Bow and Arrow

Chapter 147: Chapter 146 — 13 Founding Clans (4)

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13 Founding Clans (4)




When the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft landed on the Care and Worry City's airport, it was 6 pm. Later on, the drive took them around 2 hours to arrive at the Tarn Clan's territory.

As of right now, it was 9 pm; Tongqiu, Diana and Miss Yona have all taken a bath. There was the designation for one room for Tongqiu and one each for Diana and Miss Yona, but Diana changed that so that Miss Yona would be 'protected' with her in the same room. There was no fucks given to a 'family' that has done not only indiscriminate wrong to other but also to oneself...

They have showered and taken a little dinner from the food that Tongqiu made in the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft; there was only a little leftovers so though they had their fill, they would also need to have some food prepared for later, jet lag wasn't anything new after all, who knew if they'll wake up in the middle of the night and so on.

Miss Yona had already made a reservation for a rather nor close nor too far away hotel of high quality, and Diana has specifically told anyone who asked and did not that they would definitely not remain here for the night nor any more than 3 to 4 hours. Taking the hint, the servants all around their residential area were busy working trying to contact the uncles, maters, aunties, elders and so on...

After it was 9 o'clock, Tongqiu received the visit of Diana telling him that they were already here. Her adoptive parents and the masters who had brought up this little woman who is more capable than most in the entire New Earth.

Then, the trio once again went together, this time to a 10 minutes drive in a specialized large car for interiors, towards the main building of all of the Tarn Clan. It wasn't only really fast, but at Diana's petition -on Tongqiu's behalf-, they cleaned the corresponding road leading to the principal building of the entire territory just so that they could arrive pretty easily and quick there.

Coming out of the car, the trio made their way inside a building that was of a full brown-golden color and some dark brown crown for every 10 meters, going up to the top of the building that was as tall as 70 meters and as wide as for what seemed to be 150-170 meters wide. As for how large it was, Miss Yona and Tongqiu would have to enter it to at least make an idea out of their own eyes.

The entrance was about two large doors 3.4 meters long and 1.8 meters wide, their thickness going for almost half a meter and their wood material wasn't a typical known one by the common public, that was obvious to notice. Going through them was a little garden as the reception with some elevated halls for each border of the garden, there was a door for each wall but the one that faced the entrance was the most showy of them all, it was also probably because it lead to the main hall from which they were supposed to go.

Once again they were a pair of large, taller yet similarly as wide and thick as the doors at the entrance and of a obscure green-golden color entirely with engravings of currents of some kind of liquid; they took around half a minute to fully open them from heavy and unconventional they were, made sense since they were 10 minutes or so late from having received the notice that the other party was already waiting for them.

In any case, they only spent about 2 minutes in silence going from one room to the other as well as waiting for the double heavy doors to open. Once they went through the obscure, green-golden colored bigger doors; they finally stepped into what was an enormous, enigmatic and almost heavenly-like main hall that went from the doors they just entered from all the way to 100 metes in the distance where the counterpart large wall could be seen; this time without a door obviously. As for how wide the room was, it was enough to allow quite some groups of a dozen or more of people to line up in a ball from one side to the other.

If one wanted to create a banquet with three separated sections by an 'invisible barrier' of at least 15 meters, they could! It was so wide that there could be a dinning segment, a party segment and even a more slow-romantic segment and none of the people in one of these sections would be able to hear the other.

This was worth mentioning since, the accorded private meeting that was supposed to be a business meeting between Tongqiu's party and Diana's Masters was instead... transformed into a familiar welcoming party. Full of uncles and aunties with large and wide pretentious stiff smiles plastered all over their faces with their eyes narrowing somewhat naturally, as they didn't even needed to fake that with how good they were putting on a smile already.

There were also what could be called Diana's cousins and Junior as well as Senior Apprentice Brothers and Sisters. There was this curious thing about them all though; the female ones were all dressed elegantly and inwardly. The males, however, were either dressed provocatively with skin of their ribs, lower stomachs, shoulders, arms, their entire collarbone, some of their back and even a little bit of too much pelvis. The fact that they were hella toned was also something to speak of, and their glances, oh boy. These weren't even normal glances, to define them, it would be nothing short of being akin to hungry wolves setting their eyes on prey; two of them to be specific.

Another portion of the males were dressed like proper young masters; their attire was perfectly that of an elegant, prominent, talented and gracious grown man, even though most of them were pretty young. Of course, there were also some 'daddy' content over there. They would mostly just send feverish, dead-on glances on both beauties besides Tongqiu and would instead ignore him completely instead. Their meanings were, oh so, obvious...

At that moment, a rather too much skin showing playboy started walking towards Miss Yona, his chest out and his head high while his left hand obviously going for her waist as he even spoke casually at 'their first meeting'.

"Eh, well hello there, haha. May I take the really nice opportunity... of meeting this fine lady, hm?" Dragging his words when he noticed that he still needed some time to reach her waist, the man then spoke out those few last words rather temptingly and in his most attractive magnetic voice.

Miss Yona's reaction was that of repugnance as her left hand moved instead towards her back, she was about to turn her head at Tongqiu in case she wasn't seen when her brain caught the feeling of being enveloped by the familiar warmth that she has grown addicted to before even taking in the information from her eyes.

As time slowed when it happened, Miss Yona's eyes narrowed slightly as her body lost a little bit of balance which was recuperated by another such warm hand on her back, she then saw Tongqiu's growing-hairy-chin as she also heard his breathing come right at her face as if to remind her that he, indeed, is still here.

A voice that was pretty much hostile awoke her up at an instant though, as she proceeded to hide behind Tongqiu's back: "Faggot, piss off and sell your balls to your own mother."

Everyone: "..."

Early on, the aunties, uncles, elders and even those who seemed to be the unattended center of attention that Tongqiu thought to be Diana's Masters; which also consisted of two groups, one of them was higher in numbers with black robes and only a little pattern in either one of their shoulders or both shoulders of a current-like pale-white design. While the other group was of also black-robed old men that had lots of engraving going from their shoulders all the way to the hem of their robes from both sides, their color was still pale-white though.

In any case, all these group of one or more older generations were 'calmly' and 'peacefully' looking over these antics of the youngest generation. There was scorn, disdain, resignation, lust and greed of many magnitudes and different types all across their eyes at the scene of their sons and daughters acting up; the act.

The Elders were neutral, as always, those fuckers. While the 'Masters' were silently observing this happen, blatantly ignoring any kind of communication started from any other person. They were the only ones ignoring, never ignoring each others as the Masters really were not looking forward to start a chat, they didn't seem particularly in agreement with what was going on or... who knows.

At the moment Tongqiu spoke out his very damn vulgar words, everyone fell silent, the Masters even went a deeper level of silence as a flinch of their heads or a twitch of their expressions came to be in response to hearing those words.

Tongqiu, however, didn't gave anyone time to respond or formulate a scheme as he continued: "Or did you do that already? No wonder you dress worse than a whore. Fuck, I think even the Flicks would try to condemn you from mocking the art of pleasuring one's eyes. Holy fuck, is part of your dick out? You must be so desperate... ah, look. There is a dog over there, though I don't know wha- ah, wait. You probably don't even think it matters now, do you."

At the beginning, his words were casually spoken with a tinge of not taking matters too far but then... then Tongqiu couldn't hold back as he gave words of 'encouragement and self-improvement', obviously, everyone thought he was a wild dog without even noticing what kind of person he was offending. They were itching so badly to see their target become a roughed up dead dog instead.

Diana and Miss Yona, however, only gave a slight smirk before wiping it down as they read Tongqiu's intentions real quick.

"Oh... hoho, ho..." Yup, that exhibitionist young man was now seething in anger, his expressions slowly deforming into contained rage: "Who the fuck you be? AH?! Aren't you just a little abnormal dog kicked out from your daddy and mommy? You fucker I bet you can't even remem-"


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A cup of wine was send straight to his baldy head, everyone was surprised to see Diana's extended arm that was 'accidentally' exposing its guilty self at aiming at the target who she just hit!

"Oh, ah." Doing dull sounds of surprise, Diana proceeded to cover her mouth with her fingers totally extended, her eyes were deathly calm however.

"Y-y-you! Slut wrench that easily jumps from thigh to thigh, you-"


The same sound; but this time, it wasn't a cup of wine but an entire table that was to the side. That man, though powerful-looking, was no body tempering expert. As such, with deep cuts all over his body, he fell unconscious at the impact from the normal-sized table crashing down onto him.

"YOU SPINELESS WASTE OF SHIT! Get off this old man's sight in this instant!! If you're not gone from the Tarn Clan in 5 minutes, I'll have your entire family slaughtered to the fucking LAST!! YOU HEAR ME?!!" An old man who seemed to be in his last few decades before stepping on their well-deserved coffin screamed at the top of his lungs at this moment, the vibrations and waves from his voice alone creating superficial cracks over the walls and ceiling while the decorations all crumbled into pieces after being touched by numeral cracks all over the entirety of the Main Hall. Nobody really saw him even move and only managed to find out he was standing a few meters before the pathetic young man on the ground, bloodying the glasses into bloody diamonds.

"M-m-master Dethor!!"

"What?! Master Dethor acted himself? Oh no! We are about to be cleaned up some more!"

"Mommy, mommy. What is a 'spineless waste of shit'?" A little boy and a little girl looked adorably at their mother who was being dragged away by her husband, running from the possibility of Master Dethor becoming even more angry, who didn't know he was the most overprotective of Miss Diana?

Meanwhile, there were about 17 people in the group of the older generations and of the youngest generations that became pale as they all ran for their lives towards the exit of the Main Hall, not caring about the dying almost naked young man among the broken glasses.

"Haish, Little Brother, did you had to?" Another even older old man came to 'Master Dethor's' side as he placed a hand on his 'little' brother's right shoulder, ignoring the now actually dying young man on the floor. He then spoke again though: "Mnah, alright I get it, we'll just have to get rid of them later. Ah, Second Brother please go and fetch Little Diana, Mr Yun and Miss Yona to the table over there, yes, the one that has no cracks on it."

That older old man, after only saying a few words, cut off his pretense before also 'accidentally' revealing bits of information that would be hard and difficult to take for anybody else, while also sending little glances at Tongqiu's face. Seeing not much of a change as he even dared to look back at him, the old man felt slightly annoyed as he told another of his now two brothers to guide Tongqiu and company to a -now- private meeting table.

Meanwhile, the rest of the people in the Main Hall were evacuating the entire building, even maids and butlers were no exception. Some did so as fast as they could while still maintaining their nobility, while some others literally ran as if their lives depended on it, not caring about their ugly appearances nor countenance; as if truly just running for their lives.

10.- Ross Clan. The most notorious Founding Clan, reason being that of 'because' of their accomplishments brought to humanity, namely that of the body tempering. They do not have an 'strongest' army per se, basically because of their unconcern towards their growth in 'passive' power. After all, the only true danger for humanity of today was of the unknown, besides the typically well-understood self-destructive tendencies between each other; that is. They do have an army, but they may as well be called a civil army entirely; because of most of the citizens of their Region who have a body tempering method are bound to the Ross Clan one way or another, they are obliged to protect the Region from any kind of danger, be it the unknown of their own.

They were previously known to be rather hostile and prissy when dealing with the other Founding Clans; but ever since a few decades ago, their entire nature towards even the infamous Tron Clan is that of cordiality, amiability. Nobody could really understand such matters, at least not from the common public knowledge that is. There wasn't a change of Head of their Clan nor a change in the norms of their ruling, it was just out of nowhere.

Their ruling over a Region is that of the Iron Will Region located at the central-West of New Earth, with their capital being that of the Fearless Progress City.

Their Main Branch clan members summing up to 270,000 and around 9,000,000 Side Branch clan members.

11.- Jones Clan. A Founding Clan whose principal and most important aim is to become as capable and dependable as the Crestfallen Industry, not Clan. The specification has been clearly made and the reason couldn't also be more simpler, without Crestfallen Clan, there is no Crestfallen Industry.

It was not that people wouldn't be able to manage it, or that only the Crestfallen were capable of dealing with the rest of the Founding Clans. It was something much more than that.

But besides that, the Jones Clan's potential for developing, researching and creating tech is mainly thanks to the Crestfallen Industry who became their 'patron' so as to say, in the beginning era of New Earth. Their current recent developed technologies and whatnot have been infinitely close to that of the Crestfallen Industry, a specific comparative would be of being as prominent as that of the Crestfallen Clan from Earth!

This was a lot to say, not even the Yun Clan is capable of developing the serums that extend's one's lifespan, not even by more than 8 years or so! Without the use of a body tempering method or by ingesting incredibly valuable, unique and priceless treasures.

The Jones, however, are capable of not only creating a serum that'll grant anyone 100 years of lifespan extra, they even managed to create weapons that follow an AI's train fo though and processing. These automatic weapons were basically better than what any human being -without mentioning the Specialists- could ever hope for!

These defensive weapons as well as strategically defensive technology was the reason why, though having only a second-best type of army, no sane Clan Head would dare to invade nor provoke by any goddamn reason. The result of the Jones Clan in the last expedition towards the borders of human race's territory was way too big for such a small army compared to the rest of the Founding Clans.

This wasn't the most fascinating about them, what it was... was that their technology had no way of being successfully robbed! Of course things like that happened, and they did, a lot! But ever since the moment that happened over and over again, the Jones Clan's little toys would become obsolete or completely useless once they were 'identified' as 'outside of their owners' hands', rending them patent in the most miserable way for their robbers. Such incidents never stopped happening though, and even though each little brained out technology of theirs out there also counted with self-destructive features, it was still green-eyed by their robbers.

Jones Clan's territory was that of the Progress Value Region, located at the central-East of New Earth, with their capital being that of the Ancient Investor City.

With their small amount of 70,000 Main Branch clan members and their even smaller amount of around 3,000,000 Side Branch clan members.




Author's Note: Ughhhhhhh, almost there, almost there.

V2: #3 8/10

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