Bow and Arrow

Chapter 283: Chapter 282 — While Waiting, Dating!

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While Waiting, Dating!




Nascent Herb City, at the most famous and enormous park of the City where even tens of thousands of people could be walking fast and yet they would still feel like the entire park was kinda empty.


Yun Beishang could be seen walking forward casually on a cemented path that was as wide as 3 meters and so long that the dozen or even more meters tall trees covered its end. All around Yun Beishang was a man-made forest by having planted those seeds many years ago, these trees were of the newest family of tree species from New Earth that could grow 7 meters in just 1 year while they would reach their maximum height of from 12 meters tall to even 30 meters tall. Depending on the grooming, caretaking and nature itself. They had strong, dark green and grey leaves while their trunks were of a greyish-green instead. They were also known for being capable of having their roots merged with those of the same species and, the more they became merged with others, the more resistant and impossible to pull they were; hence securing their safety without even needing to guard them. As for fires and catastrophes, not even those could take these trees out.


Yun Beishang raised his head lightly, taking in the beautiful touch that only nature could give when in the middle of such a unpolluted piece of land, though it was not as crazily good as even a normal, ordinary and regular forest of Main Kingdom in Rising Essence; it was still able to bring him some peace.


'Hm, indeed. What a good place has Yona chosen for me, ah. I should've let her sleep last night at the very least, guess I'm becoming more and more hungry, that's so bad.'

As he thought to himself with a nonchalant expression on his face and an equally nonchalant walk on the trail, he came close to the back of a young and delicate figure, she was clearly slightly tremblingly nervous. As she was every now and then fidgeting her head a little to the left and a little to the right; and right now, it just so happened that she had just then turned around when Yun Beishang came around the corner as he in turn got the sight of her back. Of course, it wasn't that Yun Beishang wouldn't be able to tell that she was the young Sylda who had been waiting for him for almost 2 full minutes.

Step, step. Step.

Deliberately making another pair of steps to get her attention while giving away his presence and letting her clearly understand that there is now someone behind her, Yun Beishang waited for her to turn around to begin their little 'outgoing even', but instead of things working out as expected, he ended up seeing Sylda behave even more nervously as her feet began to fidget even more than her head had done so before.

Finally, after more than 2 minutes have gone by from her lonely, young and delicate figure having been waiting for him to arrive; the young girl almost a young woman gave her body a full package of strength as her little eyes closed and she turned around to face the Tongqiu he oh so very much became a fan after their initial 'not that likable' meetings.


"...You look different, wow wow. Did you changed this in the game for some reason?" Yun Beishang spoke to her while looking directly at her eyes before examining her completely, at the same time, Sylda was gaining more and more courage by the moment as she had finally made that small little jump towards her wishes.

"Ah, I do? No, no! I just-this is because I have the Imperishable hidden class, ah, I... Nice to meet you!" With but the cutest of bashful antics, Sylda responded to him in a really soft voice that almost reached the level of a whisper; as her head shook and her hands were waved, Yun Beishang took in the beauty of her entire being into his own, liking her silly acts in the process.

Looking to be a fine young woman in less than a year as a 17 year old, she had dark, deep pink colored thin lips; but there was a peculiarity, her left eye was grey while her right eye was pitch-black. There was no mistaking it and definitely not because of the lightning or because of the colors around them. Her hair was of a black, ashy color and of a long length. While her assets were then 'respectfully' investigated by the gentleman that Yun Beishang is; having a modest, B Cup sized, pointy and archetype breasts while her buttocks were square shaped, thick and well formed but small as well.

Even then, however, Yun Beishang could see Sylda's determination and valiance through her eyes; while she was suddenly strangely all girly with him, however. And as Sylda smiled for a little and her eyes gazed directly at Yun Beishang's eyes, nose, mouth and his unusually attractive jaw, she found courage from just about nowhere but still went on and hugged his right arm with her entire body. Her eyes became like those of a puppy for a moment there as she gazed tenderly upwards to him, the left side of her face was softly placed against his long-sleeved white shirt as she took a moment to breathe him in through her nostrils.

While she was worrying about finding herself liking so much his scent, which should be a good signal in her silly head, Yun Beishang was worried about the fact that he just found out how really very slender but fir her body is!

With his eyebrows lifted, he was reeled in on the feeling of her body while Sylda herself was dumbfounded at her discovery of liking his as well. Her voice was once again heard by him as she suddenly spoke, she was much calmer compared to before and was also not shy at all, "You feel just a bit different from the game. Oh, that's right. What is that class that you have, huh? Why don't you even appear on the Leaderboards, at all?"

"Oh, you. Going through so much trouble from just a message of mine and even making your people lose some strength, and now, you're meeting me at last, the man of all and every single one of your dreams; but you only care to ask about his in-game matters? Ah?" Sylda though that Yun Beishang was about to make it difficult for her to get such important information from the game, and do some silly stuff or the like, such things happened in dramas and whatnot; right? But, when his words truly reached her as they initiated a slow, ever so slow walk; she found herself instead becoming redder and redder from her face, neck and ears before he could even finish his words.

Naturally, Yun Beishang was just teasing her; slightly. But Sylda took it a bit too different than what he thought, and as Yun Beishang gazed down at her since she wasn't reacting, a sudden though entered his brain. 'No way, was... was I correct?!'

"Ahem!" Left with no choice, Yun Beishang quickly patted the girl's head and then waited for a little while before changing the subject. "How has you life been going on, huh? Yeah, Kalen told me a little. But just a little, he was sooo nervous that I could direct you to a path of evil and corruption, could you believe that?"

"Puchi..." Sylda had to let go of his arm with her right hand to cover her little, thin lips. She suddenly gazed upwards only to see him grin at her gently, this shocking sight overwhelmed her entire existence that her heart thundered powerfully quite a couple of times. Seeing her go even redder than before and hearing her body, Yun Beishang worryingly raised his right hand to pull her head back onto his arm, lest she has a problem. Then, after a few tens of seconds of peaceful silence, Sylda spoke in a tomobyish tone. "Would you like to got to the lake? They have new banderillas so I was wondering if you... would like some? Ah?"

Once again looking up to see his expressions, as she suddenly felt that she wanted to know, memorize and understand each of his'; Sylda yet once again was blessed with the sight of the eyes of Yun Beishang turning slightly teasing as a small smirk was lifted from the left corner of his mouth. "Mn, that's okay then. Let's go."

"Ah, wait! I don't know where it is, it's... it's my first time going out with a boy..." To the Yun Beishang who was now suddenly grabbing her hand and pulling her with large strides, Sylda could only react by raising her mosquito, girly voice as she didn't deny his touching of her hands one damn bit. But Yun Beishang then once again made her heart beat worryingly lots, "I'm no boy, okay? That's denigrating for me! If anything, you're with a man now; so either call me by my name, 'Yun Beishang', or as your man. No big deal, right?"

Sylda: (♡o♡)♥(❤o❤)

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'Yun... Beishang? His name, ah. I see... My, gasp, my man?! Aiya, I can't deal with this, I'll end up fainting at some point...' Sylda thought, and such thoughts weren't wrong, she might as well just let herself be and be carried princess style by him or on his back! Don't things like that happen in dramas as well? Aaahh...

. . .


Later on, both Yun Beishang and Sylda moved towards a gigantic, more than 300 meters big ass lake; on top of the lake was a holographic moon that just made all of the lake shine like being in the deepest of the nights, as if stars were created from both the lake itself and the holographic moon.

On the shore, where the tranquil was like the sound of the most peaceful tune in the world to those who were close to it, and there were quite the 'many'.

Being a well-renown food stand in the most famous and biggest park of the biggest Region/City of the populated lands of New Earth by humanity; one had to do fucking well if they really hoped to stay. And it just so happened that there was such a group of people, more like a small family actually, and it also just so happened that there was only one such group of people at the lake of such a famous park. Hence, why there were about 5 different lines of people that went as long as more than 100 people lining up each.

Yun Beishang and Sylda were not a rare occurrence in the beauty of this nameless park, if anything, Nascent Herb Park. But even then, Sylda's beauty and Yun Beishang's manly charm made the many eyes around to instinctively turn their way. Sylda wouldn't get too bashful from something like this, but Yun Beishang instead hated it, so each time someone placed their gaze for more than a second on him or on his partner in crime of looking cute together; he would send a jab into their minds that would make them all have a headache with some pain lingering on their left eyes.

To this, Sylda found strange that everyone was rubbing their eyes and temples. Could there be an infection outburst or some allergic reactions around? If it was so, she didn't wanted to stay there, she wanted Yun Beishang to feel like she was a good girl and hence, she couldn't allow for that to happen to them as well.

However, as she gazed at him in with the purpose of asking to go to another place, she saw a strangely confident and smug expression on his face instead. Left speechless, she was already in line for getting her own banderilla along with Yun Beishang; not even knowing when her head had gone back to be rested onto his body. But this time, it was to his chest rather than his arm, besides being all red and having her heart thump too hard, what could she do? She enjoyed the feeling and warmth that that action alone brought into her shamelessly as she acted all obedient and clueless.

After a few minutes of waiting and seeing how the lines of people would just not go by fast, shrewd Yun Beishang had the gears in his head working hard at steam. After pondering for a second or two and darting his eyes around strangely, Yun Beishang moved out of the line with Sylda drunk on his body as he moved directly towards the food stand itself. Many people, MANY, rejoiced at the sight and thought that today was a lucky day; since it was only once per decade that the park saw someone do something like this. Unbelievable.

However, Yun Beishang's plans were different, he wasn't just cutting into the line or anything; he was going to use a delicate and young girl's girly feelings for him to get the nice food of the zone.

And indeed, once Yun Beishang arrived before the old man creating those delicious wonders of heaven, the old man looked back at him; then at Sylda. Then, what followed next was simple.

Yun Beishang spoke to the old man who was still skillfully preparing the next set of banderillas and who was also indifferently looking at the playboy before him; he spoke to the old man that this was Sylda's first time here, at that point, Sylda's eyes shone as she stood up straight and began nodding her head better than a chicken pecking on rice. The old man then heard Yun Beishang speak that since it was so, and being so young, if it was possible for the old man to grant the girl her wish of being instantly stunned by his food. To which the old man blankly stared at Yun Beishang, thinking to himself that that poor young girl didn't know that Yun Beishang was quite known by him already; he didn't even wanted to imagine the young girl's reaction when she found out of his womanizing self.

Left with no much more other than pity and tenderness for the poor young girl, the fragile old man prepared 10 banderillas for the girl and only 2 for the evil man beside her. Unbeknownst to the old man, however, not only did Sylda knew of his other women more than already; she even supported him! Sigh, what could have done Yun Beishang in his past life to get some so much? Oh right, there is that time where he was beaten to an almost premature death at 13 years old... oh well.

Afterwards, Yun Beishang and Sylda then took a short, circular route that allowed them to spend the rest of their day in the park without needing any vehicle and while walking at a really slow pace. With Yun Beishang holding Sylda's banderillas and waiting until she finished one, and another, so that he would unwrap another two for her to eat while he had already eaten his own; though slightly suffering, the sight of Sylda eating a breaded sausage with different ingredients each and with different sauces and the like was enough to put Yun Beishang into a relaxed state as he saw her wolf down each of them without a care for etiquette.

Later on, as they arrived at the exit of the park; a heavy-looking 4-seater car was already waiting for them but they did not immediately went inside it as they instead sat down on the sidewalk to chat.

"...It really is a beautiful name, I think."

Yun Beishang heard her soft, mosquito words come out of her mouth; he lifted his right hand to tussle her hair back to around her left ear as he sat to her right and then spoke while his lips were only a few inches away from her face. "Is that so? I think yours is something, too. What is your last name? Did you took Kalen's after being adopted, or..."

"Mm mm," Sylda shook her head with her eyes gently closed, then after a little while, she spoke with her eyes opening completely and looked towards the sky. "I don't know it. I talked about it with Foster Father and I ended up having it like this, just Sylda. Why? Oh, it's too late already. You should go now..."

"Nah, don't say that. I'll drive you back home triumphantly, lest that 'Foster Father' of yours thinks I rejected you, ah."

"..." Sylda did not respond to such a claim, her head lowered slightly instead as silence was the only thin in-between them for a little while. Right after, she lifted it slightly up and spoke still in her mosquito voice, "Do you?"

"..." Yun Beishang didn't respond, the left corner of his mouth did so instead of his words as they were lifted up involuntarily and then as he grabbed her chin with his left hand. He didn't need to be extra careful, but he did so instead as he sent a probationary glance at Sylda with his intentions clearer than crystal. To this, Sylda took a short, deep breath in before letting her most vulnerable-looking eyelids be completely and utterly seen by him... before feeling a touch on her lips that was then converted into a long, passionate but gentle kiss.

Not much was spoken than little after their last minutes on the outskirts of the park; but Sylda had come to know more of his nature and that alone made her incessantly ecstatic. When it was time to reach her home, and as Yun Beishang took it to memory being rather long from his Peaceful Rain Villa; merely almost 3 hours away from it. Yun Beishang saw the cute little sister of Sylda, more or less the same age as Sylda with resemblance to that of Kalen though not that much, her body seemed curvaceous but was instead rather modest or simply a table in fact. On the other hand, his capabilities allowed him to see that her body was even more fit than Sylda's but as slender as her's.

After another little peck on both his cheeks, one on his forehead and another two on his eyes, one on his nose and finally one 2 seconds long peck on lips; a girly but overjoyed Sylda left his claws as she ran away towards her 'little sister' indeed. As for that little sister of hers, she was dumbly gazing directly at him for a few solid seconds, before Yun Beishang finally left.

After all, it was time to check on whatever Rosey was sure about, and what she hadn't done before; advice him on how to deal with an entire Sub-Division himself. Oh well, there will be more time in the future for even crazier things anyway; no point in worrying so much about it now.



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