Bow and Arrow

Chapter 161: Chapter 160 — Representatives Of The Founding Clans

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Representatives Of The Founding Clans




"Okay Little Zyv, we can continue for a little more until the cooldown comes off, we complete it again and then we go off. I'll be back at night again, understood?"

Hearing Tongqiu's words, Zyv nodded silently while falling down onto his body, embracing it and nuzzling her head affectionately. She then said in a husky yet soothing voice: Yeah. Yup. Whatever my Big Bro says, I'll do. Whatever, hehe~!"

After rolling his eyes once, Tongqiu embraced her back warmly before tickling her into running away. After catching her before she went far away in naughtiness, Tongqiu and company then resumed their killing of LV80 enemies at LV52 and LV48, with Little Zyv already being quite close to LV49 and Tongqiu being halfway through LV53.

Once the trial's cooldown went off, they directly headed towards there after killing off the remaining members of the small LV80 group of mobs. Entering into the trial's space once more, they quickly clean out the five waves, receiving once again the extremely well welcomed rewards of Experience and mats.

Zyv levelled up to LV49, shockingly yet unsurprisingly at the same time; while Tongqiu received only 10 Magical items instead.

With this second run of the same day, Tongqiu realized that the mobs that came out from each wave was different in any sense; in other words, random. The materials were also random at first, with the first three waves giving out any kind of material while the fourth one would give materials that the player in question needed or had a use for with their Sub-Class. In Tongqiu's case, he wondered whether this would mean that he'd receive just about any important materials since he had the Forge and Create branch sub-class.

As Zyv was crazily jumping around once again to show her big bro how glad she is to be with him, she suddenly felt her waist be hugged by her big bro right before amply disappearing from the platform that was unceasingly moving, flying around.

. . .


"Uuy! What the shit! Who makes those teleportations? Aiya, Big Bro are you alright? Is my bum too soft for you? Should~I~Move~It~More? Hehehe, aaaykk!" Though Zyv was being vulgar at first, she then felt Tongqiu's fifth limb between her cheeks down below which prompted her to test it out a few times. Once she understood how terrifyingly and scarily resistant, thick and harder than metal it was, she grew satisfied and excited so much that she forgot how badly she was about to be trained once again.

As a result, Tongqiu tackled her down onto the ground, once again; before starting to undress her like the evil villain that he was, with no sign of thunder coming down though.

Only one hour later, since Tongqiu had to deal with real life soon; Zyv could once again seen on the ground with her little chest with no visible mound to be heaving up and down constantly while sweat was apparent on her forehead. She had, however, her two arms from the tips of her hands to her shoulders full of Tongqiu's essence this time. And with a great, content and satisfied grin on her face at that.

She strangely took her time without 'cleaning' off Tongqiu from her body, taking in his scent from each breath in she took.

"Huff, huff... phew~lick, o-okay. I-I lick think I need lick a break. Too lick, too much for lick today, waaaa-phew~lick. Alright, I-I'll behave lick so spare me next lick time, okay? LICK, LICK, LICK. Byebye~." Tongqiu heard Zyv's delicate and soothing voice in between licking sounds, he turned his head only to see Zyv licking off the last seeds of passion coming from him before entering his White Space and logging off all dressed.

Blink, motherfucking blink.

'She really has an obsession with my smell, ah?' Tongqiu did not know how to feel about this, proud? Worried? Weirded out? Meh, he ended up feeling proud as well as hungry at the end, there was no point in thinking it further.

Tongqiu then took his time to catch his breath as well before entering the White Space; after bidding farewell at the smiling women that also gave him knowing, meaningful glances, he then logged off at last.



New Earth, Jones Clan's temporary residence for the Peaceful Rain Corporation.


"Ah... well, that was nice. Who's next, ah?" Tongqiu came out from the bathroom without even bothering to wear a towel, his head now had a 6 cm long hair at most while he had his sides slightly cut shorter.

"Eh, pervert! Go and get dressed, Miss Yona has picked up quite the nice outfit for you. Tsk tsk, irresponsible child, walking around naked like nothing's important. Hmph!" Making a cute little snort at the end with her head tilted backwards, Diana threw Tongqiu some female underclothes at his face and member before walking away in heavy, playful stomps.

'Aish, not even that can save me the trouble.' Tongqiu then looked at the clothes on the bed before starting to begrudgingly putting them on, his thoughts continuing: 'I even have to be present for this negotiations, ugh... fuck.'

Miss Yona was the one to do the real work here of talking and debating, but Tongqiu's feelings from having to be there made him annoyed and dispirited. But it was then thrown off, as he was the leader of the corporation, he couldn't let only his assistant/secretary attend such an important meeting alone. Even less now that they were barely starting off as a corporation.

'Okay.' Determined now after breathing out once, Tongqiu started dressing on his own. Once he was over, he moved towards the kitchen to eat and drink again before leaving the residence with Miss Yona on his side.



While in the car driving towards the Central Plaza of the Jones Clan's territory, where the meeting will be held, Tongqiu asked to Miss Yona who was the driver of the car in a soft tone: "How are you feeling now? Still feeling slight headaches from thinking about the information to always have in consideration?"

"Oh, oh! Hahaha, wow, how considerate~. Ahem, no... I'm fine now, Mi-... Diana has shown me some tricks and tips, I'm-I'm better now, thank you." Miss Yona spoke those last few words while turning to look at him, her countenance became a little shy and quiet.

'Is she not that receptive of caring from others... or is she rather alienated from it?'

After pondering for a few little seconds, Tongqiu added: "We all are here. We, yes I know, but I more than anyone am. If there's something you need-"

At this moment, Miss Yona touched a few buttons and lifted a little lever besides the wheel before launching her upper body at Tongqiu. They were of similar height, so when she fell onto his body, their foreheads made a 'clink' before becoming slightly red.

"Ouch, aiya... sorry~. Hehehe, you have a little red spot, it's already healing back? Wow..."

"Oh, yes. It's from the training I do. Which, by the way, you will have some too, you hear me? I'd like to see if those almost well-formed abs can look as well as I believe they will once they are truly formed..."

"Aaah! Stop! You're not allowed to speak ill of your women, I'm going back to driving, hmph!" Miss Yona's next words made Tongqiu become befuddled.

'What the fuck?! Diana! You're teaching her too much-' But his thoughts were interrupted for as he saw Miss Yona actually move back to holding the wheel, intending to go back at driving. But, before she could even start pressing buttons, Tongqiu pulled her towards him forcefully while saying: "Ey! You! Come back, I'm not done with you. You sneaky naughty Yona, come'ere!"

"Mmmm! mnn-phgwah- le-let me brea-...mmmmm!"

After 2 seconds, she became engrossed and actively looked for Tongqiu's tongue, neck and earlobe over and over again.

Ah, to be young, and to be willing. How nice, life is good.


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Jones Clan's territory, Central Plaza. A couple of tents were set up with the most comfortable looking one being set in the middle of the plaza, spanning over an area of 30 x 30 meters square, while smaller tents containing food, drinks and butlers, maids and cooks ready to prepare any food among the smaller tents.

There were already a few cars parked to the side that was made a parking lot temporarily for the purpose of having this private meeting. There were some figures speaking cordially, some casually, and some formally to each other; in front of the biggest tent set in the middle.

Peep, peep!

A little sound of an alarm rang out, those who were already there were in the known that this was also temporarily set to indicate another party of the meeting arriving soon.

Sure enough, a minute later, a car came into their views as they kept on talking towards each other while constantly looking towards the two possible paths were a car could come in with.

"Oh, everyone! The chief of the newest Peaceful Rain Corporation is here, haha, a bit late but I assure you your time will not be wasted." Jones Clem voice sounded out at this moment. As the Clan Head of the Region they were all currently visiting, respect and acknowledgement was more than seen as he spoke, they made a little opening to let anyone have a look at him before slowly dying out the chatter.

At this moment, Tongqiu and Miss Yona came out from the car with them also fixing their clothes blatantly, without an ounce of professionalism. Even Miss Yona acted so, when besides Tongqiu, how could she even think of feeling embarrassed or shameful of? If anything, she was even willing to appear silly with him.

But seeing this scene made everyone else in the little group in front of the tent to look at each other, exchanging peculiar glances over and over, in silence as they waited for the two newcomers to close in on them.

Tongqiu had, surprisingly, a white colored and bright jacket while light grey colored pants from a tuxedo. He also had a strong and powerful red colored necktie which accentuated his unusually attractive jaw and unique eyes, his hair growth also became even more contrasted in a good way, of course. After all, Miss Yona was the one to suit up her man!

Miss Yona had a light purple empire type of dress, colors were probably not the best to her aid, but she looked adorable, sweet, easy to approach but only with an honest smile and thoughts and a joy for the eyes, especially -and thought to be for- Tongqiu's.

"HAHAHA, Mr Yun, it is great to see you again. Forgive my absence and my not visiting you, I-... As you can see, I've been quite busy, eh! Hahahaha..." At the moment Tongqiu was now closing in on the group, he saw a well uniformed male that seemed to be in his mid twenties in the back of the small group of people in front of the tenth, he then heard Jones Clem and knew that he was being welcomed and asked for forgiveness from giving him the cold shoulder after so many days.

There was a clear reason, however; first of all, he was all laughter and joy that even his voice became warm and friendly toward Tongqiu, while in his arms, there were two healthy, spirited and intelligently and curiously looking to their surroundings- pair of twins.

"Sir, hello. I and my future wife came late, sorry." As Jones Clem's lips twitched slightly, he only regained clarity once he felt one of his babies slap him heavy in the face. Meanwhile, Miss Yona was trying her best to hide her joy and bashfulness.

Jones Clem cleared his throat before pampering his children, then saying: "Well, let me introduce you to these important acquaintances that you may have lots of contact with after this meeting."

With a meaningful glance and a little bent of his back, Jones Clem gave Tongqiu a slight indication before moving towards a couple of what seemed to be a merry married couple.

Tongqiu and his future wife moved along behind him, arriving half a meter away from the couple; the woman was youthful, but Tongqiu had a new and different sensation, as if she had a similarity with Jones Clem. After only 3 seconds of observation, he realized that it must naturally be someone who had taken a serum to extend their lifespan. Tongqiu, however, couldn't confirm it as this was truly the first time he realized there was this kind of sensation over such type of bodies, strengthened to live further more than an ordinary person.

She looked to be like 17 years old, though; a complete contrast to what the feeling Tongqiu got form her. Golden colored hair of a large length and brown eyes. She was truly beautiful, and innocent-looking. One easy way to remember her was to simply look at those seemingly shy  yet proper brown eyes that had touched both sides of the coin and been submerged in blood that was not taken by themselves.

Then, Tongqiu looked at the man besides her, who appeared rather youthful too as well as humble and affectionate. His eyes had a golden color to their iris while the pupils where of a brown color, though he appeared rather strange, boundless guilt and ordinariness that radiated of good manners emanated from them. His build was rather ok, very leaned over the slim side and it also seemed as if he had just healed up from an illness.

Tongqiu looked back at the woman, only now did he notice a sensation of downhearted sentiments, also carrying guilt with the every tremble of her lips. Which were doing so, trembling, ever few seconds as she looked around, talked and even just silently glanced in the distance.

"A-ahem! These are the representatives that the Fosk Clan has sent to the meeting, they may not look like so, heh! But they are esteemed seniors of the Fosk Clan, so do not underestimate their ability to call the shots in this meeting, alright?" Jones Clem cleared once more his throat, Tongqiu glanced at him and noticed he was rather dry in his throat, was he perhaps having too much fun having his own children having 'come back to life' once again?

In any case, Jones Clem gave not a real hint before continuing: "This incredible amazing woman is the esteemed elder Fosk Yinlan, hehe, let me tell you; she is 178 years old right now! Incredible, isn't it? The Fosk are really great when it comes to purity, now you can believe it! Am I right, Deter?"

"Oh, haha-god, please stop. You'll make my wife blush." The humble man responded after rolling his eyes gently, his mannerisms occasioned Miss Yona to lose herself in thoughts, knowing a little of her past Tongqiu smoothly grasped her hand to the sight of anyone.

The woman saw this and smiled once at last, genuinely this time as she presented herself while clinging to her man: "Hello, nice to meet you Little Yun. Hehe, I once saw you totally naked, you know? You were always a good child, and with very good potential, eh!"

"Co-cough, cough! Li-little wife, what are you doing? Don't you know how annoyed Little Azak would become if she know you're intending to throw her under the bus again? Haish..." While the man became flustered and started sweating a little, the youthful woman looked at Tongqiu with a charm that an 'evil' auntie would, before adding: "Hehe, oh well. You know how lonely that damn girl is, and how desperate we are, ahem. This must be... Madam...?"

When Miss Yona saw that it was now her turn to be called Madam of Tongqiu, she became fidgety and nervous with her sweaty palms making their way from her thighs to her ribs while trying to clean the sweat off her hands entirely, only to be grabbed directly by the youthful woman as she then said: "Oh darling, you don't mind sharing this one of a man, do you? I've heard of a little Natalia having move out from her random stays at hotels from Region to Region, suddenly staying in one place~."

'Oh, for the love of fucking gods and goddesses!' Tongqiu made an exaggerated and obvious roll of his eyes with his arms flailing up and down once before placing his right hand over Miss Yona's shoulder.

After giving one little glance at the youthful woman, Tongqiu spoke: "Yup, she is mine. So please stop touching here, I'll get jealous even if it's another woman. It was hard for me to bring her to my side after all, sigh."


Fortunately, before the youthful woman could lose her cool and start laughing without restraint, her husband came to her aid to remind her of her appearances in public.

"Oho- mou, Deter~! I don't care about them, if I feel like laughing, I want to laugh, hehe." Then, the youthful woman glanced at Tongqiu once again, Tongqiu himself felt her wise, and a feeling that was like 'where rain has passed' from her eyes as he turned like a little child with his eyes darting right and left.

"Did... did you really saw me naked once?"

"Bwahahaha, not just once, you went to a pool along with-" In the middle of her own response, the youthful woman's speech became horrendously abruptly cut off as her entire countenance became grim; tears were about to spill.

"Ehem, alright come here, come here. Let's enter first, okay?" The humble man took her wife by her hand before making their way toward the main tent, Jones Clem nodded at them as he saw the humble man 'Deter' look at him in askance.

Tongqiu and Miss Yona: "..."

Jones Clem: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Since old Clem wasn't going to say anything, there was no point in forcing it. Once Miss Yona went out from her bashfulness from Tongqiu's previous joke, they went towards another group of people while Jones Clem spoke to them with an informative purpose: "That man was Fosk Deter, initially not a Fosk. He took that name when he was homeless, from what they've told me before in previous meetings and celebrations and the like; they met each other in a rainy day, heh. When she asked him for his name and said that he didn't even remembered his any longer and only adopted the 'Fosk' name to have a sense of reality... well, that did it. They fell shortly after, he's very caring toward her while Elder Yinlan herself is a great, powerful and intelligent woman. Oh right, his husband also has taken in the serum but I don't know his age."

"Ahem, now. We'll be going to the Flick Clan's representatives." At this moment, once their dad finished talking, the little twins started squirming like crazy- nothing like how they were a few minutes ago. In truth, when they were talking with the Fosk Clan's representatives, they were curiously looking at Tongqiu but now, it seemed that curiosity finally got the better of these little twins as they extended their healthy yet still slightly chubby hands towards Tongqiu's face and left side of his chest.

Miss Yona was looking at them with bright stars among her eyes.




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