Bow and Arrow

Chapter 166: Chapter 165 — Arriving Home

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Arriving Home




Once another session of 'knowing each other better' between Tongqiu and his little maids was over, Tongqiu continued reading on the forums.


[Portal Appearance! New PvP and demon-hunting zone!]

Author: User#3000098499 | Posted 3 hours ago

As I was walking towards the west in the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, I found myself wasting so many weeks until I finally came close to what I believe is the barrier between Regions!

However, before I could have done anything, an obscure and creepy portal materialized out of nowhere! I, of course, wouldn't let go of such an opportunity and because I though it was temporary, I ignored the barrier and instead went into the portal... guess what.

There was a notification telling me that the area I just entered is territory where demons have been sighted, that it was practically 'Demon territory'!

So, I went in. Fortunately, I'm not a weakling and could level up while I was travelling, so I wasn't afraid of finding any demons lol.

The thing is, there wasn't many demons (yes, I saw and killed some, but we'll get to that later) as I thought there would be. I saw 'passive' beasts, animals; as well as even humans around! I didn't know what to do so I ignored them all entirely, after all, there were children, teenagers and so on among the groups of humans NPCs/mobs that I saw... it was weird.

Some time passed before I could finally spot a group of demons being lead by a couple 1-2 Star Elite BOSSes, I was scared at first since they seemed orderly and really gigantic compared to the ones in the Somber Tree region. But once I started the fight, I realized how low of a level those demons were. Basically, between LV20 to LV40, while I myself was mid LV40. Obviously, I dispose of them easily.

But guess what!

The 1 Star Elite demon, LV27 gave me 81 SP instead of 27, while the LV30 2 Star Elite gave me 180!! A.HUNDRED.AND.EIGHTY. HOLY FUCK!!!

Not only that, but I actually received almost a full set of Powerful LV20-LV30 after killing a few more groups of those. And when I met a LV40 3 Star Elite BOSS, hohohohoho- once I killed it, I ran away because I wasn't capable of contending against other mobs of the same level.

Guess how much I was given that time, guess...

...360 SP!

Dudes, I fucking got all my skills to MAX in a few days, JUST A DAMN FEW DAYS.

So, why would I be giving this data to anyone? And why would I do so so early? Instead of waiting for my friends or some hooking around to happen?

Easy. All-mighty boss KC has mentioned, multiple times, how much he wanted to see the players' cooperation and solidarity through the beginning of the game. Even if he was only hinting at that. But, it was pretty much obvious how disappointed he was when he mentioned the happenings at the first few days of the launch of Rising Essence, remember that? Well. I'm trying to do just that, I think is the correct thing to do. Call me cheesy if you want to, I only acted greedily with myself, and now I'm waiting to gain some special item or discover a hidden stat to have my skills evolved, like those posts that are as common as grass around here.

Everyone, good luck!

(2.23B Upvotes) - (244M Comments)


'Another portal... another... 'thing'?...' Tongqiu had something of a frowning, annoyed and mysterious expression of his face as he finished reading this guy's clueless doings and cause and effects that were about to be triggered. Tongqiu didn't even needed to scroll down on the commentary section to know what they all were about.

"Ah, Master? Are you okay? Let us help, we're tired and cannot do more, but for Master... Mn! For Master, we'll even allow him to do us asleep as much as Master wills it!" One of the previously sleeping little maid didn't try to go back to sleep after waking up from Tongqiu's change in heartbeat and blood going through his body; the other little maid seemed to notice that too as she silently agreed with the other talking little maid.

'What a good and devoted servant.' Clicking his tongue at the 'encouraging' and definitely distracting words of his little maid, Tongqiu then started playing with their bodies to vent his discomfort into mutual lovey-dovey session of his skillful hands making a comeback into the world!

Kittenish moans and squeals resounded once again for some long time in Tongqiu's heavily protected chamber. Tender and hushed at first, before becoming roundly overbearing and sharp.

. . .


Tongqiu kept on reading after 'that little while' of well-spent time.


[Demon Race's Suffering]

Author: User#3000098499 - Posted 6 hours ago

Hey everyone... I'm back. Yes I know, almost impossible to know since my username are only numbers; better than 'TongTongTong' though...

Anyways, this... will be weird. As you can already tell, it has been almost 30 minutes, half an hour; since I posted my previous post.

The thing is; I had already decided to try on experiment some new things, and I used the prospect of creating and publishing the previous post as a manner of convincing myself that I was over with telling everyone about the portal. Well, first; I want to say a theory of mine. I think that if you go to the side of your Sub-Division that is less likely to connect directly to another Region's Sub-Division, you should be able to find it. It'll be much easier for those who started the game after hitting LV10, in the Regions that are the farthest away from the center of Main Kingdom. I don't know about those that do are on the Regions that are closer to the center, since they are all surrounded by other Regions, one way or another.

Anyways, to what I was going for, the purpose of posting this thread right after the previous one...

I tried capturing a demon race's weaker soldiers, or 'warriors' as most of them are described as. The one I caught was a female demon, black hair that was as beautiful as the most amazing celebrity on New Earth, whose features were really captivating. She only had a couple horns to each side of the extremes of her forehead, left and right, and were as thick as a baby's wrist and as large as 7 inches or so.

Okay, so this next part is weird, just try to understand that I was curious. That 'Lotion Lost' guy more or less has half of Rising Essence's playerbase taken in the desire of knowing more about the game, right? Besides, there's nothing wrong with exploring on your own... But I think that what happened to me, or rather, what I caused was not good in the very least.

I took her by the neck and said nothing, I hear that this was one way of asserting dominance? Don't know if it's really truth, but the mob/demon started growing calm. I can't say for sure, but I think her eyes were calming to the knowledge that I wasn't planning to 'do' anything with her and that her death was coming, the reason of why she actually calmed down instead.

Sigh, anyways; after a few minutes of her having already calmed down, I began to question here.

I talked, asked and talked and asked nonstop, over and over... but there was no response. So I got terrified, really terrified.

The look in her eyes was serene, what the actual fuck, s.e.r.e.n.e.

Her eyes were crystal clear and looking at me as if... (look, my next words are very cringe worthy and whatnot, so  you've been warned) As if she was motherly looking at me, with the intention of telling me 'it's okay'. Really, I'm not fucking around.

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at


I decided to spare her, then and there. I was loosening my grip on her neck and was about to do it.

But then I brandished my dagger and made her neck bleed to death. (Yes, critical hit and she was already low HP, sorry for ruining it.)

I thought to myself, 'if I let her go, this will just happen with another player'...

...I'm sorry.

(99M Upvotes) - (17M Comments)



Tongqiu took a long time to silently stare at the number of upvotes and comments in silence and seemingly not contemplation.

"Sigh..." It was only after that good while, that he finally put his own thoughts down and laid on the soft and comfy bed to close his eyes. The rest of the little maids, bare naked as was he, accommodated themselves even closer and tighter to Tongqiu's body in their sleep.

As for the 'Redhead peasant vs 4 beasts!(H)', 'Who will be the first Advanced Chef? What will the sub-class leaderboards bring forth?', 'Double-Bladed Demonic Master' and 'How to hunt Heavenly BOSSes, raid's formations and item power level' threads; they were all useless bouts of information to Tongqiu, but he read them anyways.

The one that was obviously porn, was first stating that they somehow found a 'loophole' in the system of the forums. In which they could upload sex scenes of any kind, as long as the Crestfallen Industry took that video or videos as not their responsibility and that the not uploaders nor the 'actors' would receive any type of payment from it.

In short, pornography in a virtual world. One was representing a redheaded, curvy, 'innocent' and ignorant little peasant. While the other 4 were male players that choose Beast Race as their race in the character creation. In some ways, it was pretty neat, those guys knew what to do... In the other hand, this also opened the oh so possible possibilities for both, the consumers and the creators. One example was, how the Flick Clan reacted strongly to this, and announced that they were working even closer with the Crestfallen Industry and had already reached an agreement with the Crestfallen Clan.

In some words, the future of Rising Essence was 'limitless'.

'I guess it could be said that the Crestfallen Industry has successfully lured and roped in a new ally? Meh, don't know, don't care.' Such were Tongqiu's thoughts, instantaneous and ephemeral.

The 'Who will be the first Advanced Chef? What will the sub-class leaderboards bring forth?' thread talked about the speculations on to who will be the first player with the Chef sub-class to reach Advanced grade. The thread also contained some information and subject that was obviously intending to hype up the leaderboards of the Sub-Class type. It was most likely that the players was a sub-class-only player, and was either from an Union or was probably even the chief of one.

In the commentary section, there were lots of mentions of the unions probably being the ones to take that place, as they have had already done so with the others. What those players didn't know was that, truth be told, not a single player from an Union was the first to reach Advanced grade in a sub-class, not even for those like miner, trade merchant, lumberjack and builder!

Of course, those ignorant players were merely a small portion of the comments, with an even more big of a portion being represented by people who were trying to inform EVERYBODY that the Unions were lacking and only looked after profit. Which made the rest portions of the comments to become a full-out war of 'being right, and nothing else matters'.

The 'Double-Bladed Demonic Master, and how to get the Legendary hidden class' thread was talking about a sensation that made everyone go crazy!

The knowledge of knowing how to become a Legendary Class player! A full guide to it!

Only... the requisites and tasks were too much for the ordinary player base of Rising Essence, in fact, not even the 'elites' of the current era of Rising Essence were even 1% confident of achieving in the obtaining of this Legendary class.

After warning everyone about the difficulty of the quest to becoming a Legendary Class player, as well as the needed steps. The op then proceeded to tell the readers of the post, what the Legendary Class was about; in short.

The op first started by mentioning that those who liked the Grim Challenger class but didn't liked some skills or the weapon type of the class, that preferred the any kind of swords, pole arms with sharp blades, knives, axes and even some battlehammers would then 'LOVE' this legendary class.

As it hinted, the Legendary Class opted for Attack/Action Speed, while also going hybrid for Physical Power and Magical Power. However, a Double-Bladed Demonic Master could choose to exceed in one type of the two basic types of defense, be that Physical Defense or Magical Defense.

As the name implies, the Double-Bladed Demonic Master can wield dual weapons without a care of whether or not those weapons are one-handed or two-handed, nor from extremely light to very heavy. As long as one had the necessary stats for wielding them without a problem, as well as the proficiency on those weapons, the Double-Bladed Demonic Master player will be much more scary than a Grim Challenger with their potential being so much more obviously great.

It wasn't surprising, one was a basic class given to any player, while the other one was a true Legendary Class.

It did not end there, however. As most melee classes, the Double-Bladed Demonic Master has an unique charge and, with the help of some attached videos of the op of this thread in question; it showed how amazingly the skill charge of this class was, in both aesthetics and effects and that of utility.

It was basically a charge where the player had to calculate the distance and area of impact, as the final instants of the charge would be the player erupting with demonic power that dealt damage equal to 35% Physical Power and 35% Magical Power in an area of 3 x 3 meters in diameter. It would paralyze the reached units for 3.5 seconds. And that was on LV1 of the skill!

It had another skill where they would send two shadows -one for each weapon- against the selected target, with the distance going from 5 to 50 meters, pretty fucking long. The damage being equal to that of 75% of both Physical and Magical Power. This skill was, however, at its MAX for the description of the op.

The Double-Bladed Demonic Master also had some self-buff skills for even more Attack/Action Speed and for surviving. But the most amazing one was, that of 'merging' with one's own weapon for a few little seconds, where the player's damage with their entire bodies would be equal to that of 100% of both their Physical and Magical Power!

There were other mentions, such as the possibility of having incredible ways of attacking with basic damage, yet almost as effective as a basic class's skill, whether AOE or single-target. That was pretty much it, it was a pretty neat guide and promotion of the class as well, probably hoping not only for sponsors to contact him, but even associations of great caliber.

Lastly, the 'How to hunt easy Heavenly BOSSes, raid's formations and item power level' was merely a heads up for the ordinary playerbase of Rising Essence. After all, not a single renown nor powerhouse of New Earth knew not how to handle a raid boss with their manpower at this point in the game, that thread was obviously made for players and players only; with no intention whatsoever to lapdog some people above.

The author of the thread was someone familiar, 'Emotional Debt', Tongqiu remembered him as being one of the guys who made a post about the guiding voices from when they were first making their presence known to players. He was rather helpful and trying to advice all players to not listen to them, or something like that. Meanwhile, he kept on creating threads every now and then, from what it seemed; still aiding the total playerbase of Rising Essence in rather good natured solidarity.

Though the Legendary Class thread instruction was a blatant call for attention, it was also something to take notice of. Multiple Legendary Classes are supposed to be like this, anyone could make such a wild guess, including the powerhouses 'above'. It was obvious that the hunt for a squadron -or more- of such Legendary Class players was to be expected from now on; of course, those Hidden Classes that were unique were the real deal when talking about mass-battles or simply small scales of such, like team battles and duels.

Meanwhile, the thread for farming the Lordship Token was bound to speed up the collection of such item and the progression of player in Rising Essence, in Main Kingdom. With a group, one could hunt even a field type BOSS Heavenly being, alone, one could only hope that if they found a Lord BOSS grade, it would be a field type just so that they could successfully run away. While the 3 Star Elites are the limit even for the top players of the entire game; when dealing with those that are of higher level, of course. Any LV30 ordinary player would be able to deal with a LV10 3 Star Elite mob like it was a 2-5 levels higher than them- of a mob. Just not a big deal.

"Sigh..." Tongqiu threw away his phone, shockingly however, one of the sleeping little maids caught it in the air and before Tongqiu could start questioning whether or not he had gone too far in the recent sexual education activities; he was responded by the lightly nibbling of that little maid's teeth on his pelvis before she finally spoke: "Madam Diana has warned us of Master's silly behavior. Madam Diana said that she knows Master doesn't mean it and that it's only an old custom of Master... But, Master, please stop. Okay? It feels as if you would throw us at any given moment instead."

Following the end of her words, the little maid lifted her teary face to look at the befuddled countenance of Tongqiu, as if waiting for an answer.

After a little while, Tongqiu's face twitched once before going back to normal, his voice soft as he spoke: "Mhm, I understand. I won't be bad anymore, now go to sleep, we will be arriving next time you wake up. Then, I'll show present you your new sisters and our home."

How could he not know that he was being plotted against? This was obviously a scheme. A scheme against his customs and habits! How dare anyone provoke him? But Tongqiu would deal with it accordingly, without alerting the prey from being hunted, even though his claws were already craving to be buried in their skin.

"Mn. G'night Master, mwah! Gushushshsh..." The little maid prompted her upper body up, giving Tongqiu a clear sight of her b cup east west shaped breasts, pointy and inviting for him to eat upon, only to receive a tender and careful, affectionate; kiss on his lips. The little maid then proceeded to sleep with her head right below his jaw, the other little maid instinctively moved closer to the one right below Tongqiu's jaw as the three of them became a warming yet of sexual incentive, scene to remember in the future; eternally.




V2: #4 7/10

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