Bow and Arrow

Chapter 334: Chapter 332 — Date A Bet?!

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Date A Bet?!




"O-oh no, ah-a-ah... this can't be?!"

"Wait... that easy?"

"Oh my, he actually defeated Little Catch? For the guiding voices! How?"

"Impossible! Even Baston only managed to get a draw when the 10 minute were over, how could Tongqiu actually do it? Is he better than the two of them?"

But while people were busy commenting on the striking and fast result that was just held from a flash combat, as well as commenting it along with each other even with people they didn't know among the crowd, Yun Beishang was instead ignoring the system notification of the system claiming his victory to his ears as he looked at the not agonizing little girl on her knees as she was now all on her knees and legs spread while holding her right wrist like there is something hot scalding her there.

*PING*'ve successfully defeated your opponent and...

Yun Beishang could now noticeably 'see' her facial expression in a shadowed outlined way, in which he saw her open up her mouth wildly but not uttering a single sound. This, this was what made Yun Beishang become self absorbed that he didn't even noticed when did the poor little lady he just bullied disappeared into.

By the time he 'woke up' from his previous stupor, the next adversary was already on the arena. Well, now his arena, that is. And while he was barely discovering this little person's intrusion to his territory, the crowds outside of his Mental Power reaching outwards were clamoring even stronger due to the severity of the coincidental encounter. After all, it was so hard to get to see 2 elite players fight against each other, let alone it happening twice in a row!

"Hm?" Yun Beishang was already taken aback by the time he was turning around on the spot, looking at the fine young woman looking perplexedly at him, he could only mutter a single word while the crowd were growing wild instead. "Sylda?"

"Hi, Be-Tongqiu..." A shy Sylda responded to her little boyfriend's stunned spoken word with that expression of 'oh, so you were here' and of 'nice meeting you here'. While, on the other hand, the crowd was...

"WOOOOOHOOOO! No fucking way, let's go!"

"Fuck no! I don't want to suffer anymore, please! Someone take her away from him, from that... MONSTER!"

"Bro... at least trust other people's goddesses, no?"

"W-what do you mean, sniff, she is my goddess too, don't you know? Sniffsniff."

"Ahem." Somehow, and for some reason; Yun Beishang felt so really weirded out but not because of his unexpected encounter with a darling of his, and it was to such a newly obtained beauty-ah, no. A newly obtained important piece of his life, mm, that sounds better. And then, after clearing his throat, not caring about the probably onlooking guys and gals around the arenas, he spoke to Sylda as she stood here with her right hand gone over to her left elbow with a shy expression as even some pink began to show up on her face. "Hi... how have you been doing, eh, here around?"

"Puchi..." Sylda instantly became tortured by the claws of giggles, but she restrained herself well, it was not that she didn't wanted to present herself as his but that there wasn't a need to prove anything; if at all. So, as she composed herself slowly at the dummy in front of her, not even knowing how to truly act right now, she cut him some slack as she led the conversation for as small as it could be. "A bit boring, really. But it's been okay, I'm glad to have met you, hehehe. Also, by the way, I met Natalia and I swear I didn't wanted to lose on purpose but I just... ah."


Yun Beishang made some quick sudden paces towards her, Sylda became wordless from this development and by the time she was calming down, Yun Beishang had already long gone taken hold of both her wrists and have had also successfully lured her 'frail' body onto his chest while embracing her back gently. "Oh, it's okay. Maybe you gave her some fun at beating you, she must be so bored right now, dealing with all these unimportant people, mm mm."

Rolling her eyes, Sylda accepted his hug and let her head be warmed up by his chest. Wearing these casual clothes, he was like the time before that they've been having dates but somehow even more 'real'; as if he was no longer... restrained. From so many months ago, she never felt this way towards him, and they even met only twice in-game. The change was notorious, more than clear; she liked it. She simply did.

"Ah!" But at once, clever little Sylda thought back to the arena's rules and as her subconsciously ignored the incoming hot news after -or not even after, but right now- this 'battle' was over and the shock that it would bring her foster father, she hung to his neck like a tiger hunting on an animal's butt and spoke hurriedly but softly at the same time. "We can't remain like this, someone will have to attack the other or we'll be sent out at the same time..."

"Oh." Yun Beishang nodded backwards and slightly upwards as he showed understanding, he immediately after grinned widely as he proposed, "Then, will you give up a win for me? Oh, don't bother, as the man, I should be the one always losing, no?"

"Nope!" Unexpectedly, and crushing Yun Beishang's ploy, Sylda pecked him quickly and then brought her own hands along with Yun Beishang's to her bum as she stood up with her chest high and her arms back while still looking towards him. Yun Beishang suddenly felt a sense of danger, and before he knew it, it came directly straight to his heart!

"How about... we make a little bet? Hmm????~? If you win, you take me to another nice date and..."

"Eh?" Tilting his head and raising his right eyebrow, Yun Beishang even backed his head and looked like the most tasty puppy in Sylda's eyes as she then saw his lips move so tantalizingly -again, to her- while breathing on her entire face, making her go red and... naughty -?-. "Why does it feel like that's good for everyone? Eh... why do I feel as if none of this will put you in the losing side?"

And that was then, that Sylda's cruel words reached him without an ounce of sorry, but also filled with girly charm. "That is, because... if I win... I can do whatever I want to you."

Yun Beishang: ┗(・ω・;)┛ -> ❐ ‿ ❑?

Sylda: ლ(`∀´ლ)

"Ah-cough! Okay well, do I have a choice, nah, let me answer that. No. Okay, let's fight. Show me if you are that capable of making me tremble, ah." Hearing his provocative response, or simply accepting of her 'challenge' and bet, Sylda smiled to new heights of beauty and tenderness. Answering his call, she swiftly responded right after with a chin high up and her little chest stuck out even more as she stepped backwards, "Hoh, I will then, you better not lose or you'll really go crazy this time."

What else could Yun Beishang do but also step backwards multiple times and involuntarily form a huge grin on his dumb face and setting his intrigued eyes on that wonderful smile of hers? Aah, life is good.

On the other hand, the crowd, ah, once again; was going crazy and hopeless furthermore.


"Did she... just kiss that monster? How can... this be..." A very forlorn-feeling player said, hunching his back and appearing to be very downcast. While on the other hand, another player lamented while supporting the poor man by patting him on the back, "It's okay, it's okay son. There are just man that, well, er... oh look at that smile, so splendid. Ohoh, it reminds me of my wife when we fell in love with one another, hahaha!"

To his side, the downcast player could only answer in one manner, "WAHAAA-WOOOOOO...!!!"

Yun Beishang, completely unaware of the disaster he and Sylda have just made, asked the other evil part of this debauchery with a cheeky grin. "Hm~, ready?"

"Ready!" Responded Sylda with a shout, feeling amused at the duel with her sweet darling as she summoned a sword and a shield in her right and left hand respectively. And seeing him not take out the weapon that he so much brags about on their dates, Sylda smiled to the stupid 'gesture' of his and merely taught him with a tap of her sword against her shield.

"Mn." And Yun Beishang did what? He simply hmm'ed a tiny bit once and then furiously dashed at Sylda, his hands formed into an aggressive and elegant claw to his right and left respectively; the aggressive right-handed claw was headed for her left shoulder while his elegant left-handed claw went to intercept the right side of Sylda's waist. Going easy? Bah! Nor he nor she are dumbfacks, if anything, she wanted to have some great time with him in-game at last, thing that they hadn't done together in a while. Of course, he did went a little easy on not taking out his Half-Divine Mind-Sensory Pseudo-Artifact...

"Hah!" Sylda shouted lightly at the sight of Yun Beishang disappearing from her view, she immediately made  bash with her shield and sent it forth, a dull grey and pitch-black energy went forwards and perfectly found the quickly approaching and rushing Yun Beishang. As it moved like a guided missile directly aiming at his sternum, Yun Beishang easily jumped 20 meters above and 'avoided'; well, he was about to avoid it if it wasn't because of the shield suddenly becoming 40 meters tall and wide and instantly forcing Yun Beishang to either back away or block it.


"Hm... hmph!"

Tap, fwomp! Whoosh!

However, Yun Beishang did nothing of that and instead grunted in his throat a couple of times as he twisted his body, lowered his waist and did what appeared to be a crouching down position in midair and with his head pointing at the 180 degrees. Then, with the simple use of his arms positioned around himself like a pair of sharp and twisted propellers, he began to rotate his body on the spot without moving forth nor backwards at all!

Whoosh... swish, swish, swish-swish, swish-swish-swish, swish-swish-swish-swish...!

Exactly 1 second before the gigantic shield-shaped energy reached his body, Yun Beishang sent himself shooting, blasting forwards with but all of his power straight onto the energy shield. With his head seemingly about to touch the shield instead of his arms, a crazy but strong gust of wind suddenly manifested itself right above the center of Yun Beishang's head and created an amazingly soft but sharp-looking spearhead as he finally made contact with it!


However, that was only for a mere moment as the spearhead-shaped wind cracked the shield-shaped energy immediately after making contact, as if it was a simple piece of glass. Following that, a noiseless moving Yun Beishang quickly descended onto Sylda; onto a Sylda from although whose visage looked really shocked and surprised, was also still and calm after witnessing such weird moveset.

Furthermore, she was already prepared to attack back even after her 'signature' move to finish off most of her opponents before was easily dealt with; and she demonstrated that by holding her right-handed sword in front of her chest and her left-handed shield on the left side of her body mostly, only seemingly protecting her heart and left side of her face.


As her eyes glinted and her almost-fully covered left eye flashed an amazing grey tiny spot in the center of her pupils, Yun Beishang descended onto her.

Whoosh... Vrrrack!

Tearing the air with just the sharpness and uniqueness of both his right-handed aggressive and left-handed elegant claw, Yun Beishang made a daredevil descend onto a well-prepared Sylda, as if not caring of the possible demise brought about by his own reckless action. But just as Sylda's face was so serious and unshaken, Yun Beishang's face was brightening up and glowing at the sight of Sylda alone. And then, their clashing happened!

WAAANG! Pkan-Ling~!

Thud, thud-tuk. POM! Thud!

Sylda's shield suddenly glowed 0.3 seconds before Yun Beishang reached her body, as her left-handed shield remained on the spot, a grey colored shield energy the normal size of her own shield appeared on her right; in this way, not only did Sylda prepared herself to receive him, but she actually parried both his attacks at the same time!

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Immediately after, she wanted to use both of her shields to bash him into a Stunned effect, her left hand was in charge of the left shield but the right shield moved at her own will! But as soon as she moved them upwards with exquisite precision and strength, Yun Beishang was already blocking her timely attacks. Once he did, in that very same moment, he used his head to actually bash away the right grey colored energy shield and then used an incredible speed to direct his left-handed elegant claw onto her right trapezius muscle, hitting squarely and then using the impact to stomp hard down onto her left shield to jump away in a reversed somersault.



"Go! Sylda! Break his ass, show him your power!"

"Another, you can fucking do it, Sylda!!"

Though she just lost that much HP, part from Tongqiu's weird occurrences, from which most a-few-months-old players were already used to; they still became increasingly amazed at the capabilities of this young woman from being able to manage to resist so many quickest attacks from him.

Fwooh! Drrrrt~.

Sylda's body was sent backwards, she gritted her teeth slightly and even closed her eyes from the little pain for a bit. Such a closing of her eyes would've made anyone else turn really disdainful from her carelessness, but to the levels and 'especial' features in-game, closing one's eyes was nothing to be afraid of. Especially when speaking of incredible elite players such as Sylda, let alone someone like Tongqiu.

On the other side of the arena, exactly 24 meters away, was a Yun Beishang who was decoratively rubbing his left wrist. And for some reason, when Sylda saw it, she felt some sort of gratitude because, she felt that he didn't made a follow-up for a reason.

"Mn, okay... let's go full at it? I can heal myself quite a lot and even use many skills to simply dodge your attacks, though they have a large cooldown and all that, and you can use 1 potion as well, but..." Sylda shook her head with her lips closed after speaking, she used her pretty eyes to look directly into Yun Beishang's as she firmly held both her weapons in a manner that not even most elite players could from their own willpower alone, and then continued with a very battle-lusted tone. "Let's just go full at it, okay? Otherwise, I won't have a chance. Hm, let's go!"

Sylda smirked in a flash once and then rushed up at Yun Beishang, with such little distance, it was only a mere instant for both of them to clash, and it so happened. With Sylda taking the first step, a heart-warmed and grinning Yun Beishang stopped rubbing his left wrist and stepped forth as well with equal precision.



... ...PAM!


Suddenly, when the crowd could barely see when the two of them started to move forth, the only thing they saw was the image of Sylda's sternum being severely hit by Yun Beishang's right palm. But it disappeared right away as they then saw Sylda's body be propelled back a few inches with both her arms to her sides, seemingly not being able to strike back, actually move like a flash to instantly appear a little to Yun Beishang's right and closer to him, her sword however; struck down at his chest!



Immediately after, Yun Beishang used his right hand to catch her sword, but the next moment Sylda had already let go of it and gone to stand right in front of him, her right fist extremely fast-delivering a punch to his neck!



Yun Beishang acted by using the little force of that punch to recoil backwards his upper body, allowing his feet to quickly raise up with his balance 'gone' from her hit. The next instant, Sylda could be seen with her head high up in the sky as both her thighs were kicked away by Yun Beishang's feet as if they were a pair of lightning bolts hitting the ground at the same time.

Pam, pam.


While Yun Beishang's HP was now of 9,000, Sylda's reached the critical HP of 2,800; and like many others of Yun Beishang's opponents, she was in great danger from just another 2 hits from him. However, it was at the time where she was with her back facing the ground and 3 meters above it, that her limbs, including her neck, all gained a scaly-like armor that enshrouded around her with an aqueous  effect. Right away, Yun Beishang saw with his eyes, that his head was about to be shamed away the next moment.



And so it did. But then, as his head was tilted to his left from the impact, he saw Sylda already standing 3 meters before him, and then the impossible happened.

Whoosh! Pom! Fwooo-...PAM!!

-500!, -500!

Sylda, who was standing on the ground while Yun Beishang was still falling down onto it, sent a right fist to his left cheek with that scaly armor extending itself and becoming around 10 times as big as Sylda's own size, halting his body's flying away on the spot for an instant. Right after, without even a single millisecond of rest, Yun Beishang was then cleaved down by her right heel and while Sylda did that moment with all of her mental and physical capabilities, the scaly armor of her right foot extended and enlarged just like her right fist did before; which ended up smashing Yun Beishang straight down onto the ground.



Making a few cracks on the ground, which shocked all the current viewers, crowd now and many more after for those who would watch this battle later on. Then, in but an instant, Yun Beishang stomped harshly against the spot where he landed, feeling sore from his spine. Without the use of any skill, he rushed at Sylda while Sylda was already preparing a left knee aimed at his left ribs, but at that moment, Yun Beishang stepped on the air alone and impulsed himself impossible towards the air in 280 degrees before even more impossibly tapping both his feet on the air to send himself from 7 meters above the ground level directly down towards Sylda.

Sylda, whose eyes were now opened fully and whose pupils were constricted, sent forth her entire scaly-like armored body out from her own body but only as an ethereal image. However, Yun Beishang now had to face an enormous armored energy giant of a dull grey and pitch-black color that sent its right fist towards him after making a full rotating motion.

"Haah!" Yun Beishang sent forth a shout, his right fist was also swung forth to meet the giant energy-armor, the hit caused a small ripple in the air to spread from the epicenter of their clash but Yun Beishang was not affected as he tapped furthermore on the air and approached Sylda who was now extremely shocked as she stood on the ground!

Whoosh... Whoosh... POOOOM!!!


Sylda's eyes couldn't be more opened right now, even as the setting sun covered all of Yun Beishang's features, she was annihilated into a stunned state of mind, not related to the game. She felt... as if by the clash between her weird skill that she felt... weird about, and Yun Beishang's glorious strength, that it wasn't a weird skill anymore. She also confirmed the sensation of Yun Beishang not feeling 'restrained' any longer as if by nature itself at that very same moment, she felt... as if she wanted to explore both sentiments furthermore.

As such, since she was so right now, she simply extended both her arms out in the open and smiled thinly at him who was still just about 1 meter away from her and in midair.

"Wow, hey- you are so amazing, well then. I surrender????."

"Ah-" Yun Beishang went directly down to the ground instead of still falling down onto Sylda anymore, as he landed on the ground, his steps were chaotic and erratic as he forced his body a lot to slow down beyond human's levels with his Mental Power, albeit with just a slight use of the latter.

STEP!! Step-step-step, step, step!


"Ah...ah~." Sylda, who was now suddenly embraced by him, understood his situation and sweetly raised her arms to hug his slightly sweating back, foolishly but truthfully thinking to herself that he was more worried about harming her like this rather than from having suffered from her attacks nor because of the forced recoil at the last moment from her surrendering words.

Tap, tap.

"There, there. You've done well, mm? That's right... could you help me use my own Hidden Stat later on? Seeing you use it so many times already, I've become so jealous of seeing it, I really want to learn how to use it for battle! Although... for any other purpose, I think I want that too. Can I learn from you?"

"Ugh, Sylda... hearing you talk so sweet after beating me up... ah, whatever. Alright, don't worry. After the preliminaries, uh... we can 'study', how about it? Also, I can give you some ideas in our dates, and uh-oh... fuck, she's gone." As Yun Beishang was in the middle of his talk with her, he suddenly saw her disappear noiselessly from the air.

He silently cursed to the system, though not that vehemently as she indeed heard all his important words... and lewd meanings, 'Fuck you! Can't you see that it was important? Haish~!'

But also, on the crowds, everyone felt both totally excited and hot-blooded from the half-epic battle that they just witnessed and reproachful to his and Sylda's 'sweetdarlingy' exchange of words. 'Fuck you, you miserable shit! She's too good for you, how dare you? No, how could you?! No, why her?!'




Let It Rain's Note: Sylda has the Susanoo?! §;゚ロ゚§ ! .

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