Boring Life Accidently go to Fantasy World

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Hollow Woodland (1).

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Sylas, after killing the orc, goes through a large forest named Hollow Woodland and after that Yhasas Kingdom bordering Sandy Grasslands.

He has been using his master rank assassin skill to defeat all the monsters that he sees inside the forest, because he wanted to advance his master assassin rank 5 to rank 6. The only way he knows how to do that is by fighting monsters to gain insight and epiphany. At the same time tries to increase his affinity with magic elements.

Sylas fire magic affinity is in apprentice rank. For water, wind and poison in adept rank. The magic that he has master rank affinity is earth, wood, space, ice, and dark magic. Sylas decided to create a temporary shelter for the night. He uses his wood magic spell to create a shelter, the tree begins to grow and weave together and become a large hut. Inside the hut Sylas begins to arrange his furniture and kitchen for cooking.

"Kai, who do you think that man was?" Daniel asks.

"From what I see, he is a master." Kai says.

"What master rank! I have never seen a master rank human before." June says.

While they are talking, Leah the adept assassin tells them to stop because she smells something. She is not sure and asks them to follow behind her, at the same time Kai and Daniel take out their weapon and follow beside her. Mark and June also take out their bow. The closer they get, the smell becomes clear and the rest also can smell it.

"Smells good." June says. Suddenly Jean heard multiple stomach growling. Looking around she can see everyone's faces look awkward. They all can see a large weird hut made by tree weaving together and the smell is coming from inside the hut. Normally they will just ignore it if they see something is off but maybe because they haven't eaten they all decided to knock on the hut door.

Inside the hut is fully furnished and the one that opens the door is a man with black hair. Suddenly Kai begins to sweat because he recognizes the man, this is the black cloak man that killed all the orcs and then disappeared. One of his party members noticed what happened to Kei and asked what was wrong. After Kai says in whisper to all of them what he knows the rest of the group also begin to sweat and plan to escape.

"Forgive me senior for disturbing you, we are just curious and decided to knock the door. We will leave now." Kei says. Suddenly a loud stomach growling can be heard, all of them look at Jean. "Sorry, I am hungry." Jean says with a reddened face. All of them prepare their weapon in case the black cloak man begins to attack. The black cloak man ignores their aggression, looks at them and invites them for dinner. The members of the Timeless Quiver party look confused, only Jean quickly goes inside the house to eat, after that Kai and the rest enter the hut.

"I can't eat anymore, the food is delicious." Jean says. The rest of the Timeless Quiver party also agreed with Jean's statement. Inside the forest they normally just eat cooked meat with salt or dry food and to use the space pouch to bring readymade food is just wasting space. After that Kai and the group begin to talk with Sylas about why he is inside the forest and other things. They also tell Sylas where they are going. Sylas decided to let them stay inside the hut and pretend to take out the bed from his space pouch instead of his space storage.

"Finally I can sleep in bed." Jean says.

"Senior, you don't need to keep watch, we will take care of it." Kai says, the rest of the group also nodded. Thanks to Sylas they finally can eat and rest in ease.

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Pretending to sleep on the bed behind the curtain partition. Sylas has been thinking about his next plan; the only reason the Timeless Quiver party can find his hut, because he lets them see it with Sylas' illusion formation around the hut. Only a master rank that has detection skill or good instinct can find the hut.

Tomorrow morning the Timeless Quiver party continued their journey and thanked Sylas for letting them stay and making them breakfast. Looking at the party back, Sylas begins to clean up the hut and restore the hut into its original tree. Using the Tree stride spell that allowed the caster to enter a tree and then teleport to a distant tree, he followed the Timeless Quiver party.

While walking most of the topic that the Timeless Quiver party talks about is about Mr. Sylas and food. "Where do you think seniors buy that soft white bread? I normally eat the Brown bread." Jean asks.

"I don't know if only certain bread shops sell soft white bread. I heard the price is expensive for one loaf of the white bread." Kai says.

"I like eating soft white bread with sausage." Leah says.

"Me too, the breakfast is good, dinner last night the roasted meat is the best for me. Daniel says.

Kai and Mark agreed, just like that they will talk about food, when they see a monster they will kill it and store the monster carcass inside the space pouch. At lunch they all eat dry food and begin complaining about the food's taste. They begin to criticize the dry food. For a few days they act like that but soon they get tired of it and just eat the food.

"I miss senior food." Jean says with a sad face. The other members also agreed.

"Don't be sad, when we go to Yhasas Kingdom let's eat at the tavern." Kai says.

"Do they have white bread?" Leah asks with expectation with glowing eyes.

"No, they don't sell that type of bread in tavern, let's just buy roasted meat." Kai says.

While talking Mark asks them to stop because he sees something. Going forward, the Timeless Quiver party sees ruins.

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