Bow and Arrow

Chapter 146: Chapter 145 — 13 Founding Clans (3)

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13 Founding Clans (3)




In total and in just a few hours, dozens of normal and side quests were completed one after the other. Of course, the reason of their speed being so good had to do with the fact that Tongqiu and Zyv rode as fast as possible from town to town and from village to village. Then, once they got lots of them, Tongqiu would use Rosey's Bloodline to complete them all, since it didn't last long then there were some obvious consistent inconveniences but even then they managed to complete those quests in just a few hours. Enough so that Tongqiu's arrival at the Care and Worry City came to be as soon as they finished questing; after bidding farewell, Tongqiu logged off and started taking his stuff -that was little, really- and along with the girls, they came down from the Baby Mother Bird Aircraft's big ass entrance foremost than anybody else.

As soon as Tongqiu placed his feet on the ground, he had already been aware of the numerous and expensive as well as 'expertly' driven large cars of either black, white, silver and even platinum colors all in front of the still and stable Baby Mother Bird Aircraft; waiting for them.

It was more or less a curved 'U' full of such large cars with 6 to 8 seats besides the driver and that of the co-driver's. At the center of such a 'U' formation, there was a slightly aged looking blonde woman with thin lips and dark eyes wearing a formal grey colored suit, she had a fawning smile on her face while looking only at Diana, Tarn Diana.

After looking at each other, the three people carried their luggage as they moved forwards to the blonde woman's front, as they did, Tongqiu sensed oh so many pair of eyes lock onto his every fiber of his body. Putting Miss Yona behind himself as she was already having trouble not lowering her head lots, Tongqiu then took Diana's waist with his left hand as he smugly 'danced' over to the front of the well-dressed woman.

Visibly 'tsk-ing' with some twitches at the corner of both her eyes, the woman then spoke in a loud voice: "Miss Diana~! Please, hurry up. Your uncles are so deeply wanting to see you again!"

Ah, but the only thing that she saw in return was a Diana lowering her head... in a shy manner?! How does this almost tomboy-like young woman became so shy and flustered over close to a man, let alone being grabbed by him?!

Seeing her efforts at separating the two of the current blatant lovebirds from a possible bodily contact manifesting being ruined, the blonde woman gave up as she silently -with a grim face- waited for their arrival.

It wasn't that long before they met each other head on, the three of them and the blonde woman, as the blonde aged woman spoke first: "Haha, how are you? Was it a nice flight? You should've told us th-"

Only to be interrupted by Tongqius nonchalant voice: "No time, hurry up."


Speechless at the not-at-all cooperativeness from not only this man but also the Young Miss, the blonde woman resigned herself at her soon-to-come scolding from her bosses as she ran towards the car meant for them to ride.

Tap, tap, tap...

After another half a minute or so, the trio finally arrived at said car and boarded it. Surprisingly, when the woman sat on the driver's seat and saw no one in the co-driver's seat, looking back at the rest of the passenger seats she then saw the two little kittens and the big bad wolf all the way to the last few passengers to the back.


Once again speechless; the blonde woman then started having wild thoughts of what kind of debauchery would this horrible man be imposing certain acts for the two 'girls' to do to him. She was about to say something with her mouth wide open when she suddenly saw 'Miss Diana' glare at her directly. Once again, speechless, the woman remained in that awkward pose with her mouth wide open for a good while before she recuperated herself.

Finally, everything seemed to smooth out as soon as she started the car and drove away towards the center of the capital, of the Care and Worry City!

6.- Sun Clan. This Founding Clan in particular, opted to go for the same road as the Xie Clan's. The Xie Clan was not a god of business or the like at the beginning, but they were mostly the only ones at the beginning, that is a clear advantage. Now, they've been ruling over the Venerate Will Region for a long time, and they have been not only the only ones at business since the beginning in their Region, but in all of the Regions. That's right, they were the truly first ones to start going towards such a path since the very beginning, yet again only second to the Crestfallen Clan and the Crestfallen Industry alike. The Sun Clan, however; was not.

They first tried to go for the military power; to become the most powerful military Founding Clan which would obviously be entirely focused on becoming a power who is wholeheartedly strong because of their manpower and whatnot. At early thousand's of New Earth though, they had a sudden shift of their trajectory as they embarked on the road of business with their entire hearts put on it. It couldn't be called a failure, but their progress from their previous plans had been totally put to the trash bin, while it was also true that they not only started late but also without real experience. In other worlds, though the Sun Clan was now the second best at business between all the Founding Clans, they have had also been delayed for about a total of 1,000 years alone; compared to the rest of the Founding Clans.

Yet, as a Founding Clan, they were but nothing to scoff at as they not only managed to become the second best at business in less than 1,000 years with a fresh start, but they even got a hold of a second-at-best army for themselves!

Alright, even then it wasn't anything that amazing. Their plans were that of hiring all those hit-mans, mercenaries, bandits, thieves and whatnot- maybe veterans too. Put them all together, give them military education and create the strongest army in the entire New Earth! Even bigger and stronger than that of the Crestfallen Industry!

They've had this plan ongoing for hundreds of years already and to be fair, it was actually bearing fruits effectively. Without a special Echelon or a couple of Platoons made of Specialists only; with their pure military strategy, discipline and education, they managed to rank 6th at the New Earth expedition last time it happened, more than a hundred years ago. Not even needing high tech weaponry nor armor to make a lot of contributions.

They reign over the Variety of Life Region in the Middle West of New Earth, their capital being that of the Evergoing Trade City.

With their Main Branch clan members being that of around 200,000 and more than 10,000,000 Side Branch clan members. Unlike the Xie Clan, however, they don't even have a 'friendly' relationship with any of the other Founding Clans, their nature being totally neutral towards any other Region.

7.- Tron Clan. The Tron Clan was a rather not very well welcomed Founding Clan; it focused in philosophy and though their managing of the Main Branch and Side Branches was one of the most peaceful ones, it was also pretty much a corrupted system already. With their beloved sons and daughters taking all of the important 'spots' in society, leaving not even the leftovers for their civilians of any societal class, they are well known to be the most obnoxious of all the Founding Clans in every single aspect of life. Even if just a little bit for everything.

There's nothing much to say about them, the stability of their Region is admirable even though there's always too many spent money on 'useless' stuff; yet they also carry a delusion of grandeur that makes them feel above the Founding Clans, siding their current power to that of the Crestfallen Industry even...

The Tron Clan's military power is dull, almost null. And their business is as ordinary as a small merchant family would be when surrounded by conglomerates. They still remained as the best Founding Clan in making many people's thoughts admire them one way or another though, but their position as a Founding Clan couldn't be any more shaking. They are probably the only Founding Clan that the citizens of New Earth believe the first to fall off the tree.

Their ruling is at the Silent Vanity Region, North of New Earth; with their capital being that of the Schadenfreude Polar City.

Their Main Branch has around 400,000 clan members, while the Side Branches are for all around 7,000,000 clan members.

8.- Kernti Clan. Of all the Founding Clans on New Earth, the one with the highest amount of fans all across New Earth itself is that of the Kernti Clan! Initially, this was a Founding Clan that even though were always and only focused on beauty. Be it clothing, cosmetics, fashion artists, architects, designers of any kind... The Kernti Clan was basically anything but a powerful Founding Clan, they however, even declined the protection or aide from the Crestfallen Industry when intending to take their portion of the livable territory on New Earth.

Like the Tarn Clan, they suffered vastly at the beginning; they had to go back and buy much more weaponry from the Xie and the Crestfallen Clan. They however, refused to buy from any other Founding Clan such as the Yun and Ross Clan specifically for certain unknown reasons. In any case, after their first horrendous defeat at the hands of the unknown when contending for territory; the Kernti Clan suddenly became ferocious and coldblooded! Their every move was extremely calculated and their every move also grant them more and more territory for themselves. They lost quite a lot of people, but their leader back then made even the blood of the infants and those of dying from old age, to boil like they were put into the hottest part of the sun!

With passion and blood, with a huge debt creeping over their backs and minds for every family they lost in that battle, they conquered the unknown and became rulers of an entire Region by themselves. From people who had no idea of military strategy nor experience in the battlefield, becoming as illustrious as the Tarn Clan and as famous and loved as the Yun Clan. With time, they paid off their debt only a few hundreds of years before the first 1,000 years mark reached New Earth's new era.

They however, never went back to the path of growing in power and merely focused on what beauty meant. It was like their religion, but not a stupid kind of fanaticism, and it was like their blood yet it wasn't some kind of uniqueness. Every single outstanding clan member of the Kernti Clan was taken and brought up with their entire hearts, never being diminished by their background, never being doubted of their talent and capabilities. Not to their own clan members, not towards anyone on New Earth!

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They... however... had a little bit of change going on since a few hundreds years ago from the current New Earth. Their business was a bit too great, their points of view were a bit too conservative and the payday for their higher-ups became way too high... If it wasn't because of the current Head of the Clan, things would have had probably gone awry, with intense, insane corruption being one of their smallest problems.

As of right now, the Kernti Clan was successfully stabilized and many head rolled. According to the laws implemented by the Crestfallen Clan; they were 'forced' to let everyone now that they were setting up, establishing an entire Battalion Regiment of Specialists, but that matter has not been clear up to today even though its announcement was more than a hundred years ago.

How the Kernti Clan manages their branches is rather strictly disciplined. It is really strict and 'cold' to a certain degree; but that was only in terms of achievements, potential, shown talent and/or even their genius. Their family, warmth love was still there and would never truly interfere with their lives even outside the Kernti's specialization, it might as well be called the most renown Founding Clan with the deepest family bonding connections.

Their ruling is over the Soundless Vision Region, located at the Middle North of New Earth, with their capital being that of the Immemorial Image City.

Their Main Branch consisting of around 350,000 clan members and their Side Branches more than just 8,000,000 clan members.

9.- Fosk Clan. There is nothing really to say of anything that isn't all about charitable business, movements and so on. When one looks at the sky in wonderment over which Founding Clan is the one in the hearts of all the citizens of New Earth, the Founding Fosk Clan is the on that is almost always the answer. It has many ongoing contracts with the Xie, Tarn and Flick Clans; all of them being what the Fosk Clan is looking forwards to in an every day daily basis. With no real motive, there is just so many people living in the Region they oversee that the rest of New Earth will always have visiting the Fosk Clan's territory at least a couple of times in their entire lives.

Their letting anyone take in their Clan name and become from a Side Branch to a Main Branch even if they are all alone and their bloodline isn't that of the Fosk Clan is already a lot to say as not even the Crestfallen Clan allows that, only letting certain genius individuals join their ranks at the Crestfallen Industry.

There's been certain incongruities over the last few hundreds of years as it has been seen for some more other of such Founding Clans. There was even a rumor that the only remaining offspring of the Fosk Clan's bloodline had been sent away in disgrace and exile without even a motive. Nevertheless, it has been 10 years since that and now, their Founding Clan had stabilized.

It wasn't that the Fosk Clan no longer had the Fosk bloodline more than just a few elderly people and a single couple; it was rather a rule set by their ancestors, where only the direct bloodline -that wasn't even his to begin with- of the Fosk Clan will be capable of taking the lead and nobody else.

They were the only ones at doing this, of course, but there was no sign of tyranny nor mediocrity over such a thing; as it was already obvious how loved the Fosk Clan truly is.

In any case, should the direct bloodline of the Fosk Clan be no more, then the Fosk Clan itself would also be no more. Allowing everything they've accomplished to crumble in bits.

Ruling over the Free Living Region at the central-North of New Earth, with their capital being that of the Crescent Soul City.

With their Main Branch clan members totaling to around 320,000 and their Side Branch clan members to around 23,000,000.

. . .


"Hmph~, what are you nervous of? That they'll want to tear me apart into little pieces and serve me for dinner into a sacrificial and sacred tradition so that their stupid clan would become even more prominent... or what, ah?" Taking a hold of Diana's slightly sweaty and slightly clenching hand, Tongqiu softly spoke onto her face as she slowly regained clarity, her face becoming a little rosy and her eyes melting in an instant.

"Then, can I eat more little pieces of you than any other?"

"Mn, at the very least, that you should do ah."

Miss Yona: "..."

'Since when is flirting like this?! What the fuck!'

Ignoring Miss Yona's little thoughts, that were clear to the two strange lovebirds that were Tongqiu and Diana, they then engaged in a 'I kiss you- oh, okay, now I kiss you' session full of little moist pecks that seemed to never be able to stop.

After a little while, the blonde woman's voice was heard from the front of the car: "Ahem, we've arrived Miss Diana and company, you should get out of the car now as your family is anxiously waiting for your complete return!"

As the three of them rolled their eyes at the annoying hag, they orderly came out of the car; slowly.

When Tongqiu got out of the car, he helped Miss Yona to get out of it graciously with her hand tenderly grasped by Tongqiu's. Then, a few butlers came to bring their luggage when they were stopped by Miss Yona.

"Stop, leave it there. We won't be staying here and will only have a quick visit." With the mere hearing of her voice, professionalism and an imperative attitude, the butlers had no choice but to behave as they took glances at their Young Miss; only to see her completely ignoring them.

With an even uglier grimace, the blonde woman then went inside the entrance that was at least 8 meters high and 13 meters long, with bars of an unknown metal yet seemed capable of withstanding even a nuclear bomb with how solid and headache inducing it was for Tongqiu to look at without a care.

He shook his head after merely glancing at the gates before taking a good look at his surroundings. There was truly not a fucking clue to know when did this territorial wall ended, it was even bigger than the gates and probably 3 or more times thicker than it! It also seemed to be made from a material that was also completely unknown to him and even the professional Miss Yona, as she also looked befuddled by the mere entrance of the Tarn Clan's 'headquarters'.

"Was it... ah, never mind." Diana intended to start a small talk with Tongqiu as she took his left hand with her right, but then stopped after giving it another thought, Tongqiu smirked in response as he embraced her shoulder before saying: "Yup, but more scary and more difficult to take down."

With that, the  trio, the blonde woman and some maids and butlers made their way altogether towards the residence of the Tarn Clan.




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