Bow and Arrow

Chapter 296: Chapter 294 — Falling Rain, Bloodying Streets (4)

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Falling Rain, Bloodying Streets (4)




Similar other conversation were happening around, some were just as lustful and unreserved, others were simple and more commonly seen in vanilla shows like going to eat or just drinking; boring stuff.

"Hey, don't you feel thirsty? I didn't even moved though!"

"Mm, it does feels hotter. These shits can't be taken off, just drink your own saliva man. If you're too desperate, bite off a chunk of your tongue."

"Psshh, I may so shut up."

On another small group, more than a dozen ordinary soldiers were in front of an Specialist as they chatted.

"Man, that girl again is going whore-like. Look, Tommy is her victim this time. Goddamn!"

"Yeah, you only realize what kind of Specialist she is after she almost kills you dry ah."

"Hahahaha! Well, better than to die to that monster's hands and feet. Holy fuck, did you saw the corpses that he left? My partner beside me at that time got sniped in the head even, I saw a tooth explode at his forehead before his forehead did so as well like that of a balloon's. It was crazy!"

"Mm, I don't know. It may have been a trick, it's impossible for such things to happen. Not even the masters and elders of the Ross are capable of that, let alone a little Specialist baby, haha!"

"Ah man, I feel irked!"

"Mn, my feet feel tired or annoyed..."

"I think you guys-no, we all are getting burned... huh?"

On even another group, there was three women whose figures were fantastic. As everyone around advanced towards the now peaceful area, less than 200,000 ordinary soldiers and a few leading Specialists were already mostly arriving inside that very same zone, and these three well-figured women were at the center of such a formation. Well, more like a broken formation, as everyone was in rest and no one tried to even look for any sightings of Yun Beishang; their target.

It wasn't a dereliction of duty to be so reckless and thoughtless when moving like this; even in times of the past, not even the strongest buildings of the Founding Clans that were 'accidentally hit' in the middle of a defense operation were capable of resisting such a type of missile that was not exclusive of just 1 or 2 Founding Clans, but them all. These sonic-type missiles have even been proved to be as strong as those 'medium'-levelled monster of the outer human territory on New Earth, as strong as each punch, tail strike or lunge at that they made with just a casual movement of their bodies. So how could even a resistant-type and even a mixed of a resistant and elemental-type Specialist be capable of enduring such a power? Even the Crestfallen Industry cowers away everytime such a monster showed up in previous operations, let alone the new incoming one that these foolish soon-to-die ordinary soldiers and even their leading Specialists; were ignorant of the incoming war.

At this point, those 3 women were playfully teasing each other while suddenly turning modest and serious whenever a higher official turned to look at them. Once those in higher positions took away their pervy and needy glance from them, they would resume it. At this point in time, the one in the middle had her breasts tampered as if softening dough at the same time, with small, kittenish moans escaping her little covered mouth onto the front of her self-mutilating mask.

"Ah, aaaah~, ngh... like it."

"Hehehe, we know you do, cunt."

"Oh, oh. Indeed." The one at the right nodded twice and agreed with the one in the left, before continuing, "Your nips are even asking to be raped already! Let me show you, annn~..."

As the woman in the right playfully and stupidly closed in her head with that awful helmet on, intending to show her 'mouth' from her helmet to eat the left breast of the woman in the middle, giggles sounded out from the other 2 women and before long, she started making that woman in the middle to squirm her head around to the unexpected pleasure of the flat and solid substance against her covered left nipple.


Crack, gurglegurglegurgle~.

But suddenly, the earth below them trembled for a moment before calming down instantly. The 3 women, however, continued to play with themselves as the one in the left even began to mimic the acts of the one in the right, and as her hand even went down to the crotch of the one in the middle. After a little bit more of time, with them still clueless to the extremely strange and alarming movement below their feet from before, both women at the left and right were now openly playing with the woman in the middle with their hands torturing her crotch as their heads worked stupidly on her breasts.

They were now leaving all constraints of their awareness left to the shit as they delved themselves in mediocrity; it wasn't uncalled for, ordinary soldiers that though can kill a Specialist in group, are still not Specialists and hence, not 'valuable' enough as failed Specialists instead. Stress was the most obvious case in a soldier's daily life, and even more so when their job was as dangerous for every single operation/mission or even assassination that they're to carry in the name of their serving a Founding Clan.

Unlike Specialists, strong specialists; ordinary soldiers that were even failed Specialists couldn't create their own Clan nor to become a subservient Clan under the Founding Clans. They could only hope to be moved into a company or the like, take charge of it under the Founding Clan they serve and then bring that very same group of people to higher levels to receive benefits as an influential and dependable person under the said Founding Clan. But for that, how many and every now and when did they had the chance to even appear; or did they even succeeded if at all?

As such, a nice welcoming method to liberate such repressed selves would be that of what those 3 women were doing. Though they may be targeted by a higher official, they would be taken advantage only once, as per the rules of the Founding Clans and their regulations between one another in the same field to keep their mental and physical state optimal.

And as a few condescending gazes finally left the 3 women's in the distance, right in the middle of their less-than-200,000 army, as the gazes of everyone else finally left that feverish-inducing image... it happened.




Not even a tremble was emanated from below the ground upwards as the figure of the 3 playing women with 2 of them ganging up on the one in the middle became overshadowed and outlined by a fluctuating and incandescent reddish-orange behind them. as their fronts were turned to an almost fully blackened image of their shadows caused by whatever was behind them, and as they only had a tiny moment of a fraction of time to open their eyes abruptly and bizarrely, they couldn't 'feel it' themselves but the back of their bodies began disintegrating. As their calves, their feet and then their entire legs disappeared, their back began to do so as well; yet in the next frame of a second, their entire bodies were engulfed directly by a molting hot ever-growing-by-the-moment column of lava whose very own extreme borders already incinerated the 3 women's bodies in but a moment with just the passing of it from below the ground upwards to the skies.


"Fuck! What is this?! Help, help, HELP! Someone bring the medics! Some! Come and follow me to search for the injured-"

The ordinary who spoke valiantly previously was tapped on his left shoulder noiselessly, knowing that only one person could do so, he looked back at his leading Specialist as the Specialist shook his head with rebuttal clearer than water on his eyes. The ordinary soldier's face became downcast as he lowered his gun and shoulders, knowing those 3 other female ordinary soldiers were long gone then.

"It's an attack? Where?!" But there were still more ongoing voices all around in the nearest 10,000 square meters, as the less than 200,000 army became afraid that their movements were already long ago seen through and were now being attacked. Only now did they felt that killing a baby monster Specialist was worthless at the prospect of losing all those soldiers and Specialists by an enemy ambush or counterattack. But orders were orders, and that young master's determination, or rather- fear, were strong and their masters were all happy to help that young master.

Right now, as they all thought that there were either drones or ultra-fast fighters on the skies, "Take cover, take cover! Ah, what is that?! Why is it not coming down?"

And before long, the last scream that would be heard in a good, good while, was finally emitted out from an ordinary soldier's mouth. For as, there was now... only the sound of falling rain in the form of lava instead. But unlike a slow-motioned rain of rocks covered in lava or with lava in their interior, the downfall of rain droplets-shaped magma was as equally as slow and abundant as the rain itself was so itself!

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Whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~, whistle~...


Slowly, as the first ever explosions of the rain droplets-shaped falling magma to fall and collide against the earth from the distance were heard, one by one and slowly; more and more of such explosions were heard. With a shockingly explosion going off whose direct hit would create a flash stronger than a flash grenade by 20 times its power, those that were closer to the middle felt their entire faces be covered by the lights of each 3m large droplets of magma falling from the air.

Right now, everyone closer to the middle began to realize that these droplets of magma were falling in a 15,000 square meters area around with the still towering column of magma as its epicenter, but instead of falling around everywhere, only the perimeter of such an area was being targeted by the magma droplets. As such, tens upon tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers and their respective leading Specialists ran for their lives truthfully with an insane speed, bursting out with their potential which would probably even make them grow weak permanently or to straight up faint once they reached a safe zone.



"Haah, haeeu-eeuh! Haah!" Countless terrified panting could be heard as the faces behind those self-mutilating helmets contorted and sweat more than humanely possible to the heat enveloping them from the surroundings even as only 1 or 2 droplets of magma fell around them, killing 1 or a few squads every now and then, while those far away where instantly obliterated by the raging rain of droplets of magma!

"Fucking hell, no!"

"I don't want to fucking die by these things, man! I'm supposed to live on-AAAAHH!!"

"FUCKING HELL, WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE US?!" One ordinary soldier looked at the top of the towering column of magma who was now still but not becoming solid rock, and whose top couldn't be seen clearly except for the obvious fact that the 30 meters tall or so column of magma.

Instinctively, others who had already arrived there also turned to look up, but couldn't see anything. The raining down droplets of magma with the same speed and abundance as the normal rain from before, continued to mercilessly strike the earth in the perimeter until all of the surviving ordinary soldiers and few leading Specialists arrived at the definitely safe zones. There was, however, an immensely hot and most-retardant-of-metals-instantly-melting flame coming off upwards from the lava that encircled the 15,000 square meters perimeter. More specifically, underneath the ground-level for about 20 meters below it, yet it stopped at some point with some harder soil and walls of earth resisting the unthinkable flames that soared more than 300 meters up above, making it impossible for anyone to cross such a perimeter. What's more, the entire river of lava encircling that very same perimeter was about tens of meters wide, and with just getting close to it, any object and even ordinary -non-Specialist- person would feel their body fall down as it slowly melted; which was a sight that was seen dozens of times in the middle of all this chaos and desperation.

After a little long while, everything finally receded. As for Yun Beishang who was atop of the column of magma, he was 'standing' atop of it while looking down below the congregated amount of little ants all around him but with utter care and fear of getting too close to the column of magma. 'Standing'; as in, because from his knees to the soles of his feet, he was engulfed by the column of magma while the eye-sockets of his Caberg were slightly dimmed into green and ordinary red.

His nose was slightly pale and his lips broken apart slightly but all over, his ears slightly bled and had a dark, dried line streaming down from them while his fingernails were equally bloody with the blood having already become dry. His head was trembling slightly, but both his eyes were expressionless as they gazed upon those on the ground.

He could've done much more worst, even if he had gotten injured much worse and probably even fainted; but instead of that, he chose to keep all the little ants in his cage, and then stomp on each of them one by one with his own hands and feet.

"... ... ... ... ... ..." After a few more minutes, as Yun Beishang saw everyone around the column of magma begin to regroup and begin to form a formation, for as they couldn't be possibly that retarded, his flung his arms up and down once. With that simple motion, the column of magma began to regress downwards to underneath the ground before joining the long river of lava and creating an even wider river for a much more powerful and taller wall of fire across the perimeter.

Gurgle~... Gurgle~... Gurgle~...

The column of magma then took a real moving motion-like image, unlike the stopped but still magma column that wouldn't even solidify into a rock not matter what. As it descended, everyone on the ground became extremely alarmed, they were already feeling a kind of overtaken fear from the unknown and from the powerful. Seeing the column of magma go back down into underneath made pretty much each of their gazes to turn scary, was he really the one doing it?! Is that even still an Specialist? If so, then how long has that kid been one for?!

Even the currently and still alive most powerful Specialists amongst them were trembling slightly, bullets of sweat rolling from their heads to the ground, their whole backs drenched in what could have been cold sweat if it wasn't because of the extremely hot temperature they were in. And as they watched at last the blurry figure of a person whose legs weren't visible thanks to the still extremely hot, scorching magma creating a distorted but immense screen of blurriness from the heat alone.

At this time, a bald an tall but slender specialist, whose features could obviously not be seen by anyone but Yun Beishang only at this moment, spoke out with fear still lingering on his trailing off voice,"Who are you?! ...How are you capable of doing all of this? Are you our target? Did you used any enhanced drug or an unknown method to create this... 'destruction'?!"


After some seconds, a few others, after looking between that bald and tall Specialist and the blurred figure that was 'getting out' the magma slowly but calmly; spoke in the same manner, hoping to belittle or just slightly say a mere word for them to convey to the exterior.

"Are you a secret weapon of the Crestfallen Industry? Is that why Young Master Yun is looking forwards to kill you?"

"Is the reason you could employ such, 'power', like this the reason why you have so many women?"

"Is that why you could do this? Tell us!" Harsh, commanding voices sounded one after another, most of them doing the greatest debatable coherent questions ever though from the current situation at hand. Nonetheless, if this was an ordinary person, they would either break down even if just slightly a little or respond out in a flare of annoyance, anger, humiliation and slander.

"Will it do for us if we take a trip to that shiny villa of yours? How much do we have to do them?!"

"Is the All-Mending Misery the answer? Speak up!"

"Enough." Then; finally at last, the bald and tall man spoke out a single word without the slightest of loudness to it. Even then, everyone else quieted down at once, while Yun Beishang's thoughts and eyes were directed at the man at the same time, 'Do you all like acting as if it's not obvious you have communications? Damn, ever since I left those old shits to their own they've been regressing. Oh, time to kill.'

Bored, Yun Beishang threw his arms around as the cracking sounds of his bones went out extremely loudly, enough for everyone even hundreds of meters away to lift their eyebrows and become even more somber. Afterwards, he did the same with his legs, waist and finally, his neck.

Crackcrackcrack~... CRACK!!

The sounds coming from his neck were not just from those of his neck alone... but also the same kind of 'cracking bones' noises sounded out inside his very own head!

"...!" The bald man gulped noiselessly, but repeatedly; and after going for the umpteenth swallowing of imaginary saliva in his mouth, he garnered up courage as he saw the blurred figure slowly turn clearer and clearer. "Are you beyond the levels that an Specialist have ever reached? H...Have you transcended? Tell us... tell us how to do it!"

A languid but condescending voice fell on everyone's ears as they finally heard a voice from the figure, at the same time, their eyes became shocked as they saw that it was indeed their target! Albeit, his strange suit was pretty much 'rotten' so-as-to-say and even his pants were gone with only a little bit of it remaining, covering his crotch and his behind. His top was mostly ragged and he no longer had any sleeves nor gauntlets, so his humane hands were finally seen unlike those bestial-life gauntlets with claw-like hands.

"Shut up~. Ants shouldn't talk, if you want to feel smarter, then bark! I don't like hurting animals, even more so for the imbecile type ones; but I'll go against my conscience as I beat you all down to death. Okay?"




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