Bow and Arrow

Chapter 174: Chapter 173 — Close victory!

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Close Victory!




With the unavoidable 'washing' coming from the geyser like holes all around them, either a few dozen meters away or even a hundred to hundreds of meter away from the battle field, the Knights of Raoundozia players had nothing else to do but to quickly come up with any countermeasure for the incoming doom!

But the Knights of Raoundozia players weren't a bunch to be ignored or treated as thugs; barely reacting a dozen seconds or so from the start of these development, the team leader from the house of the Knights of Raoundozia finally acted at this point. He first pointed towards the incoming and unstoppable, flowing water that was either moving on the ground like a tide or as worms of water that wriggled around in the air towards them.

His face was totally determined and filled with devotion! His senses and heart completely immersed with the task at hand, to win! And to become the first Association with a base! For glory!

And he wasn't the only one; as all the Knights of Raoundozia players knew what every class could do, the sight of the water currents, either by land or air, being subjected by the sorcerers from the enemy side first for themselves and now when aimed against themselves. They all felt for their emotions as the expressions on their faces turned to worry and/or nervousness, their eyebrows either furrowing or lifting up in different degrees for each of them.

But, when their team leader who was know crazily giving them their 'last' command, those remaining melee players; be it female, male, feeble-looking ones as well as those who seemed to be quite older than 30, had a surge of need to act 'for the cause'. Their eyes turning determined, ferocious and cool, they all charged towards the incoming dagger!

With their team leader, still giving out some responses with a serene face as he lead the vanguard once again, the rest of the light-clothed players on the back started to either create some wind that was going straight towards the en enemy's directions, to level out the elemental particles from the outside to converge them all towards the enemy side, and even those previously shamans and bards focused on healing their allies only- had started to use their buffs and debuffs for their allies and enemies respectively. Especially their suicidal vanguard, which were about to take upon their shoulder the full-head-on brunt of the incoming currents of water that went as tall as 3 meters long.

With the distance between the two sides being enlarged due to the previous sudden and out-of-nowhere retreat of the Guerilla Guild players to converge with their light-clothed players, the Knights of Raoundozia had plenty of time to go even above the Movement Speed necessary to charge properly with the aid of the at least two different types of buffs being sent towards each of the Knights of Raoundozia last few melee players.

As such, when the time to witness a lot of heavy-armored players crushing against or by, the currents of water, came rather sooner than later.



-"Block it!!"

-"For the Knights of Raoundozia!"



Splash! Splash! Splash!

With the last of their battle cries being engulfed by the merciless passing of the water currents through the land, making it feel like a void have had suddenly emerged for all those who were on the water's way; the heroic-looking inexperienced in war, player of the House of the Knights of Raoundozia became first slaughtered at first, before succeeding in blocking the overall quantity of water coming at their group's way.

With only some dozens of their best warriors dying at the very first contact against the water currents, including their team leader, the rest of the melee players went ahead to block the advance of the 'lifeless' enemy. With time, sparks of electricity could be seen in the not-so-long distance, moving towards them slowly with the intention of smartly planning out something.


At this moment, the players all the way to the back who were of either light-clothed and medium-weight-clothed players moved towards two sides at the same moment. Not only that, but those who moved out of their formation were all ranged class players, and their direction was that of either the east or the west!

Instantly right after, a few hundreds of players could be seen moving towards some little spots in the distance from each side, their speed was amazing yet they were not buffed by any ally. It seemed as if they were specifically making those moves with a motive clearer than just flanking the enemy, and with ample prior preparation, as some ranged classes remained on the formation. Especially tamers, they even started moving forwards to support the blockade against the currents of water.

At this moment, the remaining apprentice elementalists from the Knights of Raoundozia that have not been sniped out nor bombarded by the enemy, were started to be heavily protected by any player in their surroundings.

And as of right now, the numeral slim and thin small snakes made of electricity reached the frontlines consisting of the currents of water against the many guardians, vanguards, swordsmen and even assassins as well as grim challengers, used their entire body and weapons to hold the currents of water.


It was a sound that made Tongqiu squint in disdain as it didn't compared at all to that from which Tongqiu heard at the Mysterious Hidden Grounds.

But, to them, the players from the House of the Knights of Raoundozia... was a dooming-like sound creeping at their every numbing ears.


Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha!!...

With the conjoined efforts of many sorcerers as well as apprentice elementalists from the Guerilla Guild, the small snakes that slowly made their way towards the tip of the currents of water 'frontline', had now played their purpose at last from the hardwork from their creators as it there was a first explosion of enhanced electricity-like energy. And right after, there were many more of such explosions; but unlike the first one, the following ones weren't simply chaotic but decent and well organized instead.

Each explosions took out dozens of players, as of right now, the Knights of Raoundozia were about to lose their entire manpower in defending.

But then!



Two extremely loud screams resounded through both lateral sides from the battlefield, meanwhile, another occurrence happened as well, courtesy from the apprentice elementalists from the Knights of Raoundozia that were suddenly overcome with craziness as the surrounding wind went berserk as an extremely large gust of wind was formed with the enemy's side as its epicenter; its choke point.


At this moment, the Guerilla Guild's team leader expression was no longer excited and happy, turning horrendously pale as if these sudden inevitable incoming event took all of his spirit. He shouted with desperation and helplessness.


Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!...

At the moment he finished yelling out his last command, the multiple sound of cannons being fired resounded from the east and west. Ignoring them and hoping for it to be a 'cool' prank, the apprentice elementalist form the Guerilla Guild' side religiously made motions with their entire bodies, their hands always making gestures of making an effort to lift something up with both the palms of each players pointing at the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...

As those apprentice elementalists were devotedly ignoring the sounds of cannons being fired, the disastrous sounds of explosions close to them with some even killing their apprentice elementalists comrades came to the ears of everyone, even those at the far long distance. Yet, they remained arduous in their motions of elevating 'something'.



At the same time, there was finally a reaction which prompted all those from the Guerilla Guild, even those who saw cannon balls go at bullet speed, more than three times the actual speed of a normal cannonball!

Nonetheless, though they were glad and hopeful that their last trick has had been succeeded, they couldn't stop the cannons from keeping on firing.

With his left hand pointing with his index finger; first to the sorcerers and then to the currents of water, then the apprentice elementalists before pointing towards the east and the west, the Guerilla Guild's team leader gave his last command before also being felled by a cannonball which exploded right under his feet.

The team leader's face was becoming really respectable, with all the screaming and commands being ordered, his expression remained stern and collected. Yet, at the moment of barely noticing something 'lightly' touching his insteps, his face turned extremely fearful and sobbing instead.

And of course, he then died.


. . .


In the distance, only a few hundred meters more before arriving at her desired location.


Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...

Mort suddenly raised up her head to take a glance up ahead, only to see huge blasting explosions to the end of her sight. There was no water to see and the magma that she less hoped to see was also nowhere to be seen. She didn't know if that last fact was good or bad, but she did knew that those blasting explosions weren't from her own people.

Her little, cute and sexy mouth seemingly cursed under her breathe; with her face turning slightly ferocious and her forehead blackening, Mort made her way directly towards the northwest even faster than before.

. . .


-"Yes, yes- YES!"

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-"Kill them, take them down!"

The Guerilla Guild players suddenly turned excited, exhilarated; the reason? Because there was now several torrential magma coming out form the artificial 'geysers'!

But, by the time that magma finally came to being, almost the entirety of their allies had been blasted to disgusting gore all around themselves.

If there was any good side to this was that, though the sorcerers had successfully taken out the last remaining melee Knights of Raoundozia players. Even though now, all the Guerilla Guild's sorcerers were also dead. As of right now, even the ranged classes sniped each other out to a decimation, while only apprentice elementalists remained alive from the Guerilla Guild.

As for the Knights of Raoundozia, besides their players who went to the sides, the rest of their players on the rearguard were magic type class players. They were, however, consisting of only shamans and bards as their clerics were easily shot down by the enemy ranged type class players the moment all of their brave and heroic warriors died.

There were few other magic classes, specially summoners and witchcraft spellcasters and spellcasters of the dead; they had not bad self-buffing and debuffs skills, respectively, but their aid in a full-out war wasn't good in the least. At least not for now; either because of the lack of good players from such classes or because it was simply easy to kill such slow classes when their place is on the frontlines. In any case, both sides didn't had the capabilities of forming strategies to protect those classes when guardians could easily take in lots of DPS, with damage reduction skills and even some self-buffing skills focused on taking in more healing effects than normal. Meanwhile, the witchcraft spellcaster had good life-steal skills, yet those weren't really strong and that alone couldn't make up for their bland high HP and low defenses. Their main point was CC, and even those skills also had high CD. Meanwhile, spellcasters of the dead could only summon mediocre minions to die by a mere kick from an enemy guardian, almost as unhelpful as a summoner's long casting skills as well as not being able to bear the burden of telling their summons exactly what to do and how to do it; one, because of the horrifying aspects of a large-scale battle and two, because of the inexperience within itself from participating in war, let alone as a summoner.

After all, summoners could not summon entities or beings that were intelligent, they would basically be brainless mobs unless the summoner themselves commanded it.

Like this, only assault bountyhunters and drunkards could also not help much. Unless they were willing to make a flash operation and die, since there was no way to plan for an escape in such plain terrain. While drunkards only strong point was them going 1 versus many brainless mobs, making them only good to farm Experience as good as magic type classes.

And as of right now; those torrents of magma were now being shakily sent towards the Knights of Raoundozia's rearguard completely, the east and the west.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

Yet, the cannons never stopping sending out their cannonballs, with only some small interval between each bombarding. Only waiting to be once again blasted to shits by them, the Guerilla Guild players spent most of their effort in getting read of them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bang! Bang!


As those explosions went by, the sounds of guns were heard once again from the east and the west, those ranged classes from before were either helping shoot with the cannons or killing of those apprentice elementalists controlling the magma. They hoped that, with their freely shooting, they would be able to save themselves before those torrents of magma could even approach them.

It was a pity, if their apprentice elementalists didn't totally die before, and were the Knights of Raoundozia to know or at least deduce of such an outcome, they would've sent water to those digged holes to ensure they became rock the moment they came out from their hiding cave spots.

But there would never be ifs in life, let alone in a game. The future is always unpredictable.

Nevertheless, a culmination of both sides was about to start, for as the last cannonballs made their way towards the last few dozens of players from the Guerilla Guild with perfect accuracy!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dead, they've lost their last chance at surviving this ordeal.



-"This- is-is-is too real! Fuck~!! I'm fucking disconnecting!"


...the House of the Knights of Raoundozia... was also swept away by the magma as well. It did not need to be perfectly accurate as magma itself could be slow, but it was nonetheless sent onwards with the aid of its creators- the apprentice elementalists. Besides, what's magic if not making several enormous torrential of magma become 'alive' and hungry for human flesh in a magic world?

Dead, they all died to the Guerilla Guild's last effort.

. . .


Mort arrived barely 5 minutes after the previous two 'final' actions from both sides. All she could see was a charred land with multiple holes on the ground, not a single sign of water around and instead, a large area full of grey colored shattered rock in the middle of what she could tell was the entire battlefield prior her arrival. There was smoke here and there, it was really powerful and just by seeing it one could tell their lungs would hurt from even covering their mouth and nose while staying inside that smoke. There wasn't much, but it was scattered all around the battlefield.

Her small mouth seemingly said 'no' as she saw not a single one of her allies, similarly, she saw not a single source of life from her enemies.


-"Aa-aah-aghh! Fucking shit, did we win or what?"

Suddenly, Mort's head flinched back with strength and, before that voice within the smoke could even feel a current of air within this dense, disgusting smoke; his head already had a long heavy sword pierce the middle of his neck from behind.

She wasn't heard, let alone feeling her presence as the wind came a millisecond after she arrived before that male player. It wasn't one of her own, it was more than obvious now that she could actually kill the player, let alone injure him. She knew it herself because Baston had a certain discipline for 'these' kind of happenings. If it was a Guerilla Guild's player, the words coming out from his mouth would've been certain selected phrases that only mentioned ranks and rewards that her Association had. Even if one wanted to sell that information, they couldn't for as they had a system contract binding them from the moment they were admitted into the Association, it was very well thought.

And... he wasn't the only one.

-"Shit, I think I heard something just then."


A skull was crushed this time.

-"Goddamit, they're still alive! Quick-"


Another skull was crushed.

5 minutes later...

Mort was seen heaving up and down with her little chest nonstop for a good amount of time.

While being in the dense smoke, a debuff was given to her which was being dizzy and losing vision overall for 3 seconds which kept on occurring as she didn't left the smoke's areas at all. She was bent on killing each single remaining enemy, she had to win this, for the Guerilla Guild and his fiance.

-"Ha-aa, grhh!"


Mort fell to her knees, her long heavy sword making clattering sounds even on the harsh grey colored shattered rock.

Meanwhile, in the Living Room of the Peaceful Rain Villa...

"GASP, oh no! She doesn't notice! Oh dear..."

Numerous gasps from the maids and little maids sounded out while Tongqiu remained indifferent while watching the show reach its end. At this moment, a bulky figure appeared behind Mort and it just so happened that she had her back facing a deep digged hole that had been creaked into a larger hole thanks to the previous bombardment from part of the Knights of Raoundozia. He first looked around in exasperation and to look for other allies, but when he saw that the only person around was a young girl and one that resembled one of Guerilla Guild's pros, he became as silent as he could as he started creeping towards her.

Mort was still gasping for breath as her veins were furiously protruding from her forehead and from the sides of her head.


The man behind her was coming closer with a claw weapon, it was triple the size of his fist and it denounced him as a skullcrusher. No wonder a player could survive from that deep hole and furthermore the subsequent destruction from part of both sides, even though he wouldn't be directly be hurt by those cannonballs, if they managed to create some rubble and shrapnel then he would've been with less HP. And in fact, it seemed that way as the player only had 3/5 of his HP, with the time that he spent down there, he surely used potions to heal up.

Right at this point, the bulky man raised his right elbow and was prepared to hammer it down against Mort's extremely low HP when, suddenly, Mort's legs were elevated altogether right below her bum before tapping harshly against the ground on her far right. Her hands were already on the ground, supporting her body with her left hand holding the long heavy sword tightly!


The bulky man realized he was played, and that her careless resting was probably even made on purpose, but it didn't matter anymore.




Author's Note: It is thundering, CRAZILY, so this chapter is going to be released even earlier. Next chapter is already no longer about this mini-arc, don't worry, I know it has been extensive.

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