Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Auction House.

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Finally, Carter finished selling all the supplement pills that Sylas made.

"Mr. Sylas, I have sold all 100 bottles of the supplement pill. Here is the payment of 3000 silver coins." Carter says in excitement.

"Why? I thought the price of one bottle of supplement pill is only one silver coin."

"Cough, the price for one supplement pill is one silver coin. That means 1 bottle has 30 pills. After selling it we have 30 silver coins for one bottle." Carter doesn't look at Sylas face, at first he is planning to sell the bottle using the normal price. But then he remembers the 10% that he will get after he sells the pill because of that Carter decided to change the price.

"Good. The cost of making 100 bottles of supplement pills is 50 silver coins. The profit is 2950 silver coins. Your share is 295 silver coins, here take it." Sylas says with a smile.

"Thank you!" Carter is very happy after receiving the silver coin.

"I need to restock the supplement pill, leave your address in case I want to find you, here take two bottles of supplement pill for you." Sylas is satisfied with Carter's performance. Sylas also manages to sell some of the expensive potions and medicine because the middle and high class citizens also come to the shop.

Next morning, when people are going to work they will see a beautiful woman on the street. These people manage to buy the supplement pill and their body feels healthier and most importantly their face becomes beautiful. The man also manages to buy the pill but after their wife or girlfriend finds out about the pill. Most of the men are being forced to give up the supplement pill to the woman.

When other medicine shops hear about the pill, they try to replicate the supplement pill. In the end they manage to make it but the pill is just a normal supplement pill. Other master mages from other cities that heard about it manage to create the same pill. But it's just not worth the effort because it's better just to sell potion.

Olinas city Auction house. Right now Sylas is inside one of the private rooms inside the Auction house. Outside the room he can see the auctioneer accepting bids and declaring goods sold. To get this private room Sylas has given the auction house his medicine and potion to be auctioned. He also gives some supplements to the owner of the auction house and he promised to do his best to auction Sylas' item.

"Ladies and gentleman, our next item is the rare supplement pill. Only one master rank mage is still making this pill. Other master mages refused to make this miracle pill because it is not worth their time by making this pill. For them this pill is worthless but for us normal human beings, this pill is like creation from god." The auctioneer says in a passionate speech.

The bidder agreed with the auctioneer that this pill is a miracle from god. Sylas inside the room, feel like watching a show. The pill is just something that he makes for fun.

"Now let the bids for 1 bottle of supplement pill inside have 30 pills. Starting price is 30 silver coins; each increment must be 5 silver coins or more. Let's begin!"

"35 silver coins!"

"40 silver coins!"

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"45 silver coins!"

Sylas just closed his eyes and meditated, every time his potion or medicine came out he just ignored it. He only pays attention when an item that interests him comes out.

"Our next item is a heart of a master rank Manticore, the party that fights this monster loses 2 of its members. The price begins in 100 gold coin"

The bidder doesn't say anything, because the master rank heart can only be useful for a mage or alchemist. For normal humans it's just useless. Even if you eat the heart as food you need to remove the Manticore poison first and to find the expert to remove the master rank poison is hard.

"101 gold coins!" someone from the private room said.

All the bidder just stays quiet, in the end the private room that bids for the heart wins. The one that buys the heart is Sylas, he has an idea for the new puppet. After that a few more items come out but Sylas just meditates.

"Now for the last item." On the table there is a black crystal. "We don't really know what is the function of this black crystal but our identifier has checked the black crystal and this crystal has never been seen before in this continent and it can't be damaged. The starting price is 200 gold coins."

The bidder just stays quiet, even though the auctioneer says the black crystal is rare and can't be damaged, right now it's just like any other rock on the street. Sylas has been looking at the black crystal he finally remembers. He has seen it before, it's similar to the black crystal that the small hobgoblin holds in Itrisa city. He decided to bid for the black crystal, in the end he won.

After getting his payment and item from the auction house, Sylas goes to his underground chamber to identify the black crystal. After a few experiments the black crystal was still the same, in the end Sylas just stored it inside a wooden box. Sylas doesn't want to store it in his space storage in case something is wrong with the black crystal.

Sylas takes out the Manticore heart and begins to make it into mana core. After that he stored the mana core inside the space storage.

"What to do now? I already gave Carter a few bottles of supplement pills to sell." Sylas have limited the sale of the supplement pill because to make the high rank supplement pill he need to make it by himself and can't use other people to help him. The profit from selling potion it's better than the supplement pill.

Inside the wooden box, the black crystal starts to emit a dark glow after that the black crystal returns to normal.


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