Bow and Arrow

Chapter 333: Chapter 331 — Little Lady

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Little Lady




*PING*...your Association 'The Order' League has been successfully upgraded to the Majestic level, now you can have a total of 10,000 members in your League Association.

*PING*...the Experience gained from recruiting 2 incredible 'personnel' from all of Main Kingdom is too vast, and your Association has now reached the necessary Experience to reach the next level, would you like to upgrade it now?

Yun Beishang, as he was ascending to the outside while on the back of Wolf Zyv and with a nice chick to his right while the nice chick's old man was to his left, was pretty glad of having been successful on recruiting quite the 'vip' personnel in such a way. This, he might have found out weird fluctuations of life coming from it, the bottomless hole, time ago when he first entered on this zone for farming and even levelling for a little bit for his maids.

But the real reason here on to why he was now interested in looking around inside it was more or less due to the combination of 'encounters' he had already had a lot of; being called out by Pure, guided and shocked by the Celestial White Tiger and now, even the goddamned black clone of the Leader of Main Kingdom. Whose words, from all of them, turned out to be the type of fuel that Yun Beishang needed to move his dumb little feet in the direction of his own path and, well... to not mosey about anymore.

'Yes, upgrade it now.' As Yun Beishang thought, the system of Rising Essence quickly enhanced the incredibly legend on the forums that was now once again showing signs of life, in fact, the forums had one sole question in common as they saw the notorious 'The Order' suddenly rise up in level once; 'is this propaganda?'.

*PING*...your Association 'The Order' League has been successfully upgraded to the Imperial level, you can now have a total of 50,000 members in your Association.

*PING*...your Association needs only one upgrade more to be able to create the emblem of the Association; League. At that time, please be prepared to engrave it yourself and choose the specifics of wearing it. Bonuses stats will be randomly given depending on the Association's level, history, members and gains.

'Hmm... question, if I want to use one of my Honorable Lord Upgrade, can I successfully use it to achieve the max level a League can achieve?' Yun Beishang pondered for a little while before questioning the dear system, he was in possession of 3 such items and, every single one of them seemed to be so unique that Yun Beishang hadn't ever seen another one ever since he got them. As for the diminute amount of members one can have as an Association, it was already too known for a League to be like this, but it was also the most reliable for Yun Beishang's wishes so he did not mind it as the Imperial League didn't even had the chance to recruit other organizations from people of Main Kingdom nor other Associations as vassal one bit.

*PING* response to host's question, it will not work. However, it is recommended the use of the Honorable Lord Upgrade items for the last straws on achieving the very few last levels of an Association. This is due to the hopes in which it is much efficient to grow as a group from the foundations rather than rushing to grow to the top at once. Host, please be advised.

'Hmm, uh-huh. Thank you.' Mindlessly replying to the nagging system, Yun Beishang fell to his own thoughts while in the meantime, the nice chick to his right was pouting but also submissively allowing the kidnapper to hold her dearly as she felt tremendously weak in the face of Zyv's incredible skill!

'Waaah, even though I'm so used to space traveling, this method is too... amazing!' As Yovilnnia's eyes shone, Fiornyo instead had already vomited inside his bag, out of courtesy, from the movements and the sensations of his body being transmitted from one iota to the other at impossible speeds. He was really old, ah~.

Like that, with one Yun Beishang pondering, one Zyv having fun going vroom vroom in her Wolf Zyv form, one Yovilnnia wishing to study the way in which Wolf Zyv used her skill and a Fiornyo whose heart was so weak that he simply gave up and put his own head almost inside the bag to continue vomiting; the eccentric group of people finally left the underground world of who knows what the fuck it is!

. . .


Azure Dragon Sub-Division, somewhere far away from the bottomless hole from which Yun Beishang and Zyv went down into.




With but an instant, a set of motions were made by Zyv as she beautifully moved her Wolf Form upwards from underground. Though she passed from so much dirt after teleporting out of the previous completely-in-darkness space into pure dirt, her fur was still flawlessly glowing a white that matched the sky-blue of her eyes perfectly. As she made that impossible and powerful jump from the dirt underground and as her Wolf Zyv body was fully ejected upwards, the light of the sun and the fresh air from all around made both Yovilnnia and Fiornyo's daughter and father duo become shocked and impacted by the familiar but uncomfortable change.

Thud! Stomp-stomp-stomp.

With her feet landing on the ground, Wolf Zyv shook her back to send away all the ants on her back to which Yovilnnia and Fiornyo screamed in agitation with their eyes shut, still acclimatizing themselves back to the world. On the other hand, an opportunistic Rosey flew out from Yun Beishang's top of his head as she made 'waaaaagagagah' sounds and took the superman stance while dragging her big brother around through the air.

After a few moments, once the father and daughter duo became used to the 'upper world' and as Yun Beishang had enough blank blinking as he was flung around by a naughty Rosey, Rosey finally gave Yun Beishang clemency as she delivered him down to the ground while not forgiving to take advantage and give herself a gift by falling down on Yun Beishang's arms; getting tightened up into his embrace by the helpless sighing out Yun Beishang whose head couldn't stop shaking for a while.

Turning to look at Zyv, Yun Beishang then opened his mouth and gently spoke, "Well, Zyv. I'll go back to the tournament, when are you going back to-"

"Right away then! But first, I want to see my Sister, she said she had something to tell me~. So, gimme' kiss now." As soon as her last 4 words were spoken, Human Zyv pouted her lips out and intertwined her fingers as she held both her hand in front of her neck while bending over towards Yun Beishang. At the sight of such a pair of small lips, the already hungry Yun Beishang did not resist and allowed his beastly self to steal those lips.

From the side, as Yovilnnia saw this scene, she subconsciously pouted her lips to which her father looked between his daughter and the dumbbirds ahead over and over again before sighing helplessly with his eyebrows lifted and not coming down any time soon...

"Ah-ahem, well uhm, about the White Space. Could we enter it? Since we'll be meeting each other often and, since you seem to want to study the Kenln Bloodline's teaching, we both can help you on that. Really! It's no problem since, well, uh... you destroyed most of the main force of each Sub-Division nearby? So yup, what do you say?"

"Mwlalhchuu... mmnnh-mwah!" At last, Zyv allowed her man to separate from her body, and as an even more helpless than before Yun Beishang turned to look at Yovilnnia after almost getting enchanted by the mesmerizing after-kiss expression on Zyv, he said with a reassuring tone. "Mn, that sounds fine. I'll be going over to a certain event, eh... Journeyers only, but you can watch there if you want. Also, my wives are there so feel free to meet them~!"

'Wives? Uh...' Yovilnnia, not knowing what to do but blinking at the situation, turned poker face and then nodded towards Yun Beishang. Afterward, she brought her father towards the front of Yun Beishang and after telling her father some hushed words, she went over to pick Yun Beishang's right hand with her left hand. At this moment, Yun Beishang felt like he was being connected in some way, feeling some understandable matters out of his own experience, he didn't reject it and right after, Yovilnnia disappeared.


As Fiornyo saw his daughter suddenly not being there anymore, not even realizing when she went away into -possibly- the White Space, he became ecstatic when he saw a white almost-blindingly glow rush into the top of Yun Beishang's head. "Bwahahaha, it is indeed so! Hoho, well then, if you'll excuse me."

Fiornyo extended his hand and opted to follow his daughter's instructions to use his right hand to grab Yun Beishang's left hand, but after closing his eyes and following a certain few steps, nothing happened. He then heard Yun Beishang's voice travel to his ears and hence, his heart as well.

"Listen well, 'master', you will only have to give me good teachings. I am not trying anything, have no ulterior motives, and so on. So as long as you teach, I will not harm her." Immediately after, Fiornyo who thought was a jealous and a bit of an imbecile man after realizing and remembering of his previous words such as 'my wives', turned furious and even shaken as he yelled out very, very loudly. "What? Were you going to harm her?!"

"Of course not. It just means that if she were to confess to me, I would then have to sacrifice; and accept her. That's all."

"..." While Fiornyo was having trouble thinking, blaming it to his old age, a Little Zyv and Little Rosey were shaking their heads in their minds while also smiling brilliantly in a knowing manner.

Little Zyv and Little Rosey: (๑•̀ᵥᵥ•́๑) 。・゚(㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) ‘゚・。



*PING* will be teleported to an arena in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

"... ... ..." As there was silence only in the midst of the Global Tournament's teleportation system, Yun Beishang was met with such 'calm' as he was being teleported. His darling Zyv was already out as well, going back into the arenas while some of his women and maids were taking a rest from their 1st day of the Global Tournament.

Even though Yun Beishang has been so out of the forums and social interactions for quite some time now, he obviously knew of the kind of effect that the Global Tournament would have on the players; not just from the game but more than anything, due to the recent 'unknown' events that had been ongoing on New Earth instead.

Bombings on cities, bombings outside of New Earth; these were made so sneakily and with proper preparation by the few involved 'parties' that were also unknown. Though the matter of cities being bombarded was mostly exaggerated online, those of the outside the human territory weren't. And every day, as long as anyone took a scenic route towards any city from point a to b would have a good chance of hearing those tremendous claps go aloud from the long, long distance.

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These kinds of movements were easily took by the citizens of New Earth as a new source of terror and though it was nowhere near the level of creating a riot or actual disorder, it was growing up. The choice of making a Global Tournament, that could easily take the minds of New Earth citizens off the bad noises and premonitions.

And now, as soon as Yun Beishang appeared on the screen of so many families, which had gore settings off, mostly; clamor and cheers thundered across the crowd while the many families having a meal, couple waiting to chill' and friends watching their slice of e-sports became interested and amused at the supposedly demonic player coming into sight once again.

And what was best than making a comeback, if not with an also very well known and recognized player who has been making quite the feats on this 1v1 segment?

On the arena, Yun Beishang saw a tightly black-robbed dressed little lady, she amounted for what could be said to be around 12-13 years old and initially, he thought it should've been some of his own people; namely from the Black Lotus. But instead, knowing perfectly well every single one of his of such people, he realized that this was a person outside his jurisdiction. Completely unrelated to him, and following normal standards from the New Earth knowledge he's been amassing and revising with the help of the Black Lotus, he could think of many possibilities but only one was the strongest.

'House Asami...? Oh, that Universal Hidden Class player, was it... 'Can't Catch Me'? Hmm.' But Yun Beishang nor Black Lotus were seers, so he couldn't just know who was it behind her unique Universal hidden class-related equipment and tight black robes. Oh well, he could always not give a fuck, right?

But as Yun Beishang was uncaring towards the end of his pondering towards who this little lady was, the crowd was going too, damn, crazy.


"SHIT, NO SHIT! They found each other, an epic battle dude!"

"Fuck yeah, my goddess can avenge my broken heart! Now that bastard will taste my pain, feel it, feel the pain of having your goddesses taken away from you!"

"Can you guys calm down? Don't you see Little Catch isn't going full-out against Tongqiu? Look, she even looks entranced."

And it was finally then that people started noticing that the female player 'Don't Catch Me' wasn't even moving when Yun Beishang appeared. Even when she faced Baston before, she gave no fucks and almost penetrated his torso with a single fist due to the incredible speed of that little girl. But now, she wasn't even moving? What the hell... is this propaganda? Is this how The Order works? Are they in cahoots with the Asami? Oh man~.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang himself was already bored of looking at the girl and as such, he took the first step towards her on the arena; not knowing that he was the first to ever be able to do that!

Step. Step, step, step, step...

"...!" At once, the little girl finally moved, but her motions clearly denoted her anxiousness, if Yun Beishang could actually read minds, he would understand her perfectly besides just sensing and smelling her being. 'I-I... how can I feel so oppressed from each movement of any part of his body? Formidable...'



And by the time the little lady was getting her shit together, Yun Beishang had already reached before her and sent a right palm to her left trapezius muscle!

Rustle, tap tap-tap-tap--STEP!

Not being able to take that hit, block it and let alone avoid it, Can't Catch me took it fully head on and was about to be impulsed when she allowed her body to fly slightly backwards with a swift move of her arms swinging together from right to left like a spiraling wheel. She tapped on the ground to finally stop her movements a 70 meters away which were traversed mostly thanks to the technique she just employed; but when she was finally regaining her foothold, a tremendous sense of an incoming attack which made her step harshly on the ground once to stabilize but it was already too late. So as a fist was about to reach her lower abdomen, she used her left leg to block it this time knowing that she would get hit on her face by Yun Beishang's left fist instead as his right fist was to be blocked.

But she thought a bit too undermining of him; as Yun Beishang landed his blow, it actually bent the bone of her shin and went over to land on her abdomen. While his left fist punched her hard on the face and was about to make her whole body spin with the trajectory of his left fist when he felt her suddenly turn shadowy and disappear exactly 100 meters away. But the damage he dealt to her, especially to her right leg, were real.

Thud-Pfruiyl! Pam!

-2,400, -2,400.


Yun Beishang's right foot kicked nothing while Can't Catch Me's HP was now at 2,800. While Yun Beishang was looking at the little girl far away, the little girl took out a mediocre looking potion compared to even his own Kindness Low-Potion and drank it, healing herself with HP+1,000. She then took out a pair of daggers and glanced at  Yun Beishang before making a motion to come and get her with them.

"Hmph~." As he was glad that someone finally stopped his attacks, even if it was at the 3rd attack, Yun Beishang let go of his stance from fighting and casually walked towards the little lady with his eccentric wolf mask showing off radiantly under the setting sun of Main Kingdom. In response, the little girl tightened the grip on her daggers and wished for the best fight of her life to commence! Even though, well, it was in-game.

"Hah!" An ever so cute and adorable shout came out of her mouth, and along with her right-handed dagger being shot towards Yun Beishang's right, a dark line appeared to be its contrail as it went past his body. The moment it did so, the little girl crouched intensely by letting her waist reach her knee-level with her legs folded to the left of her body; as she then actually teleported herself to where the dagger passing by Yun Beishang's right was at before!


But even as she teleported, or rather, 'disappeared' from Yun Beishang's sight. The dagger from before that just then went past his right appeared in her stead and directly after appearing, it was swung straight at his forehead with the black 'contrail' being the cause of such a quirky movement. The little girl was very clever in her movements, she was fast and she didn't hesitate, what's more is that she used her feet alone to traverse the distance of her previous position to that of the dagger's and then teleported the dagger back to her previous position.

All of this would confuse anyone's mind, especially since the little girl had an incredible invisible+extreme speed skill that allowed her to be really goddamn incredible as she started running along her dagger the exact moment she threw it towards him. It was just that her previous 'self' was an actual illusory skill!

But, to Yun Beishang, this was only a nice show.

Swish!! Pkan-Ling~BAM! Pkan-Ling~! Whoosh!

Yun Beishang first used his left hand to direct it towards his lower spine, easily not just blocking but actually parrying perfectly the incoming right knee at his back! He then used the same left hand to make a fist, not to punch but for creating a much better direction and weight to his next attack; a backwards-elbow attack at the little lady's left ribs!


Then, with the little lady only having 1,400 HP left, she was sent flying upwards and backwards with a little tap of her left feet aiding in her on that matter. Right after, she used her right hand to pull the string tied to her dagger, not the handle or the blade of her dagger but the entire dagger itself, as if she had connected to its 'self' with the aid of that 'contrail' of itself.

But Yun Beishang, instead of dodging and making space for her to recuperate from such an outcome that her speed alone should've had been enough to take him by surprise, he actually took the dagger with his middle, index finger and thumb of his right hand after having slapped it slightly in midair with the back of the same hand. Another perfect parry!

Right after, he threw it to the little lady that was on the sky, 4 meters above the ground level and about 2.1 meters above Yun Beishang. The little lady didn't dodge it, and she instead disdainful thought that Yun Beishang considered her a newbie, fearing her own attack when it cannot harm her unless it had a special effect on that matter.

As such, she pulled the string of her right-handed dagger even more but, when it was about to reach her right wrist, she saw that it held with it a mercury-like mark on its edge... finally, it reached her skin and was hidden under her robes, but...






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