Bow and Arrow

Chapter 329: Chapter 327 — Everyone’s Fighting (1)

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Everyone's Fighting (1)




On an arena of the 1v1 segment of the Global Tournament, a person clothed with black and grey could be seen holding a greatsword with his right while his left hand was slowly dancing in the air due to the freshness of not holding a sword. But from time to time, he would swap the greatsword in his right hand to the left hand, hop to the side and then cleave towards the enemy he had on his arena.

His arena since, he had been there for a couple of hours already and had gotten rid of at least 57 opponents. Every time he face a player with either an unexpected effect, a strong effect or an unimaginable skill be it in terms of defense, offense or simply to avoid his attacks that weren't from a player's class but from a skill book, he would irradiate his greatsword in fiery red that looked to be looking for blood while also already giving out a pale-red incandescent light. Like this, he would be able to cut through anything at once and even if not right away, then it would take him 2 to 5 attacks before the amazing capabilities of these players were rendered useless and then kicked out of his arena.

Kalen, the leader of the Eviscerate League, had an ample control over his body and which was even more grating to look at when he was holding a sword. With but his first few battles being too boring and typical, it was only after Kalen was around his 30th battle that he had a rival who recognized him and that wanted to step on him. Only to be brutally thrown off by Kalen's moves alone without the use of any skill and with Kalen only dashing a couple of times to the sides; on the offensive.

Clink! Clink, clank!


Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht. Bvreee-Vwlsht!

-500, -500, -500.

*PING*'ve successfully killed a player on the arena, you now have 58 consecutive victories.

Kalen was just now deal with a Close-Combat Mage, who had orbs of 5 different colors; one was light-green, another was an ordinary and normal green, the last 3 were of an orange, light blue and of a dark blue color. While those orbs were around the Close-Combat Mage, the player also used a kind of hands gesture and as he did, a multiple polygon shield encompassed his body from behind and the front like an invisible rhombus.

To this, Kalen was practically incapable of even moving a little tiny bit the player, let alone damaging his HP. Worst was that, as he approached, the Close-Combat Mage would use his left hand by lifting it and showing Kalen his palm before a smallish beam with one of the five colors around the player would shoot towards Kalen. As for Kalen, he wasn't able to block and was forced instead to parry it, failing to do so many times though.

At last, Kalen used his 'signature' skill and quickly cut into mush the transparent rhombus before impaling the entrails of the Close-Combat Mage who still couldn't move as his eyes were filled with disbelief rather than with pain for as, well, there was obviously too little pain felt by his virtual body. On the other hand, however, Kalen didn't stop there and, as his state of being able to cut through magic remained, he gnashed at the collarbone and then neck of the player to finally kill him.

"Huff, huff..." Though Kalen wasn't using the many skills that a Mindless Slaughter Swordsman that would allow one to suppress any class as long as it is done so well, he was indeed using his all to get rid of his rivals in the most primitive but self-learning way. He was tired and felt exhausted, though he had rested a few minutes after every 10 battles and with the fact of all his normal skills' cooldowns being refreshed and his resources and HP being restored completely after every battle; he still felt like it was really taxing.

Kalen gazed at the right of his front while another player noiselessly appeared before him 50 meters away with a white robe and a large stick with a blue gem on its top, he wanted so badly to see how his Little Hoyi, that boy of his and Little Hita, that girl of his were doing. As for Kay and Sylda, they should be even more advanced than himself, let alone those other 2 rascals, eh.

"Hah~." Sighing out softly, Kalen returned his gaze to the next rival, thinking that he only needed another 2 victories before taking a little rest once again. His back appeared to be very thick as his right-handed greatsword was seemingly dragged towards the magical-class type of player in front but was in truth with its edge being just 3cm above the ground the entire time. With such perfect accuracy and precision of his swordsmanship, he rushed at the other player in front of him, his thoughts only conveying that there would be a need for another 10 victories after another rest just yet again.

. . .


On another pair of arenas, there were two gorgeous young girls who were simply dominating the people that appeared to go up against them AND the crowds. Their each move and even sentence spoken, though it was rare, was all taken in both picture and film. Though one couldn't upload these to the forums since the forums were all responsible for broadcasting each battle and each little tiny thing that would seem incomprehensible at 'why' at first sight; they could, however, keep it to themselves and to brag about them to their children in the future when they grow older, ah.

One of them held a long bow, it had a golden color and it also seemed to be made of light whenever the goddess shooting it acted, and she did so ever so beautifully indeed. Any rival she met, they would all descend into perforated clothes after she did just as much as attacking them. With the obvious large amount of arrows she could send at once and how they would all return back after crossing over a certain distance, which would make all players helpless at the sight of such unfairness, she easily got rid of almost 80 players in just a couple of hours and, as she was starting to get bored; a person wearing a strange but attractive outfit with blatantly to-drool-for breasts, thighs, waist, arms, shoulders, neck and that damned ass showing off very incredibly.

To some players that already knew of this one female player, when they saw her not take out her signature whip and start mocking the young girl wielding the golden bow, their eyes were about to meet their cheeks after falling from their very own eye sockets. And it was even more so when the sexy female player moved slowly towards Kay, her hips shaking even her own heart. But after a second or two of contemplation, Kay woke up to the image of a certain person as she then pulled the bowstring of her golden bow and fired at her!

As for the female, sexy player; once she saw that there wouldn't be any fun in this match, she took out her whip and immediately used it as if it was a snake to create enormous sets of movements which made her virtual body be swung away from the incoming golden arrows at once. In just that friction of a moment, the first incredible fight between the higher ups of the game started out; but it was obviously only the beginning.

On another arena, a young girl that looked valiant, not serious but adamant and brave was holding her right-handed sword while her left hand had a colorless magical shield summoned that was covering the back of her left hand as she used it to defend herself from anything that came her way.

A young man that could be considered to be the perfect definition of pretty boy was right in front of him after having sent 3 different dragons, one of sparkling fire, another of ice and the last one of blue electricity, he then rushed at her with greyish-green dancing around his feet and arms, seemingly enhancing all his limbs beautifully as he closed in onto Sylda.

As for Sylda, when she saw Bloptl be so fierce against her out of nowhere, she remained so calm that her face was the epitome of a female warrior's beauty and majestic-ness; as sunlight enhanced her face incredibly breathtakingly, she swung her right hand in front of him as an energy wave was sent forth mercilessly. Bloptl ignored it and even went ahead so as to touch it to pass over it with his left hand but, at the moment he was 3 meters away from it, the energy wave of pitch-black and grey color turned into an energy shield that was many more times taller than what Bloptl could ever jump and just as wide.

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As he saw this sudden transformation, Bloptl only had enough time to make his body be completely encompassed by water before he was hit by the energy shield, as he was then propelled backwards outside of the arena at once.

As for Sylda at that moment, her eyes were shining beautifully as a grey glint appeared on the center of her left eye so mystically.

. . .


There was this tall fatso that would focus solely on trapping his enemies inside a cube made by magical barriers, because once he did that, it could be taken by the system as having done the last move against an enemy from the 2 players on their arena. As such, unless the player trapped was capable enough through any means, especially a magical-class, they would be counted as forfeiting once they didn't made a true offensive move against the tall fatso.

Melee class players, ranged class players and even most magical class players were mostly just basically infuriated when they faced the tall fatso. He wasn't an unknown person and, looking and experiencing his way of dealing with enemies in a 1v1 situation was truly just... fine.

In one way, sure, it was frustrating for them to even 'fight' him if they could; at all. On the other hand, it was just and it was even allowing them to forfeit without suffering any injuries at all. Hell, the tall fatso even spoke ambiguously to somehow badmouth Yun Beishang in some ways, this Edorn fellow was a so bitchy, but he was smart too. As such, when his words fell on the ears of the people he defeated one by one, and as he took so much time to get to the 20th rival since most of his rivals wouldn't give up until the time for forfeiting came that by that time he had already spent a couple of hours, Edorn's rival's eyes moved and darted around so strongly that some self-comforting thoughts couldn't help but be formed instantly inside their pretty heads.

Slowly, but surely, Edorn amassed 80 wins on his arena, but by the time he did so there were already enough participants for the 64th placements. After all, he did took a lot of time to get there and, he wasn't a dueling class even if he was a Legendary Hidden Class; at all. His strength was on his Team vs Team and Association vs Association segments, here, it wasn't his forte. He had to give up at the second day of the 1v1 segment but with high spirits and with words claiming to see the development of all players and of all types of players in the placements.

. . .


There could be seen so many people going off and popping up outrageously one after the other; while most arenas were slow and had barely some sense to them as they lasted more than 10 minutes even, even as the fights were as simple as posible already. Even then, the fights that the players were attracted to the most and the ones who could be the only ones to enter the placements were those like the founders of the first Associations and those already known pros. Among others; of course.

A savage, brutish-looking bald young man could be seen beating down, slowly, all of the rivals that appear on his arena. In the second day, this very same person managed to enter into the placements alongside many others of such 64th ranking placements.

Cobra would use his hands only when in battle, but only when he found himself against quick-casting magical classes did he use his feet. No, really; ONLY his feet to move and attack. It was as if his hands were prohibited the moment he found out the enemy was a fast spellcaster, which weren't many, so the sight of him incredibly dancing and moving with style, art and graciousness was barely seen until the placements were finally fully arranged.

Another such person was Selina; like many other melee players, she was amazing when she found herself in a battle against another melee player, but Selina, as a Close-Combat Mage and unlike the Imperishable Inquisitor that is Cobra; whenever she found magical classes she simply just stood there and allowed her en enemies to drain her HP until it reached 500 HP or so. Afterwards, she would simply just dash straight to the magical class players and employ a series of entanglements with the aid of Elements, both protecting her and aiding her to move in any way she wanted as well as being used to hinder the escaping players.

The rest was easy, a couple of punches to the head and then she would jump away after placing both her palms on the body of the rival, then jump away by hurting the player even more. Afterwards, her enemies would easily die off to the DoT of her own class and path, her own playstyle. Like this, Selina conserved all of her trump cards and magnificent moves to herself and for the contesting of the first place!

Oco was a player that chose the path of a Half-Immortal class; when he found himself figuring out all the features of this class, he only thought of becoming a supportive-like that was just focused on keeping enemies at bay and leaving them for his allies to kill. Naturally, this had huge disadvantages but, for Oco, this was pretty easy to go through and after his initial 10 battles were slow and awkward, right after, he used his spells and his incredible good-enough speed to avoid any direct combat. Rendering any player without even medium-distance skills completely hopeless and those who were of even great large-distance in terms of attack methods were constantly harassed by his skillset and his own head until death.

His battles, especially the last ones that led to his placing among the 64 most capable players, were really entertaining to watch, most of his moves were all made so that they would impair the rival's next move. Every time Oco found himself cornered, he 'staked it all' and was planning to die along the enemy, only for some of them to back out before a 'last stand' clash or not; those who did not found themselves caught in his trap in which he then summoned sword lights and many other lights of white colors to rain upon them upon specific areas.

Oco was indeed terrifying when it came to strategy, and though he met not a single elite player through his preliminaries, he did managed to bewitch the crowd and make them all wonder what could he do in the rest of the segments? Time could only tell, and as such, they could only watch other players, or wait until the day went by while watching the vods on the forums. It was fun, alright.

While Oco was one of the renown pro-players and had the Glorious Gods Sect; Yin Xiong had the Dark Immortal Sect. Unlike Oco, she was a Soul Monarch,  a class that could only depend on non-physical attacks to work her way through the preliminaries. She never used the so-called 'possession'-like skill, but even then, she never needed to.

She found Zbey twice, the first one, he was instantly killed by a couple of skills from her which left many sequels of her 'soulish' damage on him after an initial skill that was like the Fiend Ancestor's barrage of attacks that could number up to dozens of single attacks all made in just 3 seconds. The second time, he managed to almost win against her but ended up failing when Yin Xiong turned into a little fairy of 1cm in length to avoid not only his physical attacks but also his energy attacks, rendering him useless until her cooldowns went down themselves and then effectively killing off Zbey as he wielded his long scythe pitifully.

Tong Tao, Hall Master of the Trinity Hall, was a special case among not only most players but even pro-players. He was an Elemental Prodigy, but even then, he wielded a claymore that was particularly more wider than any other typical claymore. He used the Elements and 5 Core Elements to naturally boost up the damage of certain attacks and skills in unimaginable ways. Instead of making large dragons of dozens of meters in length with a diameter of at least 1 meter, he instead created countless swords, spears, daggers and sabers of at least 2 meters in length and 40cm in width to slowly cut to death all his adversaries.

Was that all? Fuck no, it was even worst the fact that once anyone managed to go through his endless amount of 'elemental arsenal' whose damage could be barely blocked and only true way to defend against was to either have tons of Core Elemental Resistance or to parry all of his attacks, would have to then deal with Tong Tao's absurd tankiness and great flexibility.

Though his virtual body alone was basically full defense and HP, he still had so many elements to aid in his movement. Not only wind and lightning, but even using fire to burn his calves and the arena's floor to fasten the soles of his feet, he masterfully expelled out any deathly threats even as a main tank that had no Damage Reduction effects. He conquered the hearts of many as he also conquered the arena like no other pro-player... of course, that was for pro-players only and not all elite players that are equal or stronger than them.



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