Bow and Arrow

Chapter 335: Chapter 333 — I’m Coming…

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I'm Coming...




Even though Yun Beishang was to have 2,000 of his HP taken, and with the fact that Sylda surely would've lost to him with only 2,800 of her HP remaining; people still wanted to see some more blood, you know? Sylda just proved herself to be so powerful, and that mecha-like giant scale-armored-like apparition from within her body and unique skill gave everyone a great wave of surprise and enjoyment just then.

Of course, nothing to mock of the Yun Beishang that resisted the beating of such an unique skill and moveset and even somehow made it in the middle of the air to change directions so flawlessly and still not lose his speed but instead gain more of it, wasn't he also shocking? Oh well, but people were much more amused and astounded at Sylda than him for obvious, beauty-cough, cough; reasons.

But now, Sylda has left the arena in defeat, though only after having a bout with Yun Beishang and even having some... intimate -?- moments with him. And what remained from the huge viewership of his previous 2 battles, the following ones were having lesser and lesser of such since the new rival of Tongqiu appeared and, unfortunately, wasn't an 'elite' player anymore.

"Wow, god damn! I want to see more of this, hey, do you think he will get another such a player to fight?"

"Mm, I dunno. But it was really addicting, true. I wish that there will be more fights like this before the end of the preliminaries, that was so cool."

"Sylda... Sylda is actually in a relationship with him? FUCK!"

"There, there..." A player was patting the back of that one -another- frustrated player with a broken heart, " was it? Ah, many fishes, sea, and all that..."

"Mm, I don't think so. The probability for finding another elite player is too low, almost 5 billion contestants, it's already a miracle that Tongqiu has found one, let alone 2 in a row. At least we'll get to see 90 more fights from him, maybe we can learn something?"

"Oh, oh! That thing of moving in the air, I don't think it was his skill, I rather believe that it is like a mechanic..."

"Yeah, sure but... not even Baston has shown anything in particular like that, maybe it is a skill? I don't know..."

"... ... ..." But now, people were getting bored as the 4th rival of Yun Beishang was also a normal player. Ah, as for the 3rd one? KO'ed out of the arena at once, poor woman got a little headache before she was teleported away. And now, the 4th player was a Warmaster, he managed to endure more than 7 seconds with Yun Beishang fighting him one on one but... that was because Yun Beishang himself found it entertaining to fight such a class, leaving the disillusioned poor Warmaster 'happy' that he could endure so much.

Now; bets around Yun Beishang's arena weren't based on 'who would win' but rather, on how much could Tongqiu's opponent endure. Hell, there was even an always 35% part of the bets going into that player's pockets, as if out of in consideration of the physical and mental damage to their participating in this tournament. Naturally, the game didn't banned such acts, it wasn't like they were actually betting one's wives over and over again or their family or something; at least not seriously -?-.

Soon, it was time for Yun Beishang's 10th, or rather, 20th opponent to show up and though many players and viewers still around his arena were expecting more, more and more; Yun Beishang was instead feeling relaxed knowing that after this one, he won't have to suffer endless boredom and directly go on to qualify for 64th placements.

. . .


On Yun Beishang's arena, as Yun Beishang himself was already thinking of how he would triumphantly return back to his Villa and have some fun, the emergence of his last opponent of the preliminaries showed up... and at once, he could immediately tell even without even being able to sense it that the entire crowd gasped and widened their eyes fully to it.

'Hmm? Sniff... hmm?!?!' Yun Beishang couldn't understand it right away, but how could he? It's been so long...

Step, tap. Rustle~.

It was then that it happened, as Yun Beishang took one of his feet to tap at the ground to gyrate his body, the inaudible shocked selves of the crowd seemingly accompanying his every movement. The rustling of his casual clothes echoing perfectly like never before aloud in his ears, he saw the image of a lioness-like mask covering the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and even most of the hair of a young woman with a height of 1.69 meters.

"Oh-" The young woman softly exclaimed, her hands and eyes visibly shocking, but only to Yun Beishang as he himself tilted his head to the right quite a lot and felt but completely blank on not just his mind but his entire being as well. She cut her exclamation short, as if afraid that the simple sound of her voice could break the air, but that exclamation alone that lasted less than a half of half a second was beyond... beautiful!

"Who is that? Why does she seem so 'great' and grand?"

"Oh... OH! That one is Snow Fallen For Sorrow! She is sometimes seen around playing with Zyv all around the Thousand Words Region, no one really knows how strong her skills nor equipment are, but she is supposedly a beauty comparable to Zyv, but even stronger!"

"Really? Ah! I remember! From that Demon's outburst months ago, there was a video clip that..."

But Yun Beishang had no thoughts like that, not at all. Instead, his eyes changed from all kinds of emotions while his insides seemingly turning so stressed out, and even almost convulsing, as he gazed at the shorty young woman before him. Clad in an ordinary white dress, but whenever he saw her she was instead glowing oh so magically. And whenever he seemingly heard the most inaudible noises coming from her throat and noise trying to even repress the sounds of her body breathing, so forcefully; his entire body pained and he flinched.

Ste-st-step, step. Step, step. Step... step, step, step...

Yun Beishang finally acted on his body and mind, and moved with his two now seemingly inexperienced feet to his front. They were first erratic, clumsy, distracted even. But following another set of steps, he shook no more and his body could be seen moving smoothly at a regular speed towards her, his adversary on this arena of his.

But there were still 150 meters between each other, and just when he reached a distance of 140 meters away from her, and as he saw her ID be that of 'Snow Fallen For Sorrow'; he rushed to instantly appear before her!



Making a normal, but strong step to stop himself exactly with his shoes exactly 10 centimeters before hers, Yun Beishang was trying to speak out something; anything! But he could only babble, mumble and stammer noiselessly in but all of his attempts. Meanwhile, the young woman of short height could only raise both her hands, almost as if giving up and surrendering herself to the authorities, but such motions were ignored by Yun Beishang.


Instead and finally, at last; Yun Beishang blinked twice. First, as if he just discovered the truth to life and made so in a very sudden and confused manner, followed up by a much more calm and slowed blink of his eyes as he concentrated his gaze fully on her glabella. His own forehead shone a strange  shape of a cauldron with many compartments around it with a brown-greenish color with even some golden sparkles around it, but there was only the outlining of the cauldron and not the entire thing drawn.

"Eek!" The young woman, suddenly feeling an extremely strange but unstoppable weird feeling in her whole being, shrieked cutely and in the highest of pitches ever but then stopped herself, closed her eyes and made no move against it and even lowered her defenses instantly right after. She couldn't tell it, obviously, but she knew that only the person before her should be able to give her such a sensation. No one else was on the arena, it was, just the two of them.

"Haaah." She then heard Yun Beishang's heavy sigh come out of his mouth, and she then opened her eyes to look at him, there was still his eccentric wolf mask covering his face but... he looked so comprehensive, understanding and devoted right now. She felt like she was back again in the deepest-warmest moments of her life once again, so much to the point she simply just froze and got herself enchanted to the sight of his covered face and her imagination growing wild, but reminiscent.


Suddenly, the young woman of short height felt her arms tight against her body and next thing she knows, Yun Beishang's words are traveling into her left ear as if she was being told a story to sleep off on her own bed at night again. "I'm coming..."

"!!!" The young woman felt his entire self somehow excruciatingly exhausted, fatigued and furthermore; sorrowful. She immediately after wanted to hug him back, and she did, but she did not allowed to say anything and simply enjoyed the feeling of his body again. With a covered beautiful, childish and loving smile, she thought to herself, 'Brother, I surrender.'

"..." With a smiling grimace, Yun Beishang found himself on an empty spot of the arena, and with no one else by his side. With a final look around, right before his body was also to disappear, he gave himself a moment to think. 'I've finally found, heh!'

And while he was masked, and no one could see his visage, a few people in the crowd and from the viewership could feel a melancholic sea emerge in their hearts at this wordless, confusing and enigmatic abrupt scene. It was so weird.

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"T-that's it?"

"Hey... hey! Where did he go? I just invited my crush to this spot beside me into a date!"

"Bah, how old are you, 30? And you call others your crush? Ayayayay..."

"He just left...?! Aagh, such a bad coincidence, I just found out about this."

And well, indeed, people became disappointed and within reason. Their new monkey suddenly escaped the cage! But, leaving aside the euphemisms, many people also now thought that this Tongqiu had such strange connections. One beauty here, one beauty there, beats up some other beauties too, although that little lady didn't had any face reveals on her match against him.

However, this last one, was the strangest. And though there wasn't any move at all, let alone a battle, it was the most intense moment that Yun Beishang has had on the Global Tournament. It was somehow like a thing to take a note about, and that was for anyone, not just ordinary players. Of course, not that it mattered now, Yun Beishang was not about to give it a day more from what he wanted. He was going in!!

But just as everyone was so disappointed and were quitting their spots or leaving the online room, a grand announcement across all of Main Kingdom, the crowds on the countless adjacent arenas and those watching the preliminaries on their TVs, digital devices and computers. All of them, without exception, saw an immensely large and wide announcement appear on the top of their screen or their retinas announcing an incredible feat!

*PING* Global System Announcement: Journeyer Tongqiu has successfully managed to become the first player in achieving the qualifications to fight for the 64th placements; in time record and with incredible skill. He has now become a great leader for all Journeyers and the Region of this Journeyer will be granted an overall shortened respawn for all mobs and BOSSes by a full 200% and an Item drop rate+45% and Equipment drop rate+20% for the rest of the 2 weeks before the next Expansion of Rising Essence. We encourage all the players to strive for greater power on their own and to a cooperation between each other to achieve great things!

"Oop, he has done it again, that Tongqiu."

"Yup, he has. Well then, Imma go look at the rest of The Order members, seems fun."

"Yeah, that Tongqiu. Oh well, time to find a 'something' to fill the void in my chest."



Azure Dragon Sub-Division, on some random place, where one little wolf cub was being scolded mentally by a big bad wolf.


"Hmm, you almost went away with it, hmm?" Zyv cringed and twisted her body in response to her big man's words, she pouted out her lower lip slightly, showing off all of her meaty tenderness of it and making her appear truthfully more pitiful. With a braving heart and a slice of fearlessness, she uttered out from her mouth while still remaining that pitiful appearance, "Big Brother Wolfy, I... wooo, it's not that I did not want to tell you. Your Little Zyv didn't know, alright? I can... I can be clumsy too, but, just a little; you know?"

Seeing his Little Zyv make a gesture of 'a bit' with her left index finger and thumb, Yun Beishang blinked once in an attempt to hold his grin from forming, but he ended up not being able to as he then pointed his eyes to the sky which was what Zyv saw exactly right after blinking. That alone made a smile on her face, already aware she has won!

With a bit more of confidence, she heard her big brother wolfy talk again and question her, unafraid.  "Alright, ah, heh heh. Ahem, well then, and why didn't you tell me before? Once your perfect little brain finally got a tinge of enlightenment and discovered the obvious~?"

"Mou..." Pouting slightly, Zyv brought her arms under her chest and pressed her elbows together, to no avail as she was a goddamn table. But she nonetheless ignored, unknown whether or not he was into her silly movements as Yun Beishang himself blinked and sweated a little, she then lightly responded. "I was too embarrassed...? Yeah, I was too embarrassed! I'm just a young girl! How can I be that smart? Big Brother, you're bullying me, I'll tell our sister~."

"You-aaaaaaah, whatever. You'll see whether or not I spank your bum after this, sigh..." Yun Beishang went incredulous to the way that Zyv took from her previous scolded self, she turned the tables so fast that even Yun Beishang was awkwardly speechless from her shamelessness. But hearing her not-subtle-at-all words, he instantly softened and caressed the left-back side of her head instead, passing his finger through her pale-silver medium-short hair. "Now, go ahead and tell her that I'll be taking her back, in just a few days. As soon as I win the first place, I'll already be inside the Southern Heaven City. Understood? Mn, well then, go and run away or else you'll get your bum spanked!"

"KWAAAARGH!" After Yun Beishang finished his words, an extremely sensitive and sharp Zyv was already with her claws out and her ears trembling as she scurried away into the distance, causing a blinking Yun Beishang to grin with ease before he then closed his eyes and breathed out relaxedly. He first saw her eyes shine and her hands support her chin in the air with the forms of a fist like a good kid listening to their daddy's or mommy's advice when he told her that he was 'going'; and when he spoke of 'when', Yun Beishang could swear seeing her eyes shake, light up in flames and start worshiping him.


"Hmph~." Just thinking about it, a tired Yun Beishang couldn't help but to involuntarily snort in a cheerful manner while lowering his head and bending his neck a little. But right as he was about to log off the game, not so much of an actual game, a beyond-instantaneous approaching almost-blinding white glow that came from the direction that Zyv disappeared went directly to above his head.

"..." Speechless, Yun Beishang blinked once, perplexed. And then blinked for the second time, but this time flashing a warm smile as he heard the 'aggrieved' tone that Zyv was using while rubbing Tonkia's big ol' belly while resting her head on her lap.



Peaceful Rain Villa, Living Room, seated on a 3-seater sofa.


Yun Beishang could be seen with a maid on top of him on a 3-seater sofa that was directly facing towards the hugely large TV screen, as he did, the maid had her back towards him and he was calmly slightly hugging her stomach from behind with his right hand. She had a pure bliss expression and seemed to enjoy being doted upon so much.

Sitting on his lap, she had her legs opened, her skirt was quietly remaining there; moving. And as she let out a very warm and heavy sigh of relief out of satisfaction, the two of them heard Miriam's voice suddenly come from behind them. Right after, though the maid had not much of a reaction at first, she instantly after became very tremblingly and even began sweating and gulping down saliva over and over again without a stop.

Step, step, step. Thud~.

"Hey guys~, mn, Beishang! I've found you, at last~. Hellooo." Facing the joyous Miriam that has now seated down herself to his right, Yun Beishang felt awkward as he felt the maid on top of him begin to instinctively and hungrily hop a little up and sat a little back down on his crotch, he only responded half-intelligently. "Ah, Miriam darling, ah... how are you, was the tournament fun for you?"

"Wah, no. A bit boring actually, I enjoy more blasting big monsters to death rather than dealing with useless fellows, hmm..." Miriam finished speaking her carefree-spoken words with her upper lip arching up to meet her nostrils, as she suddenly smelled something else rather than just her own meaty upper lip. "Mmm, what's is that, Beishang?"

Noticing she has glared down, and that she was removing, or rather; lifting the skirt of the maid's outfit that was laying on his right thigh. Yun Beishang sweated a few more thick bullets from his forehead and the sides of his head before managing to utter a single word, "I..."

However, that one single and most simplest word of words was cut off by a screeching, surprised and... strange gasp coming from his right as he felt freshness on his right thigh which was completely unclothed; because Yun Beishang was indeed butt-naked sitting on the sofa, how rude!





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