Bow and Arrow

Chapter 156: Chapter 155 — Fulfilling The Deal

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Fulfilling The Deal




In a room fully enshrouded in darkness.


This room had not much space to be considered a really big room; maybe a really big chambers at best, while it had a few things that were barely visible, like some decorations, lamps, small furniture and even some paintings. The room, however, had one irregularity among its darkness.

On a luxurious chair that was stuffed with feathers of the highest quality, for the better comfort of the 'master' sitting on it; there was a figure that was also enshrouded by darkness but unlike the barely visible luxurious chair, the entire figure of this person was as if hidden by a different black from that of the darkness in the surroundings.

This person had a 'fat' wine cup on their right hand while their left arm was supporting their right arm by its elbow. This person also had their right leg hovering above their left leg instead. As for the figure's face, there was nothing discernible, only that the outline of their entire head showcased how delicate, beautiful and charming this person should be.


At this moment, the sound of a door opening up abruptly yet fearfully and with respect, was heard as light finally came into the room, only to barely illuminate the ground instead. Mainly because of the fact that the door was only slightly opened, even then that was enough to create a gigantic contrast of light on the ground for about 7 meters long.

"Master." A voice came from the outside, it was both subservient and fearful.

"Enter." The person sitting on the luxurious chair opened their eyes at that moment, they were also barely visible which made an ugly contrast with how the rest of their body was still being covered by that 'other type' of black. This person's voice was not only soft yet authoritative, but also that of a woman's.

Right after she spoke, the barely opened door left ajar closed without a hand coming into contact with the knob.


Rustle~... thud.

Then, the sound of leaves being brushed by ever so slowly came to be right before the smallest of sounds were produced as another figure entered the room from one of the room's windows while the curtains barely even danced.

"Master, servant has come to report!" Half-kneeling on the ground with their hands posed in front in a manner of subservience, the seemingly servant of this 'Master' spoke his words in a clear and a bit loud of a voice.

"Shut it! My chambers are only for my husband and maids or butlers bringing food, nor for dogs who have more fear than a chihuahua dog. Speak, the quicker it is the faster you'll stop dirtying my chambers." But the servant's master became rather annoyed and irked at the mannerisms of her servant instead.

"Yes! It... It was a- f-f-..."

Once again irked, the woman then spoke again, this time seriously: "You'll get your tongue cut off, I don't need useless people as my dogs, and bad dogs get punished severely."

Finally founding their lost courage, the servant became befuddled before finally speaking in a resolved manner: "It... was a failure, Master. Not only did our entire 4 Platoons and that one Echelon from the Tarn Clan's were thoroughly massacred, even the failed Specialist and the genius little girl with the potential of becoming one were also taken out! As for the other two sent by the Tarn's, also dead!"

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

Silence, silence, silence... And while there was only silence, the woman was constantly tapping on a side-round table to the side of her chair where a slightly big lamp could be barely distinguish in the dark.

The man that was her servant was now trembling slightly, yet without a stop. So what if he had been trained and in the 'job' for over 300 years? This hell of an entity was the terror of anyone who had ever either any contact with her or worked for.

Sure, she was as feeble as a chicken even for a recruit that has been trained for a few months in the army, but even if she was killed out of fear, hatred, pain or money, there would still be the entire and most renown behemoth of New Earth filling up the rol with an equally talented individual.

Killing someone weak was easy, killing an entire movement took time while destroying a thousands of years old organization would be impossible by 'just killing' alone.

With time, after countless daily assassinations, it became more and more stupid for one to try to keep on trying to do just that. Not because of how well protected she was, but for the fact that it may as well be the perfect opportunity for them to act. Upon anything they wanted, really.

Finally, after some good while, the woman spoke again. Her voice was still soft yet authoritative as she questioned: "Then? Those four did it, didn't they? Hmph, when they come back give them an ultimatum- hmm? What is it."

At first, when the servant heard his master speak of the team that had seemingly occupied the task on taking all that personnel out, he wanted to speak right away so as to not allow her master to say too much before being told the really bad news... But naturally, he didn't dare as the thought of interrupting his master was even more scary than letting her go through some shame, for as small as it appeared.

But for as small as it appeared... who knows what would the punishment be? This woman, known for being ruthless even to her own offspring; ignoring the fact that there was no one there except for the two of them wasn't going to be enough for the matter to be left there. Who knew what would await him upon any choice that he made?

Unfortunately for him, his hesitation and uncertainty were more than easily noticed by his master. What a joke! She's been in the Clan Head position for already more than a century, and from that of a Founding Clan even! How could she not notice such an obvious thing? This servant of hers might be terrifyingly capable alright, but besides not being an Specialist, he was only good for battling and stealth, not in dealing with an experienced human such as herself in the matters of reading a person's emotions and body language from their reactions.

Left with no choice, the servant had nothing but to speak of the truth: "Master, the-this-they... they are holding a resignation letter, and as we speak, th-they are coming back to the Cloud Gates Region to be relieved from duty."

Tap, tap, tap...

Once again, the woman found herself tapping on the side-table in response to the success of events after their supposedly easy-to-accomplish operation resulting in total failure. At last, she spoke a little while later: "What about the old man?"

"No, he... he is still with the- boy, Master." Almost speaking off of place right there, the servant changed his words eloquently at once before continuing.

The eyes of the woman narrowed before speaking out loud this time: "I see. Try to see what they're up to, if they are still protecting the kid in 'good will' or if they've went back to an ordinary life. If they also go on to another organization or work alone, report to me immediately. Leave."

Without even caring whether her commands were 'understood', the master dismissed the servant with a lazy fling of her left hand in a condescending manner while supporting her right cheek with her right hand formed into a fist, supporting itself on the round side-table.

"Yes, Master. This servant will leave." Prostrating himself in utter respect as well as untold gratitude, the servant finally left the chambers enshrouded in darkness at last through the same window he came in before. Not making even the slightest of sounds besides the brushing of the wind his body created colliding against the leaves on trees and bushes that were outside.

After 3 solid minutes in silence, of contemplative silence; the woman sat up straight on the luxurious chair before making a disdainful contorted face with her left eyebrow lowering in a sharp nosedive, muttering out loud in a tone that was in the same kind and degree of disdain: "Hmm. 'Tongqiu'? Hengh!..."

. . .


Progress Value Region's capital, Ancient Investor City. In the territory of the Jones Clan, inside the Technological Main Building where not only were the most important and impactful-to-be experimentation and research are carried out, but also where an incredibly advanced section acting as a hospital was built a few years ago.


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Tongqiu could be seen in the middle of an extremely big room that had different stage-like steps every 10 or more meters, with desks and tools and all kinds of products and items needed for medical attention that were too many to even start describing. There were from those who were fundamental, basic; to those who were new even for Diana to see, let alone Tongqiu or Miss Yona.

At this point, Tongqiu had a couple of gauntlets as well as a very advanced, mechanical prosthesis to act as his fingers and so on. While the entire room was of walls colored by an incredible spotless bright white, with the desks being of a metallic, obscure grey with navy blue on top; the place where Tongqiu was situated right now, which was in the middle of such extensive room, had only black metallic with grey spots which were ever so attractive and impossible to miss with the size of a baby's fist.

It also had a few big steps in a circular fashion, leaving a 4 meters radius area and acting as the perimeter of said area.

Tongqiu was standing exactly before that perimeter and could see that within the area, exactly at the middle, were two pair of babies who were being constantly touched here and there by a group of a dozen people who will take a rest to leave another member of the team to continue on carrying out the task of using their index and middle finger together to poke on certain parts of the little babies' bodies every three minutes.

This dozen of people wore a large white coat with gloves that were similar to Tongqiu's gauntlets, while also wearing protective and specialized garments under the coat, completely sealing off their bodies from the outside.

Tongqiu had a small shoulder bag on his right shoulder in which the black metallic box containing that bright golden substance was stored in. He was calmly watching the every single one of them as one or two of them would constantly move and poke at the twins' bodies; it was more than obvious to him that a certain technique was being employed here and that these ill infants had probably the worst time of their lives spent like this, since birth.

Looking at the twins, they were obviously unconscious; while they had extremely chubby wrists and hands and shins and feet, the rest of their body was almost as if their skin was sticking to their bones.

Their chubby parts making a contrast with the rest of their emaciated-like appearance was already sickening enough, the fact that the rest of their bodies was either grey, brown and black and even purple was the worst for any person to take in with a single glance. Those patterns, marks and deformations were all over their bodies while their chubby parts had an alarmingly bright and healthy color, almost as if they were 'way too healthy' in a sense.

Though they were unconscious, their eyes would drop a tear every 10 minutes or so. Tongqiu observed all of this for a couple of hours without a stop, his entire being fully focused.

At this moment, a sound that was obviously coming from a radio was heard as Tongqiu's ears prickled at once before looking to his left upwards.

Diana, Miss Yona and the little maids were in a booth above the room's wall height, observing him from afar while he was motionlessly observing the twins' treatment. It wasn't a toll for Miss Yona to be there since the booth counted with a bed and good air conditioner. It had a large glass window that served to allow an spectator to even zoom in wherever they wanted to see; this window also had some buttons attached to it which they intelligently ignored except for one, which was to directly talk to Tongqiu only.

On another booth, there was Jones Clem calmly yet somberly looking at his children on the middle of the gigantic room from afar, without a single capability to help them, but at this moment he spoke to Tongqiu while pressing on a button on the wall of glass.

"Mr Yun. What is your verdict?"

Tongqiu looked at the booth where Jones Clem was for a good while before answering in a clear voice: "I can do it. Tell me when I can go in."

Listening to his short wording, Jones Clem became a bit more clearheaded before pressing on another button on the wall of glass as he started giving on some commands.

Five minutes later, Tongqiu saw one of the men in the team face towards him before giving him a thumbs up above head, before signaling with 1 finger for a long time before once again signaling with a total of 6 fingers this time.

'Can't you just use a communications device-... oh! Wait, is it really because those infants are ill? How bad can they be for it to be prohibited the use of even the most basic of devices to communicate?' It was something Tongqiu didn't notice, mainly because he didn't even thought of giving it a single moment to think about before; as he became aware of how he should no longer ignore the obvious things while using his 'senses', Tongqiu prepared himself to get inside and start treating the twins himself as fast and efficiently as possible.

After some more dozens of seconds went by, someone came inside the room after the numerous gates and security tests, and brought with himself a tool that seemed to be a simple breather tool of a small size.

Once that person went inside the area where the twins were at, another couple dozen seconds later, they all finally started to depart one by one. When it started happening, the man that had previously made a thumbs up to Tongqiu once again faced him before also once again signaling a 1 with his finger for a long time.

Then, he used his fingers to signal a 6 once more, after 10 seconds, he lowered one of the fingers as two of his teammates left the area.

Another 10 seconds later, as he lowered another finger with them now being 4, another 2 of his teammates along with the extra person left the area.

Like that, they all started to leave the entire room in two's until it was that man's turn. The moment he lowered his last finger, he picked up his pace before quickly moving away while also taking his time to make another double thumbs up at Tongqiu.

Receiving the oh so waited for final signal, Tongqiu dashed towards the twins' area at last, arriving in but 2 seconds without making even the air around him whirl in the slightest.

'Okay... okay, okay. First...' Tongqiu took a good and long close look at the twins as he moved around with his fake hands taking out the black metallic box before placing it between the two little babies.

He then made something that forced Jones Clam to bury his own fingernails on his own palms in an attempt to not storm out of his booth.

Tongqiu had stepped up onto the platform where the two little babies were on top of, he knelt completely right before them with his hands moving them slightly to put them in a line with their feet touching Tongqiu's knees. The left and right sides of the twins' bodies were now touching together as Tongqiu then reached out for the black metallic box, opening it only for 3 seconds to take in a good amount with both of his index and middle fingers from both his hands.

With those little feet touching his knees and the previous deeper check-up on the inside of these little infants' bodies, Tongqiu then proceeded to 'focus' on the fingers that held the All-Mending Misery unguent/ointment for almost a minute, which made Jones Clem become even more horrifyingly worried and anxious.

Once almost a minute went up, Tongqiu directed his 4 fingers to the foreheads of the twins, the moment contact was made he closed his eyes before taking in a deep breath before resuming an extremely calm in and out of his breathing.

The instant Tongqiu put the bright golden substance on the twins' foreheads, they dissolved into their bodies like they never existed, no change was visible on the twins though.

Time passed by, it wasn't that much with it only amounting to about 15 seconds, but for the father of the twins it felt as if the many months of being a widower were being repeated once again. This time, in an even more unbearable intensity.

Suddenly, Tongqiu began moving his hands as he similarly poked at the twins' bodies like the previous team did with the difference being that that Tongqiu was leaving his hands on the place where he poked at them softly, almost holding their bodies.

He repeated this for 3 minutes before finally...



...the needy crying of two babies resounded all the way to the ears of everyone present!

Tongqiu himself weakly leaned to the side so that he wouldn't stupidly murder them with his heavy body falling on them, carefully, before barely being able to stand on both his feet.

After staggering for a while, Tongqiu looked at his women for a good while before looking at Jones Clem through the glass window before nodding at him and then even beckoned at him with his right hand as he took out his gauntlets!

Taking out the prosthesis from his wrists, Tongqiu then began walking towards the already closing in on him Diana with the rest following right behind her. She was smiling proudly and warmly, as if she could already see Tongqiu being very careful in the future as well.

Meanwhile, an exhausted, broken and to-die-for father was rapidly and nervously trekking forwards as he was finally going to have the opportunity of holding his own children ever since their birth.



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