Bow and Arrow

Chapter 144: Chapter 143 — 13 Founding Clans (1)

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13 Founding Clans (1)




After a session of horse riding for hours in the Wonder Region, Rising Essence. Tongqiu then logged off, and as soon as he did...

Baby Mother Bird which was now flying over the central-South skies of the All-Healing Region, infinitely close to the capital.


Tongqiu was opening his eyelids while taking off his gauntlets as he was already used to doing after every Rising Essence 'session', but as soon as even a little bit of light from the slightly dim lights on the ceiling got into his eyes, he saw a Miss Yona who was curiously and tenderly holding his fingers.

Curious and speechless at the sudden bout of interest gained upon seeing such specific behavior, Tongqiu decided to pretend to be asleep and see 'what's up'... Not long after he genuinely woke up, namely some few minutes after, Miss Yona lowered her head as she kissed and grazed her lips, towards his fingers- all of them from his hands.

'Oh boy.'

Oh boy indeed as the very next action of this unrestrained, professional woman was that to give his hands a last stroke from her fingers before sitting in the sofa that was to the side of the one Tongqiu was laying his back to. It was also a 3-seater sofa and was really comfortable-looking. When she sat back on it again, she then proceeded to raise up her legs as she bent her knees and... with her skirt lifted, she pulled apart her red lingerie to a wonderful pair of luscious, pink colored inviting garden...

Schlock, schlock, schlock...

Squelching sounds came from her luscious, bright and sparkling garden as she gave herself many ins and outs nonstop; after a few minutes, Tongqiu couldn't hold himself any longer. He opened his eyes normally open to take in the delicious piece of meat that was right there, at almost one and a half arm's of his- reach. Naturally, the oh so mesmerized young woman that was having so many wild thoughts and fantasies go through her mind, was looking opening and closing her eyes to go between 'imagining' to seeing the real thing -his fingers- for a few seconds before closing them once again to relish upon even more ide- fantasies.

And so, she also noticed the peeping Tongqiu to which her reaction was to silently gape in a terrible scare... Before lowering her head slightly, her face blushing even more than it was before, and then holding the popliteal fossa of her legs to pull them apart ostentatiously. Her heavenly garden exuding more and more heavenly water from itself, opening slightly and closing tightly right after in askance.

"Wuuu... do me." Alright, why not comply? Of course he would comply!

PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA, PA...

A good damn pre-night meal wasn't really that bad, or it could even be called a 'snack', right? In any case, after a few hours of tumultuous torture and ecstasy, a kitten that had her hair dyed to a classic red was tenderly having her sweaty face rested atop Tongqiu's chest calmly going up and down. The sound of his heartbeat melted her ears while the sound of his nostrils breathing her scent in and out while also feeling his breathing on top of her head and close to her neck threatened to send her to and fro from heaven to back at his side nonstop.

Slightly pushing herself against his chest and kneeling on 'their' sofa, Miss Yona then took a good few breathes to compose herself before speaking in a mosquito voice that only Tongqiu could hear: "I don't know why... not yet, perhaps. But I can't seem to drive myself away from you; your caresses, your advances... your words and glances."

With that, she threw Tongqiu an out-of-nowhere begrudging look before smacking down on his body with her young and delicate one, unsuccessfully hurting him and successfully making her eyes go watery from the realization of her lover's body build.

"Ooo, ah~..." After serenely listening to her womanly antics, Tongqiu then grinned -actually- cutely before placing his left hand on her long red hair. Taking in some of her scent which was even growing stronger for some reason, he then said with crystal-clear care for her: "Mm... Does that bother you or, does that make you feel bad? I'm your first, and only, man after all."

"Eeh!" A little, subtle and really damn cute sound came from her mouth involuntarily at the hearing of his words in half-askance and half-denominating of their relationship; she lowered her head even further, allowing the evil beast to easily take in the sight of her slightly reddening nape... bad move!

"Aangh... No... I think, I'm too... gyAAHH!" Yup, it was another sleepless night, meanwhile, the clueless -or not- and hardworking Diana was studying new ways to take care of Tongqiu's training to even more savage and extreme manners. After all, though she was trained so uniquely, it was the first time for her to train somebody with those 'specifications' herself and alone at that. She couldn't commit a mistake and... delay the potential of Tongqiu's body and mind.

. . .


The next day, Tongqiu had the same little kitten with her long hair dyed laying her entire body atop his body, she was so damn exhausted that she looked like a drunkard fallen unconscious from having consumed tens of beer cans in just one night, not just spent but also half-dead.

Of course that was not the case, merely, she looked really adorable and with her womanly charm nowhere to be found. In Tongqiu's terms that is.

"Mmbah, hm? Ah... Is it morning already? Waah, I think I need to-... nevermind, it all came out already." Waking up, Miss Yona demonstrated she wasn't a professional business woman for nothing! As soon as she woke up, memories came inside her conscious, awaking mind as she immediately after went to check her body. The first thing that preoccupied her was the feeling of, ahem, being 'full'; but that was quickly resolved as she turned her head to look at her bum, only to see a white substance, previously in liquid form, all over the ground with a trail going from her plowed garden, to Tongqiu's shin, softly going over his achilles tendons before finally landing on the sofa before touching the ground.

She didn't know what to feel... she didn't took any contraceptive nor did they use one together... oh well, that's a problem for Tongqiu and Miss Yona of the future.


Her face was once again 'heavily hammered' once against Tongqiu's chest before falling asleep. Not even 20 minutes later, though, she felt her body be risen before being carefully taken to a fresh and enclosed area. Soon after, water began to befall on her face and the rest of her body, tenderly.

"Mmm? Ah. I see, hehe... You know, I had one of my girlfriends do the same to me, take me to the bathroom but... we fell on the way there and I had to drive her to the hospital. Hmm... maybe it's not a good time to do storytelling?" Her face was a little confused still but she stood up on her own a little after having woken up, and said a few words that made Tongqiu unable to hold it in.

"P-pff-fffft! Ok-o-okay, just, let's just shower, okay? Hahaha...." With a big smile being pried open from natural reactions on Tongqiu's face, Miss Yona responded with an equally resplendent smile as they both then took their time to shower.

After some time passed by, they were too engrossed on how nice it was to shower in the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft as well as together, so they decided to spend some more 'time' in there. At some point, a quirky idea came to Miss Yona's beautiful mind.

"Hey... Since yo-you've got quite a few goddesses as your wo-women... How about I teach you what no man can learn on their own? No matter how they try-" Miss Yona's proposition wasn't something anyone could scoff at, it was really, just really tempting. How could Tongqiu say no to it?!

"Okay, yup, let's do it. Ah, I also got an idea, why don't... we start here, ah?"


As soon as Tongqiu was reaching his last few uttered words, his hands turned into snakes once again as they moved from Miss Yona's back and front towards her derriere and irresistible mound...

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Rising Essence, South of Wonder Region. Precious Citrine Sub-Division, still in the outskirts of the owned lands.


After having a good second meal from Miss Yona's beautiful and devoted disposition towards her man, her man then went ahead to check on little Diana who was cutely sleeping on her desktop at a designated area from the vip section. He picked her up and placed her on another sofa that wasn't dirtied by his and Miss Yona's debauchery, he also cleaned that up before making some breakfast -as requested by Little Diana, to not bother them the entire flight unless they called for emergency themselves- before waking her up for a little to let her eat some nutritious, yummy light food.

Since they would be arriving at almost evening at the capital of Care and Worry City; she needed her strength and vigor to greet her missed small family, he didn't wanted to be accused of making her duties be dull and irresponsible from... 'affection', nor make her pass some embarrassment like this, at least not when it wasn't intended anyways.

After giving her her fill of yummy, healthy food, he made her sleep a bit more before leaving her in the care of the respectful and professional Miss Yona who was wearing a thing pale-violet and small undergarment with a tight blackish-red pajama top and was eating cereal at the moment.

After confirming the both ladies' well-being, he logged inside Rising Essence once more and as of right now, was riding his horse with Zyv obediently staying on hers with her back straight and her eyes well-behaved. She was, nonetheless, merely a few inches besides Tongqiu's horse that had thankfully became used to having another horse close to themselves real quick.

Tongqiu was mesmerized by how incredible and 'new' the sightings on the Wonder Region were. The Eternal Silhouette Region was enveloped by a type of somber atmosphere that even then, did not changed the colors of any living being or dead ass object in the Region. Yet Tongqiu could somehow feel that there was a secret at the same level than with that of the Azure Dragon's gone MIA, whether it was really to the same degree or regression was unknown, as well as uncared for Tongqiu to the very minimum.

Leaving things for the future for the future him; Tongqiu concentrated on his current journey with Zyv towards a monument that only those 'worthy' can stand atop of it, and that was surrounded by LV15 to LV40 mobs yet was really far away from civilization. Which would probably mean, players would get there in a year or more to the point of inundating such a place as well as becoming famous, or not.

In any way, it was somewhat impossible to get bored of the surroundings in this Region than in the Eternal Silhouette Region. Everywhere they looked at; there were minerals 'outgrowing' from anywhere, even from other minerals and harvestable-collectible items!

There were trees with a blue colored unknown mineral with white spots all over it that made the entire mineral glow; there were rocks that were as heavy as ten tones with many 'pimples' of different colors and different shapes and patterns; there were even grasses that has minuscule little pieces of rock growing out of their entire body, not just their stem. Hell, there were even a few particular type of monsters and beasts with minerals outgrowing from their bodies, or directly adhering to their own already existent body which made anyone looking at them believe these were more harder to deal with than others. Some had their claws changed in color entirely with some even sparkling, or translucent colors on them. Some of them had a much more 'deep' type of merging, as their eyes were of extremely attractive and highlighted eyes, either of a sparkling and having ever changing different colors, to their own eyes emitting some kind of energy visible to the naked eye towards wherever they looked upon.

A few examples were...

[Thermo-Scanner Grass Leopard]: Type: Beast, Level: 40, HP: 28,850. A leopard with orange as its main color, yet with its spots being of black, green, red and even of a blinding-yellow color. It has eyes that are capable of identifying any living being with a body composed mainly of flesh and bones; it can react as quick as it can reveal your current position and weaknesses.

Skills: Colored Sight and Highly Upgraded Metal Capacity.

[Colored Sight]: As a result from having been born into a natural and stable world and place, this form of life has achieved evolution that its race should have never had; its capable of locating any living form with its sight alone to up to 400 meters far away from itself.

[Highly Upgraded Metal Capacity]: This life form can absorb the elemental particles all around it that are in congruence with its own nature and ongoing evolution! It generates 5% of its total HP every 3 seconds, and has a 1% chance of becoming a 1 Star Elite Best when nearing death, that 1 Star Elite version will have a .5% chance of becoming a 2 Star Elite Beast when nearing death and that 2 Star Elite version will have .01% of becoming a 3 Star Elite Beast when nearing death.

[Mechanized Octopus]: Type: Monster, Level: 37, HP: 27,700. An octopus who had been randomly transformed by a sudden surge of elements under the sea, it has become both, more durable and scary at the same time with its appearance of a rotten-like metal-like body with fleshy chunks that stink of different flavors.

Skills: Deranged Body and Highly Upgraded Metal Capacity.

[Deranged Body]: As the result of having its body taken as a host for mainly the metal element, its durability increases his Physical Defense+50% and Magical Defense+15%.

[Highly Upgraded Metal Capacity]: This life form can absorb the elemental particles all around it that are in congruence with its own nature and ongoing evolution! It generates 5% of its total HP every 3 seconds, and has a 1% chance of becoming a 1 Star Elite Best when nearing death, that 1 Star Elite version will have a .5% chance of becoming a 2 Star Elite Beast when nearing death and that 2 Star Elite version will have .01% of becoming a 3 Star Elite Beast when nearing death.

It was a rather powerful unique characteristic of such 'upgraded' mobs, not all of them had it and instead conserved their own 'natural' skills with only a slightly special one added to their set of skills like the 'Colored Sight' skill.

It was a diversity that rivaled to that of the gruesome and fallen-like unique type of BOSSes he had found in the Azure Dragon Sub-Division. The best part of it all, they all granted many different types of items of grades that ranged from Useless to Powerful! Of course, Tongqiu's Luck and overkill of said monsters and beasts was also a huge help towards their drop being way too rewarding. In fact, even if he were to kill LV17 or even lower than that- of mobs, he was sure to be dropped from 5 to 20 items of one unique type of item, with 1 to 5 different types of items being dropped for each of their deaths... It was a hellish of an easy fund-raising event for Tongqiu!

The best part even more so, was that Zyv's unique Endless Charge skill made it even easier to get those mobs wiped out without needing to waste too much time on it.

Lastly, Tongqiu would not let any harvestable or collectible item go to waste! He would stop any time he saw a tree, boulder, mob, herbs and so on, that had minerals attached to themselves, ores if you must.

While Tongqiu was having a blast in this paradise of settling one's foundations for the future... he was also devising his next moves in real life... dealing with the Founding Clans... it has nothing of nice sentiments for him nor for someone who isn't of a well known brand and so on.

The only reason he was being taken intro consideration was because of Diana and Natalia; as well as the fact that the 13 Founding Clans are always with their ears wide open to the news of any of their implications towards any person or matter that wasn't known before... He was ought to be swimming through murky waters for some time from now on.

1.- The Yun Clan. The most renown and respected, as well as feared and venerated, Founding Clan of them all. Consisting of having not only one of the three strongest armies in the entire New Earth of the human population. If being fearful of their military power wasn't enough to be considered the most illustrious Founding Clans; then the fact that they are also the leaders of most events, be it main, big, small, festive and even random ones, which gave them an easy opportunity to create connections and have everyone else attending to remain on their ever so careful and under observation from then on... should be enough to allow anyone to have a little comprehension on their grasp of power and intelligence over the entire populated Regions of New Earth, at the very least.

Being the ruler of the Cloud Gates Region, located at the South of the populated New Earth, with their capital of Southern Heaven City at its center. They are like another few Founding Clans, in charge of the human race that is all over their humongous, extremely large territory that was their Region. It wasn't a simple feat to accomplish this, but given that they were capable of settling this Region like so on their own in the first hundred years of New Earth, even becoming the rest of the Founding Clans' role model to follow so as to take their own place in New Earth. If there was a Clan that could hover above the Yun Clan, that could only be the Crestfallen Clan; but if there was to be an organization, business and/or company that was infinitely close to that of the Crestfallen Industry, that would be the entirety of the Yun Clan alone. With only the Jones Clan being the lackey and worshiper of the Crestfallen Industry reaching closer towards them, for as there was no other Founding Clan that was comparable to the Yun Clan, be it in terms of power or technology. Maybe perhaps on different types of ideologies and knowledge, like the Tarn Clan, the Maya Clan, the Ross Clan. But fundamentally, no other Founding Clan could ever hope to compare to the Yun Clan, maybe perhaps if some of them united they would then be able to rival the Yun Clan.

Numbers were also important for such an organization that was any Founding Clan. The Yun Clan's main branch members numbered above 300,000 alone; their side-branches would probably add up to 6 million alone. All of their Main Branch clan members would be trained extensively in both military and civil education from a very young age, while those who failed to reach their quota would be sent outside as a Side Branch instead. Meanwhile, the side branch would be taking care of most important yet casual managing jobs of any kind; mainly, those of 'dirtying one's hands' and of carrying heavy weight upon their shoulders most of the time.

While the Main Branch would be having their fat asses calmly seating on their fat chairs, sofas and beds while enjoying their warm meals and exotic drinks. This did not mean that there wasn't hardwork to do among themselves; there was, albeit in a rather self-derisive manner. Inner conflict, that was it. The struggle for power was vehement and bloody, many people would end up hurt and some would end up dying 'for the cause' every few years. Even then, their numbers would never be decreasing and instead, they would be increasing ever so slowly.




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