Bow and Arrow

Chapter 157: Chapter 156 — Close To The Monument For The Worthy

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Close To The Monument For The Worthy




After having done all that, Tongqiu was 'not' tired, but what was next of that instead!

The moment Diana embraced Tongqiu's body, she almost believed that he went instantly back to when he was a little raisin young man, all emaciated and almost being blown off by a strong gush of wind.

Without telling anything to the Clan Head of a Founding Clan, she made way for the exit of the Technological Main Building while Miss Yona reminded the father in tears to honor his deal as well before quickly catching up to the rest.

Taking a car to drive to their new temporary residential area, the five of them quickly arrived 10 minutes or so later, as they put Tongqiu on the main bedroom's big bed to rest.

After just a little while of seeing him so pleasantly sleeping soundly, his women couldn't help but feel sleepy too!

So they all removed their clothes before climbing on the bed; when they were about to lay their bodies on it, they realized Tongqiu still had his own clothes on, so they amiably took them off for him. After all, not only was he very uncomfortable sleeping with them mostly, but it was also a problem for him to do so with such a well-sized Big Dragon 'coming' into action every few hours as he slept.

Once they were all bare naked, they all layed on the bed with the little maids at Tongqiu's left and right, their heads resting on his torso while Diana and Miss Yona took each of his arms, left and right respectively.

Diana would always have to be on Tongqiu's right spot on the bed, so now that her Big Sister wasn't here to claim her spot, she made use of any opportunity to take it!

If Natalia knew of this, maybe she'd be brokenhearted and despondent upon learning how vicious and cunning that Little Sister of hers was; or not! Since she would be more than happy that not only Diana was addicted to Tongqiu's presence on the same bed as hers, but also helping building up his little harem.

As for the Jones Clan, nobody went to bother them for the rest of the night nor the next day. The girls fed Tongqiu light, liquefied food as well as gave his sleeping body a good massage every 30 minutes. Hell, even every 2 hours or so, a 15 to 30 minutes of warm passion had to be spent with him so that he wouldn't have a problem down there later on. By the end of the next day, the little maids -specially- were already too sensitive that Diana had to teach them the backdoor solution to this unsolvable problem to avoid these young women from falling unconscious from the stimulation, only to realize she herself did not had knowledge of this matter. She could help with the primordial tradition of in and out, but it wasn't the same 'components' for the rather even more 'savage' and 'wild' in and out.

Miss Yona also did not have a clue on to what to do about it, her flowery garden was also pretty sensitive while her insides felt rather needy and empty, something completely new to her. And Tongqiu not waking up to work her properly was making her consider rape!

In any case, they did what all smart young and proper ladies would do!

Watch porn.

...As such, 45 minutes later when Tongqiu's Big Dragon was ready for more, they went back into their new temporary bedroom to take the matter into their hands themselves, their aura altogether was that of a determined group of strong and independent women who knew what the hell to do!

Diana was the first to speak up as she lowered her lower garments first as well: "I've only seen it a couple of times with Big Sis Natalia, most of the times I would just focus on my Insoma because of how crazy my Big Sis goes, if only I didn't shy away from looking, hm..."

"E-ehem, that's alright, we're all learning right? Besides, we've checked enough tips from sexual experts, right? We can use any of these oil too..." Miss Yona spoke while orderly putting down three different types of oil bottles, each of them had a mark that said 'multiple purposes ;)', which according to the sexual guides of anal pleasure they've read, they were officially one of the Flick Clan's promoted products. So they were pretty much 100% helpful in this situation without any stupid outcome coming out from this attempt of theirs, they were all nervous after all.

"Uh, are you okay with it?" Diana saw the little maidens have troubled faces, yet she failed to notice their excitement as well, maybe she underestimated how good of a teacher she was or how effective Tongqiu was against women. Either way, she concernedly asked the two of them in a soft voice, only to be responded back respectfully: "Madam Diana, it's alright. We do are nervous as well, but as our Master, we must obey his women as well as do everything possible to serve him properly. We... aiya, we're more than willing, cough cough."

Meanwhile, the other little maid was constantly nodding innocently at her comrade's words.

Blushing with a helpless grin, Diana spoke again after fully undressing: "O-okay. Now, Miss Yona go ahead an lube Tongqiu's ugly member, I'll... I'll prepare myself, eeeh."

Miss Yona was hypnotized by Diana's body for a few seconds, before she would start to salivate, she stopped looking and picked up a bottle of oil before moving towards the bed.

Meanwhile, Diana also picked up one of them before starting to play with her body...

"Let me see, it said: 'make circles, probe a little but do not insert until it feels good'. Hmm... Ah~, w-wo-wo-wow-w-w~~, haha, oh dear..." Diana didn't took long before she herself became lost in her own motions of that of her fingers and clenching of a 'new area'.


"D-D-Diana! Hu-hurry up?..." It was only when Miss Yona called out to her that Diana discovered that she had lost herself by her own hands, blushing in full shame, she looked at the little maids only to see them play with the oil in their hands from time to time with each other before smearing it on each other's chrysanthemum with innocent expressions on their faces.

After blinking breathlessly at the sight, she turned back to Miss Yona only to see her rub herself frantically with oil in her hands while furiously stroking up and down Tongqiu's 'ugly' member, which veins and whatnot she -and anyone, really- became enticed by just looking at it once.

Ignoring how she caught Miss Yona vulgarly peek at her bottoms, Diana moved towards the bed before starting to crawl towards Tongqiu and Miss Yona.

The bed this time wasn't very, very large, but it was very big in general. When Diana arrived right besides Miss Yona, who had now stopped rubbing herself like a crazy broken machine in a deep blush, Diana couldn't hold herself before whispering to her: "After he's done with me, you're next. So when I tell you to, you'll put your ass wherever I say, got it?"

As her shameful blush became intoxicating instead, Miss Yona silently nodded twice, enchanted at Diana's sudden advances.

Diana then turned around slightly, made some little fists before relaxing, repeating those motions with her hands over and over again... before impaling herself down onto Tongqiu's Big Oiled Dragon.

"Hyyyyyyyyuuuuuuhh!!!!... Hagnh, gngnhhh..." What was a surprised, half painful and half pleasurable squeal, became a constant of gasping and kittenish moaning right after...

The rest also had more or less an equally impactful discovery. With Miss Yona being the most crazy about this new 'discovery', Diana only being second. Even then, the little maids were also drove to insanity by the pleasure, of riding Tongqiu nonstop and 'there'.

. . .


With the constant rubbing in and out of his member, Tongqiu's Big Dragon remained powerful and matchless for hours, all the way until even later than midnight. By the time it was 2 am, Tongqiu woke up to the sight of beautiful scent of certain oily smell while also that of something he was oh so familiar with... his own 'essence', cough cough.

Looking around him, Tongqiu found 4 extremely pleased, satisfied, tired, exhausted and limp kittens all entangling one or two of their limbs each on his own body. With some of them even on top of each other, luckily the little maids were on top of them all, otherwise they may have a difficult time after waking up.

Tongqiu caressed one of the little maid's head, only to find a sticky and cold substance stick to his hand.


Speechless as well as proud, Tongqiu was left without a single thought as his mind was more than blank.


After sighing in return to the realization of everything that has had happened around him, he then stood up to take some towels and warm water filling the large bathtub inside the even bigger main bathroom.

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Carrying every single one of them to the bathtub, Tongqiu then started cleaning their bodies, he couldn't help but praise them on not only their bravery but their potential as he felt his Dragon numb and listless.

Finished taking care of their hygiene, Tongqiu put them all on the bed, the two little maids on the center with a 'wide-enough' space between as well as slightly closer to the middle, while the two 'older sisters' were right behind each of them with their heads resting on the pillows. After taking a nice amount of food into his system and water, Tongqiu went inside with them only to see the two little maids awake and intertwining their fingers with each other while speaking in hushed, sleepy voices.

"Hm, girls, to sleep now, okay? There, give me some space." Tongqiu spoke, not startling them as they saw him enter the room, they made space for him and once he layed his back on the center, they put almost all of their bodies on top of his playfully and cutely.

"Hehehe, Master. How many Big Sister and Little Sisters do we have in our home?"

"Yup! We wanna know, are they all Master's women too? Or are we their seniors on that occasion? Hehehahaha~..."

Their gentle voices sounded while their mouths were sticking to his body, the sides of his torso, specially his ribs, were vibrating slightly as he even felt their nibbling on him every now and then.

Tongqiu answered after their twinkling bells-like giggles calmed: "Mn, you're the first of them all. But there is a 'chain of command' already set, so you better behave. If you think you can get away with it, just ask Estel."

Immediately after, he unknowingly poked the hornet's nest as they began to chatter again: "Eh? Estel? Is she a bad girl? Does Master wanna make her good, a good girl?"

"Heeeh, Master, do you want our help? If she isn't cooperating, we can always soften her up for you, Master..."



Their cute laughter went about for 30 minutes before calming down to a peaceful atmosphere.

Hearing their calm and resting full bodies on top of his, Tongqiu warmly embraced them under the blanket so that they wouldn't leave his embrace at all, before sending a command to his brain.

'Log in.'



South-west of the Precious Citrine Sub-Division.


"Oooh! Oh gosh! They did all when you weren't awake?- WAIT! Isn't that rape? Big Bro... It's gonna be fine, I'm here for you if you wanna talk, okay? Don't be shy, humans need emotional support the most to confront these type of situ- AK!"

Zyv's head went wild, really wild as Tongqiu had no other choice but to bonk her head softly. He did so in a matter that 'looked' horrifyingly scary, but his touch was merely that, a gentle and harmless touch. She, however, acted as if she's been suffering from ptsd like no other and made a pitiful and heartwrenching sound even before she was touched by him.

Her face was a little ugly, yet her immortal fairy-like self didn't diminish in the slightest, still looking flawless and pure. Even her eyelashes were pale-white in color, her pure immortal skin did nothing to make her look miserable nor show signs of torture. If she wasn't cute and a dork, what was?

"Alright, enough of your eloquence, my Little Zyv. Now, how long 'till we get here."

Giggling foolishly at the smooth mention of 'my Little Zyv', Zyv then responded in a lovesick manner: "Oh, just another few days, hehe. Why, my beibei, hm? Hehe~."

'Oh well.' Rolling his eyes, Tongqiu resolved himself to 'endure' the 'horrifying' boredom of this little immortal beauty for the rest of the journey which was a couple days more.

At first, when he came back, Zyv was playing hide and seek in the White Space with the other 3; it was pretty absurd, true, but the three older women couldn't say no to this fairy immortal. They could only comply with this cute thing's wishes without a chance of defiance!

Then, once the 'big brother wolfy' was spotted, a little wolf cub could be once again seen lunging herself at him at great speeds. Afterwards, the three big sister were spared from taking care of such an spoiled little beauty. With Rosey even finally appearing as she right away lunged herself at Tongqiu's hands to caress them gently and carefully, even making blowing air to them from time to time.

Later on, Tongqiu and Zyv continued their journey, it was just that this time, Tongqiu started using Rosey's Bloodline skill. That along with the horse, it became a modern high-end modern aircraft, the horse that is. Since Tongqiu didn't had that much distance covering himself, the use of it along a borrowed mount made it so that the mount would benefit tons more than he alone would.

Tongqiu managed to do this by spending all of his efforts onto manipulating his Mind Power to protect Zyv and the horse; by that moment, Zyv's borrowed horse had already been stored back, Rosey didn't needed it since she was a creature that was born at the apex, but he still spent some more to envelop her with his Mental Power as well.

Like that, Tongqiu and horsey went into crazy speeds, hoping to not get stuck in the middle of a mountain or a mountain-sized boulder, since not a single Sub-Division playerbase had a full map of their own Sub-Division. It wasn't that it was that extensive of a territory, but that it was rather difficult and quite long of a distance to cover. It was more about time than about difficulty, those Book Writer sub-classes players also took too long to start properly embarking on a trip to create that map, so it was rather a slow development. If there was a need to rate the playerbase of Rising Essence's progression and cooperation, that'd be mediocre.

Another thing was, Tongqiu would grow incredibly weak and slightly dizzy after being in the 'mounting' state with the borrowed horse and using Rosey's Bloodline skill. Even once. So he had to take a little break each time before applying this method once again.

Tongqiu also used this method until Rosey's Bloodline's usages were out once, so that nor he nor her would feel dull at using it for an entire day, it was also probably harmful for the little intelligence of the borrowed horse, no offense of course.

To all of this, Tongqiu actually found it incredible and surprising that he could deal with it so efficiently. He felt the manipulation of his Mental Power become abundant, in some sense, he felt that he could do better and better. But he ignored it for now, reason being there wasn't much need to when they've been traveling for a few days nonstop.

So whenever he tried doing the Mental Power manipulation + Rosey's Bloodline skill; he'd enter a comprehensive trance where he'd even 'go back in his memories' from when he was treating the pair of Jones twins with the All-Mending Misery. The use of his 'senses' back then had made him grow incredibly weary and feeling as if his brain was just juiced out by a straw slowly yet at once.

Later on, he even needed a whole day to recuperate, if that wasn't meaningful to Tongqiu, then he could just officially go retard-mode forever.

In any case, that incident of helping out the Jones Clan fully wasn't merely for that small little deal of the All-Mending Misery, there was some motive -with an obvious coinflip- regarding his need for some support in terms of having a couple of Founding Clans, Behemoth of New Earth, big shots and whatnot; on his side.

Of course, he could've failed and for everything to go to shit. For that, at worst, he'd just have to run away and go to daddy Crestfallen Industry to seek protection, he wasn't taking in as a friend for no reason after all.

Even then though, another part of himself wanted to prove himself to Diana and subsequently... to Natalia. They've been slightly influenced by him, similarly, he's been slightly influenced by them. Though a lot of times since living together; and though he may be still in an exploration 'term' with Diana, already reaching the point of finding 'there' a place for the two of them only, in a manner of speech. Tongqiu was nonetheless seeing Diana as his very own life already, and not just some kind of person to show off his worth or to work his way all the way up to her standards or so. It was genuine, as it has been with the women he's been entangling himself with, except for that smith's shop incident of course.

Resting, making food, training with Diana, helping out Miss Yona and playing in and out over and over again; Tongqiu spent those two days of 'waiting' for a confirmation, when finally, there was a clan servant who rung the bell to inform them that the Fosk Clan's representatives would arrive in approximately 2 days, while the Flick Clan's representatives would arrive in approximately 3 days from their HQ at the Nascent Herb City, to he Ancient Investor City, capital of Progress Value to hold a meeting for the cooperation between the Tarn Clan, Jones Clan -which had already agreed wholeheartedly-, Fosk Clan and the Flick Clan with the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

A meeting to first allow the Peaceful Rain Corporation some time to convince the Fosk Clan and the Flick Clan from joining in partnering the Peaceful Rain Corporation, before initiating the negotiations over the All-Mending Misery wonder of the world.



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