Bow and Arrow

Chapter 216: Chapter 215 — Evil God Advancement Quest

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Evil God Advancement Quest





Powerful strength, coming from nowhere, invaded Yun Beishang's arms before it spread all the way through his entire body.

The pair of bow and arrow on and in his palms glowed in their own respective colors while Yun Beishang's transformation began to take place. And as his arms, all the way to his upper back, began transforming; Yun Beishang felt his own insides turn into a floating sensation. His lungs felt like he was breathing like never before, a never well-though concept before and a really relaxing and satisfying one. He felt his brain seemingly send endless electrical currents down to his body through newly formed vein-like conducts that do not followed any kind of biology reasoning nor systematical; they were just there, brand new created and 'magical'.


While all of his body was being thoroughly 'checked' and touched upon by who knows what, Yun Beishang could hear two sonorous, thunderous and mighty thumping sounds at the same time; besides that of his heart's.

At the same moment, he saw the glow of the previously small-true forms of his essential weaponry turn into his image of them. In his right, that featherless arrow that looked as imposing, unstoppable and bloodthirsty-destructive as always and in his left; the bow from which Yun Beishang has always had a dear gratitude not only because of being a huge life saving trump-card to avoid dying a gruesome death but, because he more or less knew that without it, he would have had never even seen the arrow in his right.

"You..." Feeling the moment raising, closing in as his heart and that of the two essential weapons in his hands coming into a flawless synchronization, Yun Beishang looked to his left at the 2,33m large gloomy, verdant bow: "...will be named by me. As..."

But then, his eyebrows furrowed. It's not like he had no idea what to say but, that simply saying it out loud towards it like it was a proper action did not seem fit. As such, he raised his right hand as it also moved towards the bowstring while saying as he looked at the 133cm long and 6 inches thick- pitch-black, dark-like abyss arrow's shaft with the grey-metallic arrowhead: "And... You..."


Softly, he placed the two pair of essential weaponry together and conjoined them in the most perfectly and balanced way possible. As the sound that it made was rather echoing and deafening, unbeknownst to the one who caused it, the sound of the bowstring was muffled but not nonexistent as it made a whispering-like sound in harmony. As if it was a talk between each other, and with Yun Beishang.

"Then, I will name you..." Yun Beishang looked once again at the bow with a defiant yet commanding pair of determined eyes, yet his voice was strangely soft and ultimately caring: "[Vicissitudes of Life]; for whenever I wield you, even though we take lives, we can also create. You are older, much older than me. So I can call you Eldest Brother, while you can scare away all my immature pain, not letting it grow unsteady."

"As for younow give you a new name as well..." This time, Yun Beishang's eyes drifted towards the arrow in-between his right-handed fingers, before finally adding in the same manner that he just did before: "[Void Jumping Star]; as whenever I send you out, my commands and your wishes align perfectly, and the hearts of we beat that of our enemies. You are also older than me, by much... so much that I can't even fathom it. But there's already the 'Eldest'; so I can call you Elder Brother, while you send away all of the useless and hostile creations but bring me closer to the seemingly unimportant reasons and purposes."

"And I... am now your new Master!"


At the end of his words, at the end of the mention of his vows and ceremonial words spout from the heart; Yun Beishang felt the entirety of his surroundings wave around like a pool of water trickled from a no longer peaceful stale to an almost [Chaotic] change in laws, reality and existence.

He then felt the strength that had already thoroughly spread in his body recede and become adhered to himself alone and no one else, before a system's notification popped out at last, signaling the end of this RP session.

*PING*'ve been recognized by a pair of Ancient beings, you've been granted two essences without attainment. As deemed, worthy, you can now evaluate the two Ancient beings' information.

*PING*...Ancient being [Vicissitudes of Life] grants you Light Element+200%.

*PING*...Ancient being [Void Jumping Star] grants you Darkness Element+200%.

*PING*...congratulations! Host has achieved acknowledgement from a being first, and twice at that, as a reward, Main Stat+100.

*PING*...your Evil Immortal class has gained the requirements to start the quest for Advancing into your class's last step into Godhood, Main Special Quest 'Resurgence Of The Evil God' has been granted.

*PING*'ve been granted the quest: [Resurgence Of The Evil God]: Gain all Core Elemental Resistance+200%(140% is the limit for any other player). Quest type: Main Special, Quest time limit: None, Quest reward: [Evil God]Unlocked, Quest punishment upon failure: LV0, essential weaponry disappear and Evil Immortal and Evil Saint class are lost forever.

'...Okay... well, at least getting into character did work after all. But, just what in the fuck is that of gaining Core Elemental Resistance+200%? And for all Core Elementals at that?! ...Wait!' Yun Beishang was ranting out of frustration but then, he suddenly felt an urge to look at his Core Elemental Resistance's window stat.

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%, Light: 200% and Darkness: 200%.

'Oh god... oh fuck! Indeed, taking these two so-called 'Ancient' beings instead of being simply called weapons right off the bat; directly granted Yun Beishang a quick unbelievable and over-fucking-powered amount of +200% in both Light Element and Darkness Element. It was too much to process but, it wasn't totally impossible for him. What could it mean? Yun Beishang immediately went to look for information of Core Element Resistances and its benefits, only getting the truth that he wanted from another one of Lotion Lost's previous post.

In it, it mentioned that an instructor very well-respected from the Main Divisional City, which could grant the strongest players a chance to gain a non-unique Legendary Hidden Class yet were so many have failed with only two having ever been able to accomplish it after so long; explained to Lotion Lost the perks of having a lot or lesser amount, of Core Element Resistance.

As it is already obvious, 'Core' Element Resistance adheres to the concept of resisting any source of damage coming from certain Core Element towards you. If you had Core Element Fire Resistance+20%, a damage that was supposed to be of -350 would become that of -280 instead; the damage taken being effectively reduced by 20%. If it was a Core Element Fire Resistance+80%, the -350 would instead be of -70.

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No matter whether or not an attack or skill made a Critical Hit Rate or Pierce Attack, the damage would always be reduced according to the amount of '%' in that certain Core Elemental Resistance. Of course, other unrelated Core Elemental Resistance would not affect one another when receiving damage. Having a lot of Water Core Elemental Resistance would not give one even more Fire Core Elemental reduced damage. It could only work one ways.

Similarly, having for an example; having Darkness Core Elemental Resistance-20% and getting attacked by a skill or something that would deal -3,350 Darkness Element damage, would increase the amount of damage you'd take to a total of -4,020. While having Darkness Core Elemental Resistance-80% would instead increase the amount of damage you'd receive to a total of -6,030.

But, when one had Earth Core Elemental Resistance+120%, one would be healed instead of simply ignoring the damage coming from an attack or skill of the Earth Core Element should it be at 100%. In the case of the damage output of the attack or skill being of -1,200, for you, it would become instead an unbelievable +240. In the same way, in the post, Lotion Lost recorded the heavily well-respected instructor telling him that +140% of Core Elemental Resistance was the limit for anyone, even 'gods', to have; without exceptions.

However, mostly and as of right now, not a single player even has more than 10% of any Core Elemental Resistance and that's even with high-graded items. Without taking into consideration how immensely rare those effects are on any item and how there doesn't exist any item that grants you that type of buffing effect.

"Sigh...!!" Suddenly, while Yun Beishang was thinking of getting over with stuff already, he remembered that he could now understand what the two weapons in his hands that have been accompanying him for so long would be about! It has been almost a year for him without having any kind of information given about it; about them. But now, he was finally able!

Glancing at the two essential weapons in his hands, their information did indeed come out for Yun Beishang to see.

[Vicissitudes of Life]: Type: Essence(Bow), Grade: ???, Equipment Requirements: Approval and Acknowledgement from their previous Master and an extremely talented individual with unimaginable potential. Properties: Only an incomparable God can truly manage to incorporate such a being. Effect: ???, Owner: Tongqiu - Yun Beishang.

[Void Jumping Star]: Type: Essence(Arrow), Grade: ???, Equipment Requirements: Approval and Acknowledgement from their previous Master and an extremely talented individual with unimaginable potential. Properties: Only an incomparable God can truly manage to incorporate such a being. Effects: ???, Owner: Tongqiu - Yun Beishang.

'Fuck... fuck your mother! We've come through for so long and that's the only shit you can tell me?! I've endured your shit long enough and this is how you, system, awards me?! Fuck your mother!' Furious, Yun Beishang was about to go ahead and exterminate the world... the Abysmal Race world anyways. But he stopped himself; one, because in another two days -looking at his more than 90% full Experience bar- he would probably reach LV80 at the very best and LV79 at the very worst, were he to take down another LV75 Heavenly BOSS.

Also, he had to still read some stuff. As such, he put away both his now truly his Essential Weaponry that was shining brightly and excitedly, back into his own body.

First, there was the 'Soloing a Lord grade BOSS, finally after months of tryouts' with 4B upvotes and 9.17 comments that was posted 2 weeks ago. It was the same guy as before that has been doing solos to kill Star Elite mobs, for Yun Beishang, And now, after so many days, weeks and even months; has finally managed to achieve what no other ordinary or casual player dared to ever do! Either because of boredom, non-fun discoveries at how impossible it was for one casual player like them to solo a Lord grade BOSS or because some petty reason, decision and ideal. But now, there were no longer any excuses that casual players could give.

The video of the battle wasn't against a field-type Lord BOSS but was instead that of a real, full-fledged BOSS. The only thing was that, though the guy was LV83 or so, the BOSS was merely LV60. It was meh, and even his attacks went 'MISS' more times than even Yun Beishang could accept; in other words, it was deplorable and somewhat shameful but, at least he got it done. And in a way, for it to be almost as hard to watch from when Yun Beishang first went against that abomination when he was at the Novice Village's map, was an actual good exposure of that player's combat ability. Still, his gear was trash though, poor guy... Hmm, maybe Yun Beishang would be able to contact and rip off that guy somehow... maybe.

The second thread he went through was the 'Tongqiu.Is.Back!' with 2B upvotes and 20B comments that was posted a week ago. It related of how all fans and anti-fans -if anything- around not only the gaming world of Main Kingdom, mostly, but also of even New Earth itself, were crying out in joy when seeing their 'idol' surface to the limit in a simple matter of days, while it took everyone else months if not almost a year!

In truth, the second update had been released almost two weeks ago at the eight month ever since the release of the game itself. And now, Yun Beishang was simply levelling up thanks to the incredible Enlightened and Heavenly grade BOSSes that he found. Though Enlightened BOSSes were now as common as mobs in his eyes, it was not so for anybody else. Especially because these BOSSes weren't of a simpler, field-type-kinda grade but the kind of BOSSes he's been dealing with as always. Even though the Matriarch Monarch was already a few levels below Yun Beishang's, the fact that it was a Heavenly grade BOSS made it a juicy bag of Experience. Besides, he could get some free meat-no, some free Caretaker guinea pigs for the future! Who knows if he would be able to utilize them for the future? That would be... very useful.

In any case, the post ended with the mention of a 'powerful' ally of Tongqiu's fans; 'Leaf On Fire'. Thinking back to that girl whose self-esteem wasn't that big but was enough to create a real, complete fan club out of adoration for him alone. Yeah, what a girl. Thinking so, Yun Beishang opened his messages box and gave the bold yet 'shy' girl a good few words and casual daily-life-questions before going to the next thread.

[Rising Essence Report of the second update #13.]

Author: Emotional Debt - Posted 1 week and 2 days ago

"Hello everyone, this is the 13th report of the series for the new update. It's a lot right? I know, oh well. As everyone knows, I am here mostly to inform everyone, especially casual players, the ongoing current of not only between us 'Journeyers' but also inside the game world of Rising Essence. I've already talked about a few invading events already occurring and how everyone was reacting differently to that. Now, I'll give everyone a pretty much detailed version of rumors and unknowns that many of you have guesses over the course of the newest update; turning them to either truth or reality."

"First, the Guiding Voices; agh, I know. I've already gone through this and 'they' have had already been accepted world-wide, especially since they became an obvious feature once reaching between LV70-80. Today, we're first talking about those who've been selected by them before reaching LV70 AND of those being barely selected when reaching LV70."

"Thanks to all the people who allowed themselves to be interviewed and more like questioned- by me. Alright so, once you reach LV70, the Guiding Voices turn rather gentler and somewhat mild towards the player. It doesn't sound like much, right? Well, it's exactly their change in their behavior that is creepy! Those who reached LV70 and were approached by a Guiding Voice and either could not drive away or accepted it fully in your arms, would never know what kind of scare those Guiding Voices gave when at first they were being mentioned and rumored about. Cold, narcissistic, commanding and disdainful. Slowly, as those players advanced through levels and even equipment; players that wanted me to know, would always retell me about how they were no longer that bad and that, their way of addressing them (the players in question) was becoming more and more friendly. They also told me things like 'well, you may be exaggerating it' or 'jealous bro, jealous', haha. It is a good point, after all, wouldn't a unknown person or entity that is suddenly good towards you and tells you of things that not even the system could ever comprehend; be treating you in such a nice matter be really a good sign? As such, I will no longer speak of Guiding Voices in my reports, only allowing them to once again resurface when a great amount and quality of content has become visible for me to show you all (soon!)."

"Now, let's talk about when reaching LV80. For this, which I'm honored and glad, I have been able to get in contact with many elite players. You know, the real Elite players that managed to reach higher and higher because they're b oth hella good at the game and smart as individuals? And not the type of COUGHCOUGHRiluCOUGHCOUGH other kind of player that simply deals a last hit without a party, youknowhatImeanIknowthattoo. Anyways, they've told me that; upon reaching LV80, those with voices turn just extremely friendly. Yup, that dry, because it's just that simple as well. Turning extremely friendly when reaching the max level for the first update. Now, this makes me think, are the Guiding Voices a way for the developers to do what a System AI can't or shouldn't be doing? Either by a matter of status or simply common knowledge in terms of order? Now, it does seems to encourage players to move forward and forward. Hell, even the shadow-like portals seem to be a really great deal now... if it wasn't for the endless NPCs suffering daily all across the world of Main Kingdom..."

"Sigh, sigh sigh! Anyways, let's get done with this report since I know I've been overextending this 'Guiding Voices are distrustful' section of mine. Not everyone might know this right now, but a good couple of players up ahead in the player rankings have told me... 'Guys, you all better prepare for taking your Association to another new level, these few months of the second update will all go around using it to for a temporary strength. I had the chance to meet a Captain of the real forces from Rising Essence and, they've told us that the Guiding Voices of theirs and ours would act cooperatively to hunt down the Demons once and for all!'. That he said; so, in other words... is the second update about amassing forces to take upon the Demon Race? Now, THIS seems finally getting fun. We've been left to acclimatize ourselves with the new wonder of the Crestfallen Industry and now, it is indeed time for the world to be changed by us!"

"Everyone, allow me to finish this report by encouraging (just like the system-and now the Guiding Voices too!) all players to take upon the role of helping it guard against Demons! Join up with your friends or the Association of your choosing and, go around the world to recruit people for the cause!!"

(1.01B Upvotes) - (2B Comments)




V3: #1 5/10

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