Bow and Arrow

Chapter 244: Chapter 243 — Incineration Of The Azure Dragon’s Main City (3)

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Incineration Of The Azure Dragon's Main City (3)




"..." Kalen was undeniably speechless, defeated by his adoptive daughter's speech indeed, everyone else that heard them were similarly silenced. As Sylda's imploring, begging eyes didn't darted away from him for even a moment, instead of appearing anxious or troubled, Kalen simply took his Association interface up and slowly uttered a very few simple set of words. "Everyone who is in the Elite groups, move to intercept the armies of NPC outside the city. Prepare to ambush them along our sister Association and also prepare to give your levels and items to a cause of a pure heart!"

"!!!" Sylda was the first to react as she felt her body quiver right away and also blushing at the 'punishing' words that Kalen spoke at the end. Meanwhile, the players were understanding as the Association chats from both side began to be drowned in endless explanations and rumors. While the NPCs could only get more confused and then even more confused with the current success of events. 'What the hell? Weren't they supposed to save us from some unknown danger and to keep them away from the clutches of the prying eyes of others? Why would they just leave us?!'

Or so they thought; but thoughts were thoughts alone and they could never accomplish anything on their own.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sylda jumping and hugging Kalen was to be expected. But then, a cute Kay ended up hugging them both from behind Sylda herself, while a suffocating Kalen of clearly less STR and REC overall compared to Sylda, did his best to not fall in disgrace in front of not only his children but also his followers; quite the heroic act, indeed.

"Let's go! Onward to befriending a crazy person and also..." At those words, Kalen just looked at his adoptive daughter that was happier than happy before continuing in 'rebuttal', "...Hmph! Seems that we are also onward to getting a boyfriend for some, hmph!"

Hearing, and listening to their old man Kalen's childish behavior, the couple to the back of the three energetic father and daughters only blinked in speechlessness before following them quickly after. As for the Imperishable Guild and the Eviscerate League players, they were already preparing themselves mentally for the prolonged and imminent sight of pure gore in first point of view. Yet, though they knew that this was a girl's wish 'coming true', their loyalty and subordination was just unmistakably admirable.

On their way, as everyone took out a white horse and began riding to the occasion, Sylda kept on thanking Kalen like a little girl, annoying but undeniably cute.

"I'll help out with all of the house!"

"You better."

 "I'll make dinner for a month!"

A hungry, picky stomach also responded, "You better!"

"I'll... also convince Tongqiu to marry me the fastest way possible and recruit him into our two Associations at best, allying with him at second best!"

"You b-be-b... ugh.."

Everyone else who had to hear them all the way to the battle against the NPC armies, unfortunately: "..."

. . .


Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~...

"Uck, gahh!!"

"Fuuuck! Get more defensive uni-"

Whistle~ Pfruiyll

While one guard who seemed to be the boss was maddened and yelling to another guard of lower status, the sound of a whistling arrow went through the air before the sound of that guard's throat being impaled by an arrow and then slowly kneeling on the ground before finally succumbing to his own death -albeit after having gotten out of many dangerous situations consecutively-; happened as the guard of lower status could only wait for nothing as his eyes widened in despair, shock and becoming overwhelming.

Whistle~ Whitstle~ Whistle~ Whistle~.

Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!.


Then, that very same guard died just a few second later when 4 arrows traveled almost at the same moment towards him, impulsing him as his body was impaled by those arrows for a little flight before his body finally fell to the floor.

Whistle~ Whistle~ Whistle~ Whiste~ Whistle~ Whistle~...

That was insufficient, seemingly so, as another bout of a few dozen arrows were shot right after. But this time, it wasn't directly against the guards and troops around Yun Beishang which were numbering in the thousands as they all rushed towards the hateful villain of their hearts, most of them desperately fought for their families and the peace of the city; completely ignorant that the hateful villain has already had most of them out of 'danger'.

As Yun Beishang activated Total Combustion and shot those few dozens of arrows while tanking the -1. -2 and at most; -10. And as all guards and troops around him were crazily wanting to take their piece of participation token at the job by slashing their blades and fists and kicks at Yun Beishang, the out-of-this-world explosion went off with most of them having been aimed at those close-by the very same Yun Beishang. Hence, effectively wiping out everything around himself.


"... ... ... ..."

Step, step, step...

After a good long while and as the domes created from the explosions from Total Combustion, Yun Beishang could be seen slightly walking forwards, his shoulders moving up, down and forward and backward alternatively but naturally and without the least of showiness.

As those colorful domes turned into little images before fully disappearing, the shocking image of Yun Beishang walking through them would've echoed into anyone who saw it, if it wasn't because there was not a single living soul nearby.


Then at this moment, a timely arriving gust of wind slowly seeped through the pathetic battlefield and swoop the grey ashes in the very same animation that mobs and even BOSSes disappear. Just like before, Yun Beishang wasn't just facing a couple thousand 'brave and honorable' warriors, their initial amount rounded up to 100,000 troops and guards but it still took no longer than 10 minutes for Yun Beishang to dispose of them all. Naturally, as Yun Beishang was in the crazed side of the game and was already MAX LV99 for the current version of the game, it was pretty simple for him to only need one or two double-arrowed wideshots to plummet down even the strongest of 3 Star Elite guards; and like they were nothing. He also had to either use a Wind Connective Arrow or simply execute Transcended Divine Burst so as to either have his raw Physical Power and Magical Power deleting every guard he saw or his boosted Physical Power and Magical Power to even more easily get rid of any of them without needing to take out his Benevolent Intermediate-Potions or his Essential weaponry to get back some of his wasted MP and Stamina. Of course, that did not meant that he wouldn't use Total Combustion like crazy too.

Step, step, step...

And so he walked, moved closer and closer towards the center of the Azure Dragon Sub-Divisional Main City, not stopping even when in the middle of a river of enemies and even then; still moving around as they all fell down to his old pals Mind-Sensory Gladiuses.

Step, step.

As he slowly moved forward, he similarly ended up giving enough time for even the few hundreds of thousands of troops to get ready for 'receiving' him instead. Though the Sub-Divisions from all over Main Kingdom had sent almost their entire manpower to the shadow-like portals by the later stages ever since they appeared, there were obviously enough of troops inside a Main City to ensure security and not allow the crime rate to spike up or to even remain stabilized still.

Even then, even if millions of guards came at him, not only with his current stats that will always remain as impressive and even in some cases; as even more powerful than some BOSSes. But the fact that he was already LV99 was the biggest factor on why he was able to walk around with ease even now, even as he had already entered the middle zone of the Azure Dragon main city and only needed a few more dozens of minutes to reach the city lord's office.

"He's there! Prepare the arrows!"

'Oh, here comes more ammo.'

It was a simple thought, really simple; really. As a bunch of guards and troops of the city joined up in front of Yun Beishang out of nowhere, and as they all formed a solid formation in which their long-ranged classes would be able to shoot Yun Beishang in but a second or two... Yun Beishang still simply ignored it and in fact, rushed up at them.

As for the guards and troops in front of Yun Beishang, there were roughly several hundred, almost lining up for 2,000 armed troops with 'high-end' weaponry. For roughly two thousand people to  have made a quick rush to right in front of Yun Beishang to take him unprepared and completely defenseless without his pair of grotesque, immense swords to guard his body and at a such incredibly speed while maintaining silence. Now, that was Elite. What a pity for as their immense effort on taking a 'Journeyer' out were just laughable and even more so for Yun Beishang who had been paying attention to his everything ever since coming back and realizing what happened while he wasn't here.

In short, they were the one taken by surprise.

"Shoo-klwarrggh!" Right as one of the guards was about to give the order for shooting at Yun Beishang, the very same Yun Beishang had already hurried up to them in but a damn second and the only thing that the guard who was giving that command and those around him could heard, was simple.

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With horrified and confused eyes, the guards and troops turned to look at both; the source of that never-before-heard sound and the strange but familiar sound of flesh tearing.

"!!" Only to see the even more grotesque of a scene as they saw their captain, no, their captain's throat be roughly minced into raw flesh and meat instead. As the captain knew he was well about to fucking die, he raised both his arms with the intention to obviously order them to shoot the motherfucking outsider that was adhered to his body.

"Uh! Shoot it, shoot him! SHOOT!"

"Fucking monster, die!"


However, by the time those around him reacted to their captain in a manner of quick wit and fast comprehension, Yun Beishang was already dancing on the other extreme of the formation, annihilating every body he saw with both his Mind-Sensory Gladiuses, his body also slightly bigger and veins popping out from his Petals of Destruction Armor Set. Overall, if there was rain, the devil over here would've been the perfect image of destruction and genocide.

"AGRHH, save me, husband!"

"Can't stop him, can't stop him! CAN'T FUCKING STOP HIM!!!"

Swish! Swish! Bvreee-Vwlsht-Bvreee-Vwlsht-Bvreee-Vwlsht!


At this point, one of the youngest guards was beautifully sent upwards into the sky, his body rotating a 360 every now and then while his left arm was missing, only the sight of his back shadowed by the sunlight remained to anyone looking up at the poor young guard that even had the left side of his torso mangled. That was the result of one simple strike from Yun Beishang's Mind-Sensory Gladius.

'We're doomed.' Such were the guards and troops thinking altogether, their conviction plummeted. And now, they could only robotically rush at Yun Beishang and wait to be either swatted to the side or halved once or twice by his swords.

Swish, swish, swish! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!




. . .


Outside the Azure Dragon Sub-Divisional Main City, in the middle of a battlefield which erupted so suddenly and where the stationed army was the heavier consumer of manpower and resourced from the get go.


Clink, clank! Clink, clank! Clink, clank! Clink, clank! Clink, clank!

"YEAH, just like that! Don't let them get up!!" The heroic voice of a woman warring against more than 15 guards at the same time sounded as soon as she saw Hita and Hoyi dance a beautiful choreography in the middle of such a battlefield, taking out dozens upon dozens of guards and with two of them even being Lord grade BOSSes; after a lot of effort and some dangerous mistakes of course.

Even though they were both just like the rest of the best of the best of the Rising Essence playerbase, stuck at LV85, they could still deal with so many and at the same time by combining their strengths, adding each other's hearts and brains into it; making it a perfect synchronization that didn't just come from them being siblings and twins at that. Even among the entire playerbase of the game, there really wasn't a comparison to these two as they had what no other could have.

"Heh! Thank you, auntie." Hoyi answered candidly at the heroic woman while she brandished her greatsword around and annihilated those 15 guards once and for all.

"Mn, thanks auntie, mwah." Hita then responded before giving Hoyi a burning kiss on his cheek, before dragging him away to an even more precarious battlefield. Which, at this moment, could only be considered dumb since the nearby respawn points have had already gone 'poof poof'.

In the distance, as he lead his own people and some Imperishable Guild players to defend the frontlines while the rest of their army of players moved on to ambush from within their ranks. Kalen didn't even breathed a sweat as his now slightly longer short hair danced with the wind ever so slightly. His moves weren't gracious nor noble-like but appeared so smooth that one couldn't help but perceive it as technique with the top elegance and of delicate mannerisms. Still, those NPC troops couldn't think so for the second time, as they naturally all died once Kalen was up-close to them.

Unlike the people that went ahead to ambush the enemy, he didn't take multiple enemies at once and instead, took his time advancing only half a step every time he killed someone. It wasn't because of a strategy or because of weakness, but done so in consideration of his followers that just couldn't keep up with him. After numerous battles together, Kalen could even evaluate the future of a single team of players to up to an entire Brigade or Division/Legion.

In the same manner, the players around Kalen did their best to at least catch up with their leader's 'slow' pace, as they had to sweat numerous bullets for every second when they battled with him.

As Kalen gazed upon the twins that took out that many and that powerful of a bunch of enemy NPC troops, he helplessly but gently, shook his head towards them as he took three enemies out at the same time without realizing of it. By the time the players behind him were aware of it and looked expressionlessly at him, multiple other NPC troops swarmed against Kalen.

'Ugh, are you ser-...' But Kalen didn't continue his thoughts as he had to focus on not being pincer-ed to death right then and there.

Meanwhile, even deeper in the enemy lines, was a valiant, brave and determined young girl wearing beautiful and powerful-looking armor but that also had some kind of veil on top of it, hiding the armor under it and also creating the beautiful illusion of the player wearing it being a simple, young, tender and pure girl that had no intention to do damage nor planning to be part in a war.

That young, pure and whatnot of a girl was Sylda. She smiled radiantly at her situation of 'being discovered accidentally', and those players behind her started to stand up from their low-key hunched backs and hooded bodies to expose themselves to everyone, wearing a similar but much weaker and less powerful-looking armor compared to that of Sylda's.

Whoosh whoosh!

And but in a moment, the players hidden underneath a pathetic hiding skill called 'wearing a hoodie and hunching your back' finally gave showed themselves to everyone else, standing right behind Sylda in a powerful formation while Sylda herself had a claymore in her hands as she buried slightly in the ground with its handle being used as a stick for walking. Looking at the befuddled and weirded out NPCs all around them, Sylda then finally gave the order.

"Attack!" At once, those behind her that were either magic or ranged classes began shooting like crazy fuckers all around themselves, igniting a plethora of curses and cries from NPCs as they kept on falling in a very slow domino-like manner.

"Soldiers, repel the ambush, with me! Charge!!" Then, one NPC of high status nearby quickly took the wheel in this not-that-unexpected but messy of a situation. Charging towards Sylda with some of them riding horses, she instead was completely unperturbed as they inched closer and closer to her. Meanwhile, several dozen sneaky players that radiated experience in battling -at least inside Rising Essence- sneaked behind Sylda but didn't show themselves so blatantly.

Stomp, stomp, stomp!

The horses and those behind the elite troops riding the horses arrived right in front of Sylda in but a few seconds, and as they were about to mangle in pieces and to all sides such an unknown girl, they were met instead with an incredulous reaction.





A guard that was more or less powerful, but definitely more powerful than any other troop nearby, called out to the NPC of high status as that man himself was severely injured from having lead the charge. "Lieutenant, what do we do? They have.. some kind of barrier!"

Indeed, when the NPC of high status was just a few centimeters away from stomping down on Sylda's body with his horse, a translucent, fluctuating but still and unmovable barrier appeared out of nowhere to surround her and all of the players behind her as well. At the same time, he and all other NPCs in the charge were being repulsed by a strong force coming from the barrier itself, causing even more damage and chaos in their own men.

"Do you think I can't tell? Immediately request backup, these filthy 'Journeyers' are just a few and will die in but a moment with a stampede of our cavalry, hurry up!" Being berated by his superior didn't made the stronger-than-average soldier to cower nor shy away as he instead responded in hesitation to that man. "But, Lieutenant, what about the entrapping of that 'Tongqiu' or whatever he is called?"



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