Bow and Arrow

Chapter 338: Chapter 336 — Kick Their F*cking Balls!

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Kick Their Fucking Balls!




"Hmm." Natalia, with her eyes narrowed and her precious reddy lips pouted a little forth, exclaimed slightly from within her throat before turning look at everyone; the meaning of her eyes was the same until it reached the eyes of Diana. When setting her eyes on her 'little' sister, Natalia finally spoke after smiling grandiosely, "Diana, last hit them all!!"

Not saying anything in return with words, Diana rather nodded solemnly with a pair of eyes restraining and unspeakable fury, she was to carry the hate that this mofo just caused among The Order Team and was going to take upon her shoulders the role of delivering those emotions, hate and disgust to all of these Black Sun Guild Team players to the point and in a way that would get anyone facing them from here on and forth to behave like a little chicken or an useless puppy forevermore.

Natalia nodded towards the group behind her as a loose-robe-clothed Itnia walked up to stand to her side, also looking back to the other girls, Itnia saw them all nod towards the two and before long, the countdown for the starting of the battle got to the lowest levels.

*PING*...attention all Journeyers, the battle will be commencing in 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds...




PAH! Whooooosh.

Suddenly, as the voice counting down the few seconds disappeared at the naming of the 3rd second remaining, there were 3 continuous rings from the system and right after that, the areas in which each 2 sides of the Team vs Team arenas were 'opened' from the invisible barrier and then... and then there was no need for anything nor any other instruction; no more.

"MOVE! Hohoh! Take them, guys!" Suddenly, on the one and only arena that The Order Team could hear another group of people talk, on their own, a couple of men's voices rang out followed by the initial surprised, and ecstatic, voice of the bulky grey-brownish skinned man from before.

"Let's gooo!"

"To the naughty ones, HEHEH!"

"TAKE THEEEM, one for each boys, one for each!"

"..." On the other side of the arena, Natalia was expressionless looking ahead at the incoming enemy players; 2 main off-tanks with one of them being the team leader of that bulky, vulgar and grey-brownish skinned man, 3 archer-type players, 4 magical-type players and 1 buffer, an Entwining Dragon.

She brought out her large Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff that was over 2 meters long and began running up ahead first head-on towards the incoming enemy players. Behind her, Zi Fei remained 30 meters behind as she followed Natalia into a slow run while the rest of them went to the left of Natalia and Zi Fei.

"Heh! Boss, they're trying uh... 's-something', hahahaha! Look!" One archer class player that wielded a short dark bow pointed at Natalia that was to their front, she looked particularly innocent and immensely delicate as her clothes even shone a golden-violet hue from time to time; perpetually.

"Hooh!" The bulky grey-brownish skinned man's eyes glittered, greediness forming from within the deepest of his being onto them as he wandered his gaze like crazy, either for the fact of the beauty who was wearing it or the grade of the clothes she was wearing; maybe just both. He instantly ran straighter up and used his left hand to make a signal to his people behind, "Listen up, everyone! That feast of eyes is mine! Help me catch her and get into an aggressive stance to those on our right, I'll play with her! She can't drop that equipment, but I will scare her into believing I can actually touch her, and do whatever I would want to do to her, you know the rest! Go!"

With that, the ranged classes and the buffer from behind himself and the other main off-tank slowed down a little more and separated from the 2 by a whole 100 meters before taking position, by the time it happened though, both Teams were already at the 1,250 meters mark of the arena and the shooting range of the archers was scarier than that of the magical-type class of players. They took a stance of readying their bows and their aiming of their spell skills towards the group on their right, while glancing at the front, excited to see their boss's scheming work his magic.

And, indeed, as they glanced towards their boss, they saw him already beginning and not 'trying' to imprint himself into the delicate and sheltered mind of the delicate lady accompanied with fear and confusion already. He was yelling out at her while moving slower towards her with his short battle-axe lowered to stand horizontally in front of his chest and with its shaft held by his right hand.

"Hey you, stop there! Do you know who I am? What I can do to you?! Drop down on your knees or I'll show you and them the sight of a naked beauty, fuck! You want that, no? He-eh?"

But amidst his own shouting and totally out of nowhere, the delicate lady suddenly looked up above the bulky grey-skinned man and her face became strangely scared out of her wits at once! She then made a quick exclamation before falling backwards onto the ground, her bum being the first part of her body to hit the ground before her thighs and the followed up by her back; but her head was safe though...




"Heng~, so obvious! Heh, heh; what an easy prey!" The bulky grey-brownish skinned man laughed to himself before starting to walk again towards 'Mommy Heals You', this time in quick hops from his legs to ensure a speedy approach to the matter. And as he did, he shouted out again with the same 'bravery' and bestiality as before, "HEY! Take out your clothes, give the-m, to me... gasp-"

But just as the bulky grey-brownish man was about to flap around his short battle-axe to toy with 'Mommy Heals You', a sharpest sounds of an object cutting through air could be barely heard by himself, and exactly just as he did heard it and saw a tiniest little thing above Mommy Heals You's body laying on the arena's floor.

SWISH~! Bvreee-Vwlsht!!


Just at the exact moment he saw that thing flying towards him, towards him! The bulky grey-brownish skinned man instantly felt his entire head being completely inundated with a tremendous pain that was thankfully lessened singularly by the system, even then, the player was instantly blinded and even entered the Heavily Injured state in which his Movement Speed and Attack/Action Speed were reduced by at least 45% in total.

To boot, Zi Fei's dagger attack was a Critical Hit, and just as the players behind the bulky grey-brownish skinned player realized of this situation, most of them were actually still looking at the group on their right, drooling like dogs and squirming their hands to their crotches like dumbfucks.

"Fu-fuck, fuck, oh no, fuck! Hey bastards! Idiots! What are you doing, the boss is down, help him!" The only one truly reacting to the situation was the other main off-tank that was just a few steps back and to the side of the team leader, he felt sweats of all sizes, warm and cold start springing out of his skin as he recalled the distance he was from the team leader before being struck.

"Ugh... gulp!" Raising his right-handed claymore and his long kite shield, the main off-tank was about to quickly get into business by attacking the nearest player, Mommy Heals You, but just as he was about to do it, a series of shouting, cursing and screeching screaming came from his behind, and at one single instant; he understood.


Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!


Stomp! Swish... STOMP!!!

Magical spells, powerful bullets coming from a single handgun and a few mobile turrets plummeting down his own team were only the mildest of touches from The Order Team, as there was even a little person who just jumped into the air and then fell down with great might only to inflict many Stuns, Strong Knockback and even severely injuring some of his teammates in one single stomp. But that single stomp didn't look like just a move from that little person, no no, it seemed to be a kind of skill, one that would instill fear deeply into any light-clothed, squishy and deliciously oneshoteable player.

'Uhh, no... why??' Though the main off-tank, and suddenly as if remembering something, he looked back to his front wishing that he wasn't the only one foolish enough to simply just 'look' in the middle of a battlefield. But, one; it was too late and two, he is not the only foolish person, as his teammates were the first ones to not even being able to tell when they were being attacked even though they were looking directly at the other 'easy prey', let alone realizing the state of their 2 main off-tanks. But it was just it, no one else was as foolish as them.

"Hey, don't move. Imma slit your throat, mister, try not to speak too much or you'll suffer more even if the system helps-" Zi Fei was curiously looking at the male player that was looking as if he was about to shit himself. But as she was boringly speaking to him, Natalia's slightly high-pitched voice sounded behind her as she flung her arms around, "Waaah! Little Fei Fei, what are you doiing~? He's just a vulgar person, slit his throat, limbs, stomach and eyes and stop wasting your time with such riffraff, young lady!"

"Oh-o-oooh. Sorry, I was just disappointed to see the other person not even knowing I was attacking..." Zi Fei cringed her back apologetically a little while turning her head to look back at her Madam-no, Lady Natalia. Seeing this, the mouth she had just opened to speak a little bit more to Zi Fei closed down and then transformed instead into a put of only her lower lip; afterwards, Natalia extended her right hand after passing her Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Restoring Staff to her left hand and pinched Zi Fei's left cheek as she said in a caring voice. "Oww, I know Little Fei Fei, I didn't meant to scold you, ah. Tonight we're eating yummy pancakes, alright?"

"GAASP." Zi Fei turned so big eyed and watery-mouthy to the last sentence from Natalia, as she then turned fully around and began jumping in joy in response to Natalia's worries, awww how cute.

But as it was so cute, the man looking at this was not cute as his face turned heinous and with a look to his down right and then his down left, he suddenly grinned the left corner of his mouth into a shady grin. With 2 strong and long steps, he covered the distance of 20 meters and arrived behind Zi Fei for about 60 centimeters away from her with his right-handed claymore wielded to be situated beside his left arm holding the kite shield to protect his lower belly. He swung it hard and fast with all his feelings being poured out at that instant, ignoring the system notifications of only one single person from the enemy team being the killer and last hitter of each of his teammates; as his face turned much more heinous and large to the sight of his blade about to rip Zi Fei's back to a bloodshed!


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However, as Natalia was sweetly casually conversing with her dear little Fei, her left hand was unceremoniously lifted and pointed at Zi Fei's behind, which then a strong light-blue and white glow emanated from the tip of her staff. Therefore sending a strong aqueous ball of magic instantly towards the incoming enemy player.

"POOOEH!" Being sent backwards for about 30 meters away from Zi Fei who didn't even react to Natalia's moves nor the obvious, crude and loud steps and raging wind behind her; as she instead kept looking at her Lady Natalia in a worshiping manner.

"Hehe, Lady, I'm so gratefuuuul~." Zi Fei only said 'Lady' without speaking Natalia's name as she scurried onto her flat chest with fawning intentions, Natalia however, remained steel as a Leader and lightly rebuked the playful Zi Fei. "Mhm, that's okay. But now, Zi Fei, go and lower the HP of these rabbles so that Little Diana can finish them off, okay?"

Step, step, step, step, step, step... Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht... Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht...

-800, -800, -1,600, -800, -800, -800...

"Oh, okay~. I'm going~!" Knowing her devotion had to be proved on another time, Zi Fei pouted so cutesy that Natalia smiled gently just from the sight of it, as she heard Zi Fei's steps drifting farther from her previous position and last words right before the sounds of flesh tearing sounded over and over again. Since Zi Fei had chosen Physical Power and Magical Power, she could easily deal about 1,600 damage every time a Critical Hit landed on the enemy players. But she had to be cautious of not letting them go away in an easy way right away for that very same matter, as for why they didn't 'gave up' right away? Well, the 8 other teammates behind the 2 main off-tanks were almost instantly killed by The Order Team, with Diana fortunately coming in time to save the day and kick the crotch of all of them without missing a single kill.

"Hukhghh... please don't! I didn't meant to!" The team leader spoke, his HP had already dropped down to 400, with 9,600 of his HP already taken down from Zi Fei's curious slits with her knives made all over his arms, legs, neck, torso and eyes... But just as Zi Fei, who was rolling her eyes, was about to respond to the annoying test subject, a stronger and firmer voice came from behind.

"Shut your damn trap, piece of shit. This is a tournament, you balls eater. Fuck off!"



After Diana spoke filled with disdain, she kicked at the male player and successfully sent him to a shameful end. Then, as she patted Zi Fei's back in a 'good work' mannerism, she proceeded to get close to the secondary main off-tank. She was worried that he would give up once he saw his team leader be killed off like that, and indeed, once the man once again received the notification of this time his team leader being slain by the same person from the enemy team, he looked at the side and saw some part of his team leader being clutch in pain...

"No, mbnoo! I gk-cough!" But even though the secondary main off-tank had 1 eye available to see, his tongue and throat were cut ruthlessly by Zi Fei and hence, the idiot couldn't give up as he even forgot about mentally giving up to the system's always hearing of clemency and merely remained seated on the arena's floor while watching in full terror the arrival of the killer; Fragile Broken Eyes.

"Hmm, Big Sis, he still has 1,100 HP left... how do I go about?" Diana placed her left hand on her hip and then turned to her right to look at the Natalia who looked not like the perpetrator of accidentally dropping down a HP recovery potion a few seconds ago, and asked her on how to deal with the situation.

"Ah-ehehehey~..." Natalia had her hands behind her back as she smiled big time at Diana and then coughed a few times to recompose herself before adjusting her clothes that were perfectly neat, then said aloud, "Kick him twice and then fly his head off!"

"..." Blinking once in surprise and then twice in speechlessness, Diana swiftly nodded her head and approached the about-to-mentally-piss-himself main off-tank, with a pair of emotionless eyes, she sent her right foot with great precision towards the center of a man's honor. Twice. And before long, his head could be seen flying on the air a few dozens of meters away from Diana and Natalia's position before disappearing noiselessly.

"... ... ... ... ... ..." The crowds looking at this were petrified, even the women didn't became cheerful and filled with pride that shouldn't have come, but instead turned serious just like the rest of the viewers. With a somber atmosphere, a ringing and fantastic sound went out before the robotic voice of the system announced a fine feat!

*PING*...the first Team to advance to the 32nd placements has emerged! The Order Team has become the first qualifier for the 32nd placements and has given the Bright Sunset Region a brighter reputation.

"... ... ... ... ..."

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAH!!!" It was finally then that the expectant cheering came; at last. It didn't even started off by players coming from the Bright Sunset Region, but it was simply the countless amount of players that suddenly felt crazy and their blood warming when they saw and witnessed the first Team to qualify for the next round. A kind of emotion that comes even when you didn't expected it, or when you didn't even felt it before; and it was thunderous.

"The-Or-der! Team! The-Or-der! Team! The-Or-der! Team!"

And now that The Order Team members have won, and were the first ones to do it at that, they were out of the arenas and in a special compartment for the qualifiers of the Team vs Team segment. Naturally, they could hear the cheering aloud directly into their ears.

All of The Order Team members: ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪ മ◡മ ღවꇳවღ ´・ᴗ・`



Meanwhile, around the outer perimeters of the Mother Tree Division, closer to the South of the Southern Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division.


Yun Beishang was looking at the forum's interface, at the new streaming feature of the in-game Global Tournament with his hands behind his head, laying on the soft grass whose soil were all trees but that were even softer than dirt or sand itself. He grinned, and as for that grin, it has been plastered on his face for a long while indeed. But then, it was slowly relaxed; but it was not really being relaxed, as he instead was slowly opening his mouth instinctively.

"Ugh..." Then, after his lower abdomen trembled furiously and without a stop for more than a full minute, he finally relaxed fully. So much that he directly lowered the back of his head to the root-like soil and without even his hands holding in back in the air.

Looking down, he saw Zyv's medium-short wavy hair raise as her face completely smeared, covered and soiled with his white 'essence' glance blankly at him. She thought for a little and, her eyes went to the left as her right hand went 'down' to pick up the heavy and immensely thick Dragon; when her eyes returned to look directly into his eyes, her hand was already waving the Dragon's Head on her mouth left and right, slowly and not stopping at all.

After a little while, Zyv stopped doing that and instead let the thick Dragon rest on its owner's body, going up to his torso for quite a distance. She used her hands to pick up all the immense and thick amount of his 'essence' and directed it into her mouth to pass it around for a long time while looking back at him with crescent eyes as she spoke.

"You know... munchmunch... I didn't got the time to even gulp it down, it all went directly down my tummy, look-aaaaah... Hmm, I gotta clean up my face, one moment, Big Brother Wolfy." As she said, Zyv began to move her ears all around her head to pick up every single little iota of his 'essence' to send it back down her throat where it belongs.

Checking that Zyv was finished, clothed his lower body back up after a few playful laps of her tongue on the front neck of his Dragon's Head and a couple of 'O' intrusive kisses to the Head. Yun Beishang then opened a video call with Fusi, he immediately said with an expressionless face and indifferently, "Go check the information of all the Black Sun Guild members, the same as before."


Yun Beishang then hung up, and thorough the entire call, Fusi didn't said anything, merely nodding and blinking his eyes twice until Yun Beishang hung up the video call. There wasn't any need to speak or question for certain intel and specifications, it was clear; 'the same as before' and 'all' members of the Black Sun Guild.

'Hmph, funny. Didn't thought I would see nor heard the 'Black Sun Guild' ever again, how dumb.'

"Tehee, Big Brother's body, I've trained well for Sister. Hehehehehe..." Zyv, on the other hand, appeared to be more joyous and completely mirthful after Yun Beishang's video call ended, clothed with her precious Howling Ancestral Wolf Armor Set which she put on after pleasing her man; she let her little head heavily fall on his chest and began to truly sleep.

"Hmph~." Yun Beishang couldn't help snorting involuntarily from his nostrils in a cheery way, he began to pass his fingers through the right side of her head and kept on massaging her like this for the rest of their stay in this side of Main Kingdom.




Let It Rain's Notes: Girls time! There will be lots of chapters about the girls, as you can obviously tell, only the battles of The Order Team and The Order Association will be shown, this one was easy (*˘︶˘*) .

V4: #2 6/10

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