Bow and Arrow

Chapter 165: Chapter 164 — The First Castle (2)

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The First Castle (2)




"Oh, heard that? Hurry up and make me a happy man and cook for me delicious food, okay?" Tongqiu spoke with half of his eyes narrowed towards the impossible to see -at the moment- face of Zyv.

Yet, he didn't expected that his words would turn the switch on on her, becoming more like her appearance of an immortal fairy and that of a soothing little mother as well. Nodding and moving her head backwards while also lifting it to match Tongqiu's height in his arms, she responded: "Mn. I will. So wait until I grow as the best chef in the game, I'll make you all fatty and ugly, so that you won't attract any harlots nor bad people, okay?"


Tongqiu was speechless; but he was also finding himself warming up to her care. Her absurd care, but 'care', nonetheless.

Softly tracing her left cheek with the back of his right-handed fingers, Tongqiu added with a whispering and loving voice: "Mn, ah. But if I'm ugly, how am I going to match up to Little Zyv? Besides, you would still remain, no, you would even become much more beautiful, womanly and... incredible."

What he got in response of his', was the deep blushing of Zyv who then took some time to compose herself back up with her head lowered, as she then muttered in a mosquito husky voice: "Dun care... I'll be with Big Brow- foweveh... Even if Big Bro is really ugly and fat! Even if there are more women to my Big Brother Wolfy's side! Even... if I'm not the main wife! Yeah! In fact, I don't care, I don't care! As long as I can... be with Big Bro, I don't care."


Her little head fell onto Tongqiu's right-sided trapezius, all of her emotions converging to his heart.

Raising his right hand to pat and gently caress the back of her short, wavy pale-white haired head, and only after a few seconds did he respond in an extremely low, whispering tone slowly: "Alright, alright. Then, let's go see around for today. Okay? I'll be there tomorrow at-... our home, to take you in."

Tongqiu didn't even asked her whether or not she really could reach his place tomorrow, or how in the hell did she knew of it. He even spoke of his villa like it was theirs long ago; and Zyv took that in, took all of that in without a thought.

And just like that, two pair of lovebirds took the day for their sweet time; for only a few hours, as both Tongqiu and Zyv had to arrive at his home by tomorrow before noon...



After spending his well-deserved time with Zyv in Rising Essence, Tongqiu immediately after contacted Jones Clem. It only took him the mentioning of what he needed to be given exactly that, a fast ride towards the far away center of the populated human territory. With only but a need of 30 minutes of preparation; to which Tongqiu used to wake up the girls and tell them about his reasoning for travelling in such a way-too-fast transporting device.

One thing had to be cleared up; when the announcement was made, it was the early morning for around 8 am. As such, the battle for the castle was to be held the day 'tomorrow' and not 'this' day, so; Tongqiu had a bit more than an entire 24 hours to reach his home. Now, now... The distance was way too damn long, not that long but 'long' nonetheless. If it took a Baby Mother Bird Aircraft 3 days to reach the central-South All-Healing Region, then it would naturally take around the same time to reach the center of the human's territory from the central-East Progress Value Region. What could he possibly take a ride on to arrive there in less than 30 hours?

When Tongqiu and company arrived at the location marked by the GPS on their interior-specialized car; they drove towards close to the center of the Jones Clan's territory and, after numerous check-ups, they left the car and entered what could be called a subway station. But in truth, was a hidden trapdoor leading towards the Jones Clan's one of many ways of either hurrying to one side of the world, or escaping a possible calamity.

A fucking spaceship-referenced shuttle!

The first thing the five people of the Peaceful Rain Corporation saw, was the enormous, gigantic 'small' shuttle that had the design which would make anyone's mind to go through one sole direction: a spaceship!

It was, however, not one; for as when Jones Clem explained that it was instead a escape shuttle for any kind of situation, he also explained that the Jones have been constructing those beauties with the hopes of learning how to build a spacecraft of such advanced technology and knowledge themselves in the future. As everyone knew, only the Crestfallen Industry has had been then one to ever successfully create one -in fact, many-, and an extremely enormous one at that -once again, many-!

Without much wasting time, as it was getting closer to 9 am and every damn hour was important; the five of them boarded the escape shuttle while listening to a furiously serious set of instructions from Jones Clem. There was no need of driving, for it was an escape shuttle, of course. But there was a need to 'control' it so that it would stop in the desired aqueduct/shuttle's station.

Yep, that's right. They were about to travel under the ground which was trampled every day by countless feet and cars, from one point of the world, to another.

After almost two dozen minutes of explanations, Tongqiu took the 'wheel' while the rest remained in the other heavily protected chambers. There wasn't a need to enter into a comatose state nor something like remaining immobile during the travel, so they could not only play Rising Essence, but also move around as much as they wanted. Without going crazy, that is.

Except, the little maids didn't had a GT, so Tongqiu very conveniently brought them with himself for, cough, the better mental of these young women.

And just like that, Tongqiu and company made their way towards the Nascent Herb City in the escape shuttle. Not without having a few kisses for 'luck', from their man, as Diana and Yona were sad they didn't get to 'spend time' with him instead.

As for Jones Clem? He didn't care whether or not they kept it, he wouldn't even care if they asked for half the entire Jones Clan's riches, which was about a few trillions!

His little twin children were being breastfed by a maid in his mansion, so they couldn't say goodbye to each other. But Yona was kind enough to make everyone, including Tongqiu, to record a video message for the two little fuckers who seemed to have a kind of given potential that no other child has had ever before.

. . .


Right now, in the heavily protected chambers that Tongqiu and the little maids were at.


Suck, suck, suck...

"SLRRLRRP... ah, slrp, mnh, mnh... gulp, gulp..."

"Oh, my turn! ...Slrp, omnmonomnom... ... ... gulp, gulp, gulp... ah~, so tasty."

"I know right? Let's do it together again."

After a two hours of sleep, the guilty-feeling little maid woke up to the desire to smell Tongqiu's vivid, bare and raw meat for themselves alone, and fully close in. As they started giving him affection and care sleepily, they slowly woke up. 4 hours later, they've become goddess of teamwork, with seemingly not caring for the soreness of their jaws, tongues... and even throats.

Once they were genuinely tired of using their oral ever growing mastery, they began using everything they've learned from Diana's experience in 'seeing' and Yona's experience short yet high-quality experience of Tongqiu.


"Oh, is it my turn now- haah~, good, I was getting hungry for Master already... even though I was just on top of him, haaah..."


The interiors of the chambers were really comfy, advanced and more than anything... quite attractive; in a way. There were cushions over a large area where at least half a dozen people could move around in their sleep almost without touching each other. The color of the cushion was all of an incredible striking white and was beautiful in unspeakable ways; not because of the matter of choosing the color for the cushions but rather, because they seemed to have that color naturally from the material it was made, as if there was no way that they could change the color, no matter how nor what they tried to change it. there There was also enough space for a 3 m tall person to walk around unobstructed, but that would be rather awkward to do so the girls and Tongqiu remained laid down for that, and some other reasons...

Life is good.

While these beautiful time was ongoing, Tongqiu would alternate between giving attention back, out of hunger, boredom and/or duty. As he read the Rising Essence's forums.


—'Guide to the first battle for the first castle!' | (8B Upvotes) - (5.75B Comments) | Posted 37 minutes ago

—'Redhead peasant vs 4 beasts!(H)' | (3.37B Upvotes) - (11.05B Comments) | Posted 3 hours ago

—'Who will be the first Advanced Chef? What will the sub-class leaderboards bring forth?' | ( 1.8B Upvotes) - (900M Comments) | Posted 6 hours ago

—'Portal Appearance! New PvP and demon-hunting zone!' | (2.11B Upvotes) - (240M Comments) | Posted 20 minutes ago

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

—'Double-Bladed Demonic Master, and how to get the Legendary hidden class' | (4.06B Upvotes) - (1.2B Comments) | Posted 4 days ago

—'How to hunt easy Heavenly BOSSes, raid's formations and item power level' | (3.55B Upvotes) - (15.66B Comments) | Posted 10 days ago

—'Demon Race's Suffering' | (99M Upvotes) - (17M Comments) | Posted 2 minutes ago


From all the most 'hot' threads on the forums, the only ones who piked Tongqiu were a few, and as he began enjoying his little maids' attention, he began reading them while letting the girls have a rest before doing the work themselves.


[Guide to the first battle for the first castle!]

Author: User#15619240  -  Posted 38 minutes ago

Hello everyone, I first want to let you all know that this account was formed for the purpose of giving everyone a piece of information about the associations, as well as what kind of battle we will be participating in. Yup, we (since it is me, a player from Knights of Raoundozia and another player from Guerilla) are cooperating to create this bout of information for both, fairness and to spice it all up.

First, it has to be mentioned that we were also disappointed that the battle wasn't going to be in any way as we initially thought. Like, a best of 3, from playing castle siege; one side defends while the other sieges. It was an all-turning slap in the face when we read in the global system announcement that we wouldn't be participating in any of that. Another thing we though we would be doing is we, the players, being the ones to attack; the npcs.

But it's fine, I guess it's somewhat understandable. The only worries among the leaders of both associations is that our players might not be able to take it, as you all know, there is no longer a settings to take 'gore' off. So, we gotta eat all that up. Ugh, we can already imagine the amount of guts that'll be all over the place. Did you guys know that 'inexperienced fighters', compared to those who are 'true fighters' are prone to gut their enemies alive? By mistake, yeah!

Anyways... back to the real purpose of this post. We've amassed information between each other thanks to the messaging feature in the Marketing Area in the game, and, to be honest... We are pretty much going to treat this as a friendly bout, I think.

The first castle, the first territory; yes, we know it seems like the biggest thing. But the truth is, if that was enough to decide an association's future, then associations would be trash; don't you all think? That's why, we believe that although it is pretty nice to be the first, it isn't the most important. Oh! Don't worry, haha, we ARE going to be competitive about it. That it isn't vital for one association to grow doesn't mean that it isn't a target for self-improvement and ego booster!

From what we know, we won't be able to hire NPCs of any kind to aid us in battle. Yet, both associations will bring the entirety of their elites, even though it is slightly disadvantageous for the Guerilla Guild.

We have more or less guessed, that the surroundings of the castle's territory will be desolate and npc-less. Without even low-level monsters to level up our future bros or other players. In fact, we believe that we won't even be able to build an NPC army until we've upgraded and managed the castle well enough, as well as opened the option to have vassals in our association.

YUUUP, associations can have vassals. We have confirmed this with each other, as well as paying off for the information from another few newly founded associations; like those weirdos from the Black Lotus League and those beauties and delicate wonders of both worlds from the Frozen Maiden Sect and the Forgotten Flask League.

They also didn't had the option to create or take in a vassal, not even one.

As we were saying before, there is an extremely high chance that the territory of the castle will expand and brought to live. But, the most important thing is, why those territories? Hmm, why are they like this and... Have you guys noticed how is there an even larger open space full of possibly accommodating tens of Sub-Divisions all around the already existing Sub-Divisions?! Holy fuck, chills maaaaaan.

(Revision note: Maybe we gotta contact that Lotion Lost guy, this keeps getting even more and more mysterious.)

Even more maybe, as we upgrade the castle and our association alike, we would get a larger variety of mobs and collectible items, you know? At that time, we'll do our best to have a teleportation in our castle, but that may only happen once we convert it into a city; sigh, life is hard. Our leaders, they are just amazing; one is the famous Eric, aka Baston. While the other a black horse, Raoundozia! There are some rumors between Raoundozia and the Guerilla leader's fiancee, but nothing out of the ordinary. So please stop with the harassing on social medias, thank you~~.

Lastly, we will put here the information regarding associations that we've barely managed to get a hold of, for free!

(Unlike those fucking weird ass websites that keep going MIA after Crestfallen Industry's warning.)

Guilds: First stage is called 'Renown' Guild as in 'Level' in the Leaderboards. It can have a total limit of 10,000 members, and no vassals.

Houses: First stage is called 'Noble' House as in 'Level' in the Leaderboards. It can have a total limit of 35,000 members, and no vassal.

Sects: First stage is called 'Great' Sect as in 'Level' in the Leaderboards. It can have a limit of 30,000 members, and no vassals.

Leagues: First stage is called 'Unified' League as in 'Level' in the Leaderboards. It can have a limit of 1,000 members, and no vassals. (pitiful)


We promise to give it our all! And if the people (and we) want it, we will do a special 1v1 and elite team vs elite team to determine a winner! Either spiritually or in reality. Let's gooooooo!!

(8B Upvotes) - (5.75B Comments) | Posted 41 minutes ago


'Alright, they're hyped up. As long as you give along and arduous battle, so that I can cuddle my Little Zyv, I'll watch your stupid battle, I'll watch.' Tongqiu had no idea what the people, players, of Rising Essence were all about on right now. In terms of lore and so on; he only knew that there was something really spicy deep underground, or in little dimensions all around Main Kingdom, well... possibly.

Something else is, he didn't really care, he couldn't even do so even if he wanted to. Because the fact that the Mysterious Hidden Ground was filled with Fallen beings, and for so, so, so, soo~ damn long; so much that they deteriorated lots, that he was barely able to deal with the outcome. Of course, should that person be even Zyv, she may have died a few times in the first floor for the entirety of those two months of time.

Hell, she might've even not been able to enter the Mysterious Hidden Grounds, since it required high Mental Power stats and she only had around 72 of it; Mental Power.

Meanwhile, the Mysterious Hidden Grounds even had a notoriously need for Mental Power to check the background of those Fallen Summoners.

'Hmm...' Just from thinking about it, made Tongqiu a bit lost in thoughts...

SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP... much that he didn't gave attention to the ass that was hitting harshly his pelvis, once, twice... over and over, and over, and over and over...

"Hey, it's your rectum we're talking about. You sure like it rough, hm?" Tongqiu finally spoke towards the entranced little maid bouncing on his abdomen like a good little rabbit eating after lives of hunger.

She didn't spoke and merely maintained herself in silence as she sat up a little backwards, her back about to fall on Tongqiu's torso. The other little maid quickly unclothed Tongqiu's torso, effectively allowing them to feel the warmth of each other directly, and lovingly.

"Ahh, Master. Fuck me senseless, Master, Master, Master!!!"

While Tongqiu immediately after, felt his Energized Dragon be trapped in the most wonderful of tight sensations, he couldn't help but even feel some pain at the contraction. He felt this was some kind of true intended beg for 'love', so he did it; he grabbed her little body into a loving embrace and began pistoning into her belly with full slow yet heavy and skilled motions, his 'ultimate weapon' of an strategy.

Slap~, slap~, slap~, slap~, slap~, slap~, SLAPSLAPSLAP!...

Tongqiu would lovingly do her from behind for a good, good while. Before ruthlessly plunging her chrysanthemum like a beast, a devil lusty being. Before once again going on with his heavy, slowly training of his little maid.

'Come to think of that, not even Irllytia nor Tonkia were capable enough of satisfying me until exhaustion... hmm, maybe they need... me to train them even further?... Maybe I should consider training them all.' Yup, Tongqiu's thoughts were no longer thoughts, as they became ambitious. An ambition of absurdness, yet of ambition; nonetheless.

As he did the same to the other little maid, they all salivated in pleasure and enjoyment, their hearts being tainted, taken and conquered by Tongqiu. Not that only because he fucked them that it happened, obviously! But, the way and manner that he was now moving; holding them, kissing them, whispering to them and even nuzzling against them... Yeah, that was enough for no words nor 'experience' to reach up to; never to be able to compare.




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