Bow and Arrow

Chapter 163: Chapter 162 — Negotiations End!

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Negotiations End!




"Eh... ah, this. Is it safe? Ar-are you sure it is safe?" Fosk Deter almost stood up while asking this, he didn't even consider how Tongqiu or Miss Yona had ever thought of his wife having many migraines, all-year long constant headaches and dizziness.

"I'll do it then."

Fosk Deter was, however, shocked when he heard his wife agree so easily. Without even waiting for more than a second, she stood up and took the black colored box by herself, not even letting the servants around to pass it on to her.

At this moment, Jones Clem made a gesture with his hands as all of the servants then made their way out of the tent.

"It's this simple, you take a considerate amount with just the tip of your finger, and then place it on your temple. Well, it can be anywhere to be honest. You can smear it a little if you're afraid that it will fall off, in case you don't want to lie down." Miss Yona made some obvious gestures with her hands while looking sincerely at the youthful looking Elder.

"Ah, like this, right? Oh, it does feel... heuoop!" Fosk Yinlan was a little afraid, truth to be told, but she did so anyways while slightly glancing at Tongqiu who was tilting his head left and right while looking all around.

As soon as the light green colored substance made contact with her skin, she felt some kind of prickling on her forehead while at the same time, a sensation of the substance on her skin being merged with her body. Then, the feeling of the same sensation spread through her entire body.

At this moment, while Fosk Yinlan had a genuine expression of relaxation and calmness with her eyes closed and even breathing; there was some kind of drawing being put into everyone's eyes. Even with her clothes on, there were lots of light green coming from her body under her clothes, it was lightning up rather strongly. There were some 'lines' from her neck to the sides of her head and to the center of her forehead, if she were to bow her head, everyone except Tongqiu would notice that she actually also had a big fist-sized light green bright color on top of her head!

"Thi-th-this... what... what is it?" Fosk Deter asked in stupefaction, everyone else was exactly the same; though life in New Earth has been many many more times advanced that the old Earth, even when it was hundreds of years before its destruction. Even then, they have had never seen something similar except in movies and their dreams!

It didn't stop there, as veiny-like lines started being drawn inside Fosk Yinlan's body. They were acting like their one and only purpose for existence was to expose the everything that was wrong with the host's body. As for Fosk Yinlan, there many inside 'lines' that were formed from what seemed to be from her stomach, as there was a countless roots-like image of lines going from down below her body upwards her neck, condensing into a thorny-like root-line that was thicker and much more gruesome than any other all the way up to the top of her head; or rather, brain.

"Sigh, as you can see, the All-Mending Misery is capable of exposing a person's injuries and abnormalities. It won't be shown today since it is Esteemed Elder Yinlan the one using it, but allow me to clarify something... Thanks to this 'slightly' unique and helpful, even an ordinary person would be able to perform surgery to another! Of course, this doesn't mean that an ordinary person would have the knowledge nor a sudden gain of ability equal to that of a 20 year old experienced surgeon. But this alone would, nonetheless, achieve the impossible by allowing anyone to understand and know what to do should a person be heavily injured even. As not only is this product capable of exposing a body's malfunctions, but even has the adaptability of change!"

"This product can act for a long time before it is used up completely; it is enough for a person to look for the required tools and medical products, medicine and so on. The thing is like this: a person who wants to operate on a person's body with the aid of the Basic All-Mending Misery, as long as they remain close to the body and study it, the simple fact that they have the thought and sincerity of acting to save that person's life or help that person out, will grant them some cognitive enlightenment. This will work perfectly so that if, for example, an ordinary soldier desires to take out a bullet out of their comrade's body; as long as they act with sincerity and continue on studying the body and the exposed lines, they would be given a temporary surge of inspiration, knowledge if you may!"

"Hence, once the soldier starts performing an improvised surgery with all of the previous requirements having been met, the soldier will experience a change in the 'lines' and their composition. This would make it easier for the soldier to understand what they've just done and what's next. All the way until either the lines are exhausted, or the body... dies."

Creak! Creak! Creak! Thud.

Immediately after she finally ended her initial speech, the members all around the small rectangular table became overexcited, overwhelmed as well as confused!

"Did... anyone not understood my words?" Miss Yona smiled brightly while asking everyone in the room, Tongqiu had already finally stopped looking around unreasonably, maintaining now a pose that gave indications that he was fully supporting Miss Yona's speech and his product; confidently.

"We did... Of course we did! However, this... this accomplishments. Do you even know what kind of absurdity they are?!" It was time for Flick Boton to speak out at this time.

In response, however, it was Jones Reta who spoke out while standing up: "Old grandpa Boton! You must not believe it, but you must have already become suspicious and intrigued to know of how my cousins suddenly became healthy after a full year of remaining sick with no hope of getting any better; right? Well, here- RIGHT THERE, is your answer. Can't you really see it? In fact, I'm sure that anyone else here is just like that, are you not?!"

'Holy shit, little Reta became Lion Reta!' Tongqiu's eyes went a little big at the sudden outburst of the Jones Reta who had been, so far, a little horny girl in his eyes.

But then...

ABUUUU- blwagaga, yiyiyi~~!

...Little Miryia and Little Clem Jr started 'cheering' up little Reta once again, making her blush a little and bent her back in slight embarrassment.


At this moment, Fass stood up beside her to support her by placing both his hands on her shoulders before speaking as well in Peaceful Rain Corporation's behalf: "Oh, Lit-Jones Reta is right; I'm sure you all are aware that Mr Yun had arrived here almost an entire week before you all, correct? Well, there were some things that happened before your arrival, Esteemed Elders and future Clan Heads. If it wasn't because of Mr Yun's presence here, however, the All-Mending Misery that he utilized wouldn't have been enough! There would still be many repercussions and sequels from my teacher's children's bodies, probably still needing to be taken care of 24/7 for some more years before they could begin reconstructing a healthy body, not just one day or actually, just a few hours!"

"With this being said, I hope everyone understand how important Mr Yun's intervention was and, that without his help and for seeking our and yours' cooperation for the future of New Earth, my cousins would've had to be injected nutrients every day with their body consisting of almost pure bones with their skin completely glued to them. It is him who makes it possible." Finished saying that, Fass sat down while still holding Jones Reta's shoulders, whom was smiling foolishly while giving him a couple of flirtatious glances.

'Holy crap~. These kids are grateful alright. Or, maybe is Clem's gratitude in the form of publicly displaying it? Or maybe both, eh, it's alright.' Once again was Tongqiu astounded at the little show, whether it was genuine or genuine and trying to make a name for him, he understood their meaning.

And sure enough, he wasn't the only one. Because not only was Miss Yona grasping his right hand tightly, now sitting down. Nope, even the rest of the previously standing shocked representatives of the Fosk and Flick Clans were now sitting down in silence.

It wasn't long before a determined, kind and excited voice came to the everyone's ears: "The Fosk Clan will take this offer up."

"Eh-Ah-ah-agh..." At the mere finishing of Fosk Deter's words, Flick Boton became flatly surprised and speechless, he even felt his throat dry up and turn painful somewhat.

"Hm hm..." A pair of humming laughs sounded out as Flick Terneua stood up again, placing his hands on top of the table, he first looked at the Fosk with respect before looking at the Jones for a while, he spoke from future Clan Head to Clan Head: "Mr Jones Clem, are you sure you'll be trusting these kids of the Peaceful Rain 'Corporation' with your full and wholeheartedly agreeing Clan's support, like that of the Tarn Clan?"

Maybe for some, those would be taunting words for the group mentioned in between, but for Tongqiu it was merely a nervous last-time decision making.

Flick Terneua looked at Jones Clem without moving his gaze away one bit for some seconds, the twins on his laps were sucking on a baby bottle every now and then while looking at their father in confusion before going back to drinking their maid's well nutritive milk -ahem-, he was constantly caressing the baldy heads of his children while resting his head backwards with his eyes closed.

Seeing him not care a single bit of a shit, Flick Terneua became slightly exasperated as he gulped down twice consecutively, finally standing up straight and turning towards Tongqiu to speak cordially: "We, the Flick Clan will be accepting this incredible offer!"


It was now turn for the joyous and exalted Miss Yona to stand up abruptly and kinda silly yet beautifully with that radiance coming from herself alone, her smile and her dress.

She glanced at Tongqiu once, to which Tongqiu nodded after a second of admiring one of his women who he so luckily encountered and fetched at the right time, Miss Yona's chest heaved up and down as she then turned to look to the figures that could cause the entirety of New Earth to change with just a slight nod or shake of their heads... Realization that they were about to become as formidable as them came to her, and her words traveled to the ears of the rest like a heavenly memory for eternity.

With Jones Reta and Fass looking at her encouragingly, she spoke: "Well then, ladies and gentlemen... should we speak of shares now? For starters, the Peaceful Rain Corporation will undeniably take 30% of the..."

Now, more than ever, Tongqiu needed her. Now more than ever, will she prove herself, to herself and to Tongqiu; for their future, their lives.

. . .


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Step, step, step.


"Woah! How did it go, hehehe, did I scare you all?" Diana was extremely content and hopeful as she opened the door as soon as she heard those steps from far, far away come as close as only a meter away from reaching the door.


Only to be met with a more than happy and extremely content -even more than Diana- Miss Yona embracing her suddenly, so much that she almost threw themselves to the door.

"Hyiaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" She couldn't voice it, but the experienced and professional Miss Yona turned fully drunk in happiness as her face said it all going 'I'm great!!' and 'I'm great!!', meanwhile; Tongqiu was calmly watching it all as he nodded subtly at little Diana who was carrying the overexcited and drunk in joy- Miss Yona.

"Mn, okay~, today we pack our things then."

"Ah?! Pack your things? Are you sure? We have barely given everyone a good show of hospitality, we-" To the words of Diana after seeing Tongqiu nod, a wild Jones Clem that was still outside the temporary residence exclaimed in heavy surprise, loudly.

Jones Clem was, however, interrupted by a calm and indifferent Tongqiu who spoke short: "No need. You have a family yourself..."

As Tongqiu said that and gave the twins a cute instantaneous and indiscernible look, he turned around before finishing to finish his sentence.

"...while I have to protect my own."

It wasn't the use of the word 'mine' as Tongqiu instead went for the 'my own' few words; after scrunching his nose to take that itch off his nose, Jones Clem looked at Tongqiu back with his twins held by his arms as he thought a few words to himself.

'You've got a lot to do, then. Good luck is for retards, so I hope that the next time I see you won't be in the news...' With that, he left the residential area after walking ever so slowly from it, all while giving his children a lot of explanations of the places that they could see; which were not that many unfortunately, for now.

. . .


"Buwahuahahahaha! We did it, and now, I want my reward! Beishang~, come and make me scream for hours to no end! Dianaaaa, gimme kisses!" The little maids could be seen cleaning all around the floor while ignoring a drunk Miss Yona who, besides the little alcohol served at the meeting and after it as a form of celebration, Miss Yona had drunk further more after getting back home; no longer drunk in joy and happiness alone.

Miss Yona was sitting on a sofa while extending her arms to the sides, at this moment, Tongqiu and Diana suddenly came behind here to grab her by her extended arms.

"Wooo! Aiya, you all scared me. Okay now, kisses give me Tongqiu and Tongqiu, give me Dianas!" She said, drunkenly, as she pouted up towards the air.

"Mwah!" "Mwah~." She had her wish fulfilled! But... not by Tongqiu nor Diana, but by the two little maids instead.

"Ah? W-wai-t, mmmgfh..." As she received more and more tongue... tongues; Tongqiu had Miss Yona's head as he spoke to her, his voice malicious, sweet, magnetic and devilish: "Isn't this what you wanted, hm? I'm pretty sure you almost blew me off even right then when driving, even with Clem driving behind us. Weren't you feeling playful with your mouth? Go on, let me see how you play, train my little maids too."

Diana: (•ω•)

'Holy... dear! He has been set free, the beast!' Diana couldn't be any more right, if possible, these thoughts of her would've already reached the spectrum of reaching beyond the extremes of being right that she would've reached a 'wrong' from another reality.

Meanwhile, while her thoughts kept on going as she heard him speak vulgar pleasantries related to 'Tongqiu and his harem', the little maids and Miss Yona weren't idle of reactions neither.

The two little maids with Miss Yona: ♥‿♥  (っ˘ڡ˘ς)  ♥‿♥

Zip~~, pun.

Diana became even more shocked, and intrigued, as she saw Tongqiu unbutton his pants slowly yet excruciatingly temptingly; from behind him.

When Tongqiu was in the midst of taking out his jacket in the same fashion that he undressed from his wast to below, he felt Diana's hungriness from her hands as they first went from his lower back to his hips before arriving at his pelvis. They went downwards to the center of his crotch like arrows directed at a mob, her hands enveloped his member beautifully, and once she was on that track Diana started to kiss his back; ALL of Tongqiu's back while going back and forth with both her hands, yet it was not enough to encompass the Big Dragon of Tongqiu.

Sniff, sniff!

She could feel all of his 'meat' and 'skin' contort, twist and become scalding hot as she kept on massaging his body. At this moment, Miss Yona sniffed harshly quite a lot of times, the little maids following suit.

Miss Yona then spoke: "I-is that, Tongqiu? Ah... please, come, feed me."

Finished saying that, she opened her mouth slightly, with no teeth peeking out from behind her lips. At the same time, Diana moved her own body forwards and as it was exactly glued to Tongqiu's back, she moved Tongqiu's body too as a result of her dreamy response.

With her chin on top of Tongqiu's right shoulder, she looked as if she was the one with the behemoth of a monster on her crotch that was instead in actuality, in her hands.

But before Tongqiu's Big Dragon could reach Miss Yona's hungry mouth, Tongqiu forced down onto his member, the two little maids who were salivating with each other's and own saliva and Miss Yona's; their little tongues closing in to 'lube' the Big Dragon.

"Yona, you've done really good. I'm proud."

"Hehe." Tongqiu's words were so well-spoken out of his heart and with such doting sense to them that they elicited an instantaneous giggling from Yona, her addressing becoming different.

Lick, lick...

Endless laps of the little maid's tongues assaulted Tongqiu's everywhere on his crotch; from his pelvis, to his thighs, to his balls, to carrying them on their cheeks while devotedly keeping on eating him, to his entire phallus from down to the top... before finally, allowing it to dive deep into Yona's throat. Yet, they never stopped working on Tongqiu; while Yona had maintained her head thrown backwards the entire time, even until now.

"HMMPHngh... m-hmpmh~~..." Becoming first surprised from the sudden outburst of ferocity, to melting in bliss, Yona and the rest of his women were soon to understand the fury of Tongqiu being released completely... from 3 pm, to 4 am.




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