Bow and Arrow

Chapter 282: Chapter 281 — Fosk Yao, Fosk Yao

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Fosk Yao, Fosk Yao




Center of the capital of the Free Living Region, Crescent Soul City. In the middle of the Fosk Clan territory.


Yun Beishang was seating on a interiors car as he arrived at the immense but still humble-like brown and silver building's parking lot, Yao Yao was at his left when they arrived and stepped down of the car casually. She was no longer wearing her usual maid outfit and was instead wearing a still maid's outfit, but in a much more elegant and sharp design. This one was all black with a dark red beautiful lining decoration while it also had a pair of black tights that covered her entire legs but with her skirt now having a pants-like design that reached down to below her knees, it seemed slightly peculiar. Nonetheless, the best of this outfit was the top as it was especially designed for her to demand for presence in her own way as well as her professionalism in a way; too.

Cyn and Xiao Ruo were back at their residence where Xiao Ruo was quietly sleeping; she had been eating lots of yummy food in the aircraft and even after arriving at the Fosk Clan territory. As soon as she stepped on a bedroom of their temporary residence, she plummeted towards the bed itself in one go, astonishing Yun Beishang as he was not aware of the decisiveness of a tired and little body but with a will strong of Xiao Ruo. In other words, he wasn't aware that such an adorable thing could be so shameless at times.

"Alright~, you ready?"

"Eh? Why do you keep asking me that? I told you that I won't fail you, I'll make my..." Yao Yao suddenly stopped speaking, her little face blushed shyly as she got closer to Yun Beishang's chest before continuing in a whispering tone, "I'll make my man very proud. So, my man, please make me 'feel' your pride when we get back to our little, temporary home? Okay? Hehe~!"

Yun Beishang was speechless, naturally! As he gazed at the young girl before him, he couldn't help but think of Cinders's unhesitating devotion when taking care of his urges along Zyv. In the same way, Yun Beishang felt that this 'bold' and true to herself Yao Yao was indeed his little monkey. 'I am such a bad influence for poor and innocent flowers; she's becoming so shrewd and corrupted, what have I done?!'

As Yun Beishang 'lamented' of his wrongdoings and how he had made a beautiful and pure flower turn too seductive but still bashful at the same time, though also already feeling smug and some pride from it, a maidservant of about 40 years old and stout went their way before calling out to them. Fortunately, she didn't heard Yao Yao's 'special' spoken words, or else Yun Beishang would've been sweating so much already. "Chief Yun and Miss Fosk... Yao? Ah, has Miss Yao perhaps taken the Fosk family name for her own in the past?"

Yun Beishang lifted an eyebrow to the sudden change of expression on the maidservant's face, her eyebrows were still relaxed instead, but her heart slightly stopped there for a moment. There was evidently not any malice nor some kind of disdain from her, but rather, obvious surprise and pondering. Yao Yao was too preoccupied with her reddened cheeks being seen, hence she did not take that much of the maidservant's face into consideration. After a little while, she simply patted both her cheeks with her adjoined fingers, turned around to face the maidservant as a silent Yun Beishang had his eyes darting around in a deeply pondering fashion as she said with a rather professional tone. "That's right, I did. Oh, but... didn't your people already investigated that? When I was studying, I was sent to the Crescent Soul City to do so. That was when I took the name, is there any problem?"

The maidservant surely enough now comprehended her slight improper acts for as she 'woke up' from her previous stance of being visible altered by just reading Yao Yao's full name out loud, she then bowed politely and apologetically before continuing her services as a maidservant. "Indeed, you're right Miss Yao. Please forgive me. Now, the elders area already waiting for the two of you inside, a banquet has been prepared and I'm afraid that they are really excited about seeing you two, heh heh. Please follow me, this way."

Saying such,  the maidservant made a gesture before leading the way for the two. Yao Yao was looking at Yun Beishang with her completely opened, bright sparkling and lavish golden eyes in expectation while Yun Beishang finally got out of his previous pondering state. He glared back at Yao Yao and lifted his left eyebrow at her before lightly patting her bum, eliciting a short squeal from her. However, his hand did not move away from there, as it instead remained glued to her left buttock while he took her right and started walking behind the maidservant.

For a long time, her butt was molested by evil Yun Beishang's left hand while Yao Yao had a deadpan expression all of the time, doing her very best to show off to her Master that she was capable of resisting his charms! Hmph, hmph! As for being found out, besides the maidservant, there was no one else as this was quite the really important meeting and one that just the notice of the chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation having come out from his turtle shell came out would place him in clear danger; as such, there was only elders and a few, old maidservants and butlers to take care of the banquet's necessities.

As for food, preparation and whatnot; it was obviously all handled by said old butlers and maidservants. After all, to be a servant in a Founding Clan, even if one didn't know much, they would by the end of their first year of their service already; let alone those that have been around for a decade or a few.

. . .


Thump!-Thump! Creakcreak~...

The sound of two large and heavy objects being put into motion was heard, followed by the sounds of said objects being moved. Right away, the not that tall but indeed almost an entire meter-thick pair of doors in front of Yun Beishang and Fosk Yao were opened, slowly though.

After a full minute, the doors were fully opened and what met Yun Beishang and Yao Yao's eyes was an unthinkable, celestial-like room that though it was only around 40 x 40 meters big, in the eyes of any new pair of eyes; it would become a brand new paradise indeed!

As Yao Yao lost her composure for a moment with just the sight in front of her once the huge doors opened, the few elderly and also young-looking people previously sitting around a square table now standing up in greetings also turned to look directly at them. In that very same group was a pair of 'old' acquaintances of Yun Beishang; namely, the beautiful young-looking woman Fosk Yinlan and the humble-looking young man Fosk Deter.

Tapping slightly on Yao Yao's right shoulder, as he had already ceased molesting her long ago once he 'knew' how close they were from meeting the elders of the Founding Fosk Clan, Yun Beishang pulled his little monkey back to reality with her eyes widening to the realization that her previous girly, young and dumb acts were all witnessed by the people she was supposed to be like an equal to them to engage in a more welcoming and presentable 'business talk'.

"Oh, I'm Yun Beishang." Wholly in a casual way, Yun Beishang presented himself before taking Yao Yao's left hand, giving it a reassuring grip and then leading the way towards the elders of the Fosk Clan. Now calming herself more and more, Yao Yao found in the deepest of her heart, the courage to act shamelessly as she then behaved as if there was nothing strange with her at all. Unbeknownst to her, however, the elders that witnessed her short, warm golden chestnut hair and her strikingly beautiful golden iris and pupils; became instead instinctively warm and easygoing at once. Which, befuddled Yun Beishang a little as he knew a bit of their actual characters thanks to his Yona having already made multiple checks on them with the help of the Black Lotus.

"Welcome to our humble hegemon of a territory, hehe... oh, and this one may be...?" Fosk Yinlan was the one chosen as the spokesperson, her every word was to be followed and she alone was the only one in the entire room whose every word represented the Fosk Clan. Not much reason for it, other than her bloodline being the main since time immemorial, and there was no one to deny that. Even if there were to be, for some strange reason as they've had all been wiped out from the Founding Clan less than a decade ago, they would just be put to the side and left to be dealt with once their guest is away.

This much did Yun Beishang know, thanks to once again, Yona and some of his Black Lotus members. And right now, he spoke towards everyone inside the room instead of simply introducing Yao Yao to her. "Everyone, my travel was a little bit ugly, um, do you mind if we get right to business?"

His tone wasn't impolite nor rude, but it was too casual. Nevertheless, the Fosk Clan, having gone through quite a 'lot', wouldn't bash at a junior out of a few simple words. This much they deferred from the Tarn and Yun Clan at the very last. In any case, as the 9 other elders and Fosk Yinlan and Fosk Deter nodded towards him once no word was spoken from Fosk Yinlan, they all took each of their seats with Yao Yao bowing towards everyone else before sitting as well. She was a maid, and though Yun Beishang deemed her as the most important part of his life, she had to be respectful, that much she knew of the world. And even more so, to people that treated them with respect and consideration like the Fosk Clan has proven to do so far.

"Thank you, everyone. You may call me Miss Yao," Yao Yao looked down at the seated Yun Beishang in a way that explicitly showed to everyone that she would forever follow her will, not announcing her name. Thankfully, the elders remained the same as they didn't commented anything about it, as if it was normal. Then, Yao Yao took a sharp breath in and began her speech, her effeminate voice sounding like little bells ringing nonstop in the ears of all elders in the room.

"All-Mending Misery is, as everyone else knows, truly an innovating and even futuristic product for the actual human kind. Now, I would like for everyone to tell me what they think of the next step of said product. Once; I finish explaining it to you, of course." With a big and brilliantly feminine smile, Yao Yao finished her introductory words; right after, she took out a device from her clothing and placed it on the table. A high-end hologram then hovered above their heads in a large scale, before proceeding to give everyone -including Yun Beishang of course- an incredibly professional, eloquent and moving exposition of the 'new' All-Mending Misery unguent/ointment.

. . .

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The 'new' All-Mending Misery was no longer the Basic version, as it was instead named the Completely Formed version of it. With the most obvious difference being that of from being of a light green color in both the substance and when indicating on its wonders and how to operate a person, exactly what is going on and so on, bla bla bla; to a light blue color instead. Furthermore, the Completely Formed All-Mending Misery now counted with some small healing properties that will act without any treatment nor medicine. Its level of efficiency, however, is truly low; hence, one can't use it and then 'leave it at that' to the injured person in case they are heavily or critically injured. Not even lightly injured at that, so. The most innovating effect compared to the Basic version was that; the Completely Formed version was capable of satiating one's thirst and hunger for 3 entire days!

With these news, the Fosk Clan became serious; really serious. It was no longer a product made to enrich the people of even better health and aid in cases of extreme fatality. It was more than capable now that it could, very obviously, sustain an army for a month with just a few times consuming the same product; either by skin or orally, that is. Naturally, this wasn't Rising Essence, and the effects of the Completely Formed All-Mending Misery would not stack, as they would have to constantly eat it every 3 days.

As for its price; it was 15 credits per kilogram. As it could already be considered to work efficiently to root out poverty when it comes to hunger; and as the minimum salary per day of a citizen of New Earth, dictated as such by both the Crestfallen Industry and the Crestfallen Clan, is of 22 credits per day. The Peaceful Rain Corporation thought it to be fitting that the more than special Completely Formed All-Mending Misery to be a bit of a small luxury for even the most ordinary of citizens of New Earth.

By the time big maid Yao Yao finished her speech, the elders of the Fosk Clan felt the old blood of their bodies boil out of nowhere, careless thumping hearts and bulging veins appeared as they slowly came to become quite joyous. After all, the reason for the Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation visiting himself had to be something important, right? This also has to give them some kind of obvious friendliness. If that was the case, was the Peaceful Rain Corporation trying to change the world? For real, now?

"Hahaha, let's go dinner, all that talk..."

"Bwahahaha! Indeed, let us depart. Ah, they're not coming?"

"It's alright, Elder Yinlan knows the kid since he was a baby, ah, let's go let's go..."

At this point, as the elders of the Fosk clan were leaving, Yun Beishang remained still on his chair while Yao Yao was so tired that she didn't notice her bum was against her Master's right thigh, which just so happened to his right foot on top of his left knee while in repose. As she drank water, Fosk Yinlan and Fosk Deter came their way, she had a splendid and even warm expression on her face while Fosk Deter remained seemingly unmoved but a trace of warmness could be easily spotted across his eyes.

"Lil' Beishang, aren't you leaving too? Would you like to dinner?" Fosk Yinlan's words were really soft and considerate, images of his baby self resurfaced in her mind as she kept her warm smile on. Yao Yao felt her stomach crumble at the mention of having dinner together, how rich and delicious could it get when accompanied by rich folks?!

Yun Beishang suddenly looked upwards, his eyes no longer looking calm, collected and distant like those of a stand-by but rather, impervious and sharp. "Fosk Yinlan, you knew me when I was little, right? Oh that's right! You wanted me to present you my little monkey, ah, here."

Twisting Yao Yao's hips, Yun Beishang rotated her body so that she would face them directly, Fosk Yinlan's face and Fosk Yao's face were separated by no more than 20 centimeters. He then spoke out abruptly her name. "She, her name is Fosk Yao."

"Well, then..." Not giving the couple another chance at looking more at her face, let alone talking any other word, Yun Beishang stood up with his Little Yao being carried by his right arm going from over her right shoulder to her left ribs; he added in the same casual tone. "I'll be leaving, eh? Why are you scratching your head? Did I hurt you? Mwah, there, no more itchy, right? Better? I'm glad then, let's go~... my little monkey is in her gluttonous mode right now, so scaaary."


While Yun Beishang and Yao Yao frolicked with one another as she 'surrendered' on his arms, the pair of Fosk husband and wife were dazedly looking at his back and her profile. Fosk Yinlan was visibly the most affected, her eyes were fully opened but she didn't seem to notice as even her eyelids and eyebrows were still fully relaxed, as if instead; she was being forced to have them completely opened. While Fosk Deter, though completely lost in his glare, was much more composed than her.

Tap, tap, tap!

Tapping lightly but tremblingly, Fosk Deter woke her wife up as she jolted slightly. "Yinlan, your hand?"

As she was gasping 'nothing' in her left hand, and harshly, Fosk Yinlan didn't notice that there were a few couple of things in her palm. She seemingly destroyed them before she could notice, and by the time that Fosk Deter did notice and tried to stop it with his heart aching, the warm, golden chestnut strands of hair were already shredded.

"Ah! T-this... no~!" With an almost screeching 'no' last word of hers, Fosk Yinlan had a lost gaze locked at the strands of hair that appeared out of nowhere in her left hand. She began tearing up. She bent her back in a very ugly manner as she placed each strand of hair onto the large square table; tenderly. And with her heart breaking, she gained hope at the sight of those 'shredded' strands of warm, golden chestnut hair repairing themselves to a fully healthy state.

"Husband, ah! Look...! Look!" Wrenching from the inside, Fosk Yinlan's eyes went so red it was worrisome. But the husband looking at the hair strands go full into a healthy state back again, was just as eye-reddened as her. His words were barely audible, even for the wife of his that was just beside her, "Hurry, hurry get-ge-g-get... get someone to test it, you hurry!"

A maidservant standing outside the celestial-like room peeked into the room through one of the huge doors left ajar, before ducking back outside of it and hurrying away towards the scientific building of the Fosk Clan Territory. At the same time, the pair of husband and wife took out one of the gifted smallish boxes of the 10kg of Completely Formed All-Mending Misery that the Peaceful Rain Corporation gave to each elder in the meeting amidst Yao Yao's speech, emptied out the entire small box and then gently and utterly caringly; placed the strands of hair into the box.

They already knew that it was a top-notch box that probably not even the Crestfallen Industry was capable of mass-producing, yet the Peaceful Rain Corporation managed to do so, that alone was critical information and detail; but right now, it all meant nothing as they stepped towards the huge doors.

Step, stepstep, step, stepstep, stepstepstep.

As for the precious light blue substance on the floor? The husband and wife duo couldn't care less about dirtying it while they made their way towards the very same direction that the maidservant did.




Let It Rain's Note: Don't get crazy, but next chapter is with MC already back in Nascent Herb City; ^(#`∀´)_Ψ .

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