simple move of his hand, the God suppressed the outburst and Tatsu, while still angry, had slowly cooled himself down.

"So, what have you learnt this time?" - God

Tatsu gradually came back to his senses after the suppression and looked at God's bright face.

"Humanity or the gods that create an apocalypse have no right to live for they went over their boundaries. I should focus on the task at hand to prevent such an event from spiralling out of control. If only I had more power..."

"I never asked you to end an apocalypse, I just asked you to try your best. Even I, a God, find it near impossible to stop it as well. Just take this world as a way to gain more power and insight towards the future worlds."

"....I see...."


Tatsu started to get tired from the prolonged talking and ate a big plate of salmon and tuna sushi while God started to explain the next world.

"So, the next world will be [BLACK BULLET]. This apocalypse will be classified as [ENDLESS SPREAD] so the chance of stopping this is very low, similar to your first zombie world. However, there is a lot more stability in humanity's population and better construction."

"Huh... I read a bit of it back on Earth. Was it that virus that lets them evolve endlessly until they need a catalyst to reach their final form? It seems a lot weaker than Oracle Cells since they are halted by some weird rule."

"Yes, a virus. Originally a curse that was created by {CREATION} for a lineage tradition, not too sure what that means, was tampered by the God of Sorrow and messed around with it, causing it to mutate and become the Gastrea Virus."

"So it is an original world by {CREATION}. What time am I going to be placed and what [GIFT] will I receive?"

"Due to the hastily compiling, the date and location of your landing are unknown. Hopefully, you aren't sent too far into the future plot. For your [GIFT], it will be locked for the meantime and even I'm not sure how it is unlocked."

"Even you don't know how to unlock this power?"

"Yes, it isn't mine, to begin with. I found it around and will pass it for you."

"Don't even know what it is called?"

"Oh, it does have its label. [CARETAKER]. Good luck unlocking it!"

"Great! I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to this world!"

".....Try not to kill humanity yet. This [RUN] doesn't need you to kill them."

"I'll see how humanity is in this world firstly."

"Okay, good luck. Tatsu! Try your best to stop this apocalypse."


Tatsu finished up his salmon and nodded to the new mission.

"Ollie! T-Rex! We are going to a semi-monster world. Let's go!"

"Woof! Woof!"

"No T-rex! Don't start eating the buildings as soon as you arrive. We are not sure if they are dying yet or not."


With a flick, the God of Death and Apocalypse opened a portal to the world of [BLACK BULLET] and they jumped in, rippling the space of [TILES].

The God sat back on his desk, eating the bowl of chips while the dogs were licking their candies.





{Little Segment}

"So what you are telling me, Chief, is that store things?"

"Yes, I'm a very avid collector and will hoard a lot of things."

"How much of that candy do you have? I love that one! The taste is so~~~~ummm~~~"

".....Only a bit, but you need to give something in exchange."

"How about a fresh pair of worn panties?~~~"

"....Let's retract from this exchange. I'm going back to work."

"Wait! CHIEF! I'm sorry! I want to eat the candy! Please!"

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