Bow and Arrow

Chapter 162: Chapter 161 — Presenting The All-Mending Misery

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Presenting The All-Mending Misery




"Hmph~." Tongqiu had not a single care given to them, even with their extremely cute and impossible to resist 'hug me big person' kind of look in their pure eyes.

But after sensing Miss Yona's reaction, he signaled Jones Clem with his head before speaking with a silent mouth. When Jones Clem saw this, he did not knew that in truth, Tongqiu was actually too lazy and unbothered to talk, mistaking it for him trying to be sneaky and surprise Miss Yona.

Old Clem nodded at Tongqiu as he raised his right hand towards him, the other twin looking disappointingly at the other twin gaining the lottery. Jones Clem also spoke in a hushed tone at Tongqiu: "This one's the girl, the one in the left is the boy. She is called Miryia, here, take her take her."

Strangely to both Miss Yona and Jones Clem, Tongqiu skillfully picked up Little Miryia as he then placed her between him and Miss Yona. He said to her in a rare gentle and doting voice at the same time: "Look, Little Miryia wouldn't stop seeing me, I think she knows I'm better than daddy. Ah, look, this is Miss Yona. My wife, go ahead and go crazy for her too, go on~!"

Miss Yona was first warmed in her heart when she carried Little Miryia along with Tongqiu, while she was almost melted completely when she heard Tongqiu's words towards this little cute thing.

"Hehia, yiyi!" Shockingly though, Little Miryia seemingly obeyed Tongqiu as she 'went crazy' for Miss Yona too! The same way she did for Tongqiu.

With her legs becoming almost numb of warmth and care, Miss Yona teared up a couple of times from both her lacrimals as she slightly pinched Little Miryia's cheeks. She didn't had much hair, but she looked so adorable...

Meanwhile, Jones Clem did his best to hide his sniffs as he had his head raise up high and lowered only to play along with his boy every now and then, to keep him attended and not feeling left out. The baby boy had a pouting face though.

With just a few minutes later, they arrived before another group of people as Jones Clem spoke first: "Mr Yun! These are the representatives that the Flick Clan sent from the Nascent Herb City. Guess what, these two wimpy brats are the soon to be Clan Head and the Deputy Clan Head. While this way too damn old fart is the current Clan Head of the Flick Clan, huh. These beggars gave us much face, don't you think?"

Tongqiu, Miss Yona and Little Miryia: "..."

The two brats and the too damn old fart: ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ╭╮ಠ

One of the wimpy brats was a young man, looking really, really young. Blonde hair and even yellow eyes that were definitely just the colors of his eyes and not some kind of illness. Tongqiu obviously could not know this person, but he could tell with his observations that this young man was ignorant of his own charm.

The other wimpy brat was a young woman, this time a real woman, but young. Similarly, she had blonde hair and eyes, while her beauty was both; a passive calm beauty and an irresistible perfect wifey material beauty.

The way too damn old fart; looked ancient, to say the least. He looked caring, protective and optimistic when put besides these two youngsters. It could easily be seen how much did this old man care for them.

Without waiting for anyone to respond, really, Jones Clem received his daughter in his arms from Tongqiu -even though Little Miryia appeared rather unwilling- as he spoke out: "Mr Yun, this boy is called Terneua, Flick Terneua. Even though he looks and is 17 years old, he is already expected to take the wheel for the Flick Clan already! Probably not even a year from now, will he be then the Clan Head already, you better curry favor now if you're so interested, haha... Ahem, this beautiful young woman is her sister, Flick Mone. She is just as amazing as her little brother, just that she doesn't care about taking the role of the Clan Head and decided to leave it for her unambitious little brother. Isn't that right, Terneua boy?"

"AA-a-ah? W-f-of course! Sure, aha... ehm..." The boy, Flick Terneua, turned as nervous and fidgety as no one. Only calming down when he felt his older sister tap his back.

"Phew..." The boy breathed in sharply before looking at Jones Clem with his twins in his arms and Tongqiu with his future wife in his arm, before saying respectfully and amiably: "A very great honor to see you two, ah Clan Head Jones, I'm very glad you could have both your children healed up completely! Mr Yun, I'm glad to see you at last, I've hear some things of you from my sister. You both are of the same age so you probably met a lot when you were children, right?"

Tongqiu: "..."

Tongqiu's face went blank, with his eyes staring deadly at him without a single emotion nor feeling. Nobody noticed at first, merely thinking he was thinking how to respond, nobody except Miss Yona.

"Ahem, well, Clem boy... w-why don't you introduce us? Haha, I never got to see Little Beish-" And at the moment the old fart was speaking, Tongqiu changed his glare at him the moment he mentioned 'Little Beishang' before being cut off in the middle of 'Beishang'.

Tongqiu wasn't that evil, he was mostly just having this reactions naturally. But he couldn't help it neither way, so he didn't try to foolhardily appear more friendly or agreeable.

"AHEM! Of course! Mr Yun, this one here, as I've already mentioned before, is the current Clan Head of the Flick Clan. Flick Boton. He is so old that he's even older than any old bastard from the Yun Clan. 601 years old, can you believe it? Bwagh, the Flick Clan is so well-known of passion, but their leader is an old fart, they've fallen too far below." Jones Clem's words incited tedious annoyance in both the children of the Flick Clan, but more specifically, the old fart that Flick Boton was.

As such, Flick Boton didn't even gave it too much thought before responding to those words: "At least this old 'fart' has many young geniuses already taking the mantle of the Flick Clan, hmph, you think these useless cute things would be able to rival my own blood? Dream on, 'young fart'."


At this moment, Jones Reta and Fass came to their side, and to her uncle's aid.

"Uncle~, everything's is ready! We only need to start the meeting, and swat away these annoying flies. Now, now, why don't we enter so that we can start exchanging pleasantries... inside? Hmmm?" Jones Reta did her best to direct their heating conversation into starting the meeting prematurely, leading the way towards the tent's entrance, but before entering she suddenly realized of Flick Boston's words as she then muttered in a low voice: "But, am I not a genius? Eh? Was he insulting me, ME?!"

Blinking in speechlessness, Tongqiu watched her, Fass and the Flick Clan enter the tent one after another; with Jones Clem waiting for him and Miss Yona to follow suit with his darlings still in his embrace. It looked like he was going to bring them to the meeting for whatever reason.

Tongqiu wanted to take Miss Yona's hands after making a quick scan of the surroundings but found out that she was looking at her own hands with a blank stare, as if she had a void in between her arms that she couldn't explain. After seeing this for a few seconds, Tongqiu's mouth formed an unnoticeable grin as he then finally took her hand and lead her towards Jones Clem.

The moment he was about to reach in front of the tent's entrance, there was a commotion behind him.

"Eh! Who the hell you think you are, stopping this Elder for no reason. Do you even know who I am?!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, y-yo-you useless guards, we're invited here!!"

"Move out the way, move out the way or we'll start using force! Who do you think you are to stop us from entering, do you think you own the place?!?"

Many voices were coming from behind him, notoriously. Not even needing to take a look back, Tongqiu knew there were some uninvited people desiring to get inside for, well; obvious motives.

At this time, Jones Clem's voice sounded out, making theirs completely mute in but an instant: "They may not be, but I do have all the wants if I don't want others to enter my home."

Naturally, the people became 'sober' and took a look at the Clan Head who was seemingly imposing and imperative out of nowhere.

"Oh, oh! Clan Head, you must help us, this bastards of the Crestfallen Industry are treating this place as their own! You must take the chance to get rid of these rebellious-" But the person who spoke up to this point was interrupted by the calm words and regular pace of his voice, from Jones Clem's interruption: "They are doing as told. How are they doing wrong? Mm, I get it; allow me to remind you of something, everyone."

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With that, Jones Clem indicated for a servant to move, which after no more than 4 seconds later, that servant returned with a chair before placing it besides Jones Clem.

Jones Clem stepped onto that expensive chair's cushion before raising his hands up in the air to his sides and speaking to everybody in a really loud voice: "Everyone! As you may already know, the Crestfallen Industry and the Jones Clan are but inseparable allies. For today, seeing the previous... 'incident', I have had decided to place some more security into the Jones Clan temporarily during the stay of the esteemed Mr Yun, Yun Beishang."

He gave everyone a good look while making a dramatic pause before continuing, as for the people around, every single one of them felt as if even their interiors have been completely seen and studied at once: "As for not allowing you the entry, that is naturally so in behalf of Mr Yun and the Peaceful Rain Corporation. I'd also like to say, that we have only invited the Fosk and the Flick for this meeting. Any other person in the premises of my Jones Clan's territory should behave properly unless they want to be escorted out, or worst. Everyone, I apologize for the inconveniences, but please leave as I'm afraid I can't take care of you for the time being." Finished saying that, Jones Clem had a strange and rare genuine laughing smile on his face.

As Jones Clem was speaking his last few words from his speech, Tongqiu thought deviously for a little before stepping forwards towards him. Once he was close enough, he raised his hands to Little Miryia and was about to receive her from Jones Clem's hands while he was still speaking when he suddenly saw the other baby start moving like crazy; like a dog that was too impatient to be put onto the ground as the twin actually got himself free from his father's hands, falling on Tongqiu's embrace before Little Miryia could.

Little Miryia, at seeing this, changed her expression to a rather intelligent one where it even seemed that her heart crumbled to pieces little by little. But before she could continue after crying out 'bwa-ga', she felt one of Tongqiu's arms take her towards Miss Yona, before being warmly embraced by the beautiful, red haired woman that faintly smelled of the big man that she wanted to be held by.

Seeing Little Miryia calm down in her embrace as she looked down at her, Miss Yona smiled beautifully before walking a little ahead of Tongqiu. Tongqiu followed right after seeing Miss Yona move that fast, while half-ignoring and half-attending the naughty Little Clem Jr. Once they arrived behind Jones Clem, right before the fluttering entrance of the tent, they waited for him to finish his speech to enter together. It would be rather fucking weird, were they to enter with his children and him entering alone, right?

When they turned around while waiting, they saw that there were at least a hundred uniformed guards or soldiers, for each cardinal point, stopping a multitude of shameless greedy fucker from entering. They were entirely silent though, as if robots, yet were simply fulfilling their duty. They also saw them with an unique brown light main color of their uniforms with a strong yet also light green on certain patters unique patterns on their shoulders, right below their shoulders from the front, on the lateral of the arms and a kind of aesthetic belt.

Meanwhile, the many greedy fuckers were still trying to push forward through them, in order to enter the meeting one way or another.

After a few little seconds, the five of them finally entered the tent.

. . .


Inside the tent, there was a small rectangular table, while their surroundings were barely lit. With this dim atmosphere and lightning, everyone remained silent on the table, Tongqiu and Miss Yona were on one of the two small extremities of the table, while Jones Clem, his niece and his student sat on the other.

The Fosk were sitting on Tongqiu's left while The Flick were sitting on his right.

At this moment, Tongqiu and Miss Yona had the little twins on their lap; Miss Yona was playing along with Little Miryia by moving her hands in a way that made the little baby laugh, while Tongqiu simply ignored the boy while only lowering the boy's arms when he started to get all fidgety.

"Alright, everyone's here, before we start let me make it more bright."

Clap, clap.

As soon as Jones Clem said that, he clapped his hands a couple of times.


A sound of a switch being turned on and activated began to resound, then, the sides of the tent became illusory before becoming fully transparent. The beautiful scenery outside the tent, devoid of anyone except a few visible guards came to the sight of everyone, the twins were growing large-eyed at the motion of this to which their father looked at them brilliantly with a large smile plastered on his face.

"Since there isn't any other inconvenience, then we can start. As you can see, this tent is perfectly soundproof and ever capable of resisting other dangerous 'things', heh heh. The light that comes in is genuinely that of our sun, is just that only us can have the luxury of knowing that, heh heh." Jones Clem bragged a little more before waiting for someone else to speak up.

And he waited shortly, alright.

"You can keep on arrogantly boasting about later, why don't we first start with what is important, hm?!" Flick Boton's words came to everyone's ears as the Jones' side became slightly embarrassed, but entirely speechless.

The Fosk were rather calm and collected at this moment, going back to their behavior from before Tongqiu and Miss Yona spoke to them prior entering the tent.

Miss Yona indicated for a servant, and after a few servants came to Tongqiu's side, they both gave them the little children that they were taking care of. Though Tongqiu was expressionless, Miss Yona and Little Miryia were unwilling. While the Little Clem Jr became rather Tongqiu-like, indifferent to the servants yet still trying to slap them with his hand every now and then.

Tongqiu lifted his eyebrows spontaneously there once, as he though: 'They are really not the same as a baby, yet are also unavoidably acting like one. Is this... the result from using 'that' or because of the use of the All-Mending Misery? Whichever it is... it is slightly fucked up.'

Meanwhile, he found himself waving towards the Little Miryia who was being transferred from Miss Yona to Jones Clem; he stopped doing so once he found himself doing such a thing. Ignoring the tenderly looking at them, Fosk Yinlan, who had her head lowered while her eyes were slightly misty.

Tongqiu also found himself unable to stop from observing, studying; over and over again, the tent. Whether it was the 'walls', the roof, the floor and the furniture inside the tent. He could be seen constantly observing it all, what others couldn't tell though, was that he wasn't only doing so with his own eyes.

At this moment, once silence dominated the entire meeting room for quite a while; Miss Yona suddenly stood up once she confirmed that the twins were back to their father. With a big flashing smile and bright eyes, she officially began the meeting of the two Founding Clans and the Peaceful Rain Corporation, while the Jones Clan would merely act as a mediator and spectator.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for attending this meeting. I'm sure that the main reason why we were taken so highly by the Fosk and Flick Clans, was because of the All-Mending Misery unguent/ointment, that my boss here has created. First of all, I want to emphasize that only my boss is capable of fully creating this product, and that should it be copied by others; disastrous results will come to light. Whether in the middle of its creation or by consumption. As for the distribution of it, you all have not to worry as the Peaceful Rain Corporation promises to have 1 million tones for each of the 12 Regions of New Earth at the end of the year, where we can expect to have our product to be ready to be sold everywhere around the world. Well, our inhabited lands, of course."

"Secondly, we are already working on the prospects of creating the upgraded version of this All-Mending Misery 'basic' stage product. That's right, we are already aware of the potential that this product can reach, and it is really astonishing." At this moment, she felt a tug at her clothes so she leaned over to Tongqiu's side and gave him her ear, not sexually of course.

After a little while of having her ear a little red by Tongqiu being close to her, she then took in Tongqiu's words as she straightened her back with a smile and continued: "As of right now, our All-Mending Misery unguent/ointment is capable of allowing any person with any kind and in any degree of mental distress, to gain clarity as well as a lot of pain tolerance. Esteemed Elder Yinlan, would you like to try it right here, right now?"


As Miss Yona spoke a few words of the product they intended to promote very damn well, she took out a black colored small box and slammed it onto the table, dominance asserted.




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