Bow and Arrow

Chapter 217: Chapter 216 — A Flower Matures

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A Flower Matures




'Guiding voices, again. Demons 'are bad', again. Haah, these guys are almost as bad as those gossipy people thirsting for drama between celebrities, ah?' Yun Beishang had his neck adam's apple facing the sky as his head was thrown backwards, exasperated and without spirit.

Afterwards, Yun Beishang continued reading the little few rest of the threads that slightly caught his eye in a jiffy.

The 'Everyone to the levelling portals! Now! New notice!!' thread; with 9.32B upvotes and 40B comments that was posted a month and 20 days ago, was about how the rewards for killing anything that was inside the shadow portals- increased as players would drop 3 of their equipped items and 15% of all their gold coins. But now, SP and Fame given when taking out any mob or even NPC inside the game -excluding the NPCs that came from outside the portals- gave x5 the same amount instead of x3. Naturally, this was a notice taken for any player that still had not belonged to an Association to come looking for one before engaging in a PvP and PvE focused map.

Then, there was the 'Unions Rising! Looking for even more partnering with new Associations' thread; with 4.2B upvotes 16.12B comments which was locked by moderators at some point, that was posted 9 days ago. This one attracted Yun Beishang's attention a whole lot and, right away, he sent all of this information directly to Yona's in-game character 'Found Miss Yona' that was now a Wizard that was LV82. The girl might be the greatest and most hardworking woman Yun Beishang has seen that is also his, but she was hella bent on catching up to not the actual Tongqiu but the future Tongqiu. A little smile formed as he slightly grazed his fingertips over the name 'Found Miss Yona' sweetly and caringly.

'Rosey, you can come out... Haaah, just another two days, another two...'


While Yun Beishang was lamenting his patience being really good, a little Rosey jumped from nowhere to land on his chest, deeply clawing it and remaining plastered on his body with the Petals of Destruction Armor Set being pulled strongly sometimes.

"Tsk-pfa, you little vermin! Too naughty!" Yun Beishang squeezed Rosey's diminute nose as he mentioned 'naughty', before doing the same right after when mentioning 'playful' with an affectionate voice: "Too playful!! Go ahead and run a few laps for me, afterwards you can come back to me and I'll let you sleep with your head on my lap while we watch the sunset, hum hum."

"Brehee~, yi yi yi..." Becoming visibly joyful, Little Rosey let go of Yun Beishang's Petals of Destruction Suit Aegis before making cute sounds as she moved towards the battlefield -now vacant-; before long, she used all of her max Movement Speed to do 170 laps in less than 30 seconds. The battlefield had become rather enormous for only two beings going against an entire race but, Rosey's speed was no laughing matter, she didn't even need to use Destroyer - Bloodline to do it and she didn't even sweat it as she came back to Yun Beishang with trotting cute little steps.

Still, since her talking capabilities were healing more and more as Yun Beishang 'teached' her how to read once again, Yun Beishang himself couldn't help but see the little kid go back to his arms as they then silently watched the sun go away with their heads turned to face such beauty manifest.



From the moment Yun Beishang received -was granted- the Evil God Advancement Quest, he had been on that place for another 10 days, making it a total of 11 days of farming Enlightened and Heavenly BOSSes while also getting some random and rare materials from some of the normal mobs that remained alive until then.

One day has passed by after that and, as of now; today was the 12th day that Yun Beishang had been farming in the same Obsidian Mountain; mountain range.

At the Peaceful Rain Villa, at the entrance; was a Yun Beishang wearing formal yet easy-going clothes. Seemingly waiting for something and even being nervous about it as he kept looking at the clock on his new phone -yes, newer than before-. Still, even though he seemed to be waiting patiently but nervously; he also seemed somewhat gloomy and sorry about... something.

Step, step, step

"Ah! Master! I'm here~, are we going on another date~?" A clingy, lovely and utterly impossible for Yun Beishang to deny- little monkey appeared before his eyes as some footsteps sounded before his left arm was tightly and lovingly held by the little monkey's arms.

Looking down at the monkey, Yun Beishang could see the brightness of her eyes gleaming like they were the most precious gems in the world. That warmth from her lavish golden pupils and pure golden iris seemingly morphed into an alluring dilatation of them both to match with her short warm gold chestnut hair. The fact that she was 1.49 -yet still thankfully growing- didn't helped at all on making her seem more mature or charmingly seductive; she simply looked lost in infatuation as she gazed at the prince of her life, the first to accept her as a girl, woman and dear family besides her comrades -maids- of the same company.

"My Yao Yao, today.. a-eh... will be slightly different. It's a surprise, but is also not necessary to keep it that hidden, so I'll tell you..."

Noticing the situation being as simple as before as it has been in their little dates, though still feeling the lovable affection he had for her, Yao Yao turned more stern and serious yet she still has he gleaming eyes deadly set on Yun Beishang's with her entire face keeping that slight blush from her heart's fluttering.

"It's that, I have found your parents."

"GASP-..." Her eyes widened a painful lot, Yao Yao's heart stopped momentarily, not believing such impossible words for her. After straightening her hunched back and tearfully looking up to Yun Beishang once again as her eyes were still dilated but also trembling and confused, she finally managed to utter with the softest of tones: " it... true?"

Taking in air from his mouth, sharply, Yun Beishang slowly cupped Yao Yao's face before booping her nose with his own, before replying, his tone hushed: "Yes, I did. And, Yao Yao, no matter what; you can always lean on me. Did you hear me? I'll protect you, forever."

"Ha-ah... ah... Mn." Yao Yao's eyes were only confused at the mention of his words but, by the time Yun Beishang finally uttered that final, strong and heavily responsible word; her stressed brain finally processed his proposing, meaningful intentions as she felt the air leave her body before regaining it out of feeling the warmth from his hands on her cheeks. With that warmth, she could hold herself back up as she then managed to utter out a mild and almost inaudible 'mn' with a little nod; her tears still falling.

"Okay, come on. Remain behind me, alright? I can let you talk first if you want..."

"Mm-mm, no it's fine. I'll let you talk first... then, then I'll see if I want to."

"Mn, good. By the way, you look very beautiful in that yellow dress, I already feel bad I didn't go out to announce the world that you are mine."

"Puchi..." Finally managing to sort out a giggle from her little, tiny belly, Yun Beishang smiled thinly in delight at her flushed cheeks turning a bit brighter and the wrinkle of her eyes being pressed by her own cheeks no longer being as puffy and heartrending as before.

Hugging her little shoulder slightly before separating and turning around as his right hand took her right hand as well, so as to signal to Yao Yao to remain slightly behind him, Yun Beishang opened one of the doors to the outside where an indoors specialized car had already been prepared for the two of them.

Hopping into the car, they took 11 minutes to arrive at the Villa's entrance as Yun Beishang drove smoothly slow, while Yao Yao's heart turned stably solid at the consequent each of the beats of her heart.

Arriving at the entrance, Yun Beishang helped the little shaking monkey of his out of the car by holding her hands like a princess before allowing her to embrace his waist tightly with her head harshly pressed on the back of his right-sided ribs.

"Okay, just listen to me."


Receiving a little response from Yao Yao, Yun Beishang then took another slow breath of air into his lungs from both his nostrils and throat at the same time before nodding to Kamagichi who was already holding the gates' bars of the villa with his hands as he then pulled them completely.


And as if it was a drama, a small, wasted and wholly dirtiest of silver-colored cars appeared right at the front. The moment Yun Beishang could hear the car stopping in front of the gates, so did Yao Yao; and as such, Yun Beishang was the first to feel her entire body trembling even harder and her heart pounding in a manner that'd spark fear onto anyone hearing it go.

Tracing his soft palm over her back as he heard and 'saw' a couple of erratic, impatient and gladdened footsteps come out from the car before moving towards the gates, only to be stopped right before crossing through them by the old man before the gates themselves.

Though they initially looked at the old man in disgust and even some dirty intent, they let it pass after having thought of how this facade of no one being seeing out in the open was purposely made to allow the new 'guests' to lower their guard, act impulsively and the be driven away 'conveniently'. Hence, they held themselves and merely waited for the incredibly imposing-looking young man across the gates to show them where their money was at, unaware of the real danger right in front of them.

After twisting his upper body back to rub Yao Yao's back softly with his palm, Yun Beishang then finally looked ahead of him so as to allow the two in front to be known of him becoming aware of their presence...

There was an old middle-aged man with barely some hair as he had the kind of hair that any man would reflectively flinch inside their heads whenever they saw it on another man. Though his hair did indeed had a golden touch to it, it was so murky, wasted and messy that it barely even looked like hair if anything; at all.

There was then a 'before'-beautiful middle-aged woman that had a blonde colored hair. Maybe it was supposed to be tied into a ponytail but, it even looked as if that ponytail was forcefully maintained through who knew how many years and, even though she had enough remaining hair on her head to still allow one to recognize it as a ponytail, it was merely an extremely overextended tuft of hair while even most of her head was bald.

Though Yun Beishang couldn't get much resemblance from them and Yao Yao and that their appearances were really just too weird, enough for him to understand that these people were indeed not just in 'difficult' situations but were also similarly wrong in the head.

"Where is she?!" The man spoke first, but was quickly backed up by the woman who started somewhat trembling already: "Yea, where is our daughter?!"

"Gasp..." Yao Yao let a small gasp from her little mouth and her trembling lips the moment she heard the words 'our daughter', even though she felt a kind of sense to hide and never come out, her young, provoked curiosity couldn't be restrained as she poked her head out to see the two which were supposedly her parents.

The moment she did so, however, she realized that the man in front of them was pointing at them already with a suspicious but ugly expression on his face as he looked as he presumably wife. When he saw the expression on his wife become shocked, before her eyes turned greedy and gleamed in thirst, he then turned his head as if he noticed something and saw the face of 'his' daughter.

"Ho!- HOHO~~!!" The man immediately after made an overextended and bizarre huge 'O' with his mouth before his eyes turned the same way as her wife.

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"It's our daughter! Haha, come on wife, let's take her!" Saying so, the man proceeded to step onwards to Yun Beishang and Yao Yao, not noticing Yao Yao's confused and conflicted, as well as disgusted, expression on her little teary face.

Kamagichi frowned at once, also wanted to act at once but, Yun Beishang stopped him by simply moving his lips without a single piece of air coming out from neither his nostrils nor mouth. As such, the dirty-looking and mentally-troubled man stepped into the Villa's territory at once.

"Oh...!" The wife, right behind her husband's steps as she crossed both her hands with each other in front of her chest, exclaimed 'beautifully' and 'pitifully' as she gazed at Yao Yao with a gaze that she thought herself to be pure love.

"My beautiful daughter, come to us! We need you to make money for us, come on come on, no time to waste~!" With a screeching-almost, high-pitched voice slowly spitting out words, the woman quickly made her way towards Yun Beishang and Yao Yao too right as she finished speaking.

What Yao Yao could see and discern was, firs that the woman made the most dirtiest, repugnant and greedy eyes she could ever see in her life; right before she began moving at 'great speeds' -from what Yao Yao's current mental capacity could process at that moment- towards her.

"Kyaah~! Beishang, Beishang please! AAAHH!" Out of fear, terror and tremendous scarring; Yao Yao directly climbed Yun Beishang's body up, not even caring of her words not being the same graceful previous ones as even her entire being turned totally turned from his little monkey.

At that simple, mere thought, Yun Beishang's eyes turned horrendous to look at, the man and woman seemingly took notice of that but, after a single pause of half-a-second, they continued moving towards them. Their faces looked slightly forced at that moment; nevertheless, they still retained their gloriously ugliness as they instead now moved in charging directly at the two of them.

"Back off!" Yun Beishang's bark was enough, and the two 'muddle-headed' old couple felt stunned, before both their ears started trickling down with liquid. When they lifted their hands directly towards their ears, and retracted them only to see a tremendous amount of blood on their fingertips, they genuinely became terrified as a strange powerful glint also surfaced in-between their eyes as fleeting as a moment as they looked at each other; right before turning around and running towards their equally-ugly car.



Pathetic, pitiless and ugly screaming went out their mouths as they flung their arms in a creepy manner before actually crashing their bodies onto their car.


After picking themselves up, albeit dizzily, Yun Beishang felt Yao Yao's terrified body still clung onto him as he even felt her eyelids shake in utter horror as he watched the two 'ugly' couple drift away with the car.


"Haah, haah!" Yun Beishang exhaled purposely twice, hard, as he then intensely frowned while watching the back of the two cars.

"..." He then, however, turned silent as his eyes turned vacant instead.

After a good moment, Kamagichi's confused face finally had its eyebrows lifted up at the waving of Yun Beishang's right hand as he had already turned around and began to walk towards the Villa's main building, obviously not taking the car.

"Haish..." Shaking his head, like an old man would do after seeing deplorable disappointment from seeing an older generation be catastrophically awful to the younger generation, he closed the gates of the Villa's entrance before going inside the close-by car; planning to take a little, and well needed, lap around the Villa.

. . .


In the middle of their way towards their home, Yun Beishang stopped in his tracks. Yao Yao was no longer trembling crazily and her voice wasn't aphonic out of nowhere anymore, as such, he brought her down slowly. With him helping her little feet, then her little legs, thighs and even her bum to softly land on the soft grass beside the paved road.

"My little monkey, look at me?"

Still in a state of shock, Yao Yao nevertheless, responded to Yun Beishang's words as she robotically lifted her head to almost kiss his lips; their eyes already witnessing a meeting between their eyelashes.



"Huu-kgh-waaa... sniff, wuuu... wuuu!!!" After remaining silent a good long while, Yao Yao's face slowly gained the alive sensation that Yun Beishang so anxiously wanted to bring forth to her already. And before long, her big, vacant eyes finally showed the luster that her especially and unique goldish eyes would always give, especially for him; right before as she threw her arms to his thighs and buried her head right into Yun Beishang's crotch.

It would've been a completely different scenario on another occasion alright, especially because it has been more than a few dozens of times that they've gone at it since their first time at discovering Yao Yao's special devotion for himself; but right now, Yun Beishang could only think of this Yao Yao of his to be terribly adorable.

"There, there... there... It's okay, it's okay." Rubbing her back with but his deepest care, Yun Beishang tenderly whispered into her quickly blushing little ears as she slowly began to calm down.

"Sniff, sniff... I-I-b-wahaa-but I-waa-sniff... wuuuu~~!!" That little monkey of his tried to speak up, her tearful face already drenched and unavoidably ugly, but damn, in Yun Beishang's eyes, how could she look so irresistible?!

Hence, an equally sorry Yun Beishang dove deep in to her face and stole those salty-tasting little pale-golden lips of hers, muffling even further the cries of the little, young girl as he did not want his crotch to look like he had peed himself over three times in a row.

Deeply passing some of his own breath into her, either by mouth-to-mouth or by stimulating her nasal cavity with the muscle memory of taking in air. Whatever the case it was, she slowly began to take in not only Yun Beishang's very own air coming from his lungs, but also his saliva that endlessly poured onto her mouth and down her throat.

"... ... ..."

Almost an hour went by fast, and the lips-swollen and puffy eyed Yao Yao slowly became a calm, obedient child in front of Yun Beishang as soon as he released her from the most warm calming method he could think of at the moment. It worked perfectly nice before as well...

Yun Beishang didn't said anything, but he presented his own hand for her to take. Of course, for Yao Yao to be able to take his hand, she had to stand up fully, or else she would only be exposing her silly side to him even more.

Tap, tap

As her 'tiring' -which were in truth just normal, but seemed to be annoying after such a long time in roughly the same position- shoes tapping against the ground sounded out, Yao Yao took them off her feet as she frowned slightly with her left hand holding Yun Beishang's right one. After taking them off, she sniffed abruptly once before looking up at him with but all of her heart but into her gaze.

Neither of them said anything yet again, but Yun Beishang's heart beat, throbbed and it pitapat with power at the now matured gaze of his little monkey; his little girl turning stronger.

"You called me Beishang." Said the Yun Beishang in question.

"I'll call my man however I wish to." Said the now matured and charming Yao Yao that even then, has not lost her unique charm to herself; nonetheless, she was now a Yao Yao that would make the Yun Beishang's eyes in question to widen with incredulity from now on and that whose heart would grow excited without a stop at the every movement, word and even of the every beating heart of Yao Yao.

"But, for now, my man is my Master. And... I want to be with Master forever, too." Her sweet voice, Yun Beishang could not deny it in any form, nor that he would ever.

With but a trembling voice and, a quivering heart full of emotion, Yun Beishang spoke his beautiful words in the ears of Yao Yao: "The-en... come here and give a kiss to your Master. The next time I ask you to kiss me, like this... you will have to call me 'husband'."

With her eyes already shocked and her brain turned mush, how could she even think of anything? As such, as her mindless words went out, her body intoxicatingly moved towards her man. Her little feet barely making the grass sway at her touch and her beautiful neck showing off for him to be tempted into a bite or two, or a million.

"Ma...a-as...ter, mwah~..."




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