Bow and Arrow

Chapter 245: Chapter 244 — Incineration Of The Azure Dragon’s Main City (4—Last Part)

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Incineration Of The Azure Dragon's Main City (4—Last Part)




"Bullshit, why would we care about another Sub-Division- no, another city lord's problems when we have our own? We don't even know if these 'Journeyers' came from orders of the cit-KWAALALALGHRH" Suddenly, as the NPC of high status was explaining to the soldier beside him in an enraged manner, he felt the tip of a spear travel from his jugular to his nape. When the Lieutenant realized of what was going on with his body, his vision was already darkening as he could only see a man in sneaky clothing wearing a long spear and having it penetrate his own neck from one side to the other. Right after and as his vision slowly blackened forever, he saw multiple other of such figures wearing and wielding the same type of weaponry and clothes skewer his body from all sides.

The Lieutenant NPC's HP finally backed down to 0 as his last thought and image of such people was the last this 'powerful' NPC could do, 'These-they are all 'Journeyers', how can...?'

And as the Lieutenant's body fell on top of the other NPC only to be similarly skewered to death right after, more and more of such occurrences were happening all around the hundred or so of players that successfully sneaked in as deeper as they could, behind the enemy lines.

Yet, as Sylda remained in the same pose as before with her claymore slightly buried in the ground, the barrier remained to protect the ranged and magical classes behind her as they seemingly endlessly shoot and executed skill after skill. While those players who went out from the barrier were instead given a slight buff for their Physical Defense and Magical Defense overall and even their Physical Power and Magical Power a little bit as well.

At this moment, one of such players that had a pole arm as a weapon was sent to the ground with low HP and a critical state. Yet, one raise of Sylda's right arm and an extension of her left; and that totally-going-to-die player suddenly recovered to full and was cleansed of his previous critical state. While feeling proud of the goddess of their two Associations, the player that was about to die now made a spin of his body with a third leg that was his halberd, sending those nearby elite NPC troops to the ground instead and them impaling his halberd through their torso until death.

The fight continued, and when Sylda herself had to make a move, her claymore became a long, thin blade yet not a saber in her right hand while her left hand was now holding a retractable, humongous umbrella shield, also from the claymore from before.

Sylda brought her retractable umbrella shield to the sky and bellowed, "For the Imperishable Guild!"

"For the Imperishable Guild!!!"

Sylda then brought her thin sword to the air along her shield and continued, "For the Eviscerate League!"

"For the Eviscerate League!!!" Bellowing once more, the players all around her, male and female; discarded their fear as the archers around actually took the lead to open up a path to battle to the tanks and DPS players. Most had a short bow equipped on them which they changed from shoot every NPC around the before with a compact bow instead. Yet, when they arrived before the bulky, fat NPC troops and their towering, thick shields, they only lasted 3 seconds before succumbing to the archers leading the charge on foot and were killed by the trampling of many.



"For Goddess Sylda and Goddess Kay!!!"

Meanwhile, as Sylda was taking  hundreds of -100 to -1,000 of HP taken from here, she only had around 10% of her HP deleted before she healed it back up with one single, simple skill of hers. At the same time, her little head had an extra for raising her own morale, 'For my courting of Tongqiu and hopes to be noticed by him!'

If he ever remembers her, that is. Not that she would overthink on that so much, if anything, it was her 'fault' for being such a spoiled and grumpy girl back then by not being able to make a connection then as well.

As Sylda killed the umpteenth group of NPC groups with her major role in this battlefield being that of an irresistible light attracting countless bugs only to be burned or electrocuted to death right after by numerous arrows, bullets and even rockets and all kinds of spells; an extraordinarily far way but still loud and fear-inducing 'boom' resounded from within the Main City. Halting everyone to an instantaneous stop before resuming the carnage.


. . .


"..." Yun Beishang was deeply breathing in and out, surrounded by the many, many bouts of flesh that didn't disappear and tsome weapons that became broken and neither dropped by the system nor disappeared by the same alon with the body that wielded them. He wasn't tired out and wanted a break or in the brink of exhaustion but was merely gazing afar at the towering golden observatory-like building that was the city lord's office. As for anyone and everything around him and that observatory-like tower, pure debris, dust and leftovers from the already ended battle.

"Brrrrr... BRRR!!" Suddenly, as Yun Beishang was pretty lost in his own thirst for damnation, a cute little and delicate, girly sound went out from his right.


Turning the leftovers of walls, chunks of buildings and so on, into the sky or a few dozen meters away in a blast; the little body of Rosey arrived at Yun Beishang's side after running through many buildings that were already tumbled down. She still had the hoodie on her head except that her expression was now mildly naughty and playful. When she arrived to his right side, Yun Beishang couldn't help himself but lightly smile at the cute little pout and enlarged eyes of her face, as if saying 'I've done all the hard work for you, and you wouldn't even let me have fun at the end?!'.

Sending his Little Rosey a couple of coaxing messages and 'apologies', Yun Beishang then finally moved towards inside the god damn it- towering observatory-like golden building. The true body of his Mind-Sensory in his left hand as it slowly formed into a devilish, thin and skeletal-like designed glove with horrifyingly large and thin claws at the top of each finger. Though it had white and red just like its true body and like any other weapon does when transforming, there was a type of dark aura around it as Yun Beishang joined his fingertips; imitating the shape of a snake's head and imagining his next moves.



Just at this moment, a couple of azure-cloaked figures descended from the sky as if either having jumped from somewhere far away -that could very well be the observatory-like golden building or genuinely having flown all the way down here. At the sound of their steps, nor Yun Beishang nor Rosey cared about them and kept on frolicking with one another, their ignoring of the newcomers made those newcomers rage but also couldn't afford to simply make a move.

At this point of time, one of them who seemed the oldest spoke, "Young demon, though you were supposed to be one of the heroes of our beloved Azure Dragon Sub-Division and an upcoming rising star in the making! You chose to betray your own race, ally with the Demons, and kill your own people!" There isn't a way back for you, but don't worry, those who were killed and who will be killed will be honored as an unnecessary collateral for the future of our beloved Azure Dragon Sub-Division. Though it does pains me to mention the deaths of innocents like they were nothing, it is necessary to show an example, lest others do try and challenge our mother Sub-Division."

As if convincing himself, the old azure-cloaked figure spoke towards himself and everyone else around, at the same time, rain started to finally pour down on the entirety of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division.

"Yeah, that's right... it's all because of you, kid. Hmph, demon kid. Must be some sick fixation or something, young people these days. Don't worry also, when you 'revive' once again, we'll track down your living aura and will drop you down until you have nothing else to fight with. Hmph! Even those people outside will be similarly hunted down, though not to an extent as big as yours. Heh, if you ask m-"



Yun Beishang's left glove finished being completely designed to Yun Beishang's tastes and needs for as of right now and, at the same time, Rosey used Destroyer Bloodline to boost hers and her big brother's speed very fucking much. As for Yun Beishang himself, he simple made a fist and activated Transcended Divine Burst along with Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot, blasting away the old bitch that wouldn't just stop talking.

Of course, it wasn't that Yun Beishang grew tired of the old azure-cloaked person but that he found himself now more aware of his surroundings, no longer uncaring for the rest of what his Mental Power could very easily reach and saw a few hundred thousand players endlessly and unnecessarily move towards the stationed NPC armies that he saw long ago outside the city. In fact, Yun Beishang stopped caring about using his Mental Power for anything besides his path towards the city lord's office the moment he saw those very same players escort the NPC civilians out the gates of the city and as the battle against the guards was coming to an end.

Now, however, he not only once again saw Kalen but also a pair of younglings that only seemed to be slightly younger than Kalen fighting and... kissing? Together as they fought in the completely unbalanced battlefield; considering the almost a full dozen million of NPCs from the other Sub-Division of the Bright Sunset Region; indeed.

There was also that one young girl with a golden long bow and bizarre-looking golden arrows as well, everytime she sent one shooting, it would either grow to a beautiful pale-golden energy of light to traverse among the entire battlefield and never break out as it even turned around once it finished traversing it and then came back to penetrate the chests, heads, limbs and whatnot once more before finally disappearing when going inside the young girl's body. Or they would simply turn into several different energies of the very same pale-golden lights as it would this time, simply divide in multiple of such lights until only a few pencil-sized energy-arrows remained. Yet, they could go as far as penetrating through a few dozen bodies before similarly returning to the young girl body. To all that, the young girl -as a player, of course- didn't even need to wait for sending another arrow as if it was a skill, not even 0.04 seconds which was Total Combustion's cd between activating and deactivating the skill for Yun Beishang. It was as if, in truth, each of her actions only needed her, the young girl, to be extremely enigmatic and; naturally, powerful! She was also very similar to Kalen, albeit in a much more feminine way, as if her looks were mostly thanks to her mother than to her father.

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Last but not least, there was this guild which Yun Beishang only needed half an instant to remember. When he saw her again on this very same battlefield, the thought of 'Ah! Stomach acid-slime girl again!" went through his head before naturally realizing of the relationship between Sylda and this strangely close age-related family.

Once Yun Beishang processed all of this in just a moment, he then grew tired of the old man speaking as he felt that he owed Kalen for taking his entire time to sacrifice the overall level of his and Sylda's Association players and that he had underestimated the heart of Sylda. Naturally, he grew fond of the other young girl with the golden bow and golden arrows, but that wasn't something he would delve deper into as... he was now tasked to use his quiet raging into mindless killing!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

In total, there were 8 azure-cloaked figures and, as of right now, one had their HP almost halved by just one of Yun Beishang's punches with his left-handed glove. Just 3 seconds after Yun Beishang sent that old azure-cloaked man flying, the other 7 moved within the rain in a circular fashion around Yun Beishang. With four of them taking the role of making sure he wouldn't be able to escape thanks to jumping high up into the sky or by retreating with a stomp, taking turns between each other to jump on top of Yun Beishang and the other three azure-cloaked figures to attack him with throwable weapons and close-range but sharp blades.

Meanwhile, the other three azure-cloaked figures had wide but not that thick blades attached to their wrist under their sleeves as the three of them constantly shot even more throwable weapons at Yun Beishang with those blades moving in very dangerous directions against him; obviously intending to cripple Yun Beishang of his arms, legs or even neck should he just try to forcibly get out from their encirclement.

To their surprise, Yun Beishang was scared silly! He, the foolish young man -demon-, wasn't even moving at all to their expertly strategy.

Their thoughts were so easily readable by both Yun Beishang and Rosey...

'Haha! Brothers and sisters, we got him! Now let's just wait for Eldest Brother to effectuate the Azure Dragon's magistral array and then we'll call it off for the evening, hahaha!'

'We only gotta wait Elder Brother! Then this punk will surely die to the omnipotence of our Azure Dragon's protective array.'

'Mn. Hold on, just hold on.'

'Keep this bastardly shithead trapped, don't even let him breathe with ease!'

And as if responding to their loyal and selfless efforts ensued for the sake of their Azure Dragon Sub-Division, Myriad Beasts Division and the entire Main Kingdom as one; their dear 'eldest brother' came to their rescue. "Do not fret, juniors! I'm back!"

"Eldest Brother!"

"Eldest Brother!!"

"Please hurry up, Eldest Brother. This filth may just be baiting us to think he's weak, please! Hurry up!"

"Haaaahp!" Having made the 'incoming' yell in advance before jumping high up in the air, the 'eldest brother' finally came down from the more than 70 meters large jump straight into the air, plummeting down quickly yet somehow incredibly fast towards the eyes of anyone who saw him!

Swish... Swish-swish... Swish-swish-swish... SWISH SWISH SWISH SWISH SWISH!!

As the oldest azure-cloaked figure descended rapidly from high up, currents and currents of not only powerful, sharp wind but even the rain around; water! Were being 'handled' by such individual as a 20m x 20m big circular area began to form around Yun Beishang with him at its epicenter.

The area wasn't simple made or shown by some azure color showing up in midair at waist-height from around Yun Beishang, but was instead exposed by the ground in which he was stepping on being carved into a strange large symbol before being replaced by pure Azure Energy!

Then, those areas that were previously carved out into an empty space, were filled and condensed into a solid form of Energy. Becoming azure-colored blocks that rapidly solidified and made anyone who could see it, to feel oppressed.

With Yun Beishang growing absurdly familiar with it and concentrating his Mental Power on his surroundings, he chose to then put himself at stay and not proactively attack whatever was forming.

"Heing, fool! If you thought we would've fought you well, you were asking to be humiliated!"

"Soon you'll understand that it is not necessary to put ourselves and our manpower as cannon fodder when having actual means, and intelligence! Suffer under the heavenly punishment from us, the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, you spawn!"


Immediately after, the old azure-cloaked figure finally stomped on the ground with his left knee and right foot while both his palms landed on the ground as well. The spot where he landed was right outside a small circle that just finished forming 1 meter away from Yun Beishang with him at its center.


Immediately after, once again, Yun Beishang then felt the tremendous force and Core Elemental quality of the use of such an ability or AOE skill, whatever it was; and it terrified him!

This was not something he could ever think of being able to tank it nor to even survive it! It was to the point that he knew for sure that not even Harlofk would've come out of this 'thing' alive were he not to depend on The Core Elemental Throne! Let alone a little him that could barely -and really, just barely- got him defeated after such a long time and after having gone through so many sacrificial moments!

"HAHA! Want to leave, kid? Too late! We very well know that all 'Journeyers' can suffer before their vitality dries away and they are carried by ashes, but with the Azure Dragon magisterial array, the pain you'll feel will be enhanced to three times that of any other ordinary person. Relish on your suffering, Demon!" The old azure-cloaked figure spoke with his face enlarging and his mouth hideously widening even more, his back looked very bony but muscular at the same time as everything around Yun Beishang himself began to blindingly grow in a light azure glow.


Gurgle gurgle.

Without being able to move as Yun Beishang found himself completely locked in space, as not even his hidden stats were useful here, as he realized that the Essence of the world and more specifically, from the surroundings were the reason he couldn't even dart around his eyeballs...

Whoosh! Gurgle...

Whoosh! Gurgle...

Whoosh! Gurgle...



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