Bow and Arrow

Chapter 243: Chapter 242 — Incineration Of The Azure Dragon’s Main City (2)

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Incineration Of The Azure Dragon’s Main City (2)




[Heart-Piercing Clay Cinquedea]: Type: One-Handed Dagger, Grade: Magical, Equipment Requirements: LV85, Attributes: Physical Power+522, DEX+93, STR+90, LCK+40 and DET+11, Effects: 1.-Critical Hit Rate+8% when hitting an enemy's weak point and 2.-When dealing a Critical Hit and in a weak point, an extra of 2,500 Darkness Elemental damage will be dealt to the enemy.

"WOAH! Daaaaad~, can I keep it? I want to impress my dear with this! I can't keep up if he could already kill a Sacred Protector, let alone alone now that he had already looted it and whatnot! Please~?"

"Nope, besides, you use short daggers. Behave like the Lady Leader of the Black Lotus for once!"

"Tehee~." Giggling at being successfully distracted away from keeping the dagger to herself, Sammy gave the Cinquedea to her father as she foolishly smiled at the nothing, bringing forth numerous thoughts and ideas of her future with him.

"Oh, but father, about the outside... it's so dangerous, to the point that we have to even sweat once or twice for an instant. Would this impact his concentration in the game or in his Peaceful Rain Corporation? I'm worried..."

Fusi was busy drooling over his new dagger as he almost ignored her daughter's worriers but, he then responded with faked righteousness, "Of course it is something to be worried about. But, don't worry about it, he isn't a weakling after all!"

Sammy turned around to face her father, she silently looked at him as her upper lip ended up being slightly protruding, appearing extremely elegant yet irresistible. Her eyes were downcast as she softly murmured, "But it's not him who I am only worried about..."

Like such, in many other places all around Main Kingdom, be it the players of high-end Associations or the city lords and even the royal families themselves; their every thought all connected as if into one as their attention was fully driven to the 'Journeyer' from the Azure Dragon Sub-Division. No, rather; the Bright Sunset Region.



'Haah, haah, haah...!!!' Yun Beishang didn't even cared to look at his or Rosey's stats as he was just too tired and annoyed at himself for holding himself this long, his thoughts traveled and his heart steeled.

"Rosey..." As his mouth barely opened, he incurred the appearance of Rosey's child-sized little head popping out from his right shoulder as she cutely looked at him with her adorable big eyes. "Brr?"

At this moment, a guard noticed Yun Beishang's strangeness and chose to inch closer towards this cloaked figure of weird acting. He then saw the azure gas slightly going from the cloaked figure's right hand towards each of his limbs and even his crotch area. Weirded out by the scene, the guard inched closer and closer, when he saw the face of the cloaked figure, he simply but powerfully; felt deepest fear, danger and... imminent destruction.

"...Whatever you see, kill it all." As Yun Beishang slowly muttered this to Rosey and as she sprung out from the Petals of Destruction Suit Aegis down to the ground and pulled up her cute hood over her head but in a somber manner; he also similarly began equipping the rest of his Petals of Destruction Armor Set as the true body of his Mind-Sensory came to light in his left hand.


"Hey! You..." The guard immediately became aware and even more afraid of a troublemaker appearing rather than what he saw before, in fact, he even forgot that just a second ago he was terrorized out of his own shit. Immediately, he wanted to simply yell out to his comrades to alert them of a suspicious figure but, he was then even more shocked as he saw the little girl putting on a hoodie and blurring away in an instant and the cloaked figure... wearing... wearing, huh?

"It's him! Tongqiu! Tongqiu it's here! Everyone-..." The guard frantically moved to alert his comrades in the distance but then, he felt his eyes go black and his neck become awfully tight and breathless. Turning around, only to find out that each time he moved just even slightly, his neck made cracking sounds. He found out what true terror looked like.

Wearing the Petals of Destruction Caberg, Yun Beishang's head was covered by the edgy helmet yet the pair of eyes on it made the guard looking at them bloodless and sure of his own death.


Sure enough, as soon as the guard though of it himself, Yun Beishang actually twisted the guard's neck a few times, each time creating an incredibly grisly sound before the guard's body went finally limp.

"AAAAH!! He's here! Guards, guards, guards!!"

"Fucking hell! Save me, save me~!!!"

Instantly so, the many stubborn NPCs that stayed behind unreasonably began to scream both; loudly and heartrendingly. Unaware of the way in which Yun Beishang's eyes through the Caberg's sockets became at the sound of each of them, said NPCs began hurrying away in clear terror. Their direction? Where the guards and the two previous players Associations went to, wherever that was, their eyes were fully widen and they even gained some bloodiness to themselves.

Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~.



"No, no, NOOOOO!"



A few hundreds of NPC civilians immediately after began falling down almost all at once, Yun Beishang had sent a few horizontal Falling Rain Arrows without a care, he only had a few hundred left but he decided to use about a dozen of them without a thought, without hesitation. And he didn't even stop after hearing their loud and numbing wails.

Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~...

"Shit, what a-what are we doing? Stop, ah, we must stop him!!" One player valiantly spoke aloud, but nobody even cared to look at him. Hell, some even kicked him forwards until he was right a few meters before Yun Beishang's feet.


At this moment, as the player was fearfully looking up at Yun Beishang while kneeling on the ground after being kicked up to the front and as everyone else were already a few dozen meters away from Yun Beishang. The trembling of half the city resounded and made everyone's ears want to become deaf while their terrorized eyes looked slightly up in the sky. In the sky, the beautiful but fear-inducing pale-pink smoke of an explosion went upwards quite as not even the dust from whatever collapsed could reach where the pale-light colored smoke could.

*PING*... Local System Announcement: To all Azure Dragon Sub-Divisional 'Journeyers', the reviving point, teleporting points and main teleporting point of the Azure Dragon Main City have been destroyed! No available teleport returns nor revivals in the vicinity of around 2,500 km until the main teleporting device is fixed. All 'Journeyers' are to aid in the reconstruction of the main teleporting device, rewards and punishments alike will be given depending on the results.

"Aaah, fuck, that's so scary dude. What was that?"

"Yeah, what was that? Who did it? If Tongqiu is here..."

"Shhh, Tongqiu didn't even flinch nor lowered his head, he look completely normal. It may have been him after all."

"Doesn't he have a pet? Maybe..."

As everyone looked at the compact bow of full in bright white with some bright red on it, they all felt slightly out of wits as they couldn't really process this kind of information. Was not only most teleporting points but even the main teleporting device destroyed? And, that meant that most nearby settlements were fucked and people couldn't even revive nor in the Main City nor in the nearby settlements? Then, what about... now?

What now?

Yun Beishang was just about to tell them, what in the fuck, now.


*PING* have killed a player, 'OinkImmaPig'.

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Yun Beishang carelessly shot an arrow towards the kneeling player that was ruled out from the masses, he didn't even drew the bowstring for more than a few centimeters yet the arrow shot was faster than any they've seen before. Even for BOSSes and high-levelled mobs or even guards. As for the compact bow, though it was second only to the Mind-Sensory Long Bow, it was still heavier than even the previous Light-Absorbing Flaming Gladiuses by a fucking lot already. Let alone of how he needed quite a lot of strength to just slightly pull the bowstring. Not that he couldn't, but that he could be bothered to do so. For him, it would take between 0.4 seconds still to draw and let loose of an arrow nocked at his bowstring. But for such a close-by enemy he didn't needed to even draw it, he could simply throw it at the enemy. If anything, his current Mind-Sensory bows max pulling of the bowstring would be for reaching targets that are tens of thousands of kilometers away with a max of a couple hundred thousand kilometers away. Of course, the true max capacity range was for the Mind-Sensory Long Bow only.

"Fuck! He actually killed him-" A player was the first to react to Yun Beishang's thoughtless killing, even though almost a minute went by like that. As for Yun Beishang, what else could he even care to say? He simply lifted his compact bow and began aiming at the guards not so far away as they were actually blindingly rushing towards his general direction without even knowing what was going on. One thing was for sure though, Yun Beishang deliberately made those civilians scream and also let that few guards run away to warn the rest.

As he now let loose many single arrows in their directions in double-arrowed wideshots, with even each arrow taking great curving effect to perfectly maximize the potential of the 15m x 15m AOE of Total Combustion.

Total Combustion!


In total silence, though everyone else left alive -basically only players at this moment- felt their ears deaf for instants from being so close to the out-of-this-world explosions, they couldn't do nor move at all despite them as the silence that prevailed even after those sounds went out made them feel that they weren't even capable of breathing. A silent pressure invaded the players surrounding Yun Beishang as they watched him stand there, not stepping towards any side for a single millimeter and yet, take out thousands of guards in mere few seconds.

"... ... ... ..."

Then, it was like a long and silent night. It was still bright and this night of New Earth was the second bright day of Main Kingdom, so only a few hours would be left until the sun would start setting. But the every pair of eye set on Yun Beishang burnt hotter than even the artificial suns in New Earth were everyone could no longer feel sick from just going out home nor getting a heatstroke from just walking under them.

Then, the silent killing kept on going, this time; with them -the players- as the victims.


"!!!!" Nobody talked, they've found themselves out to no longer even be able to open up their mouths, much less emit sound from their throats or their nostrils. Everyone trembled even as they knew this was just a simple game, they feared their steps would be loud so even as they all moved in unison to one side or the other, they all even made motions with their hands to keep one another's garments from making either any sound with the wind or by clashing against each other.

Fwoop, step... step, step-fwoop, thud...

Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle!

But that didn't stop the arrows from coming their way, though those guards were also oneshoted, that was with the use of Yun Beishang's Total Combustion. Even then, for those other guards that managed to resist one of Yun Beishang's Total Combustion AOE, they would tumble, be sent flying or blasted into another still existent dome to the side and quickly disintegrate like the rest. As for these players, one single arrow was all it was needed to get rid of anyone. not just because of the 15k Physical Power damage at the very least as a base, but because of the seemingly never-ending Pierce Attacks, Critical Hits and even both of them at the same time.

In this way, Yun Beishang would en up filling, no, stacking; tens of thousands of Particles by the time he finished everyone around him that were either witness in any way, to the 'punishment' of Yun Beishang's known people... even though most of them were simply contacted to buy one type of ingredient, potion, jewelry; etc.

But this wasn't Yun Beishang's turn to mourn, no, it wasn't even his to mourn at all as it was Irllytia instead who should be decimating the entire Azure Dragon Sub-Division in utter pain and grief. Yet, were she to do that... It wasn't a problem of becoming number 1 enemy with everyone else, including players, but that her simple use of power would just trigger the incoming doom to Main Kingdom sooner than expected. She could only watch as Yun Beishang began to slowly ease out her heartache and pain; utter pain.

Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle!...

There wasn't bellowing coming from Yun Beishang; nor was there questions asked in an enraged and completely mindless manner, he was simply standing on the same spot while killing even those who were hiding from his sight with a few buildings between him and them. Yet they all ended up being oneshoted without a care, without a single miss. Some arrows even managed to pierce through more than one player at once, Yun Beishang was still not using any hidden stat though; which made it even more impactful.

All of those corpses on the clean streets of the Azure Dragon Main City were 'beautifully' adorning the streets with gore features plastering all around them. There was only one reason of why only the NPCs corpses were drifted away as ashes in animations by the wind and waves of the previous explosions and not the players.

*PING*...your HP have reached 0, you have died. In 10 minutes, you'll be sent to the nearest available settlement due to host's location being so close to the destroyed main teleportation device.

*PING*...your HP have reached 0, you have died. In 10 minutes, you'll be sent to the nearest available settlement due to host's location being so close to the destroyed main teleportation device.

*PING*...your HP have reached 0, you have died. In 10 minutes, you'll be sent to the nearest available settlement due to host's location being so close to the destroyed main teleportation device.

*PING*...your HP have reached 0, you have died. In 10 minutes, you'll be sent to the nearest available settlement due to host's location being so close to the destroyed main teleportation device.

"... ... ... ..." After taking only 2 minutes to take every living being that attended the 'surprise' event in the city, Yun Beishang slowly walked towards the very center of the Azure Dragon Main City. In the distance, a third Destroying Dooming Bloom from Rosey resounded, this time on the other side of the city as she had already destroyed most of the south of the city with her innate Movement Speed, Attack/Action Speed and skills like it was nothing in less than two minutes.

Step. Step. Step. Step.

Like before, Yun Beishang were simply slow, and as his footsteps were the only devilish bells that the players heard out to be; their dead, lifeless eyes gazed forcibly to only one side while they actually trembled. They couldn't even log off if they wanted to...

. . .


"..." Sylda was utterly shocked; first was the notion of Tongqiu having actually KILLED their Sacred Beast Protector, a BOSS-type of NPC that was supposedly to be very important in the future. Hell! Even hers and her foster father's Associations were already planning on collecting gifts and Precious and Valuable items to 'offer' to the Azure Dragon whenever it was available for players to meet!

Who.. who would've thought. Was this the reason Tongqiu wanted them to bring the civilians out? But, even if Sylda felt complex and used, she was too clever to forget Tongqiu's act of asking them in a certain commanding way, to evacuate the civilians themselves.

"Sylda." At this moment, with Sylda having her head hung low and her eyes fully opened but somehow dimmed, a frowning Kalen approached her side as he reported. "Sylda... I've just taken a report from one of our members, ah... He said something about Tongqiu being the one to make those invasions from all over Main Kingdom occur, and that he always planned about it. But that such information was given to the players from the city lord's guards, so..."

"So it is unclear. Isn't that right?" The brave, valiant and decisive face of Sylda interrupted even the train of thought from Kalen as he dumbly looked at her, nodding once in a robotic manner. Sylda then continued with her back straightening back up, "Then they can't be trusted! Tongqiu is, Tongqiu that... ugh."

Kalen looked at Sylda with his eyes lowered, feeling slightly sorry for her but good at the same time. He wanted to say something when he was interrupted by the worried exclamation from his adoptive daughter, "Sylda..."

"Gasp! The other armies from the Sub-Divisions, they're going to attack Tongqiu!"

Kalen frowned, albeit slightly, at the erratic words from his adoptive daughter. He felt that she was being too overwhelmed and influenced by her first 'crush', so he wanted to talk her the fuck out of there, but was ingeniously talked back by Sylda herself before he could even think of opening his own mouth.

"You were going to tell me, 'Sylda, this is just a game. Even if he loses an item or all of his items, if a man can't tell reality from fake, then they shouldn't even be called a person?'? Or maybe, 'Sylda, you can't come to the rescue of a man you previously even thought bad of, there are many better and more fitting fishes in the vast ocean for you to meet.'; perhaps?" Sylda eyes were upturned to look at her foster father directly in the eye, her ordinarily black eyes appearing ever more shocking that anyone could ever think of from such 'normal' eyes, Kalen more than anyone thought of so the moment they were tightly locking his very own eyes.

"Father, I... am so happy you took me in. After so many years alone, even as a kid, I finally know warmth and care. I used to cry every night on the bed that you bought for me inside the room that you spent so much money to build, for me as well. But now, I just want to follow the person, not just as a man but as a model, that I believe in. He may not even notice me or remember me, he probably only remembered my simple game ID thanks to reading again yours. After all, only such a great individual would have a memory of that kind I'm sure. But I still want to follow him! If he rejects me, I'll still follow him. Whether if I find someone for me in the future that will even turn his back on everyone else for me and only me is another matter, but whether if I search him out and he rejects me or not is on me. I will always be your little girl, just like that damnable silly Kay would be for you, but I want to never again close my self to my own aspirations and... longings."

Sylda looked at her foster father with deep adoration, tears weren't even needed to be mentioned as she thoroughly wept silently, her little girl of a heart crushed into the longing heart of a young woman at the speed of sound. She was just waiting for her father's answer to her change of heart.

Kalen: "..."

Sylda: "..."

Hoyi and Hita while holding each others' hands: (つд⊂) (πーπ)

Kay: (◌ˇ‿ˇ◌)

Everyone else, NPCs and players alike: ⊙﹏⊙ ⊙△⊙ ଵ˛̼ଵ ⚆ᗝ⚆



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