Bow and Arrow

Chapter 284: Chapter 283 — Meeting The Willing Celestial White Tiger City Lord

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Meeting th The Willing Celestial White Tiger City Lord




Returning to the Peaceful Rain Villa.


Finding himself looking at a beauty with curly, orange hair of a natural sexiness and of long length, Yun Beishang was calmly stepping on the grass beside the paved road that lead from the entrance of the Villa to its main building. At the door, the one on the right was fully closed while the one on the left was semi-opened with that beauty leaning over at the doorstep with an Insoma on her left hand while her right hand used as support on the wall.

Without saying anything beforehand, Yun Beishang waited until he was just in front of her before finally speaking, "Were you waiting for me, ah?"

'What does he think he is, huh? Just coming back from meeting another woman even with the incredible and beautiful women that he already has and yet he can still act so... sigh, would it be appropriate to call him bastardly or shameless?' Thought Sash as she looked at the Master of the Villa who was now melting her legs slightly with a small grin and a knowing look penetrating into her eyes, but then she recalled her 'move' as she bravely spoke out, "Here, I just saw a message coming from for your Insoma. I took a look and saw that it came from the Crestfallen Industry, here it is."

'Nice move, what's next?' Thought Yun Beishang as he accepted it and then proceeded to look at her instead of at his Insoma, his eyes were like sparkles while his nose was just attractive to her eyes; as for his mouth, that small grin... that small grin!

Numerous thoughts of her previous time traveling with him while being tightly tied and by being basically a hostage of his where even her lips were defiled by him, her first kiss, and at a game at that! Her eyes rolled here and there as she became visibly conflicted, meanwhile, Yun Beishang was calmly looking directly at her all this time, thinking that her rolling those pretty, azure eyes was the most enchanting feature of herself. Then, Sash tugged slightly at his white shirt on his left arm, crossing her own left hand over from his right, his chest to finally his left arm in a rather intimate fashion, she said as she invited him back in. "Well so, would you like to come in now? I heard that the maids are preparing quite a relaxing and comforting tea right now. As we wait... maybe we could-"

"Sure, let's go." As he spoke, Yun Beishang grabbed her left arm with his right while holding his Insoma with his left hand; he ignored her face at being so skillfully interrupted in the most simplest of ways before becoming a little more comfortable with his touch as he guided her to the Living Room. While walking from the main building's entrance to the Living Room, Sash turned more and more relaxed, more and more natural; by the time they reached one of the new 4-seater sofas that were so comfy and bulky in its cushions, she was already even hoping for more physical contact to be made. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang read through his Insoma for a while, thinking to read its contents later once he saw that the introductory message was that of Kleus Shark briefing that the contents of this one message was all about the levels of knowledge about spaceships and spacecrafts.

Putting it aside as he sat down and sat Sash down himself to his left in the middle of the sofa, he turned his head towards her and simply waited for her to talk. He could already take the scent of her, trying to anxiously get back into his view ever since Yona became busied a little with picking out a date for his and Sylda's 'meeting'. After all, Yona was the one 'taking care' of Sash and Sash herself was a little, feeble and lonely figure in Yun Beishang's eyes. Her acts around the Villa were of a taken, scared little rabbit but one that held no qualms of acting extremely should it be needed, such a 'scent' was brand new and unique to his household, and best of all was that it was slightly inclined towards him; ah.

"I..." Before Sash could recollect her thoughts, messy words inside her head and put them out orderly, Yun Beishang took charge in the conversation and intervened in her thoughts with just a few of his own words. "Sash, why did you stay in the Villa. You could've just leave at any moment, and... you haven't. In fact, I know that you haven't even thought about it. Eh, wanna talk about that then?"

"Uh... mn." Sash felt her eyes widen to her entire thoughts' core being revealed so simply by the man who had stolen her lips for her first time and seemingly; for goo. By the man who has never tried to move on to her nor made a single flirting interaction with her unlike his tons of women inside his very own huge 'house'. She blinked her eyes once without having anything to say right away, before finally speaking slowly, her voice going lower quite a few volumes. "...I used to have an Uncle that would bring me away to all kinds of beautiful places and fun scenarios, where I could act silly without having to be seen, without feeling eyes prying on me. When I was a child, that Uncle of mine would bring me away everytime an event would occur in the Kernti clan. He would always protect me that way, it was strange but; my Uncle wasn't a powerful man, I mean, he could make a regular-sized cruise advance forward by just the use of his legs and his arms. Of course, the cruise at that time was malfunctioning and the waters were on its favor while my Uncle managed to do so by supporting his legs on another much bigger and durable cruise that was his. But other than that, be it power, money, connections or at least the Kernti Clan's reputation to protect himself for any possible trouble. My Uncle had none of those, yet none of the elders or even the Clan Head ever dared to stop him from protecting myself at all."

"It was funny. Oh! I also remember once, that I would be constantly traveling between my Clan and the Central Headquarters of the Crestfallen Industry, here at the Nascent Herb City. I remember passing, going through so many, but fun, tests as a child. I even remember that, when I was younger, that I even visited the mysterious and unknown Crestfallen Clan territory. There I... mm, I don't really remember much. It's mostly foggy and just incomprehensible for me, but I only know that Mr Crestfallen was there to receive me personally, and that later on when I left and before those constant trips and tests to the Nascent Herb City, I would feel this kind of... 'empowering' feeling fill me. That... is how I managed to survive through quick wits and sudden bursts of strength since..." At this moment, Sash choked while her eyes turned from softly looking at the ground while unknowingly playing with the veins on Yun Beishang's back of his hands as he placed them on his thighs and on the sofa's cushion; to a tearing pair of dark azure eyes while her eyebrows slowly arched.

"...Since my Uncle died... It wasn't a normal strange, I saw my Uncle's car suddenly be smashed by a 4 meters tall kind of vehicle, sniff, it came at high speeds and out of nowhere and what's more, inside our own Kernti Clan territory. Bei-Yun Beishang, my Uncle couldn't just have died a tragic, unjust and nonsensical death. That was strange, for it happened 11 years ago. I... sniff, I also heard that you, Yun Beishang, suffered a lot too about almost 11 years ago?"

Suddenly, Yun Beishang felt his heart sting for a little, a bout of realization struck him as he, with a dumbfounded face, looked directly slightly -barely- down at the dark-azure eyed beauty before him. His hot breath reached him, and as she strangely thought that it was quite the thing for her to not have become disgusted by it, he moved to slowly come to tap her forehead with his own. Her eyes emptied at his touch and they dumbly looked up above to try and meet his own eyes while he started to speak in a hushed tone. "Yes, yes... Yes! It was almost 11 years ago, do you think... hm?"

Yun Beishang suddenly saw Sash nod her head casually a few time, which made their connected foreheads to move slightly each time that by the time she finished nodding with her eyes closed and her last little tears finally coming out of her lacrimals, both their noses were already touching each other's sides. With Yun Beishang feeling the right side of her nose, Sash naturally felt the left side of his nose with the right side of her own. Their eyes locked after they trembled to the sensation, a little bit of a 'sparkle'-like sensation invaded them both before Sash then felt some kind of formless and void-like pair of hands gently hug her head from its behind.

"Gulp...!" With Sash being the first to move out of the situation but still remaining in the same position along with Yun Beishang; she was also the first to speak as, with but a whispering voice, she asked. "Should I leave?"

"No." Responded Yun Beishang after his eyes slowly lost their stupefied glint and turned instead vicious but comforting in the strangest of manners.

"Can I leave?" Asked Sash with her heart trembling, as much as her eyes were at the moment her words were finished being spoken, expectation was too obvious, but there was a hidden tenderness in the deepest of her eyes as she touched his face with the tip of her nose, which naturally made his' to do the very same.

"No." Spoke Yun Beishang once more as a small grin appeared on his lips, his will seemed imperious and his meaning undeniable. But Sash could only find herself overwhelmed in deep joy, finding her chest too little for her bursting heart. She wanted to rest her head on the sofa as she slowly leaned her back onto it, only to be met with the perfect pillow-like left shoulder instead. Her head was instinctively dragged down onto it while she kept her azure eyes on those pure black, but broken-grey eyes of his. Before long, she met his shoulder with the right side of her face; her entire being felt electrified for any reason, which unbeknownst to her, that actually also made Yun Beishang feel the same as her.

"Keep talking, more of you. I can tell you more of me, did you know of my Little Sister yet? You're breathtaking but she can make even any straight woman and curious man's hearts stop at once, you know?"

"Teehehehe, no way~..." Without realizing that she just giggled after, what, more than 11 years of a joy-filled life of drought? Unknowingly, though, as her right hand slowly traveled to Yun Beishang's left that was still on top of the sofa's cushion, she said in a mosquito but tearful voice. "After all these years... 11 of them... I didn't know what to do, I had nothing to do... I could've..."

As her words drifted into the void, for as the warm right hand on the left side of her face made her shut the fuck up for how warmth it was, her right hand connected with Yun Beishang's; with her now realizing and becoming aware that she was actively pursuing his physical affection so 'boldly' in this 'subconscious' manner. But she didn't felt any kind of disgust, let alone aberration; but instead, thought to herself. 'This... so this is the touch of a man... mm mm, no. This, is the touch of him... Mn...'

With the night already long fallen onto the two of them, and a many of many stories being told between each other, Yun Beishang cuddled the lonely figure of Sash into one that would become another reason for him to live, a something that he could never leave without after this. Her.

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Rising Essence; Main Kingdom. Bright Sunset Region, Myriad Beasts Division; inside the uttermost center of the Celestial White Tiger Main City of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division.


Right in the middle of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division where its Main City laid, as the Main City had no lights on on its business area, let alone the vacant and lifeless residential area. And as there were even tons of groups of people wearing black that were travelling to the cemetery of the Celestial White Tiger Main City, wearing expensive and luxurious clothing and jewelry while also seeming dignified and powerful.

The uttermost center of the Celestial White Tiger City which consisted of a large tower surrounded by fortress; the tower and the fortresses were all of a pure white color that even at the night, as its sparkling color undeniably darkened by the nighttime. Where the fortresses were like a simple square-shaped construction with a bulb on top of the construction going as tall as 75 meters, as wide as 400 meters and as long as 400 meters. The tall tower had a disk-like construction on top of its 180 meters tall body; the disk-like construction was as big as a shocking 300 meters, defying logic but in exchange, creating an ever so magnificent and fairy-like image of the entire Main City itself.

Inside the very top of the tower, where the City Lord of the Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division had her chambers as well as her office separated, a meeting was finally over between the City Lord herself and the remaining loyal troops and generals after the insane defeat at the Azure Dragon Sub-Division a couple of months, almost 3 actually; ago.

"Very well then, we'll take our leave. Take care, City Lord."

"Let's move..."

"Farewell, City Lord. If we can work for you in the future, we will be the most joyful of all armies!"


Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step... creak~creak~... thud, thud.

Watching them finally go and never come back ever again, at least not to this soon-to-be-decimated Main City of a strong and reputable Sub-Division of Main Kingdom. The City Lord placed both her elbows on the long as hell rectangle table with multitudes of papers, books and booklets with an incredibly amount of important information of not only their Celestial White Tiger Sub-Division and Main City, but also those of the rest of the Sub-Divisions of the Myriad Beasts Division and the Myriad Beasts Division itself.

"Haish... my head, ah."  Feeling her head throbbing really hard, the City Lord placed her slender, purest white fingertips on her temples before rubbing them in semi-circular motions with her contrasting pitch-black eyelashes fluttering as her eyes were already closed.

The City Lord was a fine, young and delicate-looking woman of about 25 years old or so. She was very well an exquisite beauty than even Yun Beishang would drool at for minutes without end. She had gorgeous, smooth as silk-like medium length hair of a striking, almost silvery white color so bright that it would be the most dazzling under the illumination of any lights and the most terrifying under the dark. A pair of eyes that were so precious that their phoenix-shape made them equally devastatingly enchanting as her pale-white lips, her eyes were similarly pale-white with her pupils almost being silvery as well. An exquisite, womanly and 'matured' nose that would just irk the big bad wolf Yun Beishang to bite it temptingly. While her stature was, in fact, of a rather charming 1.81 meters tall. Her body was below modest, almost as small as Natalia's but not to the point of like Sylda, her little sister or Zyv. More or less, even Cindy has a certain similarity with her, but still not that small.

Suddenly frowning, the City Lord no longer supported herself on the table with her elbows as her head was inclined backwards, and as she had her eyes closed and her head pointing at the upper corner of the intensely large room that had its flooring and walls all made of a bright orange colored wood; she spoke to seemingly the void itself. "Aren't you here already for more than quite a few hours? So many free time? My father has already told me you arrived, his gaze, you cannot escape it. You noticed something when you came into the City, didn't you? Let's just talk, I can explain."

Meanwhile, 25 meters behind her, Yun Beishang was a bit dumbfounded at the development that was being unfolded just now. He thought to himself before moving towards her with his full speed, 'This has been a bit too serious for being in a game. Oh well, history lesson is now over I guess.'


"Ack! Kgah-HH! Wa-wk-wait!" Suddenly hearing a powerful wisp of wind rushing at her, the City Lord didn't acted even though she very well could and instead allowed the aggressive invader to do as he pleases, hoping that that would calm him down even if the slightest; her words would do the rest to fully do so. But then, she felt her nape be awfully grabbed at and then she was turned around and pressed against the table, her most beautifully bright white neck began to turn red and then dark red in just 2 moments as she finally gazed at the Petals of Destruction Suit Caberg of Yun Beishang directly in its eyes.

"Listen, you scoundrel...!" The City Lord spoke with a hurried tone, her face was calm though and she didn't even seem to be struggling, only patting on his arms and wrists with meaning. The meaning of an adult not going to hit a kid. She then continued, almost without a breath, "It's not what you think, ckgah-... I'm just a woman, many others in power in-kkkkgh... in my City think themselves on the top, that I'm just a kitten ready to be taken over and passed over once the previous 'true' 'city lord' falls from grace. But I'm something that they could never hope to even reach their feet, as such, time passed and they became desperate. Moves like those at your Azure Dragon Sub-Division then happened. Blame me if you must, rape me, impregnate me and keep raping me as you wish if that's what would allow you to listen to me; BUT JUST LISTEN TO ME!!"



With speechlessness covering his eyes and as a frown appeared on his baffled face, Yun Beishang let go of the poor little City Lord whose breath didn't really seemed to be out of her body, but still seemed to suffer real pain. It was a strange though, nonetheless, Yun Beishang placed that aside and after having stepped back, he strode back towards her and said. "I don't know what kind of shit happened, or happens, around here. I only want to put this place, and its Sacred Beast Protector, all down. Now, I've heard you out and waited, almost giving you an entire week. So. What. Now?"



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