Bow and Arrow

Chapter 173: Chapter 172 — The Battle For The First Castle (5—Last Part)

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The Battle For The First Castle (5—Last Part)





Baston suddenly became frenzied, his shield turned into spheres of lights that resembled a bubble as his body received that tremendous attack.


His HP this time, plummeted straight to a colorless bar, no longer holding any red on its interface.

Then, as if injected by many, many drugs; Baston's entire body became x 1.3 as large as his real body, and while Raoundozia was astounded at seeing his rival still being so alive that he had time for screaming as well as not receiving the notification from having killed a player, those bright yellow colored spheres-like of light that were formed from the 'disappearance' of Baston's shield, moved backwards into his body after exposing themselves to life.


The sounds of the spheres of light merging with Baston's body were an audible deafening sound for the spectators who were watching the broadcast, had the sound modified and toned down. Let alone Raoundozia, whose ears were actually bleeding, a pair of clear streams going down his ears nonstop; eagerly tearing down towards the grass on the ground.


With a sudden continued scream, Baston was then 'bestowed' a pair of weaponry out-of-nowhere; they were of a clear yellow light and were obviously coming from his body in the sense of his body becoming paler and fragile after 'creating' them.

This was not like Tongqiu's essential weaponry, as these two weapons were pretty much easy to guess that they were formed from Baston's shield effect and not from his own class, or skill.

Nevertheless, his two new weapons were an enlargeable shield on his left hand, while his short sword turned brilliantly blinding for a second before absorbing the light that came out from his right hand.

Finally, there were Baston's eyes which, at this moment, carried a flamy-like energy aura whose contrail would follow as he moved his body, his head, and simply with the rotation of his eyes.


After once again screaming out loud, Baston the lunged himself with his new temporary weapons on-hands, towards the feeble-looking Raoundozia!


Without giving anything of weak, Raoundozia himself emitted a battlecry that resounded through the 'pro's' battlefield, as he waited himself for the now pretty damn fast Baston to reach his side!

Meanwhile, Phetsia was now killing off her fourth elite member of the enemy team, having already deleted Delette long ago as well as Til, Lit and Bellar. Meanwhile, one of their 'extra' members had finished off the extra member of the Guerilla Guild's side and had already started to help Loyal player to face off Terre and Lorn; Loyal player, who had long ago defeated Zeyan. While Hor, who had already been felled by the previous conjoined attack of Terre, Lorn, Zete, Moa and Mort before; but not without taking out Zete and Moa. While Mort herself actually escaped and looked feeble as she was the most trashed player around them all. It was normal, seeing how they sent an 'incomplete' mix of a cleric and a battle playstyle player like her against such a beast of a player.

Truth be told, at this moment, they did not know how Hor was not the leader of the Knights of Raoundozia with how capable he was; which was, as good as their own leader.

5 seconds, 2 seconds... 1 second...


The two monsters of each side finally collided against each other, Baston's arms went through Raoundozia's center of his torso as the shield seemingly enlarged extremely only to one angle, perfectly blocking his long sword as well as sending Raoundozia flying away but not without feeling the terrifying sensation of his body being pierced by that strange enhanced short sword.

Whooooh... Pu-tong!

Landing heavily on the ground, Raoundozia quickly stood up, only to realize that he was already being charged at by a still frenzied Baston. It seemed like Baston could charge non-stop when out of combat!


This effect continued to happen for another 2 times after the initial 2 times that were shocking and surprising for both, the pros around and the every spectator.


Once again, Baston yelled out loud with all of his lung-strength as well as his 'doped' being. The sound of Baston's monstrous and continuous charges sounded out again, Raoundozia's body flinched strongly before standing straight back up again by supporting himself with his long sword who had now created a long trail of destruction along his previously sent flying away body.

Gritting his teeth with his lips not hiding the bestiality of his teeth grinding harshly, Raoundozia brandished his sword vertically to his front as he instead of becoming equally as enraged as Baston, became tranquil and stable out of nowhere.

This was a bizarre turn for the spectators and, while the remaining pros from the Guerilla Guild were already cheering deep within their minds, Raoundozia created a miracle!


Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht!!

Following the nice parry against Baston, Raoundozia began to cut off Baston's left hand, effectively maiming him of his left hand as his shield became an explosion of bright yellow bubbles as they dispersed into Baston's bag.

Many of the Guerilla Guild pros, specially Mort, made a large 'huh?!' reaction when they saw Baston's hand cut off from his own body. But that wasn't all, since Baston seemed to absorb damage but without knowing exactly how much since it was the first time attacking him. Raoundozia the proceeded to get rid of Baston's right wrist, only managing to hit it once before being blocked by Baston's skillful handling of his swordmanship.

Clank! ...CLANK-Clink!...

After the initial 'save' by waking up from his shock, Baston proceeded to fend off Raoundozia, with clear difficulty.

Clink-Clank, clank, clankclankclank-CLINK!...

But then, before Baston could grow accustomed to it, Raoundozia began to force him into a never-ending star of collisions between the blades of their short and long swords respectively.

Clinkclink-CLANK, clink, clink, clank... Clank, clank, clinkclinkclank-Clank! Clank, clink, clink Clank! Clink, clank...

A totally jaw-dropping and drool-flowing scene resurfaced as every pair of eyes, spectators or fighting players, couldn't help but definitely realize why they were the leaders of such prominent Associations...

For more than 10 minutes, this non-ending battle between the two continued, never once stopping to rest nor to launch a skill; simply relying on their quick moves and quick reflexes.

Baston's HP was null already, while Raoundozia's was already low from long ago; as for incoming heals, that was no longer possible as only Mort, Loyal player and Terre remained 'alive'.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Plsh! Plsh! Plsh!

Loyal player shooting Mort wasn't made in a relaxed manner anymore, as he lowered the young girl's HP to almost zero, small '+1, +2, +1, +1' resurfaced above her head slightly to the sides.

Loyal player then took a badly risky decision; to go all out and take out that damn hard-to-kill bard! As such, he moved, he threw away his gun for some reason and made a quick run towards Terre while Mort stupidly thought that she'd still have to gain time to heal back to an acceptable level. After all, this guy's aim was absurd.

But, she then saw him discard even his own precious gun while making a run towards their last buffer. That could not happen! Ignoring the fact that she herself felt herself becoming angry and humiliated as how Loyal player threw away his semi-gun like it was nothing, yet showing such clear and indignant fear towards it before, she charged up towards Terre as well in the hopes of making it before him.

Alas, she forgot that not only items cannot be discarded like that, just like how Baston's sun-like shield was returned to his bag after he was sent backwards by Raoundozia. But also that Loyal player was capable enough to run around the frontlines and even behind enemy lines' for some time without getting too much damage to his HP, let alone now that he only had to run up towards an exhausted and injured bard. Their incredible flexibility and speeds in and out of battle were totally maimed from being carved holes on his body by those disgustingly effective bullets who were even capable of reducing healing itself.

After just 3 seconds, Loyal player caught up with Terre, effectively placing his right knee on Terre's back while his right elbow rested on Terre's right shoulder while a knife encrusted itself on his nape!


Dead, the last buffed from the Guerilla Guild was assassinated just like that and the chances for them winning was over.

But! There was still little Mort! They could give it another last try!

Alas... If Tongqiu were to read the comments of the broadcast, which he could, as there was a chat besides the screen of the broadcast... cough, cough, anyways; he would notice how many players commented on gun masters having a special ability upon reaching LV30, that allowed them to fake the throw of an item, be it a weapon, equipment or simply a throwable item.

And indeed, as Mort was still 1.7 seconds from reach Loyal player who was still in the midst of falling down onto the ground from having assaulted Terre from behind with a lunge, she saw Loyal player stylishly place his bent right knee to his side while his left leg straightened up against the ground to a little slide.

As Loyal player slid to the left while also moving slightly forwards with the momentum that he carried, Mort saw, in slow motion; a rain of bullets coming her way.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh! Plsh!...

Dead, there was no other way, the stupid little girl didn't learnt and was about to die. But then!...

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Baston who was calmly fending Raoundozia's incredible barrage of slashes, hacks and thrust from his long sword, suddenly jumped backwards by impulsing his body with his legs hitting Raoundozia's firm chest yet also sacrificing the last of her 'barrier' as his HP barrier and eyes became normal once again.

At the same time though, Baton passed his short sword from being right-handed to left-handed, as he then raised his left arm towards Mort's general direction.

Such incredible battle awareness!

Mort's initially closed eyes opened up slowly in a slow motion, with bullets still raining down on her; with her entire body bloodied, she took out her long heavy sword as her HP went to 25% full before dashing at her max speed towards Loyal player whose gun had no longer any ammo!!!


Mort's fury showed as she cleaved down the already spent Loyal player into a death's notification.

Back to Baston's side, he passed his short sword to be wielded by his right hand as he made a fantastic grin with his wide mouth and genial, bright eyes, before turning his head to look at the slowly approaching Raoundozia with his back hunched and his long sword being grasped without a single one of feebleness.

At this moment, Mort changed to her blessed dagger and knelt on the ground, her stamina was totally repleted and her heart was slowing down rather than going crazy.

Baston then looked at his right-handed short sword, it was now disintegrating slowly as the yellow brightness dissipated into his bag, yet his face wasn't one that was glad that he could use his shield once again. It was obvious, for such an effect would rend the item useless or unusable for some time after it was up.

Now, finally; a 1 v 1 without extremely op effects... who would win? Even if Raoundozia won, would he be able to take Mort out? Maybe he could, if he did his very fucking best!

Raoundozia stopped half a meter from Baston, more than what he needed to slash him to death. But then, he smiled smugly yet gentlemanly widely before taking an imposing stance with his left leg in front, his right leg seemingly supporting his balance on the back to his right; and his long sword being wielded two-handed in front of his right chest, at the height of right below his right shoulder.

Meanwhile, as his short sword's last scrapes of broken bright yellow light came off to reveal a creaked short sword, Baston simply raised his right hand to participate in what could be called the 'last stand' between leaders.

Seconds of silence, when, suddenly...



Raoundozia's long sword came down first from Baston's left, Baston then moved to parry it yet could only block it in desperation as Raoundozia actually changed from hacking down at him diagonally to intending to slice off part of his neck with just the edge of the long sword!


With a round, thundering clash of metal against metal with the short sword showing signs of full deterioration, Baston then made a quick thrust aimed at Raoundozia's heart.


Yet, only to be brutally and extremely quickly parried almost perfectly by the always present and aware Raoundozia, his long sword even managed to disarm Baston as it then moved directly towards his chest!


It was done. Baston's chest was pierced and his bar HP broke into pieces from the inside to all angles, he didn't die instantly as there was no longer 'gore settings off' available, yet Raoundozia didn't let go of his long sword impaled on Baston's chest; close to the sternum. The sound of his long sword moving even deeper and even grazing against bone could be heard by all spectators, first it was mildly heard so, but then it sounded as if those bones were broken to death at last.

Baston, however, remained on his feet and breathed in deeply before letting it go with pain, before falling to the ground on his deathbed.

Seeing this sent many sensations up to Raoundozia's head from the every fiber of his being; he began hyperventilating before abruptly stopping moving altogether, his awareness have had caught the movement of a life form not too far away.

Mort was already standing up, feebly and with difficulty when Raoundozia already had her in his eyes.

Yet, what happened next became a show fully inducing pleasure, anticipation and shivers on all spectators!

Raoundozia first cleaned the sweat off the left side of his chin with his left hand, before placing his long sword horizontally aiming at her directly with his right hand; then, as if creating some kind of ritual, Raoundozia first drew back his sword before powerfully going back to the same position. This time, however, his long sword left his right hand.

At the same time, Mort was evaluating whatever he was doing and, when she saw Raoundozia's strange movements, her eyes squinted while her eyebrows scrunched downwards in an inviting dive.

At the moment Raoundozia's long sword left his hand, it flew directly for 6 meters before disappearing into a white glow, obviously having then returned to Raoundozia's bag. But he didn't move as it happened and merely let his hand remain in that same throwing position for another 2 seconds.

The distance between Raoundozia and Mort was of 18 meters, and the flight of his long sword was that of 6 meters per second.

The moment those 2 seconds passed, Raoundozia opened his eyes abruptly, a shadow appearing right before Mort's body!

It was positioned exactly 20 centimeters in front of her and to her right, her feeble body and posture seemed so easy to attack that everyone could see the anticipation of her body falling backwards in dismay.


As the long sword from the shadow was closing in on her, her right cheek already being pried open by the sword's tip; her entire body gyrated upwards to her right as well!

The blade passed to be flung to the farther right, while the blessed dagger was dropped in mid-air from his right hand, only to be caught by her left hand. And from barely holding the dagger's handle with her left hand to barely starting taking speed to continue to gyrate towards her right and upwards like the rest of her body, she sent the blessed dagger flying through the air straight without arching downwards even a single millimeter at Raoundozia's heart!



With a white noise, Raoundozia's vacant eyed body fell backwards to the ground as he saw Mort beautifully land on her feet with her back bent from exhaustion and pain. His heart pierced by the ample feeling of a 'sacred' element destroying his insides.

He could've avoided, easily at that; yet, because of his action of full concentration which drained his dear little life as well as the endless torment from before which in return drained his mental, Raoundozia found himself fatigued mentally and physically. That, coupled with the previous utmost concentration that he even has to employ when performing such manipulation of his unique skill, marked his fate on the battlefield.

Back to Mort. She was wiping the painful sweat and tears from her chin when her expression of hurt changed to a dull one as her body jolted upwards slightly. Right after, she started running 'tirelessly' towards the northwest direction.

. . .


Guerilla Guild's territory, on the middle of the battlefield.


As of now, there was a large movement from part of the Guerilla Guild remaining forces, their amount now around 3,000 with barely 400 melee players holding the line while more than 4,000 players, mostly warriors took turns to wear out the heavily buffed enemy players to heal back up again a little before lining up again. Very few players from the Knights of Raoundozia died now, and as their fatality rate went so low, the Guerilla Guild melee players became more and more determined to hold them back.

Suddenly, the team leader from the Guerilla Guild made a powerful yelling, as their melee players suddenly started drawing back while their light-clothed players went up to reunite with them, mixing among them all. It wasn't to create a diversion nor confusion, but because...

Bloop, bloop, bloop- SQUELCH~~.


Sounds of water currents going under their feet and that of the earth trembling began to resound heavily on every player's ears as they even felt their feet be brutally shaken by the rumbling earth below them.

Then, it happened.



The digged holes that the players from the House of the Knights of Raoundozia have ignored; specially those that were not covered as well as those that were discovered as their own players fell down onto their deaths for. Those which have been totally ignored before, were now behaving like geysers as torrential amounts of water flowed out of them onto the Guerilla Guild's players as their apprentice elementalists were moving in unison altogether.

First, the sorcerers performed some small skills before clerics began using their own healing skills. Right after, everyone could see shocking numbers of '+1,000' above all Guerilla Guild's players; continuously.

Then, some more sounds of several splashes once again resurfaced, but this time, many more.

And this time, the sorcerers were the main characters as they all started to crazily send skills of electric nature towards the Knights of Raoundozia players!



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