Bow and Arrow

Chapter 281: Chapter 280 — Going Out For Dinner, Heading To The Unique Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division

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Going Out For Dinner, Heading To The Unique Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division




Seeing Yun Beishang step towards them, the girls became cutely disciplined and in formation to receive him; and, taking out his Caberg's front face, he allowed them to see his foolishly grinning face in response. Which made them blush a little, then, Yun Beishang noticed how every single one of them had at least 1 or 2 pieces of Magical grade equipment and barely some had Magical grade weaponry. He thought for a second or less before speaking out lightly, "As you can see, you now have 12,000 Honorary points more for yourselves, so use it well. Besides that, I promise you all to craft you a specific Magical grade set for the present and a discount for a higher grade in the future, so choose well. All weapons that you buy with Honorary points in the Association Trading feature will be halved for all of you and, oh! I'll also grant you all the Lord's Maiden title, how about it? Like it?"

While most maids turned bashful and nodded shyly to his silliness, the maids who were still not in a woman and man relationship with him only slightly nodded respectfully once. While, of course, his women decided to not say anything to his indeed to silly of a mannerisms, ah.

"Sigh, alright then. I think is time for you all to go back, wanna take a ride? Let me call Zyv, those two little brats dared to ignore The Order's Lord, they'll see whether their butts get purple or not, tsk."

"Yes! Master!"


"Thank you, Master."

"Yayy! Thank you~!"

"See you this morning Master, it's my turn so be gentle again, okay?????"

As the Lord of The Order became successfully eased and tranquilized by beauties upon beauties, The Order's Ladies went forwards while each of them waited for Yun Beishang to take them out. Natalia leaded the group of Diana, Yao Yao, Cyn, Sash, Sammy, Zi Fei, Estel, Itnia and Miriam; once she reached to stand right before the Lord, the Lady spoke. "How is it? Everything's fine, right? Everyone almost reached LV99! You've finally brought The Order to your head, hmm."

Seeing his Naty's teasing expression and 'sharp' words, Yun Beishang tilted his head slightly to the right before becoming the same as a child whose mischievousness was critiqued upon, he then looked at everyone and smiled them softly, successfully melting them and turning them to their side as he then spoke. "Of course I would, all for making my Naty proud. Ah, I see that everyone has long achieved their Second Class Advancement, I'm impressed, definitely impressed!"

"Mn, that's right. Beishang is really thinking of us, Big Sister, come on and just hug and kiss him in the cheek in celebration, okay?" With a big, sweet and fawning smile, Diana reached up to hug Natalia's right arm as she actually behaved like a little girl before the younger woman than her- Natalia.

To Natalia's left, a little monkey reached out to the same but with a pitiful expression instead of a fawning one, she said almost sobbingly, "Master has been so occupied with cleaning the Myriad Beasts Division of evil! He has to take upon his heart the pain of having to even take lives that he didn't have to, he is doing all he can but he is not that capable. Look? Even The Order struggled with just a few minutes of fighting the same type of enemy that he's been hunting all along, cut him some slack, Lady, pleaaaase~?"

Natalia speechlessly looked at Yao Yao down her left shoulder, not knowing whether to pinch that little nose or to slightly tap her forehead some sense for as she actually became softer just hearing his man's little monkey speak, ah. Then, to Natalia's back, the soft and delicate body of Miriam reached out to place her right cheek in repose at Natalia's nape before also speaking up for the Lord. "Indeed, Beishang is so pitiful, look at his muscles and his face. Isn't he so weak right now? If we were to take him to a dark room and then slowly tell him 'sweet nothings' over and over again, maybe his 'sense of duty' would be woken up quite big and thick-I mean, right away. Don't you think? Lady Naty."

With Miriam's words, however, Natalia felt her cheeks redden as her lower mouth watered slightly. But she quickly woke up to the thoughts of these she devils and bashed away all and any impure thoughts with a cute but frenetic continuous shake of her head. When Natalia finished shaking her head ever so admiringly adorably, she was surprised to see the sight of Estel and Itnia placing their modest and huge breasts onto his arms to the right and left respectively, so much that she jolted her head backwards and simply stared at the sight with some more moistness appearing down below; ah.

"Mn, Master is so adamantly working for the protection of all these NPCs, please Madam, cut him some slack." Said Itnia, seriously and with an equally serious countenance while Yun Beishang's left arm was between her modest hills. Estel then pressed both her huge breasts on him, and as she and he both enjoyed it a lot, she spoke crisply to Natalia, her madam. "Yes Lady Natalia, please forgive his negligence, I'm sure he has been thinking of you all this while. Just ask him; right, right?"

Seeing Estel blatantly press harder and harder as well as skillfully her own huge breasts into Yun Beishang's right arm, the corners of Natalia twitched speechlessly still, before she then waved her right hand to the air and shook her head lightly while speaking. "Ah! What am I gonna do with you, girls? You're all so inclined towards him, how could you all betray me? Wuhuuu..."

Right after Natalia began to poorly act a crying scene, the rest of the women around her and Yun Beishang rushed towards the crying beauty without a care for her silly act, leaving a left alone Yun Beishang to pout to the disappearance of the incredible soft 'feelings' to the both of his arms. "Sigh, life is so hard, indeed~."


Tshin~... tshin!

Finishing frolicking, Yun Beishang then clapped both his hands to his front, attracting everyone's attentions. Right after, a glow traveled to above Yun Beishang's head before it glowed once again and it delivered a pair of small bodies to the left of Yun Beishang on the floor.

Looking to his left, Yun Beishang gave the two newcomers a glare and a snort from his throat before speaking to everybody, "Hm. Okay everyone, taxi's here. Everyone go back inside my White Space and wait until I come out of here."


"Let's goo~!"

"I want to farm more mats, I'll have an entire closet out of equipment that my dearest Master made, kyaa~!"

Smiling knowingly to the blatant claims of some maids and to the cheerful attitude of everyone overall, maids and Natalia and company alike all transformed into almost-blindingly white glow that were all sent into his White Space above his head, then, Yun Beishang blankly looked at the rebellious Zyv and the guilty Cindy with her head lowered for a while before Zyv couldn't take it anymore and was the one to break dear silence.

With a scrunched up nose, Zyv berated righteously, "Bawaaaaaghhh! What is it? I did nothing wrong, Cinders did nothing wrong! We were too busy sismancing, what about it-eh? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH~~~!"

Zyv then found herself lifted up in the air by the hands and arms of Yun Beishang, he was comically lifting her like one would a baby playfully; it was supposedly non-aggravating for Zyv to be held like this. Yet, as she pulled out her claws and fangs, she couldn't reach Yun Beishang even once; at all.



"...Alright, I understand my mistakes, next time I'll come running towards my handsome and dashing Big Brother Wolfy, alright?"

Yun Beishang finally took off his deadpan expression and genially smirked at Zyv whose face was all puffy and pitiful while she spoke decently at last, he then said with a small involuntary snort, "Hmph~. Alright, good. Now go and tell Naty of your wrongdoins, see if she forgives you, ah."

"Wait, no! Wa-KWAWAWAAWAAAYYY~~!! ..." Zyv's body was casually tossed into his White Space by Yun Beishang himself. Afterwards, little giggles resounded a meter away from him, glancing to Cindy, made Cindy realize of her silliness. As such, she quickly put both her hands behind her lower back and glanced at Yun Beishang while trying to hold in her chuckles with a flushed face. "Y-y-yes? Is... ah-something the matter? Hehehe..."

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'Hmm... oh, I know.' Having chosen the path of destruction for this innocent, pure and totally not horny for him young girl, Yun Beishang slowly lunged towards the young girl as her widened, shocked eyes tearfully glanced at the approaching big bad wolf before her. She could just step backwards and he'll just tell her to not listen to that rebellious little wolf cub, but instead, Cindy seemed to be oh so 'very terrified' and had even given up her hope for 'survival' as she remained on the spot, seemingly just waiting for her awful demise.

"HEHEHEHE-kyaaaaaaaaaaaaggh! Stop, no-kwabaaahahahahaha- AAAH! Stop, stop... hehehehe-kya! Stooop~, angh... ayy."

After a good while from being violated by some legendary ticklish monster, Cindy was sprawled on the floor, her small chest raising up and down to the still touching fingers of Yun Beishang on her torso; more specifically, all over her ribs. Even then, that alone was enough to bring this little beauty down to disgrace! The fact that her class-made set could even evolve passively into higher grades was still put on did not help one bit, she trembled furiously a few times when they were playing; only after a few couple of times from those 'trembling' moments of her, did Yun Beishang stopped and behaved simply to limit himself to slightly tracing his fingertips cross her torso while looking at her adoringly reddened face and neck as she obediently accepted it.


Then, out of nowhere, Yun Beishang felt a soft tug on his Aegis from below. Looking at the weak young girl try her best to extend her arm and user the little of what remained of her feeble strength to pull him onto her, the heart of the big bad wolf Yun Beishang turned hot, as his eyes trembled in excitation for a while. After a few seconds, he slowly lowered his body onto her, their faces were only distanced between each other by less than even 1 centimeter.

"You know, ah~... I don't mind, you know, in here... in Rising Essence. Even, ah, even if it's just... a game." Cindy spoke with difficulty, for her lips would occasionally graze against his, a bit too quickly to the point that her mind blanked and just wanted more, but she couldn't bring herself to be that bold without outside stimulation like when she found the item that her mentor wanted her to find to proceed in her class even after already achieving the Second Class Advancement of hers.

"I do, though... It's, well, not just about it being 'real' or 'proper'. But that I'm not simply just playing with your body from afar, that I am taking you in with me; a kind of ceremony, perhaps? Ah, it sounds so dull. But, in anyway, I want you to be at an all time with me so that when I mark you, you really do feel 'it'. Alright?" Yun Beishang's voice sounded really peaceful and quiet, his eyes never left hers except to also glance down at their constantly connecting upper lips, some saliva was already dripping down from his mouth as he spoke but he did not take the effort to impede its course by passing his tongue over the inside of his mouth.

Not that Cinders would mind; as she even made efforts to take some of his dripping down saliva on her lips and skin. Her lips were small at her current age, but as the man of her dreams was right on top of her, only restraining himself from pressing her against the floor of the Sacred Underground slightly, she remained composed though hot at the same time.

With a weak raise of the both of her arms, and as her eyes turned azure-lake like green with an ashy and an ordinary but intense red pair of flames flashing through her eyes, fluctuating slowly, softly and charmingly. She spoke in her own girly, shy but determined tone, "I want to be with you."

"Hmph~. Mwah, then stop being so horny for now, alright?! I'll come visit you when you're free anyways."

"Ah????, Beishang... mn, okay. Mwalhh..." Accepting his proactiveness, the two horny dogs embraced each other into a slow session of passionate kissing. Her on the ground with her head rotating ever so slightly every now and then to let him be discovering the insides of her mouth while her little tongue traveled some of her own, shyly but totally interested into his own.

"... ... ..." Yun Beishang wasn't worried of the other girls being bored inside the White Space, after all, he had the dog sector, the living quarters sector that though is still in construction it can already host 200 people and The Order's territory sector which they could freely traverse around.

But suddenly, Cindy's eyes were opened with a strange glint. As her cheeks were all covered, smeared by his saliva; she cutely and shyly looked at the perverted big bad wolf on top of her body before speaking in a small, fragile voice. "It's Natalia, I... think she is teasing you? She told me that your place of the date with Sylda has already been agreed on. And that Yona has her entire body ready for you for when you come back to New Earth, ah... is that, what I think it means?"

Looking down at her completely open, intrigued eyes, Yun Beishang found himself momentarily unable to speak the truth. But then, with a 'what the hell' casual attitude, he smugly raised the right corners of his lips before responding to her in a hushed tone, almost seductively. "Mhm, it's like that with me. Then, are you still sure w-"

"No more talking, since I know that you have, eh... so many women with you, why would I hesitate to tell you that? Of... Of-of course I'm not leaving you, I know, it's strange. But I can deal with it because of how I was teached about the world. Oh, and don't worry if you think that I was teached wrongly, it's just that it seems fit for my man to have lots of women. Am I too strange? I hope that doesn't make you want to leave me, because you will never get rid of me????."

To her sudden, interrupting but wholeheartedly spoken words, Yun Beishang wordlessly looked at the young girl below him with a touch of astonishment. He then laughed inside his stomach quite a few times before giving her a slow eskimo kiss. Then, in silence he observed all of her beautiful little face for a while before kissing her loudly at her meaty little lips.

"Okay, I'm glad then. But you know... I'm still having trouble with Miriam and Sash opening their legs for me, what should I do? I'm not good with slowly seducing my women, in fact, most of my women did so gladly themselves without me even thinking about it. It's a strange happening that-"


With a softy slap bashing his head slightly away from her face, Cindy let out many bursts of laughter nonstop as Yun Beishang roleplayed as if his head was hit horrendously by a vicious, evil and powerful mistress. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stop that~! Mou~, Beishang, I didn't know you could be this silly, ah...?"

"Oh, how co-could you? This hurts, aiii, my handsome face...!!"


After the initial toying pair of lovebirds finished their frolicking, they separated with Yun Beishang sending the little beauty into his White Space after standing up with her body being carried by his arms princess style. He then looked at Rosey who was sitting speechlessly a few meters away from him on an elegant chair made by the barren grounds with some vines surrounding her and the elegant chair to act as a belt and cushions.

Blinking profusely, he saw how Rosey no longer acted shocked and was just simply condescendingly gazing up to him from afar as she stepped down her elegant chair and fancy vine-cushions with her bum showing off to him in an 'insulting' manner before turning around to see him face to face again after hopping towards him.

"Brr?" Said Rosey as he put on an innocent and clueless face, Yun Beishang could only think of one thing, 'I've shown you too much, I'm so sorry Rosey, I'll give you many flowers and plants that are bigger than the ugly Black Turtle we just slayed, alright?'

In response, Rosey scuffed once before crossing her arms. "Brhff~! Brrr, brrrr, brrr rrrr brrr."

"Okay, okay. I won't take long, mwah, let's get out and see what the next Sub-Division has to offer then. I hope your hunch doesn't disappoints me, or else, I may have to just spank you bum a few times."

"Brrrr~!" A screeching 'brr' went out right after Yun Beishang's casual words were spoken, her delicate, small hands directly reached out to cover her bum as she glanced in 2 parts angers, 3 parts shame and 5 parts pitifully at her big brother. Then, she stood up proudly before saying, "Brrrrr! Brr~, brr~, brr~. BRRR!"

Listening to her and be so confident, Yun Beishang took in a sharp breath before nodding to showcase that he trusted her.

"Okay, let's just get away from here before everything goes down." Saying so, Yun Beishang took out the Black Key and simply used all of his incredibly vast Mental Power to enshroud the Black Key with it. Before sharply thrusting the key at the open space, Rosey jumped into his Petals of Destruction Suit Aegis and a few seconds later, Yun Beishang's body was engulfed in an inversed clockwise motion into the spot where he 'stabbed' the Black Key into just before.

Indeed, they better left the area 'before everything goes down' for as Rosey had already informed Yun Beishang that the entire place, which was exactly below the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Divisional Main City; was about to crumble because of the death of its Sacred Beast Protector.

This obviously wouldn't have occurred before, if it wasn't because of the intervention of certain 'shadowy manipulations' that are also the culprit for the Sacred Beast Protectors' struggle against their forced into the Fallen State and not Fallen Fate instead. These, were of course, Rosey and Yun Beishang's deductions; though in truth, Rosey knew a bit more than Yun Beishang himself.

As for the system announcements, the responsible Association for its death didn't really cared one bit; all that mattered was to show off to the Lord the progress of The Order and not to doubt his goals. It wasn't like they even needed to for that matter.



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