Bow and Arrow

Chapter 145: Chapter 144 — 13 Founding Clans (2)

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13 Founding Clans (2)





This wasn't an uncommon thing among other Founding Clans, most really adopted this kind of system while there was only a couple few who took it slightly differently or totally different.

2.- Asami Clan. A Clan that managed to pull off taking a Region by themselves whose location was closer to the already founded Nascent Herb City. At the beginning, only a few hundred years after New Earth was colonized, the Asami Clan was the protector and guard of the Yun Clan; they were an inseparable partnership that extended for hundreds and hundreds of years... Until late 19th century of New Earth, which was when they separated from the Yun Clan as their brothers and sisters of a different bloodline. Reason being unknown, yet it still became the sensation of it and was even called the 'Unexpected Sadness Century' by the heart-pained citizens of New Earth, especially those from the Cloud Gates Region and the Historical Marvell Region. Which corresponded to the Yun and the Asami Clan respectively.

As for the Asami Clan's territory, that was obviously the Historical Marvell Region, with the capital of Shadow Lantern City. At the Middle East of New Earth.

Like the Yun Clan, they are one of the best hosts at forming events of all kinds, albeit slightly worse than the Yun Clan could, of course. Nonetheless, they became owners of also one of the three strongest armies of the entirety of New Earth, which was also speculated as one of the reasons why the Asami Clan parted ways with  the Yun Clan. It was but a joke compared to the real reason behind it though, as there were instead a hear-to-heart separation instead, and them having one of the three strongest armies is merely one of the reasons they could successfully part ways with  them rather 'peacefully'.

This Founding Clan was now known to be great at the art of the shadows and concealment. If there was a Founding Clan that could be considered perfect at espionage and infiltration, becoming one of the vanguards at leading the anti-corruption movement that has been ongoing for more than a hundred years... bloodily.

Their managing of the Main Branch and the Side Branches is slightly different from the Yun Clan; with the Asami Clan taking their 'unqualified' clan members from the Main Branch to re-study at the Side Branches while working for their citizens, the different counties, cities and even towns and villages for as small and unimportant as they look. Even then, some originally Main Branch clan members decide not to come back to the Main Branch, staying in the Side Branch to keep a lookout on their territory while some Side Branches that managed to get into the Main Branch asked to go back to their own Side Branches after a while of experiencing the Main Branch.

This did not meant that the Main Branch was too ugly nor uneducated; in fact, it was the difficulty of the necessary requirements to remain as a Main Branch that made it difficult for some people to focus on managing their own jobs, for as small as they truly are. Either love for their people, or fear for an even heavier responsibility, most of them couldn't find themselves to maintain their stay at the Main Branch.

With over 170,000 Main Branch clan members and close to 6,000,000 Side Branch clan members, they are undoubtedly, a deeply respected and role model Founding Clan for the citizens of New Earth.

3.- Xie Clan. The Xie Clan was located at the East of New Earth. Ruling over the Venerable Will Region, with their capital being that of the Cherry Blossoms City. This Founding Clan was the one with the most harmonious relations with the rest of the Founding Clans among all of the Founding Clans, naturally, they were also a Clan focused -yet not only- in business; practically, anything that had to do with making money, honest money if you may. It truly was the best at business and their revenue being that of many, many trillions a year... Without them, New Earth may have some unnecessary and stupid problems for the ordinary citizens' daily life in ways that many would probably only be able to silently, and helplessly endure.

Though they had not the best quality in terms of military power, they do have a rather specialized Echelon of Specialists that are capable of taking on their own, an entire Brigade on their own without suffering more than 3 casualties or so...

They were the envy of so many clans and a couple Founding Clans, as well as the juicy meat that other Founding Clans eyed, yet they never faltered and even became 'threatening' when being pushed from all sides some time ago.

With almost 300,000 Main Branch clan members and 6,000,000 Side Branch clan members.

4.- Sol Clan. The Sol Clan, similarly to the Xie Clan; is a Founding Clan focused not on power nor authority and is instead the best at and mostly only, focused on all arts of New Earth. With them, many other Founding Clans worked together with the Sol Clan to continue on their experiments, scientific research and progression of their knowledge from different ways and for many different purposes. Nonetheless, the Sol Clan though a very neutral Clan, never engages with the Yun, Ross, Kernti, Tron and Sun Clan. Always trying to maintain a rather obvious distance from them and from ever becoming closer. It has been so since the beginning of New Earth, and it has never changed even once. Though there isn't hostility and some heavy matters have occurred as a result of trying to get them to 'cooperate' not many things truly happened in the end, thanks to the aid of many other Founding Clans like the Tarn, Flick and Maya Clan.

Nevertheless, their managing of their territory is top-notch and the quality of life in their Region is that of an equality that brings everyone under the same banner, sun and moon and even under the same teat. The Sol Clan, just like the Fosk Clan, allow any citizen from any part of New Earth to take their name and to take shelter inside their home, and even promotes the different types of official relationships that have been confirmed to not reduce the mental sanity of the individual; while still managing those that do create abnormalities, attempting to create assessing and advising of said matters for a better coexisting harmony inside their Region. Their military power is weak though, and has agreed to allow the Crestfallen Clan to take over their security in exchange of allowing anyone from the Crestfallen Industry to take a building for research purposes as well as for some other type of business that fortunately merges well with the Sol Clan's point of view in the world.

Located at the Middle South of New Earth, the Soft Creation Region and their capital, the Sonorous Bell City.

With around 160,000 Main Branch Members and 11,000,000 Side Branch Members.

5.- Maya Clan. A Founding Clan not known for being good at being the brightest, in fact, they could easily be categorized as 'not being the brightest' in the entirety of the 13 Founding Clans. Having one of the strongest three armies of the human race in New Earth, this Founding Clan is also consisting of a great focus on body tempering; though they aren't as 'easy' as the Ross Clan, the true leader of the body tempering in New Earth -at least for human beings-, they are still only second to them and even then, not by much.

Without counting those body tempering experts in their military ranks, they also have a pair of Platoons made specifically only of Specialists, they are however, also masters of the body tempering of the human race. Making them capable of doing as much as the Xie Clan's Echelon consisting of Specialists and even more, and with less casualties or so.

They are a bunch of honorable and honest type of people, with their aesthetics varying from any kind of New Earth, from their Main Branch all the way to their Side Branches!

They rule over the Ancient Honor Region, with their capital being that of the War Tradition City, on the West of the populated New Earth.

With their Main Branch consisting of more than 400,000 clan members and their Side Branches consisting of around 7,000,000 clan members.

. . .


"Eh? Zyv, what are you doing there?"


Tongqiu was going back towards his horse after having taken out some other mineral-mobs, he was contently moving about when he suddenly spotted Little Zyv semi-crouched inside a fat, short bust, audible munches and crunches were heard over and over again as her head tilted to any angle before quickly moving back only to keep on tilting so strangely.

"Eh, nothing!" Zyv answered to the best of her abilities while trying to cover her mouth, she then felt embarrassed as she decided to beckon at Tongqiu with her little left hand, her head tilted downwards as a slightly red hue gave her cheeks an adorable bonus.

Stomping on the grass as he made his way at Zyv's peculiar location, Tongqiu took notice of the corner of her little lips being stained in a luscious, tempting chocolate color...

'Could it... be...?' Yep, it was as the moment he was a meter close to her body, he smelt the delicious aroma of a chocolate that he had never ever seen nor tasted and even less smelled before! It even reminded him of his childhood as he became hungry.

Seeing this, Zyv became even more shy as she started forming up her sorry words. After a little while, she finally spoke in a cutesy manner: "I'm sorry, Big Bro~~... Just- that; there is this recipe my Sister just taught me and it was SOOOOO great, so I wanted to try it out in here and, with the milk and cocoa we've found around here... Well, hehe, I tried them and I made this, look!"

With a sly yet innocent grin on her little face, Zyv then showed Tongqiu what was hidden in the palms of both her conjoined palm and back of her hands. It was a bar of chocolate that had an unforgettable yet subtle aroma, which also allowed one to water their mouth in less than a second. It was also quite melted and only a disfigured core part of the chocolate bar was still holding the fort; meanwhile, her little hands have had already been 'corrupted' by the irresistible aroma that shared similarity with her little lips.

While salivating, Tongqiu greedily looked at the item's information.

[Palatial Chocolate Bar]: Type: Food, Grade: Powerful(Almost Magical), Properties: With the excellent use of one's abilities and knowledge, this unknown incredible chocolate bar has been born into Main Kingdom, though it needs a lot of polishing for it to become how it is meant to be, its potential is way too incredible and is impossible for it to grant any specialty nor effect, only that of extreme pleasure.

"Hehe! See, see?! It say a lot about knowledge, this is from my Sister's recipes, how could it not be more than perfect? Bwaha! Now I just need to get good, and I'll be able to do thingies, and I'll do my best to feed my future husb- awawayawaaaa~..." Looking back at Tongqiu for confirmation of his stupidity miraculously taking form right now, Zyv's severe and focused eyes remained on his body for a long time, Tongqiu in exchange did his best to appear indifferent as he even went to the point of forcefully -and really painfully- slowing down his beating heart by a lot to gain an even more composed and still appearance.

"Hmm... ush!" Confirming he knew nothing of her wording, she then finished her little speech 'officially' at last: "I said nothing!"

Her last three words were rather huskily yelled, they were a tone of voice that seemed to come from both; a child and a crybaby at the same time. It was weird but, it was also inexplicably cute and adorable.

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'Ah.' Ah indeed, for as Tongqiu's mind became muddled and his following actions were that of primal instincts triggering up. He first took the chocolate bar in Zyv's hands, or rather, Zyv's wrists as he ate the chocolate bar like a cute and dumb animal.

Then, when he noticed that he finished it yet was still hungry... those wolfing eyes darted all around her hands, as he then licked, bit and sucked everywhere the melted chocolate bar went around her hands and wrists. But then... his eyes darted... at the corner of her little lips.

"Uee?" Feeling the gaze of a predator setting its eyes upon her, a little hare, a weak prey; Zyv's ears, eyes, nose and even lips trembled... in excitation?

"Wuah-hah! Come, come and eat me!" Her eyes opening wide, her nose scrunching a little in impatience and her mouth salivating at the soon-to-be sudden assault to befall upon her; Zyv also raised her delicate, slim hands towards him as she was ready to hug his lower waist with the entirety of her legs.

Not even giving it a thought, Tongqiu lunged at her -still carefully- as her mouth was totally taken by the ravenous wolf that Tongqiu was, his Great Petal Suit Helmet long gone. Later on, not only was her mouth brutally taken by this hungry predator of nature, even her little tiny mounds on her chest, the outlined ribs of her torso and her cute little bellybutton were all 'tormented' into a red hue before even her very-well preserved 'garden of love' was also taken by the horrendous mouth of the beast... Tongqiu also didn't stop moving his hands all the while, her clothing and equipment long gone as the scene of a barbaric predator wolfing down on a small weak prey that wouldn't stop squirming upon nature finally dictating its demise as she was bare naked while the bad Tongqiu was fully clothed, a strange allure made them continue their little 'experimentation' for more than necessary.

Naturally, their journey towards the monument that only the so-called 'worthy ones' could step onto it was quite delayed from their act.

. . .


There was only a few hours left until Tongqiu's body in real life arrived at the Care and Worry City's airport, so after having that real good of a time, they continued their journey, peacefully.

Before long, they found themselves in a small town that similarly like the one they came from, was way too far away from civilization. There was only 7 houses with a big one being a hotel for many families and solitary people; people as in, of any race, as not only humans resided in this world that was Main Kingdom.

In any way, Zyv had a slight confusion on how these little town ever managed to stay alive so far away from civilization when so many monsters of high -for the current stage of the game- level all around them, all the time.

Natalia's influence in Tongqiu wasn't even remotely little; hence, he began to feel a sentiment of rather 'helpful' providing 'hero'. Well, not necessarily, but now that he had come into touch with them he would use his skills and tactics to take out some monsters and harvest some little few things for the quest-givers of each small towns.

As such, the next few hours were spent like that, 'altruistic' Tongqiu was back!

. . .


*PING*'ve accepted the side quest: [Too Many Robbers!]: Kill 200 or more thieves and bandits at the forest, north of the Woila Town. Quest Type: Side quest, Quest time limit: None, Quest reward: Gold coins+5,000 and Experience+135,000, Quest punishment upon failure: 1 or more townsfolk being from injured to killed.

*PING*'ve accepted the normal quest: [Take Out The Failed Experiments]: Kill at least 20 Failed Rock Elementals outside the Gooliesh Village. Quest type: Normal quest, Quest time limit: 5 hours, Quest reward: Villagers of the Gooliesh Village respect is increased and diverse fare, Quest punishment upon failure: Destruction of the Gooliesh Village.

*PING*'ve accepted the normal quest: [Communication]: Help the Gooliesh Village reestablish contact with the rest of the towns and villages around, no matter the cost. Quest type: Normal quest, Quest time limit: 1 hour, Quest reward: Gold coins+5,000, Experience+200,000 and AP+2, Quest punishment upon failure: Villagers of the Gooliesh Village will begin to starve and slowly, cruelly die in 10 days.

*PING*'ve accepted the side quest: [Problematic Lion Cave]: Enter into the lion's nest and purge them all from the Precious Citrine Sub-Division. Quest type: Side quest, Quest time limit: None, Quest reward: Gold coins+8,000 and Experience+150,000, Quest punishment upon failure: A lion stampede will rise to the ground the town of Yuero.

*PING*'ve accepted the side quest: [Too Many Ugly Turtles!]: Kill at least 500 Ominous Bloodlusted Turtles at...

*PING*'ve accepted the normal quest: [Collect Many, Many Stones!]: Collect at least 50 different types of minerals in the cave close to the Stone Face Village...

. . .


Naturally, such easy questing was easily completed in even less than 10 minutes each. Barely taking some of their already lost time from the previous lovey-dovey scenes, so it was barely nothing, really.

*PING*'ve completed the side quest: [Too Many Robbers!]: Kill 200 or more thieves and bandits at the forest, north of the Woila Town. Quest Type: Side quest, Quest time limit: None, Quest reward: Gold coins+5,000 and Experience+135,000, Quest punishment upon failure: 1 or more townsfolk being from injured to killed.

*PING*'ve received gold coins+5,000 and Experience+135,000. Your notoriety around the Wonder Region has been made known to many inhabitants.

*PING*'ve completed the normal quest: [Take Out The Failed Experiments]: Kill at least 20 Failed Rock Elementals outside the Gooliesh Village. Quest type: Normal quest, Quest time limit: 5 hours, Quest reward: Villagers of the Gooliesh Village respect is increased and diverse fare, Quest punishment upon failure: Destruction of the Gooliesh Village.

*PING*'ve received Bread x100, Milk x30, Wheat x300, Rice x200, Beans x50, Flour x150...

*PING*'ve completed the normal quest: [Communication]: Help the Gooliesh Village reestablish contact with the rest of the towns and villages around, no matter the cost. Quest type: Normal quest, Quest time limit: 1 hour, Quest reward: Gold coins+5,000, Experience+200,000 and AP+2, Quest punishment upon failure: Villagers of the Gooliesh Village will begin to starve and slowly, cruelly die in 10 days.

*PING*'ve received gold coins+5,000, Experience+200,000 and Mental Power+2.

*PING*'ve completed the side quest: [Problematic Lion Cave]: Enter into the lion's nest and purge them all from the Precious Citrine Sub-Division. Quest type: Side quest, Quest time limit: None, Quest reward: Gold coins+8,000 and Experience+150,000, Quest punishment upon failure: A lion stampede will rise to the ground the town of Yuero.

*PING*'ve received gold coins+8,000 and Experience+150,000.

Something Tongqiu barely discovered was the simple factor of quests giving the exact same amount of quest rewards without having to halve if it or so, only if the players who completed the quest took it at the same time, meaning, as a party.

It was nice since he didn't want to just slap Zyv in the face with a million or two gold coins and tell her to not care about money anymore in her life or something, besides, it was fun making this 'small' -that many players would party up like crazy for- amount of money together. As well as having many different type of items being farmed together. Tongqiu passed to Zyv the items worth for a Chef while Zyv passed any other items to him that could be used for whatever any sub-class could use, she was perfectly aware of the potential of the Forge and Create branch sub-class... and even if not, he was Tongqiu so there was no way she wouldn't pamper him, ah.




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