Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Miracle pill.

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Waking up from the bed, Carter felt his body feel really good. The exhaustion he had yesterday from working is gone. His wife is also waking up from the bed.

"Kayla good morning."

"Good morning."

Carter is suddenly in shock when he sees his wife's face. He sees the most beautiful woman. "Who are you?" Carter asks in panic because he doesn't remember anything, he suddenly sleeps beside a beautiful woman.

"What are you talking about?" Kayla also after seeing Carter face him is in shock because he also feels like Carter. "Who are you?"

After they both ask each other, both of them start to discuss who they are and what happens after both of them go to sleep.

"Fuuuu, I thought, I am drunk and sleeping in another woman's bed." Carter says in relief.

"I think it's because of the supplement pill." They both feel good after waking up.

"You are right. After returning from my job, I will go to that shop again to see the shopkeeper.

The whole day people keep asking Carter and Kayla what happened to them. Because Carter and Kayla face looks younger and don't have any acne like they used to have and become more handsome and beautiful. They also don't look tired after working the whole day.

By word of mouth, the people of the slum and the place that Carter works know the existence of a miracle shop. Because of that some of the women and men that finish their job earlier start to gather outside of Eclipse merchant shops. But every day the shop is closed, everybody thought that the husband and wife refused to tell them the real shop location instead tell them a fake shop.

Carter is telling them the truth, to show that he sells some of the supplement pills that he got from the shopkeeper. The ones that manage to buy it are happy, few of them even resell them to other people and end up in the hands of middle and high class citizens. Next morning the whole Olinas city is in chaos, the ones that have eaten the supplement pill become healthier and their face acne becomes clear. After that, the outside Eclipse merchant shop is full of people waiting for the shop to open. Some of them even try to break into the shop but they all fainted after getting an electric shock from the magic formation that Sylas set up in case someone tried to break in.

Outside the shop some people become reckless but there is nothing they can do. The one that gets targeted instead is Carter and his family. To be safe Carter gives the last supplement pill that he still has in front of everybody to the higher bidder.

"Ah, my body is stiff. I need to get some fresh air." Sylas have been inside the underground chamber for more than a month. Stretching his body, he decided to open his shop today. Looking outside the shop he sees a lot of people are looking at his shop.

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When the people see someone inside the Eclipse merchant shop glass window. They all get excited and wave their hands and shout to open the shop. Inside the shop Sylas hears nothing because he has set a noise canceling formation because of that he can't hear anything from outside.

"The people in this city sure are friendly." Sylas waves back his hand and proceeds to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, he has been eating already made food for a whole month he needs something fresh.

The people outside when he sees Sylas wave back they thought, he is going to open a shop instead and he is gone again. After a few hours of waiting, the door of the shop opened.

Sylas wanted to go to the market to see if he could find new ingredients to cook. Olinas city is near the river and a lot of things come in and out from the dock.

All the people looking at Sylas are walking away from the shop. One of the brave men that have been waiting outside for more than 1 month, blocks Sylas path from walking away.

"Where are you going?" One of the brave men asked.

"Going to the market, why?" Sylas says in confusion, because he doesn't know why this man dared to stop him.

"What do you mean, going to the market to open your shop now!" that man shouted. The people around him also begin to shout telling Sylas to open his shop.

"Shut up!" He also releases a terrifying mana around him and the only people can do that is a master rank mage. The people that shout at him feel suffocated and fall to the ground. The people that decided to join at that moment just stay quiet because they know if Sylas decided to kill them, he would only need to pay a fine to the city as punishment. After that Sylas just ignores them and goes to the market.

Late evening, Sylas just returned to the shop. This time he saw a familiar face, he is Sylas first customer that came to his shop. Sylas and Carter enter the shop together and Carter begins to explain what happened after Sylas closed his shop. Actually Carter doesn't want to come to the shop because he doesn't want to be harassed by the people outside. But after listening to what happened, they beg him to be a middle man to talk to the shopkeeper.

Sylas looking outside his window, and seeing their eyes is like someone being possessed. He never thought the supplement pill that he made had a miracle effect. The only explanation that he can think of is, the pill after being made by a Master rank mage skill in alchemy and pharmacist have become a high rank pill.

After that Sylas decided to let Carter become the middleman to sell the supplement pill and will get 10% of the profit. That means Sylas can just relax and let Carter handle the people outside.

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