Bow and Arrow

Chapter 151: Chapter 150 — Waking Up! Once Again!

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Waking Up! Once Again!




At the same moment that Tongqiu attacked those behind him with the dirt and little stones he picked up from his previous smacking down against the ground, he rapidly jumped towards the direction of the two that were shocked to their limits, but had already become clear on what their true objective was to do.

They prepared themselves to take the life of this little rat with tricks that even made veterans of their profession that could be considered the top-notch of New Earth to feel oppressed.

But they then saw Tongqiu jump and fall down onto their bodies with an impossible speed and laws of gravity.


His entire body knocked backwards both of their bodies while he used the collision to stabilize his own body in the same spot where they were previously standing on, Tongqiu then made a crazy rush towards the two coughing and temporarily blinded assassins; one already injured, the other without real physical strength.

It only took Tongqiu a few seconds to identify these bastards thoroughly, let alone discovering their sex and appearance. The two that were affected by his surprise 'attack' were both male, one had a strong body that was close to being one of that of body tempering, while the other was unusually fast and flexible, possibly a failed Specialist. Those behind him who he had just thrown away in order to deal with these other two, were both female. One had obvious breasts bulging from the tight, weird clothing while the other looked to be around 14-15 years old yet had a bloodthirsty and incredible experienced glint in her eyes.

They all wore masks and veils to thoroughly hide their appearances while their clothing did not allow them to bring any 'armor' to the fight, they were still tough to break.

Arriving first before the languid man, Tongqiu tackled him down but strangely, his body stopped moving forwards as soon as his body made collision with the languid man's body. As he then turned to his left and started to evaluate the physically strong man as fast as he could.

"Raaaah!" Making an obvious sound as he made an attack; Tongqiu saw the assassin not make any unnecessary movement as he tried to recuperate his sight as soon as possible to no avail. The moment before Tongqiu could punch him directly in the side of his head, he felt a sudden hand desperately try to squish his wrist into a mess only to fail, once the strong man noticed this, he tried to pull Tongqiu's wrist towards him to engage in a hug-battle to destroy each others bones! Whoever didn't die too fast would win, but even then, he still had three other comrades to take upon finishing the task!

It was a pity, that it was actually Tongqiu's calf that he had grasped upon; Tongqiu had shouted out loud before making an absurd gyrating movement of his entire body in a reverse clockwise motion, his right foot hacking down at the man's left shoulder, not his head even!

'Fuck.' The strong man thought, and indeed, as soon as that thought traveled inside his mind and was about to take some defensive measures towards any next possible attack, he already felt his right knee be broken by a way too powerful fist as it went through his entire body!

Losing his balance due to not expecting this 'useless' trash of his boss's family, the strong man leaned to the right as the rest of his thigh made a painful contact with the rest of his lower leg, before finally starting to fall to the ground; he did his best to not make a single muffled sound even.

However, right after Tongqiu made such a ruthless move, his attacking hand retracted instantly towards the ground as he impulsed his own body towards a perfect kicking move. He didn't do it though, as Tongqiu instead opted to charge against this powerful man with his entire body, which he did.



The hurtful and terrifying sounds of two heavy objects acting as one as 'it' crashed against the store's wall before sounds of cracking bones continued for a couple of seconds was heard, the strong man felt his neck wobbly as his head staggered in circles over and over again.

Tongqiu was nowhere near finished though, he made a motion to separate his won body from the glued strong man's body to the wall before trying to punch his fist into his head all the way to the wall. Trying, because the languid man had already came back to save his comrade, he clung his entire body towards Tongqiu's left arm and even side of his body as he successfully stopped Tongqiu from killing off his comrade.

"Arggh!" Making the best of himself come out as he allowed an instinctive battle cry to come out from way deep inside his body, Tongqiu then raised the languid man with his arms all the way up in the air before slamming down towards the ground.

"!!!" Seeing and feeling what was about to come, the languid man tried to allow Tongqiu to self-cripple himself but, there was a strange force encircling his thighs on Tongqiu's forearm, not allowing him to separate by even a centimeter!

'Fuck fuck FUCK NO-' His thoughts couldn't continue going wild as he tried desperately to get off Tongqiu's heavy body slamming against the ground. Because he wasn't expecting such bizarre unfolding events, the languid man accidentally pulled his whole body even closer towards Tongqiu's forearm, where half of the entire weight of Tongqiu's slamming motion was expected to be inflicted.

There was no stopping it, not even a second went by since the moment Tongqiu raised his left arm to where the languid man stupidly brought his own body to an even more dangerous position.


The ground even cracked slightly while the two injured parties looked at each other in brutality. Tongqiu was the first to stand up, although he immediately after hobbled with his right foot, whose calf had been internally injured before.

The languid man was bleeding from both his ears as well as a little stream of blood being spouted once from his mouth. Hatred was forming at his every expression and reaction from having been 'fooled' by Tongqiu's strangeness.

"You're a fucking Specialist?! FUCK!!!" It was an obvious attempt at warning everybody, and as everybody went for, it was basically his comrades only. Nonetheless, he also held some motives hidden deep inside, attempting to do the slightest to create time.

Indeed, Tongqiu himself became slightly befuddled, slightly though. The languid man then saw Tongqiu throw a big rock towards the left side of his head before rushing towards the still dazed strong man sticking to the wall like a bug squashed with a rolled newspapers onto the floor and the like.

The languid man's eyes went wide in surprise before abruptly moving his body to dodge it, only managing to avoid it slightly with his left ear becoming buzzed into stupidity by the sound alone.

'F-fu-fucker... did he knew, agh?!' The languid man fell to his knees from the unexpected reaction from his internally injured head, his ears proceeding to bleed some more. 'Just at what speed did he... urrrrghhh!!'

Just like the strong man, he did his best to not even mutter a single pained sound; but the languid man could only see how Tongqiu hobbled up towards the strong man as Tongqiu was also already moving in to strike the strong man's head into shit!

'Fuck...' The languid man spent all his energy into gaining control of his body entirely back again.

Meanwhile, on Tongqiu's side, he was about to make contact with the strong man's body with his left fist, which he didn't even feel the slightest of pain from; whether it be because of adrenaline, numbness or simply because he was genuinely not affected.


A drowned glow by the dark in the middle of the night went by as it closened in towards Tongqiu's throat right below his jaw, nobody was able to seen it, not even the languid man would've been able to. But Tongqiu could see it even without using his senses as he instantly made a move to lower his entire body half a meter while also sending a hammering down fist towards the strong man's right shoulder.


Seeing his body fall to a bizarre position, Tongqiu felt satisfied as he felt his nape be horrifyingly grazed by a cold feeling, also sensing something weird flow out and in from the large cut. The strange sensation of seeing the strong man's body crippled by him and becoming useless as well as ugly awoke certain something deep inside him, something he felt an euphoria for so many years ago...

Tongqiu felt his own nape with realization before turning his head left, his eyes appeared slightly bloodshot without actually even growing red, inflicting and unknown sensation of the two women going at him from his left.

'Tsk, he's taken a huge blow to give us time even. Even if we die, we most not fail!' The older of the women, with the obvious breasts, thought as she took out another seemingly fruit knife-like blades, 3 on each of her middle phalanges; before running towards Tongqiu at frightening speeds!

"Hmph." Launching an indifferent, dismissive snort from his nose, Tongqiu made a motion to stand up and hit the strong man with his elbow onto the man's left sided ribs but was then stopped in the same manner by the languid man; his left arm similarly taken hostage and being obstructed once again!

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Tongqiu made a strong pushing motion before reverting his arm back, effectively hitting the languid man's pelvis; and while his elbow was 'resting' on it, his entire arm hardened before his fist turned into a blade stance, ready to enter the languid man's entrails from his front stomach.

Opening his actually bloodshot eyes in dismay and fear, the languid man made a quick turn of his head to look at Tongqiu before turning to look back at the fingers that were penetrating right below his ribs already, once he confirmed Tongqiu was going serious on it the languid man tried to push himself upwards from the direction that hand intended to disembowel his damned entrails.

The languid man struggled as much as he could, with his feet lifting his body up and even more upwards, to the sides and in frantic attempts to drag Tongqiu's arm away from his own stomach; to no avail.

"GGRRR-AGGGHH!!" He was finally penetrated by Tongqiu's arm from his stomach, he couldn't see it but, Tongqiu had a slightly deformed small grin on the left side of his lips that was formed rather naturally as it happened.

"UGFHG-bl-b-blblblgrrwaargkr!" Continuous nonsensical mumbling continued to be spouted from the languid man's almost lost expression on his face as he still tried to hold Tongqiu with the purpose of stalling for time.

Tongqiu, however, liberated him by flinging his left arm harshly backwards; the languid man's body was sent flying with its back hunched almost completely and some large not-so-thick snakes following his trajectory.

Tongqiu then grinned with a slight jolt of his head at the sight before looking back at the strong man, only to see the older woman assassin already point out with her fruit knife blades at his face, he could even see strong hate and repulsion with his senses as he rapidly sent his left arm towards her face, ignoring the little blades that were penetrating the sides of his chest as he slammed hard his forearm against the older woman.

Her body was sent at least 3 meters away from him as Tongqiu was about to use his right hand to destroy the strong man's neck; at that moment, however, the young girl came from the shadows on the ground with her arms arched in a strange manner towards her own sides of her torso; wielding a double scimitar on both hands.

His eyes turning extremely fierce and extremely calm, Tongqiu punched the strong man's stomach harshly before dashing upwards to his right instead of using the collision of his body with the strong man's body to recoil backwards. The younger woman was surprised but not for long, as 1 second after seeing this she finally reacted with raising her right-handed double scimitar intending to use it to block however was needed, she was trained for moments like this!

But then, she found out that Tongqiu wasn't behind her in the middle of attacking her or even behind her at all! Tongqiu made a complete circle of her that took him some time to realize because of his limp right leg, it accidentally favored him as a strange situation of an irregularity in experience training being taken right from where it could be called a 1 in a million chance of happening.

Feeling doom looming over her shoulders, the younger woman looked once again to her back which was where Tongqiu was standing on originally, only to see the sole of a shoe aim at her head, with its midfoot aiming straight at her temple while the hindfoot was to crush the tip of her nose and her lips, with the forefoot about to collide with her upper forehead right before her hairline began.

What happened next was the to be very, very brutal.

Tongqiu first made contact with his right foot, and ignoring the pain that it brought to make such moves, he stomped on the young girl's face right before his right foot left her face his left foot was already aiming at the back of her head with his instep and even a little bit of his shin. Once again, Tongqiu brought his foot heavily towards the young girl's head to stomp down onto it once again but this time, with the support of his left foot which made it easier to deliver a destructible blow!

That wasn't all he once again retracted his right foot and left foot before yet once again stomping down harshly on the young girl's face, maybe only half a second passed by before the back of her head was once again 'stopped' from moving backwards by Tongqiu's left foot. This act not only made the left foot be the protagonist of making the right foot create even more damage, but it even allowed some inertia to be formed, as cracking was then heard.

Crack, crack, CRACK!

This few movements of perfect coordination as well as accuracy and precision were performed in but less than two second, with Tongqiu's body starting to fall only after the second stomp of his right foot. And it ended only when the back of her head was pushed against Tongqiu's left foot's instep by his right foot which was also the most cruel attack he had made towards this young assassin.

Thud, thud- thud, thud...

Tongqiu landed on the ground firmly only to almost falter by the unimaginable pain on his calf on his right leg as he took a couple more steps with his right foot again and again in even more pain.

Meanwhile, the young assassin's body went limp as it slowly started to fall onto the ground before finally plummeting down in an inaudible white noise.

Not even trying to think, Tongqiu moved to his right once again with the intention of finishing the strong man, a savage and almost deformed smile formed at his face.

He first sent a left fist towards the strong man's ribs, only to realized his body was weakening; he then made a flurry of attacks in a blade stance with both his hands for a couple of seconds, almost successfully creating multiple holes all over its torso before he was abruptly stopped by the feeling of a sting in his left leg and his right shoulder being blocked by what he was already familiar with; that damned languid man!



He first punched the black-bloodied faced young girl that held a strange blade which was obviously not one of her double scimitars into his right thigh before making a disgusting sound of his flesh tearing from his thigh all the way to his calf on his left leg.

"Graargh!" Making an impossible to avoid loud grunt with his throat, Tongqiu successfully sent away the young assassin, but before he could start getting rid of the languid man, the older woman had already sent three fruit knife blades with effect as they arched a little before streaming together down at his neck. Tongqiu was about to get away from their way when he suddenly felt his left shoulder blade be firmly bitten as well as feeling someone lock his left shoulder and arm with a couple of strong and firm arms at the same time!

'Uh, shit.'

Tuk, tuk tuk!

The three fruit knife blades successfully penetrated Tongqiu's left neck fully with only their sharp handles remaining out from entering his body.

"Crlgrh, cuh-cough, COUGH!" His body faltered backwards, both the assassins adhered to Tongqiu's body felt exalted before being engulfed in horror!

"GRYAAAAG-GGHHH!" The older woman was the first to scream her last as she felt Tongqiu's 'little teeth' pry open her left chest before sending his now free left arm in an unnaturally bent position towards her hear, he was about to crush it when he felt it wasn't proper for him to give her such a pain as he then moved his arm with extreme difficulties towards her neck...


...before ruthlessly destroying her skull from upright starting from her jaw, to right below her brain, before finally wringing out her brain matter!

The older woman arched her upper torso backwards before her neck became relaxed from previously being stiffed by the intrusion of a large and thick object creating horror everywhere it passed. Her head was thrown backwards as the last intention of getting away from such already conducted pain, her figure ended up being as that of a shadow who had its body impaled and died a gruesome; but the truth was that it was even more horrifying than that, as her brains were dried out from their own juices by Tongqiu's left hand.


The languid man, the now clearing his head up- strong man and the dying young assassin saw this and became excruciatingly frightened. At the same time, Tongqiu felt the beating of his blackened heart as it expunged the last layers of darkness hidden deep within from it, with his own senses Tongqiu could even swear to distinguish a 'dooming' violet light glow from it with the blood in his body once again pumping hard and fast towards his heart; instead of red.




Author's Note: Real title of the chapter is: Wake Up! Killing Once Again!

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