Bow and Arrow

Chapter 330: Chapter 328 — Everyone’s Fighting (2—Last Part)

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Everyone's Fighting (2)




Silha, the Sect Master of the Frozen Maiden Sect was also an Elemental Prodigy but, unlike Tong Tao, she specialized herself almost fully on the Water Core Element. Almost as, if she were to be an Elemental Prodigy while only using one Core Element, well, that would be disastrously wasteful. As such, though Silha looked not any less like the Goddess of Water for that matter, she still used the other 4 Core Elements with complete ease in all of her fight towards the 64th placements.

She may not have used the Water Core Element lots and have had depended on the Ice Element, liquid particles and even blood; but whenever she used any other not just Element but even Core Element, her mastery over them was so extensive that any melee player that appeared before her on her own arena would be befuddled at the sight of dozens of missiles moving their way in but a few moments just after arriving at said arena.

Zynfyl, an 'old buddy' of Yun Beishang, and Founder of the Lacerate Guild; was a Blade Spirit, just like Kalen's son. But unlike Hoyi, Zynfyl could be seen using more than one blade, and both of them were also boosted by his twin Blade Spirits at that. Because indeed, Zynfyl was able to make a contract to not only more than one Spirit Blade but to also be able to use them at the same time!

To boot, Zynfyl's playstyle or rather, just battlestyle; were pretty aggressive to both parties. Meaning he and his rival would face the very same kind of danger to each other whenever there was a direct clash, be it against melee classes or magical and ranged classes players. He specifically was very strangely adoring of using whirlwind types of attacks; of any kind, really.

At the same time, he never stopped his tracks nor did he stopped rushing around. His method was one of speed and overwhelming the adversary's mind, putting them before even managing to reach them or touching them at all. Like this, Zynfyl was actually one of the first people to reach the qualifications for reaching the 64th placements.

He barely used any skill, only allowing himself to use any when dealing with a tank-based class or when needing a sudden dash which was very rare in the Global Tournament.

From the famous Divine Gates Hall, no longer rumored but perfectly well known instead; as the Yun Clan's Association in-game, there were 2 people that were shining the most and, the reason why it wasn't 3 but 2 was because a certain someone was no longer inside such an Association. Unknown to anyone, even the Yun Clan itself, she suddenly simply left. And when asked about it by even her elders, she simply replied with casualness, but this was only known to the feeling humiliated Founding Clan of the Yuns.

One of the 2 people that were indeed from the Divine Gates Hall were the Hall Master and the Vice-Hall Master. There were other participants in the 1v1 segment that were also incredibly known and important people of the Yun Clan. Like the Clan Head herself and her husband and some other elders of the Yun Clan itself. This wasn't unique; at all, as any other Founding Clan and enterprise, company and so on were doing the same. Hell, there were even some Crestfallen Industry teams here and there, mostly making immeasurable cheering to go off nonstop whenever they appeared on an arena, they weren't that strong though.

The Vice-Hall Master was the Yun Clan's young master, the only one eligible for becoming the next Yun Clan's Clan Head; namely, Yun Lao! When he first appeared, he made many homosexual and bisexual men blush, while the young ladies that even thought of becoming vegan turned feverish and uncontrollable enthusiastic! Many, many hearts were broken and thrown into the mud after seeing their women become such like that for an unknown person...

Young, 21 years old, pretty good, huh? Well, even as he was that young and was incredible handsome, he wasn't a pretty boy as he had a temperamental aura around him that just made the many onlookers to appreciate him nonetheless of their 'desires'. A young hero, how could they not claim the people's respect with but just their showing of appearance? The Yun Clan... had such a future!

Wielding a heavy spear that wasn't long, Yun Lao, aka True Dragon; was a Carefree Dragon that won over all of his adversaries like they were dummies! When rushing up at them, his face never lowered as his eyes never left the enemy's, never underestimating anyone nor overestimating himself was how he became the hero of all of the arenas of the 1v1 segment. Especially so from his enemies that some even fell after one hit! Of course, they were cornered against the edge of the tournament, so, hm...

He wasn't too tall, merely around 1.79 meters but he indeed had a body that was a little muscular, but not bulky. He face the crowd every time he killed a player and gained another yet consecutive victory, while the crowd in response to this; cheered out loud like their hearts were supposed to belong to him!

The other one was Gate Protector, not many could see through this tall person but could easily tell that he was an old person. Not an old person of 71 years or so, but one that had 'that' age of hundreds of years! With this, could everyone remain stupid forever? Who is the most amazing fighter of the Yun Clan after the current Clan Head's parents? Yun Wentian!!

Yun Lao's father and the most ambitious member of the Yun Clan by far, and the most successful at that, even more than the current Clan Head! He was even strong to all of that? Crazy! What's more, his fighting style was that of a very speedy and jumpy person, he sometimes even seemed to blink into disappearance; but the truth of all of this was that, like many other Specialists in this game, he had his own abilities in the game!

Of course, they weren't just passed over to the game, but were instead a result of the game not limiting his own characteristics after entering the game. Yun Wentian made small jumps in space that, though lower than an actual dash skill, was much more impossible to prevent and predict than any move that even pro-players could fall like idiots to without even needing to scheme or work his ass off.

Worst of all between the worst of it all? Or better yet? He was a Fiend Ancestor! And though he wasn't a fast attack speed type of player, each of his punches, kicks and elbows, knees and even waist-attacks never failed. Managing to even win against some well-reputed players of certain Sub-Divisions without a sweat.

. . .


From the House Asami, there were many people that excelled in PvP, and indeed, just a few battles from each of them attracted hundreds of millions of views in but an hour. Every single one of them; the participants. There was one person in particular, it was a little girl of about 13 years old or so. Whenever she started her fight, if it was a man, she left-punched through the stomach of them with the unthinkable speed of her Hidden Class and then destroyed the lower spine of that man.

If it was a woman, she would go for the sternum, but unlike with the man, she used her right punch. Completely breaking not only her sternum and upper spine but more than anything, her collarbone and part of her upper torso! She basically crippled all of these players like they were nothing, to this, everyone was equally speechless whenever they saw it. No matter how harsh it was or repetitive, it was as entrancing as the first time they watched it.

Though the rest of the House Asami Association weren't this awfully cruel, they were indeed bloody and bloody cold at that. In particular, a young woman was capable of making some moves that would make even the person experiencing a battle with her terrible overwhelming sensations, it was to the point that some of them were even traumatized and directly sent out of the game as they disappeared in a sonorous white glow instead of the noiseless one unique glow. It was not possible to imagine as being the spectator, watching that happen, but for the players that fought her... just as simply as they saw her body quiver, turn, twist and so on in the air like a siren in water but a normal person's body in the middle of the air; that was enough to twist their hearts and minds hard enough to madness.

. . .


From the part of the Xie Founding Clan, the Otherworld Merchant Guild Association was their new-to-be immense income once some little more of times has passed. After all, the Crestfallen Industry still hasn't let any party to become owners inside the game, and could at most set up stalls here and there in an already established City. As for the castles for some Associations? Bah.

There really wasn't anything worth noticing on the arenas from the Xie Clan but, there were 3 interesting ones among them all in the 1v1 segment, though it is most likely that they would obviously not put their cards or hopes in the 1v1 segment.

One was Greed Eyes, the Founder of the Otherworld Merchant Guild and also the Clan Head of the Xie Clan. But he was a Carrier of Truth and the most he could do was to make his enemies unable to touch him or to even move at all once they got into a arena. 'They' as in, because of the fact that he lost quite a few battles before finally being defeated for the 10th time close to his 90th battle. It was a bit intense but nothing exciting to be hones, a bit of an okay performance over the course of 2 days.

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Another one was the Co-Founder of the Otherworld Merchant Guild, Not Greedy, which was also naturally the son of the Clan Head of the Xie Clan; Xie Kun's son, Xie Buzher. He is 28 years old, also a Carrier of Truth, though a much more agile and powerful in CC skills than his father. But more than that, he was simply just as good as his father is already and at such a young age, he was one of the promising futures of the Xie Clan and was very so well evaluated by the entire world of New Earth. Not nearly as much as Yun Lao, though.

The last one was Xie Buzher's sister, Xie Ling! She was yet again another Carrier of Truth and was also a young girl of 17 years old. She had a casual set of equipment, totally contrary to what her Founding Clan could get her by being the one and only Young Miss of the clan, but that alone wasn't nearly enough to destroy or hide her beauty at all. A little bit of butt and a little bit of breasts, somehow this would always get into Yun Beishang's true terror! But he wasn't here to watch her, directly at last, he could if he opened the forums... but he was too busy playing already with other similarly small bodies of his wives.

According to er fan club, she is a perfectly grown up 1.79 metes tall soon-to-be-woman; with a slim yet alluring waist and legs and a cascade-like pitch black hair with a pair of lovely black almond eyes. She was a goddess, alright. Though she didn't appeared to be a mass-murder skilled crazy player of Rising Essence, she was nonetheless really incredible in her own playstyle inside the game. She didn't went ahead and maintained her position to wait for the player to give up or be forced to lose as forfeiting from the lack of movement and actions. But she even played such horrible mind tricks and made ever so clever moves that were silly-looking for anyone that was looking for that matter, but for the victims, it was mind-blowing.

. . .


Then, there was the Tron Clan. This one was a spectacular show, not only because of the obvious great enough show that they demonstrated on the arenas, but also due to the use of their incredible unique and especial strategies to do so! Their Association was the Sharpened Vanguard Hall, with Tron Palas being the very famous and notorious Cold Dictator Universal Hidden Class. It was a melee-based class, however, it had an incredible buffing role in terms of an Universal Hidden Class. Meaning, his class had stronger buffs and debuffing skills than even a Grand Shaman, both in quality and range!

Tron Palas, with his ID as 'Palas' was the Hall Master of the Sharpened Vanguard Hall, but not the Clan Head of the Clan and was instead the Grand Elder of the Tron Clan. His battles on the arena were so powerful, that even when he faced a very well known Soul Pet Immortal with dozens of incredible strong and LV99 Pets, only a couple of skills that required him to lift his arms to debuff and slightly damage those Pets were needed before he had to get into the fight directly and then killing each of the Soul Pet Immortal's Pets one by one; brutally.

Another curious thing, little thing; was Lil' Riria. Lil' Riria was a 12 years old little girl, and though she appeared to be so sweet, adorable and deary; she was an incredible strong archer Master of the Elements. On her battles, she needed only one look to her adversary before summoning up an arrow and inflicting them all; DoT effect, a strong CC effect, Slow, Knockback and even an incredible '-1,600' number above her adversaries before multiple '-400' and '-400' appeared due to the DoT effect of the arrow she impaled them first.

Be it an arrow of the frost, spark, scorch, mud, stone, gale, breeze, bolt Elements and even a rare Core Element every now and then; Tron Riria was able to easily deduct which one to use to deal the most amount of damage and the most efficient way in which her adversary would fall deeper into a strong effect of different negative altered effects all at once.

. . .


The Ross Clan, having the Iron Will Sect; had tons of people on the arenas, it was in fact the Founding Clan with the most greater amount of members on the 1v1 segment of the first ever held Global Tournament of Rising Essence. Their every fighter was an amazing melee fighter, experienced in the most advanced techniques of New Earth and with the use of those techniques, they merged them with the skills of the game. This made them look like the most magnificent group of the 1v1 segment than any other, claiming something that not even the Yun Clan are capable of.

In the higher ups of the Ross Clan's Iron Will Sect, there was obviously the Clan Head and his wife as the Sect Master and the Vice-Sect Master respectively; naturally. But other than that, the focal point of these 2 extremely important people was that their way of fighting was the most solid and unmatched amongst all and any other melee contestants that the crowd could ever hope to see. There were even resemblances in how Cobra and Selina fought in their techniques and in the experience that those very same techniques looked different when the upper echelons of the Iron Will Sect fought.

There were more than 1 Imperishable Ancestor in their ranks, with Ross Yina being the first one to ever obtain this Legendary Hidden Class by herself and alone; later on being the reason of why there were more and more of such Legendary Hidden Classes. But they were really smart and hence, there wasn't another Imperishable Ancestor outside of their Iron Will Sect or rather, their Ross Clan.



In a space outside of the arenas of the first ever held Global Tournament of Rising Essence, seemingly in a 'waiting room' where only one person could inhabit this kind of place and be able to even manipulate it so that she wouldn't have to be seen nor closed in by anyone else.


A young woman was slowly using her left hand to slowly stroll through the forum's interface, going from a set of hundreds of different images to another. She was masked by a white lioness-like mask and she looked spectacular as only her skin on her arms and shoulder were visible and only small parts of each.

Through the mask, only her eyes were visible, but this was an option that she allowed her mask to have at the moment, her hair was completely hidden but somehow, the white lioness mask that encompassed her entire face and most of her head seemed to be of a different color weirdly once it went past the back of her head.

"Gasp!" Then suddenly, the young woman whose eyes weren't visible but were visible at the same time, as the shadow from her mask was covering her eye colors and only her angelical skin of a creamy color was visible, though it looked as if it had not glow for so long that it turned slightly dull in color. From her small mouth, her tender pale-rosy lips opened abruptly up; strongly. But after doing an obvious exclamation from them, her body could only tremble, her eyes were now visible as the mask instinctively 'freed' more of her skin on her face as she moved the forum's interface to right in front of her face.

With her starry grey eyes that looked like an universe always in movement; so huge and beautiful that the contrast that they had with her sclera made it inhumane, impossible! She looked at the 10 different videos streaming on the forum's platform over and over again all at the same time. She was looking intensely to one of them that was being encircled by the other 9 videos, never-ending-ly in a loop. It was the one where Yun Beishang could be seen being 'friendly' with a young girl, his fan.

But the starry grey eyes of the young woman looking at all these videos, and more in particular at the one in the center, were only shining delightfully and even... hopeful.

"...Could it be? I want to... try it, too..." Accompanying an ever so soft and broken voice; an incredible bright but also dark blood tear descended from both her lacrimals of her left and right eye respective once her words were done being emitted by her small mouth.

"sniff... again."



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