Bow and Arrow

Chapter 269: Chapter 268 — Incomplete, Needs To Be Complete!

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Incomplete, Needs To Be Complete!




On the other hand, at the Peaceful Rain Villa, outside of the ongoing sudden 'civil' -?- war of the players vs NPCs of the Sub-Divisions of the Myriad Beasts, three figures were slowly immersing themselves much more deeper as time went on. One of them was making the room feel like a dream, while the other two listened to the dream come to their reality.

Cyn was on top of her bed with her legs crossed as she sat upright with her neck showing beautifully to her front audience, and the only one at that, as Xiao Ruo was calmly sleeping off with her head on his lap and her left hand below his feet with her right hand on the bed in front of her face. As she slept off peacefully to Cyn's singing, Xiao Ruo's little head was directed at Cyn while her eyelids remained utterly peaceful and her eyelashes beautifully fluctuated every now and then.

As for Yun Beishang, the damn fool was spellbound at the beautiful, enticing and pure sight in front of him as he also sat on top of the bed but closer to the edge and unlike Cyn, whose bum was well rested at between both her pillows on the middle of her bed to the top, while Yun Beishang remained with Xiao Ruo on the lower end. His eyes shone alright, and his throat would constantly move as he noticeably gulped for as his lips were bit by himself every few seconds. Her lips, her jaw, her nose, her chin and even her philtrum looked excessively charming in his eyes. Yun Beishang couldn't peel his eyes off of her, raping her purest and gentle image with his wolf-like eyes, unbeknownst to even himself as he was too absorbed in the marvelous voice of this maid of his.

Why didn't he found out of how great she was at this before? He did know, but... he just never allowed himself before to hear her out. Foolish old Beishang deserved death! Were the last thoughts that Yun Beishang could ever come up with before falling into a spell by the wonderful scene developed in front of himself.

"And I will see, your pretty eyes♪... closed."

"I will wait~♪... for your heart~♪... to get~, close to me????."

"Seeing you laying down on my skin~????... makes me feel like I can reach you in a breeze♪..."

"I want to hug you and share my warmth♪... with you~????! I want to touch you and feel you are here♪... with me????."

"Kiss your softest lips and caring feels~????! I only want you to take me in...♪♪♪."

At this point, Cyn finished singing, her throat was still at perfect condition but her eyes and neck were red and even her cheeks colored an intoxicating little pink. She lowered her head as she now found herself gazing at an incredibly lost and besotted Yun Beishang staring deadly into her eyes as a form of expressing pure attraction; meanwhile, her very own eyes were gazing into his eyes with a clear, expectant and puppy-eyed expression. Her heartbeat accelerated while her cheek flushed a girly red instead of a woman's charm, not that blushing was out of a woman's attractiveness; but on her, such means and aesthetics were much too obvious and blatant, giving her an even better beauty and charm.

"... ... ... ... ... ... ..."

But after waiting for a long, long while, the only thing that she saw was the completely spaced out gaze in Yun Beishang's eyes. She began to wonder if it wasn't up to his standards, or if she even had a voice that he liked. After all, their master did come from a pretty much big, Founding Clan, right?

But oh boy, her worries were even more foolish than Yao Yao's back then, which made the dazed Yun Beishang wake up even sooner to the realization of how silly matured women can be as she was only one year younger than him though, so that much matured couldn't really work out in the same occasion. Even then, her charms were what even the most dignified and confident milfs couldn't get close to, and her very caring and gentle attitude won her another few millions of points inside Yun Beishang's little, foolish head.

"Woa-wow! Cyn, beautiful. Truly beautiful! Come..." Yun Beishang was a bit quite excited, he didn't even notice that he kept on talking after voicing out his wows when he suddenly felt one of the few images from before come to reality as the familiar but not enough of a sensation of his lips savoring hers came into his senses.

As for Cyn, as soon as both her cheeks were slightly squeezed by the warm, soft and careful hands and as her lips puckered out so mesmerizingly that the still instinct-mode Yun Beishang could only want them even more just at the sight. Which then just happened, as she nervously and even slightly frighteningly at the sudden action of her master, but she then closed her own eyes instead in advancement, her eyelids fluttering and hesitating upon the sudden move of this wolfy master.


Their kiss ended; and with both of them becoming aware, their 'consciousness' returning to their bodies and their bodies gaining an even stronger warmth. Yun Beishang slowly separated his head from Cyn's and as she moved backwards, though there was not a single trace of saliva, the simple sight of those coated lips of hers with his raw saliva pierced directly through his heart. Similarly, the sight of her master's lips and his saliva slightly showing on the inner side of his lower lip in the middle enchanted the love-less Cyn as she finally got her fill on the action between a man and woman; as well as from her cherished master to boot. The scent from his saliva being more than all too present on her lips as it traveled all the way to very deep inside her nostrils made her head feel light and her thoughts to turn crazy, she felt the world revolving all around her as she made a powerful sniffing motion in without realizing it.


Fortunately though, Yun Beishang chose to ignore it; as he, the master, decided to go in for a longer, more passionate and hot kiss with his maid instead.


With but a motion, Yun Beishang's lap remained more or less in an eyebrow-lifting manner as he lunged at Cyn's upper body with most of his own upper body. This time, Cyn didn't took that passive and inexperienced path from before; as she instead sprung up her neck a little, giving Yun Beishang a wider grasp of it for better accommodation. Her own two slender and fair hands also moved to intercept his neck and chest, placing her left hand on his right chest and her right hand cupping the left side of his neck; at the feeling of his blood thumping from her right hand, her heart trembled. At the feeling of his skin and muscles of her left hand, her heart warmed and faltered; her entire being getting so easily conquered as a result.

Mwah, mwlpl, angh... mwah, mwah, mwah~.

Tender, fiery, dirt, passionate and even lewd kissing noises went out endlessly for more than half an hour. Every time Cyn lost too much breath and had to refill some more, Yun Beishang would kindly fill her lungs with his own mouth, her nostrils would also expel some of that 'smelly' aroma while asking for much more. Their engaged entangling of tongue, lips, saliva and even teeth and now breath; became unique, one of a kind. When suddenly, they heard a little cry from under their overly salivated chins.

Before, Yun Beishang had already recognized that Xiao Ruo was waking up and naturally wanted to place her little head apart so that he could engage in some slow and silent but tender and introductory lovemaking with his Cyn. However, be it as it may, though he realized of the situation even before Xiao Ruo began to topple her little head against a certain intimate part of Yun Beishang's anatomy, Cyn didn't. She kept on hungrily and caringly giving in as much as she shamelessly asked from him, and as for the little Xiao Ruo that she has taken care of like her own sister or even daughter at the sad enough early age of 9; she had no clue of her waking up.

"Kyaaa?" Xiao Ruo finally woke up, making the two lewd adults up above to froze on the spot, their lips extended to each other and some saliva almost falling onto the young girl's head; if it wasn't because of Cyn's left and Yun Beishang's right hand that they used at the same time to catch that trace of saliva. As for the young girl, she finally woke up after feeling a strangely squishy but annoyingly indestructible item poke at her head from different spots over and over without a dummy stop. Though it felt incredible nice to her little head as a massage, compared to having a solid, flexible pillow; having that 'pillow' not remain at one place made her head irritated and slightly pained even. And then, she even woke up to the weird noises that she only recognized from the dramas and movies... wait, weird noises that she recognized from dramas and movies...?

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Without even daring to utter a word, the clueless Xiao Ruo glanced up above to see the still ongoing, feverish entanglement of both master and servant, Cyn was to blame here, alright? Poor ol' Beishang was dragged into continuing as, poor lil Cyn didn't know when it would be the last time she would have such an opportunity. As they say, the early bird...

Xiao Ruo didn't just scream and ran away in 'despair' from that alone though; it was the sensation of her left hand as she supported her body to slowly made her way out of the bed that garnering her full attention even as she blankly looked at her adored eldest sister being so lewd and unruly as well as willful to their very own master! Because, her hand... was on that place where boys are different from girls...


The door of Cyn's room slammed heavily as it closed at last, giving the last kissing motions to the two lewd fuckers inside. Their lips slowly and tearfully separated from each other, their meat unwillingly letting go of one another with their same glossy, lewd appearance.

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After both of them looked at the tightly shut door of the bedroom, they proceeded to look at one another's eyes, their intent was clear and powerful.

"Ah... hm????~..."

Yun Beishang placed his left hand on Cyn's right cheek, this was their first time being so close and so intimate with one another. Nevermind the time he perversely kissed all of his maids and little maids before, or when he had a slumber party before. This, right now, was finally their expected moment by both parties.

To the touch of his, Cyn turned even more gentle as her eyelids closed peacefully, no longer as lost and wholeheartedly willing as before when they were kissing. Simply; a pure and enigmatic response to his touch. Yun Beishang's voice then traveled to her ears before reaching her entire being, as her left hand softly caressed his left wrist.

"I will... go now, then."

To his words, Cyn responded after slightly opening her bright silver colored eyes into an utterly loving, caring and gentle gaze at him. "Mhm."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, really... Xiao Ruo can't sleep without me yet, hehe. Go find Estel then, relax. I know you've been thinking about it, please treat her like she's the only one in the world? Her family matters are a huge toll on her daily life, and a senior sister such as me isn't that helpful."

"Mn, I know~. Then, I'll be leaving..."

"Yes..." Cyn's eyes lowered slightly as her eyelashes seemingly flickered below the darkening of the sky.

"Another time." Suddenly, another couple of words reached her ears and, as they did, her lips felt a slight but affectionate and caring peck before a strong, refreshing and even curative gush of wind happened to pass by with the window of her bedroom closed. She no longer saw Yun Beishang's figure right after, but his lingering last touch on her lips and his scent in and out of her in the purest of forms possible; remained deeply imprinted in her heart and mind.

A few seconds later, not even letting a dozen go by, she stood up dutifully and went to search Xiao Ruo around. Bringing her back in a shy manner while the young girl tried to act like the mother for once but instead only appeared cute as hell and puffy. Thereafter falling asleep on each other's arms after a slight explanation of the crazy and unbelievable large harem that they've had set for him.

On the other hand, as soon as Yun Beishang left Cyn's room, he reached Estel's. Coincidentally, Yao Yao didn't choose to visit her dearest big sister tonight, and was all but another little prey for wolf Yun Beishang.


He opened the door quite quickly and as Estel felt her master's presence on her room out of nowhere, what Yun Beishang could see was the wonderful and heart stopping image of the entirely naked body of Estel with her wet hair turning her already beyond amazingly enough light ashy blonde hair which was that of a long-medium length into a darker and more passionate hue.

"Eh? Master~... c-can-could you close the door? Ah, it's... chilly-KYAAAAAAAH!" Estel gazed at her master with complete surprise, her body began heaving up and down as her stomach visibly became erratic at his sight, her heart unbearably thumped hard and mad while her eyes lowered to see his bulge, then his abs, muscles and so on; for as he was slowly yet somehow rapidly undressing. But then, she was caught by her waist by the strongest hands she ever felt, their hotness made her everywhere become even hotter than that as she felt wetter in some few places more than just then.

"M-M-M-MASTER! Wait, I-I-I'm not ready...!" Estel said, her wonderfully bell-shaped, round C cup breasts bouncing tantalizingly while her small, firm buttocks were palmed at once by his hands, as he conquered her ears, neck and her entire face as one as they turned alluringly red with her slightly brown, white skin. "It's okay, that... I'll turn you ready."

He then moved his head down on her, bit her hands away from her maidenhood and proceeded to make wonders inside her head, to the point she felt that her own brains were being joyously stimulated to no end and in utter glory. Soon after, came the ceremony to womanhood, and her cherry was then popped gently by the scalding hot Gigantic Dragon of her master. She wasn't like Yao Yao, so only a few rounds between there in the bed and in the shower right after were possible for Estel's young body.

"AGGH? Aiiiii~! Oww... mm, mmm- ah! Ah! AH! What is this- a-a-a-ah! MMMNHHGHHHH!"



It wasn't until late at night, when Yun Beishang went back into Rising Essence to presence the supposed change of his Cindy. He had already brought Estel back to her room and told her many good stories of how her future with him would become, while also softly caressing her arms, cheeks and shoulders to make her fall asleep and heal back up that completely beyond-spent energy for tomorrow. Even then, she still got the day free though, as Yun Beishang became a bit to vigorous. It was normal though, who could ever resist Cyn? Who could ever just become one with another beauty right after resisting the impossible to resist? As omnipotent and godly as Yun Beishang thought himself to be, his own women were just indeed, his downfall ah.

After logging back in, Yun Beishang saw Zyv as she boringly looked at the forums of her fun clab, now finally recognized as fan club. Before he appeared, Zyv sniffed once and then went back to normal. When he did appeared, Little Wolfy came out from under the bed to 'surprise attack' him by jumping into his embrace without even barking or making noise, only to be caught by one casual wave of his right hand onto his left hand.

As he rubbed the little thing's belly with his right hand, Yun Beishang looked at Zyv only to see her extend her left arm at him, her left hand hanging on like a spoiled little princess. But he complied as he took her hand and placed her on his right arm, just like Little Wolfy on his left. Scrunching her face but being hopeless at the warmth of his body and curious at the new scents, Zyv and Little Wolfy were carried out of the shabby dark and murky wooden house as a Rosey popped out from behind his Caberg and proceeded to mimic the two girls on his arms. Cutesy was a word too short for the scene. But at least, Zyv's scrunched up face turned cuter when her gaze actually became softer upon seeing Rosey; oh well.

But as soon as they gout out from the shabby wooden house, the four dumbasses saw the beyond magnificent image of the previously large body of fire became instead a human-sized of a young girl's body of fire. The oval-shaped small object also disappeared and what replaced the previous images, were the pair of wonderful ashy, grey and dusty flames and deep red but ordinary flames. Both colors ever present and mixing all around what was obviously Cinders's body, as for the Carmesí Vermilion Bird herself? Her voice was also reaching the four's ears as soon as they went out of her wooden house.

"Hurry... transform... new God... time is, so close... aim your will at me and, show me... hope!"

Pure said as her wings slowly began lifting up at the sky, it was somewhat nighttime still, but there was already a deep crimson red far away in the distance as the beyond tired and exhausted voice of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird was heard.

"T...transform?!" Instantly, Yun Beishang's eyes abruptly opened to the words of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird. The rising sun up above of Main Kingdom turning the entire desert that they were in into a crimson hell; a glorious carmesí paradise.



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