Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Berserk Mode.

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The soldier leader has been waiting outside the mansion for a long time and getting anxious. The door of the mansion opens and the prince servant comes out. “The elder wanted to sleep here today so you can return.”


“What?” The soldier leader is confused because the elders never sleep here. “Wait, I want to see the elder.”


“The elder is already asleep, come again tomorrow.” The servant closed the door, before the soldier leader could say anything.


The soldier leader is feeling something is not right and quickly orders the soldier to find the other superior.


“Today is fun.” An elderly man wearing aristocratic clothes with a sword beside his waist, walking alone on the street.


Normally, the aristocrat walking alone at night is dangerous. But that elderly man is famous at night because the robber that tries to rob him gets cut into pieces, since then all of the robbers that see him run far away.


The elderly man suddenly heard several footsteps of someone running. He finally sees several soldiers running toward him.


“Elder we finally find you.” One of the soldiers said while gasping for air. 


“What happened, does that old man die already?” The elderly man said.


“No, actually.” The soldier explained what happened to the elder.


The elderly man makes a serious face. “I understand, I go first.” After saying that the elderly man flies to the sky and heads to the prince mansion.


“Why now, does the prince decide to take action?” The elderly man is confused, because the prince doesn’t even try to escape after several years.   


After a while the elderly man arrived above the mansion and he didn't even stop and destroy the mansion door to enter. With the commotion the soldiers guarding the mansion begin gathering at the mansion door, but they don’t dare to enter and just wait outside.


“What with the noise!” The prince shouted.


The elderly man, when entering the mansion, can see the prince and two men wearing sorcerer robes in the living room. He begins looking around the living room, but he doesn’t see his comrade. 


“Where is that old man?” The elderly man asked while taking out his sword.


Prince Isaac Griffin doesn't say anything, instead the two sorcerers walk toward him.


The elderly man decided to attack first, the sorcerer was weak in close range. He disappears and reappears in front of the two sorcerers and swings his sword. Large energy blades slash through the two sorcerers before they can evade. The large energy blade doesn’t stop and destroy the mansion wall.


The elderly man smiles, after seeing the two sorcerers get hit by his attack. But the two sorcerer bodies become blurry and disappear. The magic formation around the mansion began to activate and created a barrier to prevent anyone from escaping.


“Who activates the barrier?” The soldier leader asks, because the one that can activate the barrier is him. Luckily he has the device to deactivate the barrier. “Let’s go to the barrier.” Before the soldiers can move. The servants of the mansion holding a weapon are blocking their way.


“What are you doing, move or you all will die!” The soldier leader ordered.


“The prince ordered, no one can leave.” The servant said.


“I have no time to play with you, soldiers kill them.”


The soldiers at first are confident to kill them. But suddenly all of the servants move fast and in a short time arrive in front of them and swing their sword.


“Ahhhh.” One of the soldier's hands got cut. The servant doesn’t stop and proceeds to thrust his sword into the soldier's heart.

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“Everyone be careful!” The soldier leader shouted, while defending from the servant’s attack.


The elderly man senses something behind him and evades. A large punch came from behind him and hit the floor. The floor is destroyed from the attack. When the elderly man looked at who was attacking him, he saw a large faceless humanoid mechanical puppet.


“Asura puppet, berserk mode.”


The lower part of the Asura puppet's faceless head opens to reveal a mouth with vicious jaws. Four additional mechanical arms and two metal wings emerge from the puppet body. The Asura puppet performs a spell, and each of his six hands holds a saber.


Before the Asura puppet attacks, the elderly man leaps at it and wishes to behead it. However, the Asura puppet blocks the sword with his saber, while 5 sabers strike the elderly guy.


“Multiple slash!” The elderly man shouted at the same time multiple blades unleashed toward the Asura puppet.


The Asura Puppet is also employing his skills to fight the elderly man's blade. The Asura puppet saber launches many blades. The elderly man at first is certain of victory, but the Asura puppet onslaught continues. Instead, the elderly man has gradually gotten weary, and he is no longer at his prime as he once was.


‘No, I need to find a way.’ The elderly man notices the prince, if he takes the prince as hostage he can survive. The problem right now is he can't stop the attack, if he stops multiple blades will pierce through him. 

The Asura puppet's mouth suddenly opened wide, and one of the puppet's three master rank mana cores dimmed. A beam of mana erupts from Asura's puppet mouth, going through the elderly man's body and the mansion floor.


The elderly man looks at the hole on his body with disbelief, and then he falls down to the floor.


“It looks like the power of penetration of the new mana beam is great but after using it, it will take a time for the mana core to recover.” Sylas reappears with Ay.


“Master, I suggested using a mana core made of mana stone to be used, but the attack power will be lower.”


“We will discuss this later.” Waving his hand, the elderly man's corpse disappears. “Ay take the prince outside the city, I will go to the palace.”


“Wait, I need to take all of my wealth and servant.” Prince Isaac Griffin said.


“Okay, Ay used the Digging puppets to escape.”


“Yes, master.”


While they are talking to the prince, the prince servant comes inside the mansion, from his clothes can be seen a lot of blood. “Prince, we already killed the soldiers guarding this mansion.”


“Good, tell the other to pack the stuff, we are going.” Prince Isaac Griffin orders. He has been preparing to leave this kingdom for a few years. But with the King keeping a watch on him and his ex-lover location is unknown. He decided to wait for a good opportunity, and since he can’t get the throne it is better to abandoned it.


Travunia kingdom capital city palace. On the bed a man and woman are sleeping naked.


“Wake up.”


“What, who!” King Harris Griffin startled from his sleep. When he saw a human wearing a mage robe in front of him, he began to Shout. “Guard, guard intruder, guard.” Until his throat becomes dry. The weird thing is the woman beside him still sleeping from his screaming.


“Shut up!” The man wearing a mage robe shouted. At the same time releasing suffocating pressure and forcing the king to be quiet. “I already set up the magic formation, no one can hear your scream. If you want to live, answer my question.”


King Harris Griffin, feeling afraid, just nodded his head fast.



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