Bow and Arrow

Chapter 150: Chapter 149 — Going Out To Buy Groceries

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Going Out To Buy Groceries




Some time passed after 10 minutes of travelling from the main building of the entire Tarn Clan territory towards its exit; afterwards, forty minutes went by in another car before they finally arrived at the high-end hotel that Miss Yona had conveniently made a reservation before, and it wasn't just any reservation. The huge, almost as big as an entire house- room for themselves was almost all the way up to the gigantic hotel -more than anything because of its width-, big enough to hold at least 50 people at the same time and it would still remain spacious; let alone only with five of them.

In any case, it was fine since they could have a lot of fun, cough cough.

Arriving at their special, big ass room, Tongqiu first brought everyone luggage to the same room which also had a very large bedroom with a matrimonial size for the bed's vertical length. Though it wasn't as large as Tongqiu's in both aspects, it was still enough for 15 to 20 people to sleep together.

There was nothing nor need to conceal anything; the moment the little maids whose luggage had not been moved for over more than 15 years or so, towards the same room of their new master, they blushed and lowered their heads in what was 2 parts fear, 4 parts nervousness but also 4 parts excitement.

"Haaah!" Finishing moving everything, Tongqiu acted as if he's been lifting tones for hours and in his previous emaciated state before throwing his heavy ass onto one of the sofas in the small living room, the other four big and little beauties came out of the main bedroom to look at him in surprise.

After being nodded at by their new generous master, the little maids went around to tour in this little house on top of many other little rooms from the same building.

They were amazed alright. It wasn't as luxurious nor majestic as the rooms of the old masters, but it was still really great to the discovery of these inexperienced young women of the world. They didn't had to take their previous old masters to bath, thankfully, since although they seemed to be very, very old, they weren't affected by the same laws that an ordinary person would have already been subjected to.

Nonetheless, they still knew how to do that. Though their 'target' practice was that of an old woman who was strict yet warm at the same time, that's why they were not only willing but hopeful of cleaning their new master, from who they had already been informed doesn't like the 'Young' before the 'Master' by Diana.

Miss Yona didn't really know that and she herself became interested in such a fact, but it wasn't something that she'll just robotically ask as if she was a Rising Essence's NPC or something.

Wherever Miss Yona's thoughts went, matter not for she moved towards Tongqiu's back behind the sofa before starting to massage his shoulders. They were really inexpert movements and no techniques applied, but the spots she hit over and over again were so damn good perfect.

"Miss Yona, how did y-"

"Many times I would come back from work, one of those days, and will have no good enough hands to relieve me from my state. So I learned to do massage my own shoulders myself. It isn't that different with males, Diana just told me what to do if I wanted to do the same so I'm putting it into practice, hehe." Interrupting Tongqiu's obvious question, Miss Yona then proceeded to open up a little as well as to give Madam Diana some credit.

Hearing her acts and schemes being so easily exposed, Diana sent a glare towards Miss Yona that may as well be recognized as a multiple-purposes one, before blushing and lowering her head in a little bit of shame even.

Right eye closed, left eye sneakily open, Tongqiu looked at Diana with his only eye open as his entire body trembled slightly once every few seconds. Seeing Diana behave like this, he smiled softly before closing both his eyes, adjusting his head to face the ceiling and almost 'yell' out loud: "Woah, Miss Yona you're so very good, mn mn. I'm so glad I'll have such a good couple of wifeys in the future, ah!"

Giggled coming from the other rooms as soon as Tongqiu finished speaking, both Miss Yona and 'Madam' Diana became even more surprised and embarrassed as a rather exotic and dangerous rosy hue emanated from their adorable and matured faces.

Diana was the most affected one, whenever she heard Tongqiu be so sweet and wild in his future with her, there was nothing she wanted more than to be with him instead.

Miss Yona, however; grew completely blank. For a person who had worked in a very successful company, where she was being demolished by her superior whenever the subject of at least getting a raise was mentioned, it wasn't strange to develop the oh so infamous mentality of a slave. Thankfully however, she wasn't that weak which also easily showed with how she resolved some cases from her jobs as well as being capable of talking with people who can change the entirety of a Region with their words alone by only sweating a little. Truth, if she herself wasn't already that incredible and if she didn't have that much potential, then who could be considered to have any at all?!

Even then, she still had some self-doubt when she was mentioned so boldly to be in Tongqiu's life, like that.

That's why, Tongqiu gripped her little fingers that had already stopped moving with his hands as he then arched his head back to look at her directly.


Diana awoke from her own embarrassment earlier, but she remained quiet to let the two newly 'made' couple have some little time for themselves and for their hearts.

Indeed, Miss Yona had her heart all bare naked towards Tongqiu, whenever he got close or just put his eyes on her; she would grow weak. Her thoughts and her every desire were conquered by his own existence alone, she was not capable of even mustering enough 'restraint' as she could only feel herself drowning in him.

"...M-." Without really saying nothing much, Miss Yona nodded shyly at Tongqiu for no reason at all after some time of their eyes looking at each other.

Smiling in response and content as well as glad; Tongqiu then stood up and gave her a little pat in her left shoulder before telling her to take a look around if she wanted to, he then turned to Diana and gave her a meaningful expression for her to see before abruptly speaking up.

"Alright, I see that there's not much around here and that I'll have to go out to buy groceries. I'll do it so let the little maids have time to check everything up and see if there's anything missing or that we'll need that is lacking. I'll be back." Finished saying that, Tongqiu opted to walk out from the room when he was suddenly grabbed at his fingers by a trembling hand.

"B-Beishang?" Diana's voice traveled to his ears as Tongqiu turned around completely, he looked at Diana who was less than a few centimeters from his body for a good moment before embracing the entire of her back with his arms, his chest and neck taking Diana's head and part of her collarbone, allowing her to feel his heartbeat and breathing.

"I said I'll be back." His soft voice made the troubled Diana become obedient and confident once again.

They then separated from each other as Tongqiu gripped her chin with his right-handed fingers; she raised up her lowered head, her eyes no longer worried and about to tear up as they instead contained encouragement and confidence. She then spoke in a low, almost whispering and ruthless voice: "I'll accompany you then, I must."

Stealing her lips for his own for a few seconds which prompted herself to close her eyes in suffocation from the feeling, Tongqiu then separated once again from her body before telling her in an also almost whispering yet concerned and almost imperative voice: "No, they are still here, leaving them alone... don't."

Once he said that, his eyes flashed as he remembered something, so he elevated the tone of his voice towards Miss Yona: "Ah, Miss Yona I almost forgot. They may call later for more details, remember, it's the 'Peaceful Rain Corporation', okay? I know, I know, we can talk about the naming sense later~."

Diana's eyes opened completely as she then nodded obediently; he wasn't worried about her because she had confidence in herself, but it wasn't the same for the other three. She understood.

But although she was confident in him, she wasn't sure of what he himself would encounter, she was utterly worried and restless. He knew.

"Sigh..." Tongqiu left along with a sigh that was neither heavy nor light, this somehow calmed Diana, her thoughts gaining clarity once again.

'How did he-... when not even I...'

Miss Yona was already distracted by looking all around the as-big-as-a-house entire room of the hotel; while the little maids were blushingly changing into another type of dress that was equally attractive yet with tons more of 'seductiveness' to it, they could easily be seen as being extremely embarrassed and shame a little, but their eyes also flashed with hopefulness every now and then.

. . .


After coming out form the hotel, Tongqiu remained still on the front of the hotel for at least 5 minutes, his face was at first indifferent. It then changed from indifferent to calm after 2 minutes; before changing once again from calm to slightly frustrated one minute after.

Once more than 5 minutes were spent motionless in front of the hotel, Tongqiu then moved towards a certain direction without a single care as if he knew everything around him, knew of it all.

From time to time, he would talk to any person he found walking down the streets at this time for what seemed to be directions, guessed from the way those people would point out at roughly the same 3 or 2 directions before the conversation ended.

After some 20 minutes later in which he would take stupid detours, as if he didn't even know how to walk in a straight line; Tongqiu then found himself finally finding out the grocery store about 200 meters in front of it.

It only took him 23 minutes to arrive at such place, but it was already 12 am, very late in the night.

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Tongqiu once again remained motionless though, he didn't move for what was about 15 minutes. Once again, his face was initially indifferent, but after then minutes it became frustrated as he kept fidgeting with his clothes over and over again. After another 3 minutes, his expressions became relaxed and calm before staying for another 2 or 3 minutes.

Afterwards, Tongqiu finally move towards the grocery store, taking his sweet time moving. Once he was right in front of the entrance, Tongqiu waited for a few minutes before entering it.

Tinkle~ Ding-Dong.

The door made a subtle, melodious sound as he entered the store, he strangely took some seconds to cross it as he gazed at the top of the door in wonderment, as if it was a brand new discovery!

Tongqiu then moved in completely while nodding at the clerk in the store, the only one available at the moment, it seemed.

Going around in search for mostly condiments, some special liquor as well as some junk food and some instant noodles. Tongqiu then moved it all to the cashier to buy them, at the moment the clerk was pricing the liquor, condiments and stuff with the scanner; Tongqiu then opened his mouth at once from the silent encounter.

"Ahm... excuse me, is there any bag of ice around?"

The clerk took a fleeting look at him before smiling in an all-knowing kinda brotherhood way as he said: "Going to a little party, sir? Of course we have, going out from the store, directly turn to your right and in the small alley there will be a couple of containers, sir. I'll take an icebox from the storage for you if you'd like, that'll be an extra credit, sir."

Remaining silent to listen, Tongqiu had a casual and polite expression at the same time as he then uttered in agreement with a nod before also speaking: "I'll get the icebox, then... I'll be right back, just one second."

Nodding right away in response, the clerk then took out his gloves to keep away the chemicals and whatnot from his previous cleaning duties before going to the back of the store to perhaps get an icebox from there and keep his stuff fresh.

Tongqiu moved out of the store after seeing this, his hands in his pockets as he turned to his right where he found an almost three meters wide and around 20 meters long alley which was enclosed by a 2 meters tall light brown colored fence.

He nodded as he saw the container that had their back glued right to the wall of the store which even from afar looked quite freezing before finally moving towards them, raising his left hand towards the handle of one of them while his right hand was still inside his pockets.

It was easily considered a weird and unusual movement from any third person view, but it could also be considered normal as Tongqiu himself had not really come out to get groceries a lot. Let alone the fact that he was in an entirely new Region as well as from a district of the high-class, having lived in a low-medium class neighborhood for almost a decade from suddenly changing into this was quite the change, even though he's been living in a god damn villa.

Tongqiu grew closer and closer towards the container he aimed his left hand for, they had their handle to the left of their bodies, so it was obvious that one needed to pull to their left once grabbed onto it.

10 steps.

5 steps.

3 steps.

2 steps.

1 step!

The moment Tongqiu was already about to touch the handle of the container, a seemingly invisible shadow became visible to the naked eye, it looked like it was as large as a person while it also held a type of blade that was glued to their wrist with their right arm; while its left hand was holding onto both his wrist and the blade at the same time with a clutch of their fingers.


It aimed straight at Tongqiu's neck, with only a few inches left before it created a large, deep wound on the unprotected side of Tongqiu's neck.

At that moment, the shadow that was conducting such an act felt the weight of his right arm shift as the trajectory of the blade took a few millimeters to the right, meanwhile Tongqiu didn't remain motionless as he had already arched his back backwards as much as he could in such a small margin of time, avoiding the direct confrontation of his jugular and the tip of the blade with only having a slight graze happen instead.


The shadow made a muffled grunt before aggressively moving its left arm to his left, his right hand already gripping the 'handle' of the blade that was merely bandages covering the less sharp side of the blade.

Now feeling the blade aim directly at his chest while the left hand of the shadow was also about to place its left hand on his back to force him to take the blade to his chest; Tongqiu then could only headbutt the fucker before quickly launching his own body to the forearm of the person whose shadow-'appearance' was now disappearing, making it impossible for the person to aim at him with their blade.

Nevertheless, the fingers of the assassin suddenly started moving together with a perfect coordination as the blade quickly changed its trajectory to aim directly at Tongqiu's neck once again!

With his pupils constricting, Tongqiu quickly brought his body a few steps forward, also bringing the assassin's body along his own.

"URGTT-" A sudden cry of utter pain that was yet stopped by its owner came to be, but Tongqiu wasn't waiting for the assassin to take different measures as he took opportunity of the pain self-inflicted by mistake of their own as he threw the assassin's body forwards from above his shoulder with but all of his strength!

He underestimated his strength as he found himself throwing the assassin a few meters in the air before they finally landed on the ground with their backs facing the ground itself, the blade was visibly coming out from below the chest of the assassin in black weird clothing.


A sound to his left, Tongqiu saw the container's lid already about to open completely as he saw a languid body about to lunge itself towards him.

Becoming completely shocked, Tongqiu reacted a bit too late as he was lowering his body as much as he cold. The assassin hidden in the contained that he was about to open couldn't tackle Tongqiu down, but that did not stop it from kicking at Tongqiu's head. The strength and inertia from such an action wasn't light, and Tongqiu was immediately after sent straight down to the ground with his head leading the way.

"Ugh, ah-fuck...!" Standing up as soon as he could, Tongqiu saw in a blurry sight for a few seconds two shadows; one was half-kneeling besides the other as a cylindrical object was taken out from the shadow's laying down body.

'Ah, fuck.' His sight recuperated as he now saw two shadows standing firmly in front of him, a few meters away from his position. Not only did he fail to take the ambusher's cold weapon, he had even gotten his head kicked and colliding hid against the ground, there was a visible lake of blood streaming down from his parted skin on the top left of his forehead.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Another couple of sounds resounded behind Tongqiu as he didn't had any reaction to them; the two in front of him looked at each other in wonderment before giving subtle signals to the two behind Tongqiu.


'Seeing' their footsteps, Tongqiu then twisted his toes on the ground as he made the motion to start charging up to the two in front of him, shocking those two into taking a rapid guarding stance while the two behind Tongqiu moved as fast as they could to the surprise of their target trying to ambush their comrades right away!

Only to then, be even more taken aback as they saw Tongqiu who was now horribly twisting his body back towards them as he had his hands holding a bunch of dirt and little stones in them.

Their eyes became completely shocked as they could already see the next image of their eyes and noses being obstructed by the countless specks of dirt and some little stones. Only to be even more surprised right afterwards as they saw how Tongqiu flung his arms backwards in a reverse clockwise motion towards the two behind him that were now rushing towards him!



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