Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 111: Chapter 111: Information.

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Travunia kingdom capital city, Prince Isaac Griffin mansion.


“Master, someone wants to see you.” A servant comes running and sweating. From his face can see fear. 


Prince Isaac Griffin at first wanted to scold the servant because of making a ruckus, but after seeing the servant's face, he stopped. His servant has seen a lot of royal and noble, to make him scared must be someone powerful. “Bring him here.”


After a while the servant brings the two men wearing mage robes into the Prince meeting room. “Before we discuss anything can I know who you are?” Prince Isaac Griffin is curious about the visitor because he has been put in house arrest. All his followers and friends slowly abandoned him after several years.


“Pardon me, my name is Sylas a sorcerer and this is my servant, I want to make a trade with you.” After saying that Sylas released a strong pressure inside the room. Rather beating around the bush, it’s better to be straightforward with the prince. The reason he tells them, he is a sorcerer because the people from this continent call mage a sorcerer,


Prince Isaac Griffin is surprised, after feeling the strong pressure emitted from the visitor. He begins to guess the identity of Sylas, but he never heard of that name before. Sylas began to retract his pressure back.


"Why would a high-ranking sorcerer wish to trade with this fallen prince?"


“I want to know about the death of this Kingdom guardian.”


The room became quiet; fortunately, the prince servant had already left because the information was sensitive. Only a few individuals are aware of this, and the servant may be killed if he is aware of it.


“Are you from the other kingdom?” Prince Isaac Griffin, green primal energy core begins spreading throughout his body and releasing strong pressure toward Sylas. Although he has been imprisoned in his mansion. He is still the prince of this kingdom.

“I advise you not to be hasty and listen to what I have to say first.”


“Speak.” While saying that the prince cast a spell and a magic staff appeared on his hand.


“Don’t worry, we are just wandering sorcerers. I heard something interesting from someone about the death of the Travunia Kingdom guardian and the World shackle. I am willing to pay or trade for the information.” Sylas said with a calm face, he doesn’t even worry that the prince is going to attack them. If the prince dares to attack, they will capture and interrogate the prince for the information.


“Where do you get that information?” Prince Isaac Griffin said in a stern voice.


Sylas explains what happened and the prince listens and makes an ugly expression.


"I realized there had to be a scheme, why I didn't receive the throne and why my father died after my younger brother became king." Prince Isaac Griffin was enraged. "I agreed to provide you the information on the kingdom guardian, but I want the throne."


"I can assassinate the king, but to take the throne, you need noble backing, and with the noble rebelling, it will be difficult." Sylas stated candidly that he is currently seated on the sofa while Ay, disguised as a middle-aged mage, serves both of them tea like a butler.


What Sylas mentioned is correct, Prince Isaac Griffin has been pondering. Even if he wins the throne, he will have no army or nobles to back him up. There is also an issue with other kingdoms; once they learn of the Travunia Kingdom guardian's death, they will all turn into ravenous predators. He also has to track out his ex-lover who betrayed him.


“Sigh, this kingdom is doomed, it's better if I leave.” Prince Isaac Griffin begins closing his eyes to think. While Sylas waited patiently for the prince's answer. Prince Isaac opened his eyes after 5 minute. “Help me escape and find my ex-lover.” Prince Isaac said with determination.


“Can I kill them?” Sylas asked because he already knew that the prince is a master rank sorcerer from the strong pressure that the prince released. He also senses there are people stronger than the prince, guarding this mansion.


“Yes and the king will come here a few days later, there are around two warriors guarding this mansion and Duke Vincent, they all have green primal energy cores.”

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“Don’t worry, I'll take care of them.” Sylas said. He is not afraid, green primal energy core is similar to master rank.


The Prince Isaac Griffin mansion, while not as huge as the King's palace, nonetheless requires staff to manage. The number of servants inside exceeds the number of soldiers patrolling this home. Of course, the soldier doesn't mind who enters the mansion as long as the prince remains inside. Today, however, the situation is different: two unknown men arrive to meet the prince and do not leave until late at night.


The leader of the soldier is feeling something is not right and decided to report this to his two superiors guarding this place. The man enters one of the buildings near the mansion and goes to the second floor to knock on the door, after a while. “Come in.” entering the room the leader sees an elderly man is sitting on the chair reading a book. The old man looks like a scholar but the soldier leader knows that this old man is the greatest warrior of this kingdom.


“What happened?” The elderly man put down his book.


“An unknown person came to see the prince but they haven’t come out until now.”


“Have you sent a soldier to check?”


“No, we don’t dare to enter without the prince's permission.” The soldier leader still remembers several years ago when the king order to kill the prince. At that time, he was still a normal soldier so he just needed to guard outside the mansion. All the people that entered the mansion die.


He also finds out that the king even sends a green primal energy core warrior to assassinate the prince but that warrior disappears. The only thing that stops the prince from killing the king is this old man and other people guarding the king secretly.


“Fine, let’s go.”


“Should we wait for the elder.” The elder that the soldier leader refers to is another one of his superiors.


“That man is already old but always goes to the brothel, let's go.” The elderly man said in a stern tone.


The old man enters alone into the prince mansion and tells the servant that he wanted to see the prince. After a while a prince comes down to the living room where the Old man is waiting.   


“Why are you coming here?” The prince said in displeasure.


“Sorry for disturbing you at night, I have something to ask the prince.” The old man was already used to the prince's behavior. The prince is a candidate for the throne and right now he has been put into house arrest. He is tempted to kill the prince but after what happen to the last assassination he decided to forget about it.


The prince just nodded his head to allow the old man to ask. “Who are the two men that entered this mansion to see you?” The old man asked.


“They are right behind you.”


“What!” When the old man looked behind him he saw three figures, two men wearing a mage robe and a giant faceless humanoid mechanical puppet.


The old man tries to use his primal energy, but he suddenly feels that his energy is hard to move.


“Let’s have a talk.” One of the men wearing a mage robe said.

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