Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Fight to Protect.

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"The Master will handle the mammoth, don't let the other monster enter the city."

"Yes sir!"

All the masters start to fly toward the mammoth.

"Sir Robert, can you still fight?"

"I can only use an adept rank spell right now, it will take me 1 month to fully recover."

"It's alright, you can just attack from afar."

"Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Dylan please protect Sir Robert if he is in any danger.

Both of them nodded, Mr. Wyatt is a master archer and Mr. Dylan is a master warrior.

"Ms. Ruby, we will attack first."


"Shield Block!" Large silhouette of Shield manifests in front of the mammoth and stops the monster movement.

The mammoth starts to roar and ram the shield but nothing happens and the mammoth moves back from the recoil, at the same time the monster that follows the mammoth moves to either side of the shield and moves toward the city. The mammoth tries to move beside the shield but Sir Grayson will not let the mammoth pass and block the mammoth.

"Axe Rend." Ruby while holding a greataxe attacks the mammoth body, the greataxe manages to cut the mammoth, but compared to the size of the monster is like an ant attacking a human. The mammoth begins to attack using a trunk on the shield and Ruby keeps evading the mammoth attack and Grayson tries holding the shield.

"I can't hold the shield for too long, let's attack together."

Mr. Wyatt begins to release an arrow like a rain toward the mammoth, Mr. Dylan also creates Hundred blades from the wind using sword aura and Sir Robert using a defense curse to weaken the mammoth.

"Tornado Axe!" A tornado wind as sharp as an axe flies toward The mammoth.

"Sword of flame." Large blade of flame from the sword and slash down.

All the attacks hit the mammoth body, each attack causes the mammoth to be injured and when the large blade of flame hits, a flame explosion happens and burns the mammoth to death.

"Sigh, finally we manage to defeat it, let's return to the city."

"Roar!" the ground begins to tremble.

"Impossible, how are we going to defeat that?"

"We almost ran out of energy."

3 more mammoths appear with a new monster tide.

Itrisa city wall, before the goblin and dark wolf can get near the wall most of them already die. The mage and the archer take turns to attack and conserve their energy in case anything happens, the warrior and soldier are waiting and protecting the mage and the archer. While the hobgoblin, hobgoblin archer, hobgoblin sorceress and other monsters are just waiting from behind.

Suddenly the people on the wall heard a large explosion.

"What happened?"

"What is that explosion?"

Among the mage and archer there are someone that have spell or skill to enhance vision.

"The master has defeated the mammoth."

All of the people on the wall get excited.

"No, that's impossible!"

"What happened?"

"New mammoth and monster tide have arrived."

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"We don't even finish defeating the monster here."

Suddenly, just like a signal, hobgoblins, hobgoblin archers, hobgoblin sorcerers and other monsters start to attack the wall. Hobgoblin and fire troll acted as human shield protecting hobgoblin archer, hobgoblin sorceress and Efreeti, the monster started to fire an arrow, spell and hurl flame toward the top of the wall.

On top of the wall, people that don't evade or have good armor die on the spot after being hit by an arrow, spell and flame.

"Don't panic, continued to attack"

Arrow or spells that hit fire trolls have almost no effect on fire trolls because of troll fast regeneration, but for the Hobgoblin that get hit by the attack die but their body has been used by other Hobgoblins as shields. Right now the basic strategy that the monster uses it's like a human using strategy.

"The monster action is different from the previous monster tide, it's like they are learning."

"I think a monster variant that can think must have appeared."

"Can we identify the monster?"

"That is almost impossible to find if the monster variant tries to hide."

"Defense the city."

Behind the monster that attacking the city wall, there are a group of fire troll surrounded a small hobgoblin. The small hobgoblin looks like giving order to the group of hellhounds and each of them runs in a different sections of monster tide to give order. The small hobgoblin has intelligent eyes and because of the size the small hobgoblin can hide easily.

In the sky near Itrisa city. "Senior, do we need to do anything to help?"

"Why do we need to help them?"

"Because." Ryan went silent.

"Sigh, if I don't want to help but I can't, master mage, although powerful but still have a limit to how much mana that can be used, I cannot defeat two master tides and a mammoth at the same time."

"Teachers are correct and why should we risk our life for people that we don't really know." Luna says.

Levi nodded.

"Senior, I am sorry if I offended you. Do you have a way to save the city?" Ryan says.

"I can, but not the whole city."

"That is enough, compared to me I can't do anything and just watch the monster destroy the city."

"No, you can do something, take this and I will teleport you to the wall, who is going to follow Ryan to the wall?" Sylas handed Ryan a space pouch.

"Thank you, senior." Ryan says.

"I want to go." Luna says.

"Me too." Levi says.

"Senior, I want to go." Everly Say.

"Why do you want to go, you might die?" Ryan says.

"Although you are stupid sometimes we are a team."

Levi and Everly just smile.

Ryan's eyes started to get moist.

"What are you crying about?"

"I am not! we are ready seniors."

"If you are in danger, use all the puppet inside the space pouch, the puppet will listen to you and the rest instruction. Teleport." Ryan, Levi, Luna and Everly disappear.

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