Bow and Arrow

Chapter 183: Chapter 182 — Diana, Romantic Second Date and Magical Third Date! (2)

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Diana, Romantic Second Date and Magical Third Date! (2)




"Heeeh~, mhm! The breeze, ah, it's so nice. Mmm..." Feeling a refreshing yet of a warming temperature breeze all around her while also feeling Tongqiu's hands guiding themselves into an embrace from her behind, Diana felt herself falling asleep while standing right then and there, the comfort and security given by this atmosphere and Tongqiu alone was a lot to take; and she took it all lovingly.

"Lovely?" A magnetic, devilish manly voice violated her eardrums, her tender meat turning warmer and warmer.

"Lovely." Her collected, calm and sweet voice traveled forwards from their position, with only Tongqiu taking in such invaluable words for himself alone.

"Hmhmhm~, ah, when it's dinner ready?" Laughing in a silly way a couple of times, Diana then exclaimed while remaining in that 'lost' state.

Tongqiu nuzzled at the back of her head with his chin before calmly replying: "2 or 3 hours, for now, it's- well... all about relaxation, I guess?"

"Mmm, relaxation, eh?" Smiling brightly, Diana then signaled for Tongqiu to come besides her to admire the view and to not make her horny from his Big Dragon provoking her derriere.



Taking in the not-salty smell of the sea and the lack of land with only water on their surroundings, Tongqiu relaxed his entire being fully; his thoughts growing rested.

The cruise was about to make a return to the coast in about an hour and a half, while they've been at the cruise 'trip' for 4 hours already. For a 10 to 14 hours ride, 440,000 credits seemed so damn much. Ah, but who cares.

It was at this moment...

Tongqiu heard a 'radio' in the long, long distance, at where the captain's wheelhouse was located, news were being informed through it. This cruise could even be able to use a hologram communications device, yet that did not meant that everyone wouldn't have something to their lacking.

Tongqiu could hear very well what it said and, right now, it was transmitting very peculiar news: "...On another note, sigh, the bo-...corpse of another one of the most incredible renown talents, geniuses! From the Ross Clan has had been spotted again on top of another large pile of trash bags. It is confirmed to be the 12-13 year old promising genius, Ross Kalila. What has been given to become public knowledge is that, her body showed signs of sexual intercourse before being the 'act' became a rape scenario instead. She was not found to have had consumed any substance, but that her last cerebral activities before the situation turned worse was that of... sigh, of hope and dependence. It is now rumored that this young girl was tricked in some sort, and was disposed of right afterwards. Her aggressors thought that the burning of her lower and upper intimate parts would be enough to clean all evidence, but, that has been their greatest mistake. The last bits of public knowledge released have been those of there not being any noticeable sperm nor secretions that could allude to a 'better' investigations and that the Ross Clan would be, once again... Giving the preoccupied security of the Crestfallen Industry who arrived at the Region as soon as news of these catastrophic news saw light, an easier time. Meanwhile, just an hour ago; for those who missed it, ahem. Ross Klena, has given his saddest and dejected speech on this situation and how he asks for everyone's help on catching this murderer..."

As the broadcaster continued to talk of the subject on his own after delivering the news, his point of view in the matter was of a clear side. He blamed the Ross Clan for being one of the most powerful organizations in the world for the fact that they 'couldn't handle' the case of already more than a dozen murderers of their most promising youngest children of the clan with even some of them being boys, and how it was so suspicious that it kept on happening almost twice every year. Much drama, to say the least.

"Haah." Indifferently, Tongqiu tilted his head to the right, almost bumping Diana's. Taking in the slight change in atmosphere, Diana looked at her beloved 'baby Bei' for a while before questioning him: "Ah~, what's wrong, Beishang?"

Placing her arms on his shoulders and resting her head on his right forearm after asking him that question, Diana proceeded to soundly sleep on his arm while awaiting a response. However, she got none and at the moment she opened her eyes, she saw the wolf-like mouth of Tongqiu already across her face and about to devour her own innocent one.

"Haa-! Mnngh... hm." Lowering her eyelids once again, Diana felt her chest pounding violently out of nowhere, the sensation made her want more and more and oh so more.

"Mlpla! Mmm, let's-let's go back to the cabin, wallow for a few?" After smacking their lips in a sonorous and appetizing instant-sound of the prelude to lovemaking, Tongqiu enticed the little innocent Diana into losing herself for the power of love!

Feeling her legs wobble around all over his body, Diana didn't even completed her note before she started biting down on her lower lip in askance.

Tongqiu didn't do nor said anything else and began to bring the innocent and adorable yet mature young woman 'little' Diana to their cabin, namely, the best one in the cruise.

As he did so, besides the always hungry for more of that 'Yun Beishang' delicacy, Tongqiu heard some more and... this time, inside the captain's cabin...

In the captain's cabin, a woman with pink-orange colored hair was taking in missionary a large mast that lacked girth, right into her well-behaved juicy and hungry flowery entrance.

"...OH-oooh! Gaahaaa, yes yes fuck! Keep on going beast, keep on going, A-GHAAA, you beast!!" While she was on the bed with her legs well extending to the ceiling in a 'V' form, the also totally naked man of normal building was pounding her at the best of his capabilities, sweat and reddened cheeks already gaining over his endurance yet still giving it his all to pleasure his captain.


Step, step, step...

The door behind the man opened, the captain's cabin wasn't that extravagant, mainly very much comfy. Her bed was closer to the door and, as of right now, she saw -in terror- the vice-captain of the cruise enter and step forwards right before the sailor's body.

Holding onto the naked sailor's waist with her legs out of fear and pushing him on the chest with her hands, the captain tried to push him away while screaming: "Oh no! Damn, get away! The vice-the vice-captain is here!!"

Yet, to her surprise, the sailor in her body kept on eating her up as the man behind him began to 'close' in on the sailor.

"Vice-captain? W-w-why, what-... ooooh..." From the initial terror of being discovered by the one who seemed to woo her all the time, to the understanding that she was probably going to get into a threesome... to the feeling of the sailor's mast becoming hardened out of nowhere as well as his entire countenance gaining vigor. The pink-orange haired captain finally sensed not only the sailor's newfound strength but also another source of strength and movement from behind the sailor's body...

"Oooh-eheh, ahahaha! Yes~!"

Far away from that scene, Tongqiu was speechlessly thinking about the universe as he dragged his little innocent Diana towards his cabin with even more speed.

. . .


Once entering into their cabin, Tongqiu skillfully disrobed Diana of her clothes before sending her onto the bed with clear strength, the previous thought of acting tough was immediately erased from her mind as she became as soft and flexible and fragile as a kitten at an instant.

Her body exposed completely towards Tongqiu's view, she only curled up her left leg above her right leg to cover most of her right thigh yet with her chrysanthemum totally showing. Opening and closing in slow temptation. Meanwhile, her similarly as Natalia's archetype shaped breasts were painfully needy with their heavenly 'bells' of meat on top of such little mounds, reddening into an obscurer hue every second.

With her incredible torso and her magnificent abdomen, her bronze yet still white -with some golden touch- skin stood out charmingly perfectly. He couldn't wait to see her go underwater and come back to the surface, to once again see her unique change of features on her skin and, especially, her face.

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"Hm... was it these two? Give me." Kneeling on the bed in a predatory manner, Tongqiu no longer stalked his prey as he began crouching towards it, the beast that he was spoke semi-coherent words without an obvious meaning for the last time as his right-handed fingers took her lips in a clutch in a gentle manner before diving his head deep into her face and taking them for his own pleasure.

With his teeth extending her lips, mostly her lower lips, Tongqiu played with her mouth as she became drown in such exquisite show of affection after so much asking for it. Still while playing with her mouth as he wished, he suddenly yet slowly, entered her chrysanthemum without any kind of prior 'help'. Yet, not only did Diana not exclaim in pain, she even tightened harsher the moment half of Tongqiu's destroyer entered her opening into her heart.

It wasn't until he finished keeping her mouth occupied where she finally couldn't hold it in anymore and exploded in terrible moans, her sweet throat becoming hoarse after just a few minutes before the first hour came into being.

Like that, the spent almost 3 hours with Tongqiu using the key to her heart, to open up the passage that could lead straight to her heart.

. . .


Once the time for dinner came, Tongqiu had already allowed the drunk in bliss Diana to recuperate. From all the women he's had gone all-out, only she has been able to resist him the most; resist, as if in accompanying him into the path of pleasure. While Natalia had quite the unique constitution, Diana beat her for a few more minutes. At least in the derriere pathway, that is.

After showering, together, they went outside their cabin towards the bow of the ship where a free space was consisting of only a square normal-sized table with large torches brightly illuminating a large area around the table. They were of a black material going as tall as 1.7 meters long, while on the last two 0.2 meters there was a couple of lit flames, two small ones and a bigger one in the middle with the rest on its sides, rotating around the bigger lit flame. It had a weird top that looked like a plain helmet from inside while it had a decorative and well designed exterior instead, that made a brighter, stronger and natural light compared to that of an electrical light bulb and the like.

Even then, it wasn't evasive and in the contrary, it strangely made it difficult for people to discern those who were in the middle of the numeral large torches.

At the same time, Diana could feel a comforting almost-not warmth from the torches from the getting colder darkening of the sky.

With a big, comfortable smile, she flashed Tongqiu a great sight to behold before wolfing down what seemed to be an overextended fish with a pair of tentacles on each of its sides for every 2 cm from its mouth to its tail.

It looked as if it was prepared 'fresh', but in truth, when cutting open this specimen; it would show an interior similar to that of a crab, specially an old world's crab. Then, from its 'fresh' looking exterior skin which was edible, anyone who put it in their mouth would discover that it was actually fried perfectly and that its color on top looked 'fresh' was in actuality; sauce.

While eating, Tongqiu asked Diana, a bit worried and anticipating at the same time: "Diana, darling. For the next method of training, as for training my body, how exactly will it go? Eh... would you have to make me stand on scalding hot stones, or stand in bamboo with only one of my feet in perfect stability or-"

"Nope, just gotta beat you up very hard every day! Hehe...A-ehem, in truth, 'Mr Yun'. I only can inflict this type of method on your body. It will be as follows, I'll be beating the crap out of your body with not only fists and kicks, but also with all of my body. Yup, exactly as I said it, every single part of my body. From the known lethal weapon such as elbows, knees to even my waist, wrist, shins and even such as popliteal fossa. For all of this training, Beishang, you're not allowed to act! Otherwise, all would be for nothing and we will have to start from bottom again and, this won't be a simple 'basic' attacks anymore. In short, you'll receive until I say so, if you get bored then just focus on learning my movements and make use of the information and studies I've given you to elaborate and speculate. With the type of potential and your genius, picking this up won't take much time, at all. Afterwards... afterwards we'll see. First, I'll teach you lots of movements, stances and dances. Then, once you can even perform them perfectly without even thinking about it, you'll finally enter the 'sparring sessions' with your dear future wife, is that clear?" Taking the 'Mr Yun' part into his little heart, Tongqiu smiled warmly -and speechlessly- to Diana's explanation as she went on it. It was truth for, every single thing that Diana has teached him was picked up by him so fast that the most renown experts in the world would be shocked silly from just hearing it alone.

"Mn..." Tongqiu nodded as he warmly went back to her last few words, picked up some more of the overextended fish's body and suddenly as if thinking of something, he added: "...then, would I be injected that serum? You know, as if, to put me into even more ah... pain?"

'My love, are you growing masochistic or what? Haish.' Keeping her thought to herself, Diana only gave him a nice thin smile before falling into pondering. After a little while, she then commented: "Oh, mn! Okay, we will see. If you do feel something while being injected that stuff, we do can continue using it, until you no longer feel it at all. How about it?"

Nodding, Tongqiu teased Diana with the tip of his toes before saying once he saw her blush at once: "Mn, my Diana is so wise! It's only natural that such a woman will become my wife!"

Delivering such fatal blows, how could Diana try to avenge her poor little legs? Naturally, she obediently lowered her head slightly as she kept eating in silence while receiving innocent caresses on her legs, specially her shins that for some motive, felt really good!

Their rest of their dinning and their time on the cruise 'trip' was as enjoyable and relaxing as it began, if not more, especially after going through some talk about life back then.

Once back at the coast, Tongqiu drove directly towards their home with a little kitten peacefully sleeping at his lap. Occasionally, light sniffing sounds occurred below him, and each time it happened it would give Tongqiu an impulse to grin.

'Damn, do I smell that good down there? Ah, it must be because I'm just this great, mn mn.' Knowing that he was probably of the stupidest on New Earth from thinking so, Tongqiu didn't though it out loud in case Diana woke up right at that time and heard him, resigning himself to be violated by another one of his woman's tender addiction to his smell.

. . .


After arriving at the Peaceful Rain villa, Tongqiu almost carried Diana while supporting her shoulder. Either by laziness or from the tiring result from their trip, but she couldn't walk properly and was even sleepy as everyone in the Villa came to the entrance to welcome them back.

What was surprising was that, Kamagichi was close to the entrance with a beautiful tall woman in a formal suit with yet extravagant and luscious design at the end of her pants and with heels even. She presented herself as a manager from the Clear Mist restaurant and formally apologized for their previous 'incident'. Tongqiu merely acted it cold and uninterested, but after being promised young ladies and willing hearts to attend them only from now on whenever they went there, Natalia was the one to scream out lout a 'WE ACCEPT' as the restaurant's manager had a big smile on her face grow even bigger in delight.

Afterwards, they entered the Peaceful Rain Villa after almost kicking out the restaurant's manager -by Tongqiu-, the maids and little maids all inundated their 'teacher' with interested expressions and good natured envy, like always ah.

After having dessert only, together with the rest at the dining table, Tongqiu told Natalia all of their good time spent on that cruise as the 'little' Diana was all spent and soundly asleep on the bed.

With the irresistible coy advances while talking on the bed coming from Natalia, how could Tongqiu resist? With just the movement of her placing her left hand on his right shoulder as they were both facing each other in bed, and her head and lips growing slightly closer to his, Tongqiu found himself assaulting her hips with his own the next minute. At a highest speed and heavy weight, while Natalia couldn't moan from the immeasurable bliss she was basked in just a few dozens of seconds.

Life is good.

. . .


The next day, with the purpose of escaping imminent torture, Tongqiu brought Diana out to the Clear Mist restaurant to try out the new 'service' from the oh so well apologizing restaurant.

Upon arriving, Tongqiu noticed that there was, in fact; an obvious change. After all, who couldn't easily see how, as he was coming out of the car he drove -once again-, the person that was awaiting for customers at the reception went back towards another area and was soon replaced by a beautiful young woman that looked about 22 to 23 years old... and in a costume.




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