Bow and Arrow

Chapter 182: Chapter 181 — Diana, Romantic Second Date and Magical Third Date! (1)

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Diana, Romantic Second Date and Magical Third Date! (1)




Knock! Knock!

"Come in, Yun Beishang and Tarn Natalia." Following the knocks on his office's door, a casually spoken few words came out from inside slightly muffled, probably spoken as he was revising some documents while seating at his desk.




Step, step.

With a pair of chairs being dragged for less than a second following that of Tongqiu's and Natalia's footsteps, the lovebirds who were now respectfully silent sat down in front of KC's desk. Waiting for him to finish whatever he was currently so engrossed in.

Minutes by minutes passed, but it wasn't that long after that KC finally spoke.

"Nice to see you again, Mr Yun, Madam Yun." Turning to look towards each of them respectively as he addressed their names, KC barely finished speaking when a slightly shy Natalia spoke up in response: "A-ah, Natalia is fine, Mr Crestfallen..."

"Hahaha, nonsense. Don't tell me he hasn't given you a ring yet?" Hearing Mr Crestfallen's words made Natalia a bit shier as she added up: "Mr Crestfallen, rings are so outdated... I don't even need him to tell me..."

"Huh?" KC made a slight exclamation in a scolding manner towards Tongqiu as soon as Natalia's words ended, turning to look at the little boy who remained silent while blinking more than necessary, he roughed him up a bit: "Yun Beishang, are you even sentient? Or a man? How could you not have married her already?!"

Rolling his eyes, speechlessly... Tongqiu sat up straight, took Natalia's left hand with his right hand and spoke out without a care after a smacking of his lips: "Aeh, it is just not a good time for it yet. There's also another thing that is quite pressing; even if I wanted to force her, she'd only accept to go through with it once I've finished those 'matters'."

"Sigh..." Reclining back on his chair, throwing his head back as well as letting out an irked sigh, KC then proceeded to form a long silent moment. Until finally, he pulled a drawer out with his left hand before bending over to pick up a rather large and fat as hell bottle of wine. Using his own hands to open it up despite the strange and technological advanced cork on it with ease, he then tapped on his table randomly a couple of times as a few glasses of wine came out from under the desk's surface as if brought up by a platform.

Without still saying anything, he waited until those glasses of wine moved towards each of the three people sitting around the desk to serve each of them a good amount.

Sitting back down onto his chair, the middle-aged looking Mr Crestfallen sighed out once again before taking his time until he spoke again, this time in a 'elder teaching the younger generation' kind of manner: "Since you lack balls, Mr Yun, let this toast serve as your commitment to marry Tarn Natalia in the future as your first wife, eh. How about it?"

Similarly without saying anything, Tongqiu bent forwards as he extended his left, unoccupied hand to grab the glass of wine. And without saying anything once more, he drank all of its contents.

"Ah!" Almost gasping out loud, Natalia looked at Tongqiu like he was the only image in the entire universe that was visible. She wasn't tearing, but her whole being emitted signs of utter and extremely intoxicating infatuation; devotion.

'You silly.' Thinking to herself, 'Madam Yun' also bent forwards to take the glass of wine with her right, unoccupied hand before drinking it all down of its contents with a bit of effort.

"Mn." Nodding at seeing the boy be a man and the girl's response, KC then took his own glass of wine before drinking only up to half of its contents.


"What? Oh, right. Well, let's do another one. This time, for you to take all those poor souls as wives too. Otherwise, you may as well be and live as a lone bastard than a lucky bastard, don't you think?" Right after speaking, Mr Crestfallen once again served the two lovebirds each a full glass of wine before holding his own half-full glass of wine with both his hands.

"Eh-oh." Natalia was feeling joyful already, and even KC's words were not taken in strongly as she kept gazing at Tongqiu so adorably with her eyes going from starry light blue as an universe to an almost fully pitch-black over and over again. Then, she finally realized of KC's words as she grew a bit surprised and very thankful, right before seeing Tongqiu down his new full glass of wine. As such, with a little exclamation coming from her powerfully reddened lips, she also followed her fiance to drink up her own glass of wine.

"Hm-hm." Chuckling twice in 5 parts content and 5 parts derision for Tongqiu, KC then drunk his own second half glass of wine before making a blatant sound of satisfaction.

"Alright boy, you want something from me?"

"Mn." Nodding, Tongqiu looked at KC as if he was an ordinary person, ignoring what kind of majestic kind of beverage they've just been fed. Natalia might be feeling her emotions grow more intense as she didn't even notice of it yet, thinking that she was getting a little tipsy. But once she became sober she would naturally understand of her previous changes, after all, she wasn't someone roundly known all across the Regions of New Earth!

Then, Tongqiu explained his worries, curiosities and troubles to KC as to his own 'strange capabilities' and how to use it for further training on his body. Lately, Diana's training had been as difficult as before, yet he had started to grow immune even to the 45 seconds 'serum' that only took him 3 minutes to get rid of now.

"Ah, I see... Hmm, Mr Yun, I do have a method. This method is not one I, honestly, have ever though about before but... But, with your descriptions and having already studied you for a while now, I can make a brand new method just for you. However, sigh. I'm afraid I can only aid you in the basic; in the beginning. Afterwards, you'll rely on yourself and no one else."

"But, before that, answer me simply. Can you resist a bullet from an old world weapon yet? Of low caliber if anything...?" Before responding to his words, Tongqiu tilted his head slightly to the left as Natalia had 'bubbly' thoughts full of happiness in her head still.

Suddenly coming out from his stupor, Tongqiu sat straight up back on his seat before replying with a nod: "Mn, I can. But not completely. Diana has mostly trained me for my mental fortitude, will and some other things, all mental-mind related. Can't really tell."

Tongqiu didn't notice how the middle-aged looking Mr Crestfallen became so damn shocked that his eyes went fully round and his pupils constricted, even almost standing up from his chair!

Naturally, the cute and silly looking Natalia didn't notice neither. Right as Tongqiu gazed at KC, KC had already gone back to normal with his left hand slightly supporting the left side of his chin.

Finally, KC spoke after a minute of silence towards seemingly nobody as he gazed at between Tongqiu and Natalia: "I see, sigh~. Okay, so this will be your-well, the method I'll be aiding you with..."

While Natalia slowly sobered up, the middle-aged looking Mr Crestfallen explained many things in many different ways and in much more complicated as well as simple explanations, over and over again. It seemed to be consisting of many useless words and definitions, but by the time Tongqiu finished hearing all of it, he sensed himself already growing warm; thinking that he was unknowingly and automatically following some of the instructions from Mr Crestfallen, Tongqiu tried to prove it by 'manually' doing it so himself. To his surprise, the warm feeling disappeared and a different refreshing as well as warm sensation filled his mind and body, but specially his mind.

"Hmphf... this- ah, it's... weird."

"It is. You should leave, Yun Beishang. Your fiancee will wake up soon enough, she may start sweating all kinds of filth by then, better hurry up." His last words becoming muffled as he had a thick fake cigarette between his lips at the left side of his mouth while reading a newspaper-like document occasioned Tongqiu to stare back at KC totally baffled, but he then noticed that that newspaper-like document was in fact, a blueprint. A huge and complicated one.

"Mn, okay. Let's go, Naty." Tongqiu responded to KC and, while he didn't need to remind Natalia, he still did it either way.

"Oh, and, Mr Yun. Maybe check out Kleus's little lab room? There may be some interest in there for you." KC spoke once again right before the two lovebirds made their exit out of his office; looking back in response, Tongqiu merely darted around his eyes for less than a second on Mr Crestfallen's face before silently nodding.

Step, step...

Then, as they left the office Crestfallen Industry's Leader, Tongqiu brought a slightly silly Natalia around to the little room that he has entered a few times already. In the way, there were some questioning gazes, some of which Tongqiu sent murderous eyes as long as he even saw the slightest expression in their eyes to white knight the shit out of him. Men and women alike, of course.

. . .


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Tongqiu was about to knock on the door leading to the 'little room' right then and there, but at the same time he barely touched the door with his knuckles at his initial knock, the door opened to reveal an oh so beautiful and sweet-looking young girl with her blonde hair very well picked up and square shaped glasses on her nose.



With Tongqiu being far less shocked at reacting towards this unfolded scene, he naturally had more time to speak up before the girl could even do so: "Cindy?!"

Out of reflex, Cindy's eyes lit up in uncontrollable joy!

"AH?" But then, as she became aware of the situation, she stopped moving altogether after picking up her hair behind her left ear to allow this man to look at her properly and intimately even.

With a turn of her body, she entered back inside the little room and said while throwing him some towels: "NOO! You're not supposed to see me, or meet me, aaah! Take those towels for Natalia, and hurry up to your home, I'm sorry... Please go~!"

Noticing her clear embarrassment and panic, Tongqiu took a little two seconds to close his eyes before a little smile escaped his lips.

"Okay, I'll see you another time, mn. I'm just glad, you know? To see you." With that, Tongqiu moved away from the door in slightly fastened steps. As for getting confused into a befuddled state from Cindy already knowing of Natalia as well as even knowing of her condition with but a single glance. A person, one that was even highly evaluated enough to be already working with the Crestfallen Industry and at its headquarters at that, how could they be simple?

Maybe, except, for the people he first met when he arrived at the entrance of the Crestfallen Industry not too long ago.

'...Ugh!' Feeling some chilling shivering on his body, Tongqiu made his way towards the car outside the Crestfallen Industry's Central HQ's precincts.

"Old man, hit it!" Without saying any unnecessary stuff, Tongqiu made Kamagichi go full-speed mode at once.


. . .


After the slightly long yet extremely fastened ride towards their home, Tongqiu quickly put Natalia into a bathtub close to their bedroom after carrying her with utter care with some towels all around here. Even then, he became smeared in Natalia's filth. Since it wasn't a pressing matter, Tongqiu wasn't all iron-faced as his blank face denounced his helplessness. Of course, he still didn't care since it was only his body having a foul smell and some blackish liquid on his skin, nothing dangerous. Even if it was, however, he still wouldn't care. Since it was for her dear Naty, that was nothing!

In any case, after showering together with Natalia on the bathtub, Tongqiu brought their naked bodies towards the corridors were a few maids blushed in intoxication while growing weaker and weaker of their legs as they kept on staring and staring. It didn't help that Tongqiu had already planned much loving dovey to do with Natalia before, he was already armed and dangerous as he walked down the hallways with some maids almost losing it.

After Diana brought some maids to clean their beyond-ordinarily dirty clothes, and instructed them how to properly clean them off, Diana herself became astounded since she could make an effective guess on to what kind of change has her 'big sister' gone through and that will go through in the future.

Even if one was not a warrior, it was fine as long as they could protect themselves and live, live for and with their loved ones. For the future is always unpredictable.

That night, was not a night; it may as well be called day for those who were in Tongqiu's room. And might as well be called entertainment better than the old world radio from the almost ancient times for those who were not inside the same bedroom...



Days went by, Tongqiu's routine consisted of cleaning the Southern Wonder Region's Little Test trial a couple of time while only once, when Tongqiu ate up Zyv; anytime as each time they commenced, there was no way to stop them. Even then though, Zyv wasn't a monster like Tongqiu, and it was only with the conjoined assault from three beauties that they could satisfy Tongqiu the longest amount of time known in the entire world!

Ahem, afterwards; after killing some more LV80 groups of mobs. Tongqiu would wake up to keep training after having an hour and a half free to take some food and nutrients in but this time, he had an extra 30 minutes.

Now, Tongqiu had 2 hours in total before beginning his training with Diana, but for that he rather just woke up a little early and went inside Rising Essence a little earlier too.

After being trained by Diana for many, many hours; he would go outside the residential area and practice the methods that KC patiently and in detail instructed to him. They were simple alright, having only to either sit on the ground or remain standing on it, he jut had to close his eyes and imagine certain forms, shapes, variations being manipulated in one or many more ways. Manipulated, naturally, by Tongqiu.

It was also to be known that once Tongqiu could do so without a single effort, that he would have reached the perfect mastery on this method of his. And therefore need to path his future in his own way, to find it by himself. But by then, some time should have already happened.

On the first day of his own training with his method, Tongqiu achieved nothing but exasperation at the realization of the difficulty that this was.

After training with his own method for just 3 days, Tongqiu's use of the delaying reaction 'serum' became a piece of trash when used against him. Diana finally realized what the fuck this kind of fuck it was, and became shocked and astounded and well, any words that could make one lose their ability to think. Including horny, the day that she 'realized' of Tongqiu's change and improved potential, she almost bled as a youngish woman for the last time in her life.

Later on, Diana asked him to teach the girls how to 'handle', how to manage their own consciousness and mentality; for the same purpose as he was trained before. Since Diana wasn't going to exert the same type of training nor methods towards the girls who obviously had not the capabilities to become a Specialist, their way of handling the delaying reaction 'serum' could only be similar and not the same. And in a much, much lower and safe lever and method.

As such, everyday after dinner and before going to sleep, Tongqiu would act as their Master two times as to teach them the ways of 'manipulating' -as it is in his own words- their own mind. Even as to how to strengthen their minds and will. Of course, this wasn't a matter of simply telling people how to become gods and the like, that was just stupid.

Tongqiu had to 'guide' them in one way or another; some maids needed a lot of help in various segments while some others only needed Tongqiu's 'ability' to aid them in their training. With time, these girls would lower a serum's delaying effect from 15 seconds to 10 seconds in just a few weeks. Something that was close to Diana's very own potential.

As a teacher and as a first, in the manner of Tongqiu being his real first 'specialized' student, Diana felt proud of these girls. Natalia, unfortunately for her lazy ass and no-violence-vows, was dragged into the regimen very soon after Diana and Tongqiu had the thing going on in a solid and stable procedure.

But all of that was for the ever so near future; as of right now, Tongqiu was driving Diana towards a cruise which he rented for two people alone, besides the staff. The old man remained behind for natural reasons as he had to bring the strong and adorable Diana out of the Villa. As for the cost of the cruise being taken by only two people, it ended up as 220,000 credits per person, leaving him with 3,072,730 credits -or gold coins- in total.

As they were boarding the cruise, Diana had her strapless dress going wild as she made little jumps to look at the gigantic and magnificent cruise from left to right nonstop. Unlike an old world cruise's size, a New Earth's 'regular'-sized one which any ordinary person with some saved funds could book a trip with was at least 3 times as large as an old world one.

Let alone that the one Tongqiu booked for Diana and himself was one of the most advanced ones in the Nascent Herb City. It probably didn't even reached a price of 6,000 credits per person, yet he still 'wasted' so much money on just him and Diana, and not even for an entire day at that!




Author's Note: Sniffsniff, do you smell that? I think... I think there's a time-skip incoming! Also, Little Diana does need some love from my part. Okay, not saying anything else.

V2: #5 8/10

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