Bow and Arrow

Chapter 295: Chapter 293 — Falling Rain, Bloodying Streets (3)

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Falling Rain, Bloodying Streets (3)





With some leading Specialists talking to their communication devices inside their self-mutilating helmets, Yun Beishang was continuously instantly killing every single one of their ordinary soldiers, as of right now, he was in a pose where his legs were slightly bent and his right extended arm punched someone's head into liquid splashes that reached up to 3 meters from where he brutally punched his victim to death.

"That's right! I want hundreds of you to hold him on the spot, hold him on the spot!!"

"Follow Engines 1311's orders, use your bodies to force him to stay in that position, the incoming missile can't change its target anymore. Move!!"

And while Yun Beishang was already sending some bones away like knives, kunais, short javelins and whatnot; his eyes turned a bit curious as they gazed at the sky slightly, already aware of the incoming and incredibly fast object coming 'their' way. But hearing those leading Specialists talking, it was more than obvious that they were coming his way. In the same manner, he already knew what 'type' of missile this one was, besides being able to travel 250,000 km/h, it was a very small missile whose body was as tall as that of a 5 year old kid and as wide as an adult's arm. It didn't seem impressive as even the way in which it traveled at such impossible speeds, appearing as if it was a simple being slowly guided into an arching angle; and as it was currently  few hundreds of meters up in the air, it began to fall down slowly as it also reached his current location.

"FIRE!" At this moment, however, before he could even been given the chance to think about fleeing, the sounds of shooting followed those of an enraged, hurt and hateful order. Sensing towards the person who ordered the open fire at last, Yun Beishang saw a bulky and very tall woman whose build was so thick around everywhere that anyone could believe it was a gigantic ape and not a human at all; let alone a female human at that. She had a new 'collar' atop her collarbone with some dark-red blood flowing out of her body from atop her collarbone, those were some ribs of an ordinary soldier he sent about randomly yet with extreme position and, as of right now, some of them were destroyed before ultimately penetrating her skin and burying themselves on her neck.

Even though this Specialist was a resistant-type of them all, she still suffered greatly to the encompassing bones with Mental Power and the rain itself. Even then, however, she could still talk and not only that but as she felt her guarded inside body begin to crumble for a strange set of fluctuations and 'movement' inside her neck, she knew she would've die unless she was treated about right now. Hence, she took the lead of taking the wheel and charging with a few hundred ready-to-die soldiers to keep him in place.

Little did they know; they weren't stopping anyone from getting away from the desired spot where that missile would land. Instead, they were the ones dying for no reason; or so did Yun Beishang felt that they were pitifully ignorant. But he wouldn't engage in some sense of verbal action when he himself was only protected by his own body and could not depend on his Petals of Destruction Armor Set. That complete suit only gave him about agility, mobility and overall speed; it was in greater, industrial quantities and quality, but it was just that. His own defense was only so great and amazing thanks to Yun Beishang's 3rd metamorphosis due to his 'class advancement' in the game, and to his realization of real life and Rising Essence being both 'real'. Hell, in fact, even Natalia just then saw his 4 little wifeys when she went inside his White Space less than an hour ago.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Thousands of bullets were shot his way and Yun Beishang found himself without any possible nor known escape at all, more than obviously, after all; hundreds of extremely well trained soldiers taking care of one single person with the terrain being completely to their advantage. Who could ever resist that? Even Specialists prepared for this kind of development would become a few little bits of flesh and some bones perhaps with the danger that he, Yun Beishang, not even a resistant-type Specialist; was facing.

Even if Yun Beishang was an Specialist who could move extremely fast and attack extremely powerfully, and besides that, even if he could turn out to also be a resistant-type Specialist, a 3-way rare Specialist, he would still be incinerated to death under the endless rain with the amount of bullets that were coming his way. The people shooting at him didn't even thought of stepping away nor moving in lateral directions, they also didn't move forth and merely continuously shoot without restraint; already planning to use many magazines already until they were all mangled to skin-thick pieces of flesh and their bones were grounded by the incoming sonic-type missile.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!...

'Heh...' In truth, Yun Beishang could use the unusually slow but still endless and downpouring rain to collide with each incoming bullet and save his skin from these old-fashioned bullets from giving him many itching sensations; but he chose not to. Instead with his head going to the most absurdest and deranged of places, his entire gaze focused on each bullet as the eye-sockets of his Caberg turned all into a powerful green color.

Under his Caberg, as many bullets were deflected from his Petals of Destruction Armor Set, some not even managing to reach his skin before being completely deformed instead of even making the slightest of redness to occur to his skin. Yun Beishang's eyes were all too stern as his left hand was lifted into a grasping-like motion in the direction where the bullets where all coming from, a strange, risky but blood-boiling idea crossed his mind and never let it go since then.

Earth... is a major so-called 'Core Element' inside the game; then, shouldn't metals and minerals all... hail from the 'Earth Core Element'?


Instantly after a few seconds of bullets having bombarded his body only to end up in complete futility, dozens of bullets began to emit a one-time insect-like sound in which they then slowly came to a stop before Yun Beishang's left hand. As more and more bullets came his way and as the ordinary soldiers and that female-ape looking Specialist took the front of the nearby shooting ordinary soldiers who wouldn't cease changing magazines every few seconds; many bullets that were 'new' came and destroyed Yun Beishang's 'stopped' bullets that were just in front of him. But as he continued to study and observe, he found himself elevating the number of bullets that he could affect, from an elementary level of comprehension and efficiency, to a terrifying, infinite and limitless solid growth.

"Keep shooting, KEEP SHOOTING!"

"He's relying on that armor, sir!"

"It won't take long, not even the Crestfallen Industry's set of armors can last long under such a bombardment of bullets, KEEP SHOOTING." At last did the female-ape looking Specialist responded, her neck bleeding even more profusely as her bestial eyes glanced all around her, making sure to scream mercilessly at anyone she saw not shooting nonstop with their old-fashioned guns. Though they were indeed old-fashioned and even had bullets consisting of metals, instead of the typical semi-energy-like bullets that can penetrated a dozen houses, even for the most 'low-quality' of them all. The guns they were using were those that will never become overheated nor get stuck because of water, they could even resist 1 or 2 semi-energy-like bullets before being finally perforated, making them quite helpful for training and melee combat.

Meanwhile, however; as they became elated after being first worried from seeing Yun Beishang stand unharmed after almost half a minute of endlessly shooting at him with almost 2,000 of their people collectively doing so, bombarding him with tens of thousands of bullets every few seconds in total with only a few thousands specifically making their way towards him. Yun Beishang was, instead, fully engrossed and even maniacally grinning wildly under his Caberg as he manipulated from dozens... to hundreds, then more hundreds and even more hundreds, before finally... a few tens of thousands of bullets were all hovering aimlessly in the air with the lowest of them being only 12cm from the ground-level.

At this moment, the ordinary soldiers who felt that their eyes were definitely wrong finally stopped shooting, with only a few many dozens of them still brainlessly shooting, though in a confused state as well. "What... what is this? How can this be happening?!"

"I... I don't know, I..."

An Specialist whose eyes were sharp and whose every word sounded incredibly clear, spoke what he could consider to be half-an-answer for the current severe and bizarre situation. "Even the most famous elemental Specialist that could make even an entire 50 meters tall building cleave in half with just a swing of his arms... couldn't make even the tiniest amount of metal to become controlled by his powers, this... this!"

"He isn't just controlling the bullets, sir, he's even grouping them all up and can make them levitate, SIR!" A terrified voice ensued the sudden beginning of distress, many more of such terrorized words were spoken by the ordinary soldiers; while even some Specialists, thought calm and appearing relaxed to the eyes of everyone around them, behind their armor and helmets, they were just as utterly terrified as a rabbit finding themselves in front of a lion. A lion whose speed rivaled lightning and whose attack power was as tremendous as the collision of a meteorite against the ground.

Wong~... ... ...

Slowly, but surely, each and every bullet from the few tens of thousands that were facing Yun Beishang began to rotate 180 degrees upwards and then back to instead aim at the plethora of ordinary soldiers and that one female-ape looking Specialist. But at that very same moment in which his grin was formed savagely at the horrified faces before him of those ordinary soldiers, a whistling sound finally came to an end...

Whistle~! ...PEW-...PAAAAAM!!



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"FOR THE YU-..."


"Noooo...! AH!!"

"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." A sudden incoming object flew down onto exactly where Yun Beishang was, hitting him squarely on his back and then, as his body disappeared from the naked eye and even the advanced photographic modules inserted into their self-mutilating helmets, only a few seconds went by before the the sound of the missile burying itself a little underground the streets was followed then by a fear-inducing, almost-deafening sound of 'somethings' going off!

Right after that, those ordinary soldiers suddenly felt as if they were flying; and indeed, they were actually flying! Except! It wasn't because of powers suddenly being granted to themselves but due to the fact that their every limb, organ and even clothed parts of their bodies were all dancing on the air with colorless, almost white colored blades that were as long as tens of meters large and as thick as around a child's height dancing about in a 300m x 300m area where no single person was left untouched. Even the female-ape looking Specialist only had 1 second of grace before her entire body seemingly imploded after her ears and under her fingernails started to bleed out profusely for only a little bit more than a second, as her body simply desisted to remain in one piece with her flesh turning softest and her bones turning jelly. Her entire body was literally disarmed one by one and all at once at the same time, a pained but unknown, confused; before finally becoming nothing with not even liquid remaining from her. But that was of course, mainly thanks to the Mental Power of Yun Beishang and the rain 'element' infused into her prior to the missile going off.


"I... I think we did...?"

"Mn, good! Someone call 'that' young master, someone else wanted to do so before, try to figure out what it was about."

"Oh! It may have been something about him not being a single-type Specialist, that was definitely a shocker, hahaha. We actually got rid of a baby monster Specialist..."

"Hahahaha, indeed brother!"



Many of them turned relaxed from being serious, even the Crestfallen Industry would be forced to sent out at least one containing zone to avoid being hurt by a sonic-type missile to avoid any damages from such a destructive might. Being almost 300 meters away from the zone of the missile, which everyone that wasn't participating right then retreated to while their ordinary soldiers were sacrificing themselves to do both, buy some time and detain that monster-like Specialist on the spot whose control powers can even reach out to the controlling of tens of thousands of bullets; so that it could finally die by being both impaled and then made into nothing by being at the very epicenter of the sonic-type missile.

They were more than happy, glad and contented with themselves. Such a huge bounty would fall well not only on their records, but also with their masters and some attractive others; to mingle. After today, was bound to be the writing history of conquering a world by destroying risks intelligently from the get go. Some masters' names will be the most highlighted, but the descendants of those who participated in the 'battle' would become famous in glory!

Alas, while they were deeply jerking off the brains out of their foolish brains and retardity; an almost fetal-like position Yun Beishang was in the middle of such a tormenting and storming of waves of sound with his eyes tightly closed. He had his Pure's Essence and his grey-platinum, bright-metallic essence covering his body while he also obviously didn't turn into that 'gush of wind'.

Having instead purposely chosen to stay in his very ordinarily human and very physical form, Yun Beishang could feel the incoming bouts of powerful and man-mangling sonic waves blast at his body terrifyingly. And every time he suffered from such an attack, the part of his body that got hit on would jolt with his skin rippling as if like water being thrown a rock at and with his bones contracting a well as cracking before mending themselves over and over again for a few seconds nonstop; at the same time, he would 'understand' more of such pain and infiltration in his body. He even felt that the grey-platinum, bright-metallic still not attained essence was evermore clearer and pleasant to his eye. In the same manner, however, he was becoming tired of using such a method.

But, if he did not used it now and risked getting 'just tired' from such an act, when would he be able to? Should he ask the Crestfallen Industry? Wouldn't that put a bad image of him taking advantage of having 2 girlfriends in the Crestfallen Industry higher ups? Even if he didn't care about how he would be seen, it was kinda embarrassing to put Cindy and the still disappeared Nora Béart in such a spot, it was unnecessary. As for him asking the Crestfallen Industry to do such a device for him to feel that kind of pain and destruction, why even? That's even more embarrassing to do!

The place in which Yun Beishang was in, was the very same place where he allowed his body to be knocked against to with the incoming missile. He was underneath 3 meters below the ground level. As for the missile and where it had gone off, that was 2.5 meters above him, as it ricocheted when his body touched the ground in which his body had no further movement, causing the missile to bounce off of his skin with the missile only leaving a little and tiny trail of redness on his back; before finally exploding and having him as the epicenter of the explosion of waves and waves of sound. His body was being blasted with the strongest waves at their fullest might and potential, allowing Yun Beishang to gain a deeper understanding of himself instead.

'...Are you kidding me? This is so crazy, heh hah, heh heh heh-haha!' Yun Beishang turned ridiculous as a very laughable smile appeared on his face, but at this time, as the recessing and calming down surroundings slowly came to a stop and were no longer having waves of sound dancing about crazily and almost bloodthirstily even. Yun Beishang had his eyes open abruptly as a small cough was forced upon him, leaving a bout of small droplets of blood to be expelled from his mouth.

"Cough... aaah!" Groaning to the pain of his entire torso to his front, Yun Beishang slowly began to be buried underneath the ground level slightly by the now fully calmed down destructive area caused by the immensely, unthinkable and powerful sonic-type missile. Similarly; as his ears were being invaded by dirt and little stones and even some shrapnel, he heard the foolery going around the ordinary soldiers and leading Specialists while he was slowly covered by the earth itself.

Once again, Yun Beishang's Caberg had all of his eye-sockets turn a powerful green, but this time, some ordinary red was also amassed onto their glowing green as he was finally utterly buried 3 meters deep underneath the ground level of the streets.

On the other hand, where his enemies were already satisfied and celebrating with words and with a casual walk to see whatever there was to see from the now peaceful area that was before one of imminent destruction, as they were still smiling and feeling relief to not ever going to die today neither by an enemy's hands nor by those of their own masters and unknown engineers. They failed to notice, right away, an incoming heat from deep underground, even those elemental-type Specialists that did not even needed to be of the fire element-type to understand the going and working of another element took a bit too much of their time to discover it.

"Bwaaah, let's go to the brothel, what do you say?" One ordinary soldier said to another slender one.

"Fool, I'm a woman! How could I go there? Mou~." A female voice came out from her helmet, as they couldn't take it off still, but she behaved 'shyly' while adhering herself to the asking ordinary soldier.

"Mm, mm~. Well, we can go there and after you taste some, you let others taste you. I'll just have to ask you to become my whore for a while, how about it?"

"Hehehe..." Responded the female voice by giggling in a very girly but seductive way, then she nodded and just as her mouth watered from the corner of her lips saliva; drool. It dried off at once.




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