Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Game Club.

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Monster kingdom, Queen Devlin and Dhampir are sitting on the throne. Beautiful woman with shoulder length red hair wearing a red royal dress, sharp fang and slender body. She just closes her eyes after finishing seeing an envoy from another kingdom. Devlin right now in a half consciousness state.

In a place that is surrounded by dark emptiness. A red glowing orb is floating in this dark space of emptiness and the red orb starts to speak. "Master, I have done everything that you say. Right now the surrounding kingdom has already agreed to a peace treaty."

"Good, they already signed the agreement that means you can begin to fortify your kingdom." The voice comes from the dark space.

"Master, I already read the human book and their history. To conquer and control the human kingdom is hard for monsters."

"Don't worry if you are in danger, I can lend you my power. In the future maybe we will have a new member in our game club. Hahaha!"

"Master, why do you name the club, game club?"

"I just think the name is good, that's all."

After Devlin consciousness left the dark space. A human silhouette comes out from the dark space and then disappears again.

Sylas right now has a lot of fans because of the supplement pill, man and woman always stalking him. He decided to go to the black market to take some missions. Wearing a happy face mask, Sylas is in a large underground chamber. Surprisingly this time the black market is crowded with people wearing different clothes and face masks. Olinas city is near the dock and Aeprorus Kingdom is famous for being a trading kingdom. Sylas need to wait in line to see if there are any missions in the receptionist counter.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A male receptionist wearing a mask asks.

"I want to see a mission list."

"Please wait a moment, please touch this crystal ball and remember the code number of the mission that you want to take." The receptionist takes out a small transparent crystal ball.

After touching the crystal ball, all the list mission information enters Sylas mind. After a while he takes away his hand and all the information that enters his mind disappears. He just needs to remember the code number and this mission has two rewards. Sylas walks away from the black market and begins to make preparations for the mission.

Outside Olinas city, there is a bandit group that has robbed a lot of merchant caravans. They are not afraid of the Aeprorus kingdom because their military strength is on water not on land. Most of the time the bandit just hides if they see the kingdom's military. This time the Aeprorus kingdom has put a reward in all guilds and underground organizations to destroy the Red Vultures bandit.

Right now the Red Vultures bandit is hiding in a cave inside the cave that has a lot of chambers.

"How long do you think we need to hide?"

"I also don't know; we can only come out when the incident comes down."

"The informer made a mistake, now we are the one that is going to suffer."

"I have heard from one of the bandits that go to black market to gather information. We screwed the reward to destroy our bandit group is crazy."

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"You are right, right now the only reason we can't betray the boss is because of the poison that we eat before joining the Red Vultures. Every week we need to eat the antidote or we will die."

"Sigh, you are right. I think most of the bandits inside Red Vultures think the same thing. Except for the boss directly underling."

Inside one of the chambers is a large man sitting at one of the chairs near the table. "We need to think of something, if not we are all going to die."

"Boss, you don't need to worry, we are safe right now."

"What do you mean we are safe; it is only a matter of time until they will find us." One of the bandits said.

"So, what are we going to do instead of hiding?"

"Silent!" Both of the bandits stop talking. "Have you captured that informer?" the bandit boss asks.

"The informer just disappeared after we attacked the merchant caravan."

The bandit boss smashes the table with his fist. "That bastard must be working with another bandit group to set us up."

"Boss we are under attack!" the bandit outside the chamber shouted.

Outside the cave a group of more than 50 people are trying to enter the cave but have been stopped by the bandits. Most of the invaders are just apprentice ranks; only few of them are adept ranks.

"Boss, their number is fewer than us, we can win."

"No, we need to run away." The bandit boss says.

"Why?" The bandit asks in confusion.

"If they can find us, that means other people that are going to destroy our group will find us soon."

The Red Vultures bandit leader and his direct underling begin to escape using the secret tunnel. The rest of the Red Vultures bandits have been ordered to block the attacker's path. They thought that their leader had a plan to defeat the invaders but after a while they noticed that the boss and his people had already disappeared. In panic they begin to run away or surrender.

"Finally we are out of that tunnel." Right now the Red Vultures boss and his followers have already escaped from the attacker. "Let's go to another city. It Is already not safe and we need to find another name for our group. Hahaha." The Red Vultures leader suddenly notices that around him is too quiet and turns around to look back at his follower. All of his followers have turned to ice. Suddenly he feels a sharp object at his neck and that is his last thing that he remembers.

At the Black market, Sylas gives the head of the Red Vultures bandit leader to the receptionist after the verification. He gets the reward for killing the Red Vultures bandit leader. The reward for destroying the Red Vultures bandit and killing the bandit leader is different. The reward that he gets is a grimoire.

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